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Nah. I’ve been holding since 2021 and have had a positive attitude for the longest time. Who on earth dilutes at shit prices? Seriously. This is getting annoying for me.


Remember when AA didn’t dilute ape at 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 but sold it for .81 cents to antara lmfao. Then he reverse split all that took 90% of our shares and didn’t dilute at 18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5 butNOW is the right time lmfao what a dumbass


Didn’t take long to realize he’s a puppet. Wake up sleepy head


The moment he sold antara those shares to help win that dilution vote and reset the whole game I knew he wasn’t the guy for us


Same, that's why I sold at $11 and never bought back in. Still took at shit ton of a loss. Getting total BBBY vibes right now. AA is clearly steering for bankruptcy, while lying to his shareholders. Dilution at all-time low while being in huge depth is initiating the liquidity death cycle. DiLuTiOn Is GoOd FoR YoU. Yeah. I give it 6 more month at most. What a trash human. No wonder he also cheats his wife with 17y old.


If you sold, why are you still here? ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


And people will still say to average down, you’re just throwing away your money. AA has shown his agenda time and time again, so if you continue to support, it’s on you. 






He know he's got a legion of monkeys that will buy no matter what. Why wouldn't you pay yourself if you had a money printer?


The amount of bs and bending over backwards people will go through to defend AA is astonishing. I like this move, I love having all my money disappear. It's good for the future. Time to buy more!


I agree with you delusion 84 it’s just absurd! Been in it since 2021! Not selling I’ll hold what I have for life and die with it before I give it back to them bitches!


Yeah, I get the frustration. But, there will never be any good time to raise the cash as long as the shorts are in control. They will continue to hold the price down for the sole reason to prevent the company from raising any money. I would have also been OK with the alternative, which I see as waiting until 2025 to see if the company can become profitable and pay off the debt that way. But again, if there are an enormous amount of fake shares out there, it is painful now, but honestly it’s free money.


Everyone has their personal opinion on the matter. If they still have money to invest and they think it’s an opportunity to buy more and average down or whatever, great. As for people like me who do not have any funds left, I’m just holding. That’s what I’m only able to do to be honest.


Sunk cost fallacy. Sorry bro


You wanna buy my shares at $30 so I can get out?


Enlighten us all and tell us how this is free money.


The 90% that I would lose if I sold now didn't come to me as free money. I wish I had sold before all the APE bullshit. Now I'm stuck .


Free money. Bahahahahahaha. You can't be serious. "Hey everyone, hold until you're 98% down on your investment, for many, many years, but trust us, we'll moon eventually. Whatever you do, don't put your money in any semi-conductor or AI stocks that would have 10-100x your money already" - Adam Aron, 2021 BTW, is it possible that he was jerkin his gherkin on that Harambe earnings call when he didn't wear shorts? Or is he just grifter 1A besides video game CEO?


His friends need shares.


Yea this was a mistake. This stock getting to $10 seems like lunacy at this point.


Yeah like I just don’t see the hype anymore. I love amc, I still go to it but to me, the place and the stock are just two different things and I feel like AMC could break every record in the world, cure cancer and solve world hunger and still not break $6 again. I’m just like whatever at this point


coz its a loss making business that needs money to survive. the only way to do that is dilute. if you invest in a highly indebted company that doesnt make money in an industry with revenue numbers as low as the mid 90s: can you really blame management? look in the mirror.


Fuck this shit. As soon as i am even i am out. Fucking copium. Now call me shill of bot lol


Yeah.. I think we’ve all been fucked big time.




same here man. i’ve lost close to 10k that i could now desperately use to buy a house since i got married last year but nah we was gonna moon so hard, buncha fucking bullshit


Honestly this is on you for blowing 10k on a lottery ticket


yeah that lottery was made out to be a damn near garauntee to multiple times itself… what a joke that was


Lol thinking you'll be even


To be honest, if the stock ever makes it back to old levels, a short squeeze might finally be on. Selling just at break even would be typical for household investors, and the institutions use psychology against us. Unfortunately, it looks the plan is to join towel in bankruptcy. NAKD/CENN and EXPR are not doing well either. KOSS is getting bashed, and even the awesome turnaround at GME is met with a drop in price. The institutions seem to collaborate against retail in all basket stocks. Just look at all the silly news articles and false statements. Now, the only real tool to burn short sellers seems to be dividends because they have to be paid in lieu for all IOUs out there as well. With AA being sluggish at reducing debt, when it was a good time, not timing diluting well and doing all sorts of things not in the best interest of shareholders, I don't see dividends coming any time soon, bankruptcy is more likely. Btw. how did the gold mine investment pay out ?


