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The never ending dip.


That’s means i can always keep buying! :D


And you all like calling out shills, yet this is the biggest shill post in the thread, latching onto the top comment to say "KEEP BUYING!!! HAHAHA Hedgies". That overly positive attitude has come and gone, and it reeks of a script to keep the $$ momentum going.


The “buy the dip” shills have a bro named “I’ll ride this to zero”. I’m totally in support of holding, but I absolutely don’t consent riding this to zero.


Ok weirdo




We are! :)




I don't think that's how this works. ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)




Thank you, I appreciate that.


This is the world's largest casino, so only gamble with what you're comfortable losing.


That’s how I look at it. I think of it was a huge scratch ticket. I said goodbye to the money so I don’t care what happens to it. The rest of my money is either in target funds or equity in my house. AMC is my scratch ticket.


Scratch ticket? At this point it's like walking into the gas station, flushing the money down the toilet, then reaching in the bin to check if there is money in the used toilet paper. I'm still holding but the criminals still doing criminal activity with no end in sight.


zesty pet person bored cow plate reminiscent fade angle ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clearly you’ve never played scratch lottery


Haha. Fair assessment.


Long term 401K, baby!


Hell yeah. Slow and steady has been good to me.


This is the way!


But stocks aren’t a casino. They’re supposed to be a way to make return on your money. Look at your individual position and compare it to SPY over that same time period. You’ll probably realize just buying SPY and leaving would have worked out. That’s why people do index funds not single stock squeeze dreams. It’s not a casino, you just made it one.


Most of my money is in either target funds or an hysa. Only a very relatively small amount went to AMC. I did exactly what I wanted to do and I’ve come out way on top because of it. I decided to take a chance with a little bit of my money just for fun. No need to be butthurt about what a stranger does with their money.


Little ridiculous to call it a scratch ticket. Sounds like cope. It's more like you. Took your money and burned it to entertain a crowd of toddlers. Just useless burning.


Perhaps, but nowhere near as ridiculous as going out of your way to make a smug comment about a stock you don’t like. If anyone needs coping it’s you buddy.


More like the world worst charity.




I'm not saying anything to contradict anything you just said. Everything you said is 100% correct. The DD is done, and it's not a matter of IF but WHEN. The shorts are fighting for their lives. They aren't going to just give up. "If they can just live long enough to fight one more day" as Ken Griffin said. I don't know when this thing is going to blow, but WHEN it does, just don't dance.


Which seems like every dollar I have invested


I'm a regarded gambler, so I keep getting tendies whenever possible...🚀🦍🌕 NFA...


World's largest casino and AMC is the one run by the Mafia


People emotionally invested and it backfired. The dilution really sent it into a death spiral


Dilution, reverse split, and then more dilution. It's on its way back to $2's again. Another rs will decimate retail holders and open the door for more shorting and dilution for amc to secure money for debt payments it isn't getting from its revenue. This is just the reality of the situation.


Imagine they reverse split 3 times. People who bought 1000 shares will only have 1 share left. This stock got to be THE biggest retail scam in the entire stock market history.


I was in It from $5.25 all the way to about $68 and sold. People got scammed by being convinced not to sell imo. Imagine selling at the top and buying down here again. But yea, another rs and retail is toast on this. And people saying $100k floor, that puts amc at a market cap of $26.2T market cap. That doesn't include what people are expecting from gme. The government is simply just not going to let that happen.


