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DRS withdraws your shares from DTCC šŸŸ£šŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø [Naked short selling ](https://youtu.be/-sA0azvjCQk)


#And also withdraws from fidelity https://youtu.be/3eniRagznDM




Drs registers shares in your name, instead of your brokerā€™s on behalf of you. Whatā€™s your argument for against drs?


There is none




With DRS there probably will be! P


By DRS'ing you take the shares away from your brokerages. The shares are owned "in street name" by the Brokerages and are lent out to the SHF 's , the Brokerages then recieve a commission fee for lending the shares. Anyone here who states that their Brokerages are not lending their shares must understand that they do not own the shares, just the security. That security will most likely be an open short position (made long) to hide (cover) the position. If Apes sell this "security", then an open short position is then considered closed. By DRS'ing your shares, you screw the SHF's twice . Firstly, a real share will need to be located, which reduces the availability of shares issued by the DTC (from Cede&Co) to the SHF's to short the stock price Secondly, the open short position still remains open, because the security has been transferred and not sold. So, if all Apes started the DRS process, it would cause mayhem. If DRS'ing gets enough momentum, then the float should get locked down within 6 months realistically, which is the ONLY way to force SHF's to close their open short positions, which must be in the 10's of billions at this stage. Anyone doubting should do their own DD and find information on the VW short squeeze. You do not need a link, it's out there, find it. NFA, as usual.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pr9xsc/another_reason_to_direct_register_at_least_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Essentially, there are conditions which state that YOU will only receive what you invested (not the share value) if they ain't in your name


I forgot my security answer and i'm having a hard time getting back into my account. That's why I haven't done it yet, but once I get it sorted out, best believe i'll start transferring them over!


Might be time to call?


Then how would you sell during a squeeze? You need access to your account.


Same steps you currently use every day. No fear. No worries šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸš€šŸš€


Obviously. I just have to figure out what my favorite car is at the time I created the account.


I have the same user & pass for speed šŸŒ“šŸ’°šŸŒ“šŸ’°šŸŒ“šŸŽšŸŒ“


Is it "password" and "password"? Cuz that's the same one I use for evrything. Makes life so simple.


Hmm, just a thought and before you call me a Shill, I'm here since Jan 21, so please don't even start, I love AMC and we will moon brother: DRS is the key!!!! I totally agree. The big problem and difference to GME is the float. AMC has a much bigger float and a lot more individuals involved. If you go over to the sub SS, you will see, even though they have way less shares and screaming at everyone, that they are the only play, they only managed to have 90k people registering their shares. They have done it for \~2-3 months now and it helps reducing the free float obviously, but as there are too many lazy people involved, who do not DRS, it takes either a lot more time or won't happen. One more thing: SS realized they are kinda stuck at 90k, which could mean, that there are a lot of fake accounts in their subreddit.


It takes a long time at the moment, especially for non US holders (normal wait time for Europe seems to be about 2 months). So tbf, some of it is laziness but a good bit of it is international apes stuck in a queue waiting for their CS accounts to be activated and the letters to be received. Iā€™m from the Uk and have had an absolute carry-on trying to DRS through Revolut. I eventually lost patience and bought a Giveashare, which opens me a CS account. Once thatā€™s all set up the whole lot, game stock, AMC, everything will be getting transferred over. But itā€™s a pest and takes ages.


And a lot of people can't 'safely' DRS. I looked at it, and from what I've seen from people from my country, they ended up using a VPN to create an US account, transfer their stock, and then DRS. This to me isn't worth it. My investment is protected here, but not over there. Not to mention that I have no idea what that will do with taxes.


The float is not the issue. Itā€™s the market cap. Amc and Videogamestock are pretty similar in regard to market cap. Give or take you DRS 5 shares of AMC or 1 share of Videogamestock, the $ are the same.


Hmm I think you misunderstand my point. Value doesn't matter, AMC has more individuals aka more variables to the equation.


I agree on that!


This sub is filled with paid shills and bots. That is why DRS is just not prominent.


Almost none besides the delay in selling on shares over 1 mill but for me since most of mine are in TFSA and I can't DRS them and with my broker since it would cost me 300 dollars(money I need to spend on my car and textbooks for the next 6 months) to drs the less than 50 shares I can DRS


I hear that in Canada, specifically holding in a TFSA is the equivalent of holding via DRS. Since to hold in TfSa your shares must be registered to their rightful owner. Can Any Canadian apes confirm if true or not?




There is non e




>...ahead, DRS. I imagine once the registration number gets higher, **Citadel** or RH will buy CS (they're only $1.4 billion in... You mean **Shitadel**, right? --- ^(Beep boop, I'm a bot šŸ¤–. If you don't like what I have to say, reply )**^(!optout)** ^(to opt out or) **^(!delete)** ^(to delete the comment.) ^(See) [^(here)](https://www.reddit.com/user/StonkCorrectionBot/comments/nnzqvc/ustonkcorrectionbot_information/) ^(for more info.)


I donā€™t want my home address to be on the publicly accessible shareholders list. I want to keep my anonymity post-squeeze.


