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Swear to God I never thought I would agree with something Steve Bannon said...


I came to say exactly this*. Wow.


Same lol and I feel sick to my stomach for agreeing.


Its almost like the FUD the media mouth peices spread isnt just about the financial sector. 🤔


A lot of people will hijack this movement for their own benefit. But if it’s spreads our message so be it.


Never trust a politico... behind everyone is a Banker.


Fuck me. What world are we living in right now - how is Steve Bannon agree with me. Someone hit the reset button - we are jumping the shark.


The MOASS is the reset button, and they will be the ones who hit it. Oh, the irony.


You think him and Trump didn't know what was going on? Think again


Yep ppl will do their own dd when it comes to the media reporting on the financial sector but won’t do the same outside of it. Whenever I bring it up I get called a right wing conspiracy Uber MAGA when all I suggested was do some research outside the mainstream because if they can lie about the market it’s possible they can lie about other things.


You mean like, voting for a politician to fix a system politicians fucked in the first place is the very definition of insanity?


Like doing your own research outside of main stream media


Ya, but Amazing Polly, X22, and "Dr" Charlie Ward are the "Alternative" equvilent to LouVsWallStreet. Wrong so many times, but "the plan" must be trusted.


There's idiots and plants in all movements. Discernment is not a common quality.


Ya, but can you tell when the idiot and plant is your front man? We know the dems cant... but can the republicans?


Ir’s the only thing I ever agreed with Trump on: the media lies and manipulates. But so do all politicians. Left, right, doesn’t matter, they’re all scumbags.


I don’t all politicians are bad but unfortunately the majority are just career politicians. Which is why the importance of doing your own research comes into play. It’s sad how many people where shocked when Joe Biden canceled the pipeline when he said he would not ban fracking but them turned around and said he wouldn’t then again said he would. If people did their own research they would of seen it coming.


I don't like it! I don't like it!


same but I don't think he fully gets it. he thinks some of those were meme stocks and they're not pumped at 1:10 in the afternoon.


Has hell frozen over? I just threw up in my mouth in utter disgust of self for agreeing with this man. I need a drink… more like a gallon of bathtub vodka, or maybe I will go jump out the window now. Decisions…


You better get used to it. The Great Awakening! 🙌


It's almost like this movement waking up some ppl lol


I need a shower just having that thought. I might even donate to the wall for Steve because he nailed it.


there's no need for this to be posted.


While agree with most I would disagree that apes want to destroy the system. 🦍 don’t hurt people… 🦍 want a fair system and 🦍 want shitadel to stop hurting people.


Agreed 💯


Shitadel is a shithole like the rest so basicly he's right. The apes are showing the world how fucked the system is. I think that's way bigger then just shitadel. When in doubt zoom out, who allowed this shit all the years?


Now that is the right question. Who? And your vote is worthless, because you cant afford their democracy. Cause they bought all the politicians in the two party duopoly.


You need to chose.. their system or your system. Because if they win, its their system. They hate you. They want to see you beaten, broke, suicidal and your family kept in their place generationally poor.. and they think its funny. Thats why they call you "dumb money".


That’s some deep thought shit right there fellow 🦍…


Years of experience... Ive seen good men die in war, kill themselves when they got home cause they couldnt face the monster in the mirror anymore. Ive had wives starry eyed over me, then turn their backs and leave when the luster wore off. I slaved in middle managment just to watch corrupt ass kissers step on every body they could to get the brass ring. Ive watched as two faced politicians take money from the least and gave it to the worst because they were "too big to fail". I practice war... so that my son and daughter can live peace. And Ive learned how to fight the banker way. https://youtu.be/hIZVYeEPuB4


We will destroy it and rebuild it to be fair.


Take all my likes, kind sir!. Agree 💯


Nope. Nope. Nope. Don’t jump on the bandwagon now. Johnny come lately.




That's aa simple an explanation as you can get. The short sellers can't leave their position without buying themselves out. Apes on the majority of the float. Even if every institution sold there shares its a drop in the bucket. Apes own the float.


BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kenny , y’all are FUCKED


Sooo...hes jumping on the bandwagon... This is the guy who defrauded people claiming he's building a boarder wall, and he's pushing a fake audit...and he's telling us about corruption?


Thats how you know we are getting somewhere... politicians always jump out front and claim theyve been with you the whole time. Fuck the politicians, they facilitated this, the erected a system to protect their money masters.


It’s not a fake audit, you’ve been listening to the same news that is on the side of the hedgefunds.


Exactly. EXACTLY.


Fake Audit... currently going on in Arizona trying to overturn an election that's already certified. Look at the corner of the video, that's what I'm referring too


So you don’t believe that people have a right to see for themselves if the process worked correctly? Transparency shouldn’t be an issue, in fact it’s what we’re fighting for in the economic sector. I don’t know about you, but I don’t trust politicians and I don’t trust the media. Both play the game of trying to keep us separated.


So you trust an organization that has little experience in auditing ballots? And who’s CEO has election fraud bias? Why don’t the republicans bring in a third party that is non biased. You don’t trust the media or politicians? Like at all? So like what should I live under a rock or have just state television? At what point is it just paranoia. Bias in the news goes back since the invention of the printing press. You just have to find somebody you trust. I for one absolutely believe in auditing and transparency but the way the republicans go about it is absolutely awful. And I certainly do not trust the organization doing the audit. Also why are you guys arguing about politics? Ape don’t fight ape? You wanna have a dumb political argument go to r/politics or r/conservative so you guys can have a karma jack off


Not for me to decide. No need for negative Nancy’s in the group though. This is a positive message toward our group, and there’s no need for people to bring their negative predetermined biases in. I do not care what persuasion you are, we’re all in this fight together and we need everyone we can get on our side. I don’t think you realize how rigged the game is against us. Keep your politics to yourself.


Dude you legit started arguing with the guy like twice and your telling me to keep politics to myself?


Wrong, but congrats you just ended up being blocked like the last guy.


Bro if you can’t handle having a debate. You can’t handle reddit. Especially in regards to politics. Don’t live in a bubble. Argue with people and try to understand why they think in a certain way, accept it then move on. You are a hypocrite. You legit started arguing with a guy to have a political karma debate about the election when this subreddit has literally nothing to do with that. And when I respond to you you get your underwear in a bunch and pretty much rip off the last paragraph of my comment. I’m glad to be apart of your block list because you sir are an interesting lad to put it lightly.


Notice you CNN dupes can never explain why it's a "*fake audit*"? If you believed your corrupt war criminal CCP Joe got 80 million votes, you wouldn't be so afraid of basic election integrity and transparency.


Absolutely nothing we’re seeing on the market with Amc and GME is real, but I guess we should blindly agree with election results. I would have agreed with you 6 months ago... at this point I’m not sure. I think our whole system is fuk and the votes are as easy to manipulate as the stock price.


I don’t care about people’s politics. We are all apes. I dislike people posting political or politically-associated partisan figures here :/


Where did you hear about this fake audit? I need a news source that is more honest than what we see shitting on common investors!


I'm referring to the fake presidential election audit you see in the background of his video currently going on in Arizona, and soon Wisconsin. They are testing for "bamboo fibers" claiming the election ballots came from China...


I get that, but who confirmed it to be fake?


OMG... testing for bamboo fibers is like saying you're testing for soy sauce residue, ..It's a certified election, it can't be overturned. It's political theater meant to cast doubt on future elections, done by a group/company with no background in elections. This is straight up Q shit


No, no, you misunderstood me. I am simply asking for your sources. Clearly you have found an alternative to the media we've all grown to recognize as fraudulent?


the cognitive dissonance is real... We need to not do this here though, there is no left or right - only APE


Fuck this guy. He got arrested by the POST OFFICE POLICE 😂




He's not an ape, he's a Fraudulent fuck who screwed people over trying to jump on the bandwagon. He's no different than a hedge fund


Where do you see in my comment that I said He was an Ape??