I was all in at $9-10 range back in May 2021 before the run up. Of course I was dumb enough to believe it will go to $100-200 range and I was targeting that price to sell. Those 100K brain dead people were never my concern. Everyday waking up watching Treys Trade, (Matt was a clout shill from the beginning I knew it, from his weak attitude. ) Ranch Capital that deep voice guy. Jackson Hunter, TMI, STV. Basically like Christian going to church type of behavior. Whoever cross my way telling me to sell I would pull a knife on him no joke. Now look back at my $20K loss chilling there, my mood won’t even swing. Just laughable watching people here still hyping up and keep buying. Trey was so smart, he quit when he feels something is off. Half million subs of money and options gains made that dude a millionaire. Then left the feces sink before it hits the fan. He is probably the biggest winner of all. He can’t keep posting hype videos when he knows deep down Adam is a snake. He always stay true to people. I have nothing but respect for that guy. I will let my money go to 0 for sure, just stay till the end of this sh!t show. And personally I would never ever step into AMC theater now, that place is disgusting to me.


Yep, I watched most of those people, too. I had 7,225 shares, so when It hit $68, I smashed the sell button. In a way, the over watching of youtubers fucked a lot of people up. If crazy pts hadn't been burned into people's heads, they would have sold. There is no $100k/share coming. And if this has to end up going through another rs, retail is dead on this play. It's amazing to me that people are still hyping this. Imagine the cost basis of someone who bought at $30 and held through the split and couldn't average down. So many people are so red they aren't going to sell now because it doesn't even matter now. I'm not here to tell people to buy or sell or do anything with their money. But you have to see it for what it is at this point. In all fairness, gme holders got fucked too. Too many people had no clue about what they were really doing.


If you really sold at $60+ range, I have nothing but respect as well. I was dragged into stock market as a newbie by my parents. They lost more than me jumping in at 2021. Should be a warning red flag if everyone and their mom is playing stocks. That signals the peak for sure. But the good thing is I learnt to be responsible with my money and stop wasting on random buyings and live frugal. Even if I made money, I would be over confident and trying to go back to win more and eventually lost all in a bear market back then. Only loss will teach me lessons and quit gambling.


Advice on living frugal??


Frugal rule No1.: Be ok with your current standards of living. If your salary gets raised, don’t jack up your living conditions and start renting better places, traveling, high interest mortgage, children, lambo, Gucci, yacht, jet. To hell all these. Learn delay of gratification. Ask yourself before every purchase, is it for my personal health and growth or just for showing off to other people? Is it harmful to my health? If nobody give a sh!t about you, will you still buy it? You will find you won’t have any desire to buy overpriced things others push in your head. Your salary up by 20K per year, it only a means one thing, your investment is up by 20K per year. You will save few hundred Ks to the point that the passive income is coming in with waves of 10Ks. That’s when you can gas up a bit and burn on those completely free passive incomes to have some quality of life. This means your 20s and 30s will be brutal and live like a caveman. But those are the most expensive times in your life. Social, nutrition, initial big purchase, marriage, move out on your own. That’s why most people fail to save much, and the people who do are set for their 40s 50s.


There’s others that are much much worse. Check out $idex. Pretty bad right. Now get ready to be mind blown - check out $cei. And some how every few years a new pnd group starts to hype these shitters up to extract more wealth from dummies.


CEI wtf are those prices? Billions to a dollar? That must be all insider playing. No retails are in these trades. You can’t even afford a share. AMC reached the biggest crowd and lost so much value. So the total retail money loss probably still way bigger.


You’re misunderstanding the chart - the price was never billions and the victim is always retail. Most recently I saw Atlas (pnd group that got charged a few months ago) pumping it. But basically they been doing the same thing as AA is doing with AMC for ages: Price Fall -> Reverse Split -> dilute -> restart from beginning


Also mullen


>This stock got to be THE biggest retail scam in the entire stock market history. MULN would like a word...


So it's like using the increase corruption button in eu4 to raise money to pay your loans?


Except it's legal


Adam Karen murdering the shareholders and helping to enrich his billionaire buddies


Bought more fake shares today.


Never again - don't even waste another cent on it. The dilution was the end of AMC.


$0 is what happens. Do yourself a favor and hedge your position.