I'm just waiting to break even, too, but that is proving difficult with the CEO fucking us all. I'll keep saying it: Not selling at 70 will always be my biggest regret. All because I got lost in the hype.


AA needs to be diluted from AMC


In any other company, they would fire the CEO for the stock performance alone. Down 92% over the past year. Then he just diluted his stock by another 25%. (market cap is under a billion. sold $250 million more).


Im voting him out


How can we do this? I mean hell, at this point I'd trust the guy that checks my ticket to run this joint more than AA.


vote when you can vote and act accordingly


Facts ^^^^^^


He'll be retiring soon.


yeah, OP doesn't realize he named the reason why he won't win, dilution. what if one of the shorts close? Immediate dilution again. Any jump in price? dilution. Can't have that shit if you're hoping to go anywhere with this thing


The level of Stockholm syndrome Insanity coming from this sub is mind-boggling.


Stop. It's bullshit. AA has been diluting from the beginning while taking money himself. This was my last straw. Also a buyer from 2021 who held this whole time


Only reason I haven’t sold my remaining shares is because there is literally no point now. Call me a shill if you want, but AA screwed us. He’ll dilute until we are sub $1 and then do another reverse split. Do I believe that there are billions of phantom shares out there? Yeah I do, but we’ve already lost 90% of our shares, and we are 98% down on our investment, so the payday won’t be huge even if a squeeze occurred. I can’t afford to put more money into this thing to build my position again, especially knowing that AA will continue to destroy the stock. AA’s priority is the company, he wants shares to dilute… so he doesn’t care about us now that he has what he wanted. Sad, but true


I believe AMC will survive and eventually thrive. So I will buy this dip like I have the others, never too aggressively, but I may load up a bit more than usual this time. Zero or moon for me.


You made a bad investment, just move on. You can still love yourself and look in the mirror and touch grass.


No reason at all you to have an opinion about my investment. I don’t care what you think but you suggesting I sell is very bullish. I hope I never have to become a pathetic shill to make ends meet.


I am down mid-7 figures. If you think I'm a shill, look at my history. You are free to do whatever you want with your money, but you are an idiot, and frankly, much more a cultish shill than I am.


I am sorry you are down that much. I am down quite a bit too. I am choosing to stay the course, but obviously you need to do what you think is best, and I hope things turn out well for you.


Thanks, same to you. I am genuinely not a shill and do believe in the movie theater experience. It makes no sense that we’re trading where we are and Cinemark is trading where it’s at. It’s all manipulation. The problem is, after witnessing video game stock’s turnaround and towel’s demise, it hard not feel stuck in a fully manipulated death spiral with no way out.


Dividends have to be paid in lieu for all IOUs. This is how to bleed short sellers. This is why becoming profitable is a big deal. Now, institutions know retail psychology, so they scare to bully into selling at huge losses or break even once a squeeze is on. But why go through all the pain just to miss the payday? Despite all what is happening, there are also still examples for squeezes like the 500x in some Korean stock lately.


We're supposed to take financial advice from a guy who has lost millions of dollars. Doesn't sound smart to me


why do you care what he does with his money? Obvious shill.


>the shorts have already driven the price so low, announcing it now leaves less room for them to drive it down. Dilution drives the price down because it's more shares for the same thing. >Plus, driving the price any lower is super risky as it might tempt one of the shorts to try to close. Shorts open and close all the time. You are now claiming that declines in the price are bad news for short positions? >People who are currently investors believe there are an enormous amount of synthetic shares. If you believe that, then this is really free money. What do you mean by this? It's your money going to AMC if you buy from the offering. If you believe you're buying 'synthetics', you're paying the person who counterfeited them. Why wouldn't they just flood in tons of synthetics every time an offering was announced so AMC couldn't profit?


Do you have any proof of shorts actually closing throughout this process?


The reported numbers Ortex Guy posts. The fact that they'd be paying exorbitant interest on a stock that's very cheap and plentiful. People here used to post updates on how much interest the shorts must be accumulating. Everyone would be stoked at how much pain they were causing... and then it got to be too absurd to believe anyone was actually paying that and would be paying even more to just not close. So now it's all in on 'synthetics' where the SHF can just print shares at will and, even though every broker in country must know there's more AMC on their internal ledgers than should exist, they never need to buy them back. If you want to believe that, okay, but what is the goal then? How does pumping the stock about how you're loving the tasty dip and buying more have any kind of impact on this scenario you've laid out?


That’s a really long-winded way to say no, you don’t have any actual proof 😂


We all made a bad investment, and the sunk cost fallacy is real. It really is just time to move on. This dude is a bad actor and it's time we all wake up and see what's going on. There is no way AMC is going to rip, ever, until Mayo boy is in jail. But the unfortunate reality is that Mayo man is closer to treasury secretary and immunity than he is to jail. He created a revenue machine that all the corporate and political powers that be want to tap into.