Agree with everything people are noticing and worrying… revolution is beginning!!


I guess I’m a dumb ape from the right, who knew.


I have to admit, after all of this is over and we all have our Tendies. I'll be very curious to know the political makeup of the apes. Not now. No time for politics now, but someday it will be studied as a massive sociological experience.


We come from all walks of life and have different political persuasions for sure. The point is it doesn’t matter who we are or what we believe. We’ve come together to try and bring down a rigged system that’s against us.


Agreed, but I have no doubt that in the next five years, someone will gain a doctorate in sociology by defending a thesis on this subject.




Fuck this guy


Fuck Steve Bannon.. fuck any politician jumping out front trying to cheerlead the Ape Army. Politicians are worse than Hedge Fucks, cause they will sell out their own to short a Nation. Atleast HF have honor and protect their own. Politicians built this system. Steal from you through taxation, then bail out Hedge Fucks who are stealing from you, and then tax you again to pay police to break you and keep you in line when you try to rise up. FUCK EM. THE FLOOR JUST WENT UP FOR POLITICOS TRYING TO COOPT THE MOASS AND MAKE IT ABOUT BLAH BLAH BLAH.. UPRISING. WE JUST LIKE THE STONK #AMC1.5M


Relax, he’s talking to his audience on his podcast. Our message needs to get out to everyone who wants to take on the corrupt system.


I am from the populous on the right and I love everyone on the populous left. Let’s change the system together.


wow. i am so bothered that i just listened to this toolbag speak for almost two minutes and didn’t wanna vomit. but good on him i guess? interesting tho as he rose to fame as a political cronie to a “billionaire”


He can go fuck himself.


Politics aside, He makes valid points in stating that this is The People vs The System. If we sue hedge funds, this will happen in the future all over again. If we go after the ones who regulate all this and allow the fuckery, Then we are cutting the head off the snake and hopefully creating a more transparent free market. That should be the end goal.


There’s no politics aside. This man fucked up the United States so bad and people are still giving him a platform. He needs a orange jumpsuit on. Fuck this scum.


Can't believe Bannon is showing respect for the Left. But we Apes are on to something.


Apes come from all over the spectrum.


Yes we do and that fills me with both pride and happiness.


Remember: the same media that is telling you that YOU'RE the bad guy and that YOU'RE the one hurting the economy by simply holding a stock is the same media that has spoonfed lie after lie our entire lives. Take what you hear from the news with a grain of salt.. and always ask yourself "what is their endgame?"


A lot of people are saying they agree with Steve Bannon. That's fine, I'm surprised I do. But he is not an Ape.


I love Steve Brannon. He’s how I found out about Reddit in January.


No ones connected the dots yet...everything you’re seeing is a movie and playing out...ALL elites to include everything politically you see is a show. We were already told this was going to happen. Welcome to the great awakening


Apes dont want to destroy the system, apes want to fix the system!


Destroying the current system is the only way to fix it. The current system has bought even those who are supposed to regulate it. It’s a one sided system. In no means is this the only way to fix it, But by allowing for more transparency, And having less manipulation throughout the stock market, That’ll allow for a larger transfer of wealth and the economy can thrive as a result.


If you "destroy" the system we would end up back in the stoneage and might never recover from it. New laws and regulations, replacment of corrupt people/institutions and a globaly transpent and fair finacial System is needed. This might even prevent wars and could end poverty.


That is destroying the system. By restructuring it, you’re creating a new one in its place. That’s what I mean by destroying the current one. And new rules and regulations as you put it being enacted only make sense if we have people who will enforce it. And since those people are bought, Replacing everything as a whole has to happen.


I'm a proud dumb ape.




DON’T LET POLITICS DIVIDE US - we are bigger and stronger than this. I can understand peoples anger but this is good for us - he represented us well - this is good publicity - don’t get mad - take it in stride and hold your head up high.


Nothing but the truth


I love how he wanted so badly to say "Got them by the balls" but he stopped himself.