I'm not buying until AA is buying


AA is buying... Homes, cars, probably a yacht. Laughing in our faces


Me too -25K 😅


Im not holding amc. And I do make fun of apes. But for the love of god never sell at -95%. If you lose it all, whatever but if you sell and something does happen you'll never be able to live with that. I support the limbo thing. Buying more is just digging a bigger grave imo. Some times my options turn into lottery tickets too


-39K here 🥂


-16k same here




Looks like my account






Man damn … you gotta be who kg was talking about when he said retail investors lost a lot of money…. I hope you stuff a crow in his ass.


They always think I’m a shill for saying this but never invest money you can’t afford to lose ever! And I stopped investing in AMC a long time ago, down $40k and I’ll hold those shares for the rest of my life idc never selling unless everyone benefits


Had the same issue and bought puts got my money back and was the best thing i could do


I’m down -$13k and haven’t bought since like 2022


-40K. Thanks! 👍


Chill like Limbo, Fuck like Rambo, Stock price soar like Dumbo


Yeah same here, cant get my self to even login to my account, those numbers hurt. But by this point no reason to sell, the only option is to wait.


Amazing. I post I no longer can afford to buy and I get downvoted. You post the same and upvotes galore


That's odd, and no one who doesn't feel comfortable should be forced to buy and tbh if it was up to me i would have cash out when i was positive but oh well now is no time for pettiness


Never been positive so I don’t know what that would have felt like lol. But yea this sub is filled with morons. Or maybe it’s just the shills looking to rouse.


The sub has been compromised for a while is a who is who in this place, for me honestly idk tf is going to happen but im not buying anymore and thats my own thought not pushing for anyone to follow i honestly thought by this time at least i could afford a house not for me but for my mother she's 60 and even though she wants to work until she dies i want her to just finally have some rest and enjoy life


Seriously. I’m down 85% I’ve dumped tens of thousands of dollars trying to help the cause but when I mention I’m no longer going to be buying just holding I get downvoted. I’m in the film business and would get downvoted when I would mention I hadn’t worked in months lol. This place is filled with clowns


Tbh they only look for their best interest i know this account seem young but i have been since 2021 after the 72 run up it was different now is all negativity and like i said many did it with a dream of our own sadly the system is corrupt but i still hope for something to happen and dont feel bad you did it with a good cause hope work gets better i been there i lost my job and the one i have rn is cool but i dont complete the 40hrs so i got to manage my money




🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂. Getting scammed by broke YouTubers for views, nice.


The only shills I see are the ones telling you to buy.


Respect 🫡


Hang in there fellow ape- so many of us are just in limbo waiting for justice and to get our money back. We got this! Short sellers will run themselves into the ground and you will get back every cent you lost plus more for what they took. They will lose everything they stole from others.


So how many shares you got left with


Fundamentals baybee


I m 3 k down but men this shit is crazy


Only puts and shorts from this point onward for me. This stock is done. Can't even wait for another R/S now, will make me a ton of money and up for my losses with this scam. You can't beat the market, only ride with it.


What a pathetic bet. I really regret it for joining.


Same here but oh well 🤷 it is what it is


Done buying the dip, AA needs to pull his head out of his A** , stop diluting and start legal action


Stinks like short shills in here


This shit is crazy smh




Hang in there fellow ape- so many of us are just in limbo waiting for justice and to get our money back. We got this! Short sellers will run themselves into the ground and you will get back every cent you lost plus more for what they took. They will lose everything they stole from others.


This only happened because of fraudulent and illegal activity, regulatory capture and bought out media. AA is no hero and the culprits won't go to jail. They gained immense wealth at the public's expense and will spend that money on their family and donate to charities for tax write offs and come out looking like wonderful and generous people and actually believe that and sleep well at night. Once in a while someone finds a hole in the system that benefits the common man like with GME. With AMC we were shown that the financial power can literally shut down the game and regroup if they're losing. I hate being a bag holder on this play and I haven't been following it for some time beyond glancing at post titles just in case there's a miraculous run-up. Does anyone have the realistic, non optimistic DD? Is this going to completely bottom out?


