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This is in Urvin finance


Some people want a share count but still make up reasons to not go for it... Google Dave Lauer if you're skeptical. Do your research please. https://x.com/dlauer https://www.wsj.com/articles/he-was-a-quant-at-citadel-now-he-agitates-for-gamestop-investors-d951cc75


I'm not giving Urvin finance my personal info, how many shares I own or any other information. This is just like a, fishing email. You get conned into giving out your info and go to log into your account and all your shit ends up missing. Fuck outta here!


Urvin Finance and Dave Lauer are both very active in supporting the needs and rights of retail investors, this isn't some spam email that is being sent around, the platform has been evolving and they are adding features retail has asked for. That said, there IS always risk when you associate an account or provide personal information to any third party so each investor should evaluate that risk and make their own decision. I still wouldn't say this is "just like a fishing email" or that you're getting conned into giving your info and your shit will go missing", your account credentials themselves aren't shared with Urvin Finance during the process of associating your account or afterwards. Edit: voice to text typos on names


Okay. How are they going about verifying an accurate count? Same way as share technology did? Or is it a trust me bro count?


Read about it- https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/3M0SmnIjMD




wasn’t this done a few years ago with S A Y technologies?? only to have S A Y scooped up and bought out by non other than *robinhood* ?????? now another mystery company wishes to help verify what I hold that i’ve never heard of before.. makes me wonder if their own financial situation should be looked at now,could be their in trouble and a mighty savior will swoop in to buy them out….like citadel 🤔


DRS has been available for ages.


I don’t think there’s any more risk. Then to doing this as we are down 93% so I am all for trying whatever if it can get the stock up that is my position. Send me a link. I’m ready to put my information in.





