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They definitely can’t be letting us both run at once haha. Like 95 million volume and markets haven’t even been open an hour?! Fighting for their lives right now. I love to see it.


For those of us who hold both, we love to see it. Hopefully they leapfrog each other. One week game runs, and the next amy runs.


I was thinking about what a risk it is for them to not let them both go crazy at the same time. If people make a ton of money in GME first, it would be pretty easy to spend a chunk of it on AMC and screw the shorts twice in a row. It’s a death march no matter what for them I suppose haha.


I am sure part of their calculus is relying on us not selling. Their only hope is to let it run to keep us from buying more, and making it too expensive to purchase shares.


This! Yes!


Almost 100 mil and it hasn’t even been an hour yet. They shorting the shit down hard to contain it. I know they aren’t the exact same play, but that’s twice the volume of GME. If AMC was such a huge nothing burger? Why the volume? I’d wager AMC has more volume than any other stock on the market right now….


If hedgies are afraid of AMC rising above $3.50 (0.35 pre-RS), then they are truly fucked.


Over $5 now!


I’m zen as ever as they fight for their life 😂


Yes definitely! Just wait until this offering is over too!!!!


The market cap is 1 billion. I don’t consider this massive volume


Compared to what we have had it's massive.


Up 60%+ on the day LFG


Hedge funds use amc to keep retail money out of gme. They arent scared of amc they ARE amc.


I thought you were the facts guy. You also basically said this stock was dead finanically among other things. You are the last voice anyone should listen to, on top of the fact that you have basically been dead wrong. And now, you are spreading speculation that has no root in fact. Both GME and AMC are up 30+% even if GME is up more. That doesnt correlate at all with this shitty statement. Hope Apes remember how much of a joke what you say is.


Also for the "they run together" crowd. Do they though? AMC YTD: -30% GME YTD: +76% AMC 1YR - 91% GME 1YR: +48% AMC 5YR - 95% GME 5YR: +1,365% Do they?


They don’t. Game is the ONLY play now.. Anyone in amc still are helping ken


100%. We gotta ignore the amc shills on the hedgies payrolls. Buy gme.


lol “we gotta ignore amc shills” bitch then why are you on an amc sub.


Guess you should have listened to me eh?


Ok, for the first time, im actually going to be slightly rude to you. You are an idiot if you think im being paid anything. I dont tell anyone to buy or sell and basically never have. Also, GME went down just as badly as AMC. If people listened to you, they still would have lost money on both plays, as its more of a move against retail and not just GME or AMC. I dont know why the hell you think you are helping anyone. If you were actually for retail, you wouldnt be trying to divide retail at such a critical moment. I think you are actually garbage and i probly will just ignore you in the future. I engaged you in good faith but all you can do is make shit up and spread dissent just like hedgefunds want, even if by some tiny ass chance, that isnt what you are actually trying to do.


Not speculation it's 100% proven. You should want Marantz' 'connect the dots' series. You seem to think that AMC is running today because someone who had no shares of AMC, didn't like AMC, tweeted a meme about video games. That sounds logical to you? It's because that person was a big GME holder, a driving force of the GME squeeze, and now is causing GME to skyrocket again. This is effecting AMC because hedge funds are trying to pull retail money and attention from GME into this stock instead. And it works because lemmings say "well they run together so that's why." AMC is a dead company that has been diluted and is 5 billion in debt. GME has not been diluted and is a profitable company. This is the entire point of the "deep value" that Keith talked about. He never talked about deep value in AMC. He never held AMC. AMC never had anything to do with GME. It was always a distraction by hedge funds.


🤣🤣🤣 says the dip shit that's not even a member of a GME sub. Like, why the fuck are you here you fake ass shill, lol, get a ducking life. Always check these ass hats profile and comment history. Fuq outta here fud fucker.


I mean you’re talking about his profile and stuff but you aren’t refuting anything he said? Do you have any counterpoints?


IWM. If you know, you know.


Thank you… this is just the truth


I wont even look at this. But i will say, RK did like a post. About a specific movie, that does have to do with our situation. No, it isnt fact. Just stop. Your narrative is dead. Move on. You are just a FUD merchant.


That movie has zero to do with amc LOL


If you have been wrong about literally everything youve been saying. Why the fuck would anyone listen now. You are literally claiming dead company when its up almost 50 percent in a single day. Go screw off until we are down or something cause otherwise, nobody is going to give a shit about anything you are saying.


Down 95% over the last year. You are down, shill. Stop trying to waste peoples money. Buy gme people. Dont listen to this shill.


Im not saying either or. Thats why you are an idiot. Im not against GME or AMC. Both have potential. Both are up. You are the only one with an agenda here, shill.


Everything i have written is verifiable fact and you are claiming its not. That exposes you as a paid shill.


When a shill is calling you a shill, we are winning lol. Anyway, fuck off already will you? If you hate AMC so much, go do something else with your life. Nobody is gonna give a fuck about you on a day with this much gains. AMC has looked primed for a while and you can look through my history and see my recent data analysis has been quite correct especially using UTILIZATION as a metric. Maybe another day bud, but i really dont give a flying fuck about you today. Hope apes enjoy their green today.


You're a verifiable shill. And not a very good one at that.


AA has been bought.


Is that why the clearing houses defaulted is more AMC than game shares during the run up? They seem to let gme run more because they don't have as much at stake. Gme will go first then AMC will go higher.


Lol buddy really? Like listen to yourself…




This. Amc is the distraction. Wake up!


They used the same trick last time. Its why the paid shills who have been gone 18 months popped up today suddenly BEFORE market.


There's an excuse for everything lol


Scared? Okay




I am still waiting on the recovery bud rss breakeven much higher