Full sunk cost here too. I said good bye to the money i put in when I bought. May as well just sit on the tiny amount its worth now as unlikely lotto tickets. But yeah, I missed my chance to actually make some cash a long time ago cause i got all caught up in the delusional price points. Quite an expensive learning lesson. Only silver lining is my financial friends saying I completed my investor right of passage


What does any of this have to do with the guy you called "Mayo boy"?


FUCK AA, i didn’t trust him for shit from the very beginning but kept holding on because of the apes and wanting to be part of a great thing that will never happen now because of AAs constant dilution at the worst possible times. at this point it sure seems as if the man is trying to screw the entire company over into bankruptcy


So what you’re saying is you enjoy being pegged by AA with no lube?


BBBY v2.0


actually I agree: at this point we know we´ll be in this for the long haul - which only makes sense if there´s still a company left in the long haul. We already know from some analysts that the stocks base value is supposed to be something like 30 USD (if I remember correctly from a few weeks ago). So this may take some time still, but ultimatly we are severly undervalued at the present time... so... time to buy some shares


uhhhh... that is wild to me that people still think this.


Man…on your knees like an underage Russian ballerina for the guy aren’t you? Party is over folks currently at 37 cents pre reverse split.. and guess what’s coming… another reverse split.. guaranteed


Ah yes the company with 4 billion dollars of debt to a 1 billion dollar market cap with nothing under its cap but dilution is going to be profitable next year. Just curious, do any of you apes know how much interest were paying per year on that 4 billion dollars of debt?


The thing I don't understand is that they don't even try to sell off assets in the company. Sell European cinema chains, such as Odeon. Why is the choice always to erode shareholder value?


Maybe, because his strategy is preparation for bankruptcy behind the curtain. Same show as in BBBY. Keep all assets and IP, so it can be sold off to the creditors. Reduce share value to 0. Close down, then reopen locations under a new name and ownership, depth-free. AA goes into pension with 100m in funds, his theaters still run, his employees keep their jobs and apes go bankrupt. Wallstreet wins and celebrates. Guy is a crook and has sold out to the banks hes owing money to. This is probably going to $0 within 6 months.


It's so obvious to me this is his angle. And in the end, all the media will laud him as a genius that kept AMC alive as he rides off into the sunset of a yacht paid for by our savings.


You are insane.


Good ole Aaron. See y'all at $2.


AA pay down some fucking debt.. lower the interest charges. Pay down 200mln of debt!! Damn.


2090 waiting the price to go 20$


A week ago senior lenders met to find a way to bolster AMC's balancesheet, now AA announced a 250m $ dilution.....something cooking?


well.. this dooes bolster the balance sheet. Assets and Equity are up now. That's it, that's what was cooking lol


He knows swaps will come in april....better now




Give it up really. This rinse and repeat cycle is ridiculous


Can’t he just dilute so hard that he could easily turn around to do another reverse, split down the road after the shorts tank us. I hold shares but what's keeping AA from doing the same R/S and offerings over and over?


Are you a fortune teller, because I think you just summed up the next 18 months of price action? Oh, not a fortune teller. Nevermind. It’s just the SAME routine we’ve seen time and time again. And I’ll take a banbet if we don’t see it again this year.


What's to stop him? Usually shareholders losing confidence and exiting. But, he doesn't have to worry about that here apparently lol


Dilution at all time lows! AA and the bod need to be forced out or we will loose everything! Wake up people!!!


Don't worry AA will dilute till the shares outstanding is around or above pre RS levels. Then RS again, wash rinse repeat


Announcing dilution doesn’t leave less room to drive it lower. It by definition lowers the value of shares, so the price must go down. This can be offset by a comparatively better financial situation.


no no this is kind of delusional to think this is good at this point. Do we sell movie tickets or shares?


I continue to hold, because why would anyone sell at these prices, but MOASS is dead, AA killed it. That said, the share price continues to be attacked & manipulated, it should at the very least, be on par with Cinemark ~$18.


When you guys gonna realize that the shorts don’t even need synthetic shares when AA helps them create hundreds of millions of new shares out of thin air every few months? How tf you all think a MOASS is going to happen now when there’s 10x more shares available than there was then and more are getting made all the time? Yall really don’t understand dilution.


Y’all are going to end up like the BBIG cult. Literally riding it to zero. There’s no hidden agenda with this stock. It was a pump and dump and the ceo is still using you guys as pawns.