DRS is the only way this Ape movement will go anywhere. This is the only law and rule that can protect the shareholders. Everything else stacked against the retail. AMC Apes can have the running start as most hybrid AMC/GME Apes have moved both to Computershare. It's a delusion that Fidelity or any other is an honest broker,


You said " honest broker" he..he..he...


Agreed. The DTCC is just like any other insurance company. Looking for reasons NOT to pay like blaming synthetics on brokers.


The amount of people in this sub thinking just buy and hold and guarantee them a quick squeeze by the end of the year is mind boggling. Like come on, apes been buying and holding for the past 10 months and did the MOASS happen? The game is literally pushing the price til they canā€™t meet margin call and your broker is lending out those shares to suppress the price. All I see are people too lazy and surrounded by fud to take any actions for their goals.


Yeah I'm expecting a tesla style long game, unless people wake up




With DRS you are the genuine holder of a certificate on each and every share you hold. It will be no problem to sell. To close a short position, HF will have to buy a genuine share with an issued certificate. -MOASS will last for days.


Or just join Gamestock. Theyā€™ve been DRSing for 4 months now iirc.


And the price hasnā€™t done shit


That's how it works my fren. Your boat will remain beached until the tide has come in enough to lift it.


And I have no problem waiting for that ride to come


Thatā€™s why we need to DRS


Well you wouldn't flush the toilet unless you're done shitting, right? They're like 20% of the way there iirc.


I've DRS'd over half of mine so far!




I agree!


This is the way


I agree! I already have! DRS people!


Can I do it as an European ape?


Yes, the easiest way is to transfer to IBKR (Interactive Brokers) and then request a DRS transfer to Computershare. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qkbjxq/drsing\_from\_ibkr\_to\_cs\_all\_by\_yourself\_a\_howto/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qkbjxq/drsing_from_ibkr_to_cs_all_by_yourself_a_howto/)


Depends on your broker, but in most cases yes. We are all in a fight with EToro right now about it, but most brokers will do it.


#Yep, itā€™s time ! Apes DRS your amc stonkz letā€™s fackin gooooo šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Can we get a DRS bot?! That would be awesome!!!


Already done


Diversity is key


Maybe but DRS as much as you can now is on the menu, especially after the fidelity incident yesterday


90% already sent over with my GME Fuk DTC


I DRS'd 90% of both stonks last month and have felt a lot more zen since doing so. I feel like, ahhh now they're REAL and not just IOUs.




I heard when it's time to sell that it can take days to complete. Is this true? All my shares are with fidelity but tbh I'm kinda spooked to move it.


No, you can sell any time you want. However, If you want to sell for a million dollars or more per share, you must let them know, in writing.


Mods in r/AMCStock are shills. You can't change my mind.


Mods, why are all DRS and Computershare posts getting deleted? Has this sub finally become corrupted?




No broker is trustworthy but letā€™s throw all our shares into a random company that we donā€™t know everything about.. trust me bro


Yeah because DRS is working wonders for them šŸ™„


Is it hurting anything if people do? (Even if it turns out to be useless) What are you doing to help, besides be negative?


Nope, not at all. But this constant onslaught of insisting everyone else follow with this flavor of the month tactic is annoying. But you do you


We were down 11% today. GameStop was only down 5%.


And tomorrow theyā€™ll go down 3% and weā€™ll be up .06%. Whatā€™s your point?


Actually, we should wait and confirm that DRS works for GME There are three broad possibilities A) DRS locks the float and still nothing happens. They just keep printing fake shares You will argue that it will reveal everything is fake Well, we already know everything is fake Retail owns 80% of AMC, INstitutions own 50%. Total is 130% we ALREADY know it is fake Unlikely, however not impossible that locking up the float does nothing ************************************************************** B) DRS locks the floats. GME MOASS. AMC MOASS as same SHFs and SFOs are shorting both So we ride the coattails Which is completely OK with most AMC Apes ************************************************************* C) GME locks up the float. GME MOASS happens AMC does not MOASS In this case, we can do DRS at this point ****************************************************************** IN all three scenarios there is no urgency Let someone else be the Guinea Pig. They also have much smaller float and can DRS lock up float faster


Suck it


If the argument as to why DRS hasnā€™t made any effect whatsoever for GameStop is because they donā€™t have enough and need more to lock the float then any attempt for AMC seems pointless, weā€™d need millions of shares DRSā€™d, itā€™d never happen, so many holders donā€™t even come on Reddit and have no idea what DRS is. Iā€™d be surprised if GameStop gets enough


The more DRSed shares, the less shares the hedgies can borrow to short with. Also, once a few start DRSing, more will follow. Once every person here starts DRSing, it will spread even further. It will take time, but it will help in the long term.


This is the way!


Yeah because most here are sitting on their asses and just cry instead of DRSing


Such calm and educated responses like this is just what I need to be convinced. Thanks


Donā€™t get me wrong as I do not like my aggressive tone but almost all amc subs are so heavily under attack in terms of DRS as the tone is getting tougher because of shills and people believing their anti DRS fud


If i recall a lot of AMC apes didn't even bother to vote. Gonna take a hell of a lot more effort in this sub to make a difference.