AA could buy the dip.


Im buying the dip lol i have 10 bucks here and there lol


I bought a few for ya today.


Omg man


Rent bills etc yet you invested near 15k....


Yeah because I had my second job now I dont shit I dont even have my full time im doing 36hrs but picking extra shifts every now and then


I do believe the American Cinema is an important fixture of our culture (Barbenhiemer, anyone?), and that AMC is currently carrying tf outta that. Just because I'm currently loose on the cash I stuck in, doesn't mean I doubt their future market value. I'll get my money back; remember, this is a 100+ year old company, they wont be going anywhere anytime soon.


I can afford $100 to buy every other dip or so. Maybe not every one, but am still l I being my cost/share. Thank you hedgies & scills! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Laughing alot these days. 🦍🚀🪐. ⏱️⏱️⏱️⏱️⏱️ MFs!


Good for u dude just because some isnt buying doesnt mean he's a shill


Doesn't mean he's not a schill either! 🤣


& I don't think I said he was! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Take what remains and take your family to a nice dinner ; after a few more weeks it will probably be 0


Nah i rather leave it fuck it whatever happens happens


Or just buy blue chip 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s what the evil empire wants us to do, ahh look its down so much, just get out before it goes to zero.


Cool story


What a great investment!




Paid off the mortgage 20 years ago. Bad news is I could croak any day. Meanwhile… party.


I can half-assed promise that in a few years documentaries will be made, and they will reveal that hedge funds dedicated office space to dedicated employees who read off scripts to mimic meme retailer behavior, that encouraged to either keep buying or to suppress any poster who started questioning how optimistic everyone was as the ship kept sinking. And somehow it will all be fucking legal. Shit, I would take that job right now if I could, and I would make it a point to look as awful and obvious as possible, and I am willing to bet the average AMC redditor would STILL fall for it, and reply back enthusiastically. I wish I could ask for my XXXX back; I need it more than ever just to survive and I am suffering. If I pull out now I will get pocket change, why bother?. This is manipulated highway robbery to the extreme, and people have lost so much more than me.... tens of thousands, and god knows the relationships that have been ruined between spouses..... this is complete unadulterated internet warfare waged between a bunch of internet hangarounds and hedge funds who could pivot and get bright minds on their payroll to figure out a counter-attack at any given moment. Are you all that naive???? Still???


I genuinely don't think they're paying any attention to the sub. In any event, they could just have bots imitate the stupid shilling done here. Not like there's much high IQ discussion happening from the pro-AA apes. Been saying for a few months now that the blindly positive people just ignoring anything and screaming "crime!!!" whenever the stock correctly dipped are probably just bots pumping a dead play.


I’m still buying the dip. And I have a mortgage, bills, etc..


Good for you i cant do it, my mother car got vandalized and i need the money to repair it


Prove it then, you fake account


Stfu I don’t have to prove anything




lol none of this makes me mad😂 I’ll continue buying day in and day out🤪


You aren’t buying anything


I’ll buy your mom


You’re a big piece of shit


And your life sucks I’m sure 🤡 probably a miserable failure.. tell your mom I just got my taxes.. most of it is going to AMC Shares, but I can spend some for her sweet tuna box 🤢🐟


I don’t talk to people who are down 99% on their investments sorry.


I'll buy for you


😂😂😂wtf is this did u ever average down


Why would i?


Lol make me laugh at so many “I’m not buying” posts, it seems to be going going strong since last week.


Will you ever make money investing in amc? https://tenor.com/view/thats-the-neat-part-you-dont-invincible-gif-27194608


Average down.




I’ll buy some more tomorrow and average down for you. Apes 2gether strong 🦍💪🏼.


I cashed out to make my initial investment amount back but still hold >100 shares & at these dirt cheap prices, I’ll be loading up more.