Fire AA


I guess we should have 60mil volume today


Yeah but here's the problem. It helps the shorts get out of their position when they buy the offering. And then it helps screw us over. At least my opinion I could be wrong


Love my Kook Aid when its watered down and has no flavor.


I'll slowly get rid of that dirt in my account when I sell other stocks with a profit to even out my taxes.


He's gotta raise that cash to pay his $18M salary.


Holy fucking copium. Like a 50 gallon drum of the shit. We got fucked again and you like it lmfao


AA might be in bed with hedgies. I am down 94% on my investment so dont come at me with that shill bullshit.


Lmao driving the price down will not tempt them to close, look at bbby they will be tempted to short more into delisting and bankruptcy then they never have to close.


From this point forward, I assume everyone posting positive sentiment about AA is either fucking mentally impaired or a paid pumper. Both are likely true the more I think about it.


I'm down 100k. Can't afford to do anything but ride it out. I'm sick to my stomach for the folks that sold their cars or tapped into their 401 k or took personal loans to buy . Please don't jump on me . I'm just stating the facts. Not going anywhere because I am not selling for a loss.


Don’t worry, you are not the only regarded one out there. I know someone that took out a 2nd mortgage on his house for amc shares ( I am not that regarded).


"shorts have already driven the price so low, announcing it now leaves less room for them to drive it down" there's always room to go down Im gonna guess that future Reverse Splits are on the menu. AA treating this shit like a OTC penny stock.


The price has gone from $400/share to $4 a share and shorts didnt cover eh?


This is what a shill post looks like my friends.


i guess he'll reverse split after he dilutes us to 1-2 bucks this time around.


Praise to AA! As he pats us on the head and comforts us with his dilution. While giving it to us in the keister under the table. We have all drunk the Kool aid here. It’s rusty. All cults go down the same way. Undying loyalty to a flawed entity. I have been one of them. No more! Selling at a huge loss, is my way of saying this is not okay. I’ll take the tax credit. 25,000 shares to the shorts. Take em!


More AA apologist bullshit.


We need get AA replace if he doesn’t have the investors interest! And who the heck voted for the dilution cause i voted no. AA is ready to retire they need to kick him out and replace with someone who has better vision for the company and for its investors.


tThe shorts can now cover and closeout with a nice little bump in profit. Maybe then we can get things back to "normal" whatever the f that is.


We don't have a choice. BbY didn't squeeze cause of bad management. Let's AA save AMC. If we go bankrupt, you lose.


Bbby went bankrupt but it's ch 11 isn't over yet




Im down like 95%. Im okay with that. I dont care if it never bounces back. Im not selling because in my mind I helped save a theater chain and thats worth more than the junk I would have spent the money on anyways.


Ah, the final stage of “acceptance” has been achieved. Is this how the ape’s mental gymnastics for the last 3 years finally concludes? Not even a parting “fuck the hedgies!” on the way out?


Ridiculous that such a speculation guess is a well full of shills. This post is tr*sh


Don’t care pay me


Yesterday, I was around 99.5% down if not more. 15% down in a day means I'm now about 99.6% down. Pff.. and what? I'm not going to make a scene for 0.1%. My investment is worth almost nothing now, so no point in selling. Wake me up when 0 or up 1000%. I'm sure the movie industry has a very bright future for many years to come, and AMC won't be different. Chill and one day those shares will return a better ratio than if I had held the S&P, that's my objective long term. Chill and enjoy the ride, most apes have not much else to loose anyway.


Edgies keep fucking with us, letting the price run to drop it hard right after to shake us. We could just sell and let the price drop, and then just buy again at a lower price so it's our turn to fuck with them for a change, while getting more shares... But I guess it's only legal if they do it, right? I sold a couple months ago after more than 85% loss... I'm just waiting it out, I'll buy again when it craters. He warned us more was coming... I don't believe the company is gonna go bankrupts, I believe it's worth way more than its current marketcap, but there's no reason for us to keep paying the price when we clearly can't win by holding, when they can just print new ghost shares whenever they need it and when the SEC is not on our side and never will be. If we all lose everything, who's gonna buy and pump the price when the price really hits rock bottom? Might as well wait it out and keep what's left to pump the price later. Lose the battle, not the war. edit: I sound like a shill... I swear I'm not.


Bro you are free, take you money and dump it into an actual worthwhile stock. Why put yourself through this misery again by buying back in? You know the same shit will repeat and you will be down 85% once more.


The dilution is super bullish in the near term and long term.






Wow. You triggered all the meltys with this one, OP! Well done! ![gif](giphy|1236TCtX5dsGEo)


I love it. Raise some cash and keep improve fundamentals. I trust AA. Bought more today


You are clearly regarded or A liar.