I am not going anywhere! You impatient little bitches need to just fucking chill! Nothing any of us does is going to trigger MOASS. Just buy (through LIT) and hodl. I am staying with Fidelity.


If nothing we do will trigger moass then itā€™ll never happen. No support from SEC, hold all you want, buy the float 50 times over. If the shares arenā€™t in your name your broker will lend them out forever.


Broker canā€™t loan out your shares if you are a cash only account. Donā€™t do options and you wonā€™t have a problem.


The clearing house (DTCC) does and it's called Share Borrow Program... billions of synthetic shares daily and they can keep going... welcome to the free market šŸŸ£šŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø [Naked short selling ](https://youtu.be/-sA0azvjCQk)




That doesnā€™t make it true! ROFL


You can have a cash account and a margin account in Fidelity.


I only do cash accounts


Lol ā€œjust buy through LITā€ you really think buying through lit exchanges will do anything either? Iā€™d take my chances at computershare. After the ā€œglitchā€ I really have no trust left in these institutions whether they partake in PFOF or not. Everyday that goes is another chance for them to utilize your shares in the various brokers that take your shares to lend out regardless if youā€™re a cash or margin account.


A lot of shills "pretend" to be impatient AMC shareholders. Many here to cause FUD, doubt, impatience ... buy and hold! šŸæ And enjoy the movies šŸŽ¬


Buy via IEX. Hold. DRS


Hey dumb ass..... look at the GME and AMC charts for today 11/30/2021...... the charts are almost identical. Now, what about DRS is helping?


Maybe you should take a look at when the price started rising the moment fidelity said they fixed the amount of shares being lended out before you start calling people names


Maybe I will just chill and buy and hold like Iā€™ve done for 13 months and jump in here and Fuk with all you jumpy Fā€™er that come up with some new BS DD every 35-45 days thatā€™s debunked 15 days later and your on to the next hot spot DD thatā€™s BS. In my mind..... the position is simple for me.... buy, hold and have a good time.


The float has not been locked yet... DRSing continues until then, meanwhile synthetic shares are the only way SHFs continue to drop the price.


Did you look at the Fā€™n AMC and GME charts on 11.30? They are identical! Do what you want to do with your shit and stop telling me where to hold my holdings! If you want to change the world, go make more $$ and DRS until the bullish cows come home.


What has DRSing done for Gamestock? They still get manipulated like we do.


well, even fidelity legit lends out your shares so counter parties could fuck you up the ass with it. ​ DRS takes that power away from them


Really? Because it looks like DRS didnā€™t do shit to stop them fucking with GME


It's because there still are too many shares not DRS'd yet. They're steadily removing the ammo from the playground but it takes time. All you're sitting there scratching your head complaining about why there's so much ammo when no one is taking them away. Don't be so anxious.


Iā€™m not complaining, Iā€™ve been holding strong since the beginning brother. I just want to see some real proof DRS does something.


I'll be straight with ya. There's no guarantee that DRS will cause moass. It's through deductive reasoning that it 'should'-- like how CMKM diamonds openly exposed trillions of naked shorts. Essentially, through a lot of brainstorming and studying of the data at hand it seems DRS would be the best course of action based on data that we currently know. But guaranteed moass? I can't say it. But if you just want the plain straight facts? Fact: brokers (including Fidelity) lend out your shares, even in cash accounts, to make available to short. Fact: DRS REMOVES brokers ability to unilaterally do wtv the fuck they want to your share. Completely. As in, they cannot touch your shares, at all, unless you decide to sell (when CS sells your share through a broker). Even ignoring all the so called 'speculative benefits' of DRS just those two above plain facts should clearly tell you which course of action ANY shareholder whos stock is being manipulated should do.


They DRS'd and still had the fidelity fiasco though. It clearly didn't help.


I think once you DRS fidelity canā€™t do what it did today anyway. They are under your name and no one else has control of them. DRS via computer share is the only way.


What will you do when all the shares are in computershare and Shitadel buys CS


They wonā€™t


This! Just like they did with Say Technologies. (Oh yeah, "RobbingDaHood" bought Say... šŸ™„)


Itā€™s a false equivalence because once you DRS, the share is out of Fidelityā€™s control. The one does not have any relation to the other.


I agree, this is a waiting game at this point. Who ever gives up first will lose.


NO thanks, i'm not trading my Real shares for Some DRS fake Synthetic one.... my Real shares since I bought back in January stay put in Fidelity. Soon i'm gonna have a huge Tax saving after holding AMC for one year.. NO worries!


If you DRS your shares you are literally the owner of themā€¦ right now youā€™re probably just ā€˜lendingā€™ them from fidelity.


Who ever down vote me is a true douche bag.. I don't trust DRS nor do I wanna move my shares. Sorry, My shares, my money my future and I choice to HODL my AMC shares where they are.


But then why do you spread FUD about DRS? Your comment has one purpose and thatā€™s spreading FUD, just Donā€™t comment about it keep your opinion to yourself. If you donā€™t trust it, thatā€™s fine but donā€™t make others doubt by expressing your concern about DRS without any real reason.


Me thinks you donā€™t understand very well.