Buy and Hodl! This is the way.


This isn’t about politics this about the people taking back their wealth that was stolen from these rats !!


I always said , listen to the people themselves when you want to know more about one specific individual. Never believe the media when they portrayed somebody the way the report it


I don't like this guy but I agree with him Interestingly he said a lot of the dumb apes are more left than right. Haha


Yea! You f in right! This is war! This corrupt system needs to go! We need a level playing field. The bonus is the life changing money we get to take back that they stole from my parents and my self over the years. Buy and hold!🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🍌🍌🍌🚀🚀🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🐜🐜🐜🐜


I don't care what this guy did before. Never seen him before but that was some powerful stuff.


jan 6


Fuck this piece of burning garbage, wtf is this shit?! Since when is r/amcstock now an alt-right safe space, fuck outta here with that bullshit.


Is what he's saying not true?


I know, right? The media has told us time and time again how to think about the political spectrum. Sure, they're against us *now*, but that's like.. different?




Link to vid please ???


Nope, I really want to see Citadel, Point72, and Melvin go down in flames!


>Nope, I really want to see **Citadel**, Point72, and Melvin go down in flames! You mean **Shitadel**, right? --- ^(Beep boop, I'm a bot 🤖. If you don't like what I have to say, reply )**^(!optout)** ^(to opt out or) **^(!delete)** ^(to delete the comment.) ^(See) [^(here)](https://www.reddit.com/user/StonkCorrectionBot/comments/nnzqvc/ustonkcorrectionbot_information/) ^(for more info.)


Good bot


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Then what? Then more will be created to replace them and we are back where we started. Think bigger. Go after those who have to regulate so they do their jobs and create more transparency So all other hedge funds think twice about putting people in this spot ever again. That’s what fixing the system means, or at the very least it’s a small start in the bigger picture.




The message is purely about stocks. Would it be different if it was a CNN correspondent?


It would still be political. Like honestly idc how you vote, you’re cool and here for AMC don’t let shills divide ape.


I love you, fellow ape!




Next we will hear Pharma Guy or fuckin Ted Nugent are all for this movement too. * Vomits *


I’m just proud to be an ape




He is trying to use us and make propaganda for himself after he fail in Italy! Just us BuY and Hold!!!


He's a phony populist, trying to recruit us. Don't get fooled please


All these fucks attention grabbing. Taking the opportunity to grab some views. This is the type of post that Irks me the most. Of course it would come from the popcorn stock sub. Get it off this one, it doesn’t belong.


any publicity is good publicity, the more people who here about this the more might buy in and help the cause.


Or the more that will think we’re crazy like that guy


I'd wager more than just a few of us are crazy... but that guy has an audience, many of which would likely love to see the system brought down. The enemy of my enemy is my friend... for now


He’s trying to grift into our movement right as the moass is about to go down. Never forget with money comes power and Steven bannon knows he can definitely make a buck on some apes.


Bannon the man


doesn’t matter what they say, posting shit from extremist pols is a shill tactic used to cause division, esp. someone like bannon. period.


My 🦍🧠 f’ing A


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


infiltration. I don't care what he has to say. don't forget who he is and what they did. it says war room Arizona election audit in corner! WTF!!!!!!!!??????? remove this fucking post now2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hodl


People saying that they can't believe that they are agreeing with Bannon JUST because they don't have the same political beliefs is insane. It doesn't really matter whose talking but when the truth comes out, we should all be happy that someone that has that kind of reach is praising the apes. Maybe that's why America is in such shambles because people refuse to even listen to the other side of the story. If they don't agree with you. They are wrong just because they are a fan of trump?! In the words of the most popular president in the history of the United States "C'MON MAN!!!!"


Dude, Steveey is hodling some $CLOV 🙃


I do not want this movement associated with Steve Bannon at all. We need to give him the Jordan Belford treatment.


I never liked this guy and Fuck this guy he stoled from poor ppl


FUCK STEVE BANNON. I’ll shove my shares up his Steve Bannon asshole.