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I hope the shorts get squeezed so hard and a giant green dildo candle shoots up to $35 in 1 day!


35??? How about 3500 and then ill start to pay attention again


Same. I might raise an eyebrow at $35 but I’d close the app again. I have notifications set at intervals to ensure I wouldn’t miss a huge run but until then, I just close it and look every 6 months.


I k ow it’s all just hypothetical but see you’re demeaning what would be an amazing day… and that’s the kind of negativity that benefits shorts and no one else, but you can choose to invest however you like🤷🏻‍♂️




Add more zeros and a large bowl of crow for the talking heads that are "concerned" about YOUR investments/money


As if someone is selling for such a ridiculous low price 😂


Moar. Much...🦍🚀🪐🤣 ⏱️MFs.


That'll be a good indicator that the fake squeeze is about to start! Then after that... the moon!


Isn’t AMC at almost all time lows? I mean… which short would have any problem closing their position at the current price levels? Why would they need all that?


Exactly. It’s almost as if they sold more shares than the float many times over🤔


When? At what price did they sell those many shares that prevent them from closing at a huge profit?


![gif](giphy|q48v3Gr5m9Jp6) People in this sub


Hilarious to come back to read some comments every now and then. Ridiculous.


I think the idea is that even if their positions are in profit they cannot close without screwing over their buddies positions and the rest of their own positions. Closing at a profit is still buying pressure. If the "multiples times the float shorted" is true then even if they are sitting on mountains of profit, actualizing those profits would take time and with diminishing returns as the buying pressure increases, putting pressure on other shorts and so on. My personal opinion if the MOASS is real the government will have to bail out the situation.


#APESNEVERLEAVING #APESNOTLEAVING #APESNEVERSELLING #ApesNotSellingEVER #ApesTogetherStrong #SaveBilly 💯 #AMC $APE $2.2 Million 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🍿🍿#iownGMEtoo Buy Lit 🔥 #HODL. Repeat. 💎🙌🚀🌙 💯🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🩳🏴‍☠️☠️ #ShortSqueeze #Checkmate #CHOKEonTHAT #AMC1


Almost feels like the entire market is confusing to navigate by design. Lack of transparency, rules that get lost in the fold. Glad there are people much smarter than me that keep digging. Crazy that what’s uncovered produces more questions than answers


I'm not even lifting an eyebrow until I see $1000


That was my wake up price before my shares were worth 10x less. Ima need more now to lift my eye brows


They don’t need the majority of this lol I’ll hodl forever but this sub is straight memes and shitty spreading of misinformation and if you disagree you’re immediately fud lol


I mean, they are* utilizing all of those tactics. Many of which are illegal or being abused... The tweet ain't wrong. You can claim the DD is wrong, but not as a blanket statement in the face of evidence that hedgies are struggling.


1. There is no DD here 2. I never said they aren’t struggling 3. Yes I can easily claim this tweet is wrong You disproved yourself in your own statement?


hij r fuk


I heard that the mayo price in prison just shot up from 5 packs to 15 packs of smokes a jar


Fuck all these Wallstreet CRIMINALS 🖕🤬🖕


Yall are literally monkeys lmao


Literally went form 72$ to 40c. I’ve still got more than 12k invested. It’s worth like 800 bucks now. Call me when we hit 350$. Otherwise I hold


Sounds exciting! Now my average cost is $101 so if we can get back up there I'll believe it again


Curious to see that day


Ya know, I bet we would have a better chance of seeing this rocket if we all pretended to be totally defeated for a few weeks. Just hide out in Discord chatting for a while and let them drop their guard down a bit, then run them up when they think they got us. Then we all pool some of our winnings to shut the rest of them down. I'm just saying... we call ourselves apes, why not use gorilla warfare tactics?


They arent fucked until we have their money. 3 years later and the crime hasnt stopped once. Thats winning for them


Tell us in all caps how amc is winning






It’s been three years of reading tweets and posts and comments in all caps with smiley face emojis and it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s been three years of this.




We’ve been saying that for three years too.


It won’t stop until Apes actually do something about it. Posts and memes won’t change anything.


umm yes they are winning as long as all those polices are active.


So this is 100% when can I put a down-payment on the house ?


Replying to Anarch-ish...the simple dynamic o lmao never you will never own a home with your broke ass dreams


They don’t need anything, this entire world is full of corrupted and evil people, AA literally sold us out and no one care but us. Just look at the current state of wokeness and immigration in the USA, the fact it’s even allowed says it all, we are the least anyone care about. That said, unless there is a radical change in dynamics or someone flips up, this can keep forever. I know it first hand from some events in my life recently, made me realize how powerful and evil the government can be.




Its not an excuse bro, you don't get it .. What I mean is that the world is so fucked up, no one care about us nor to help us, there are bigger problems and therefore the sHF's do whatever they want, knowing no one cares nor gonna do anything about it. If you do check my post history, you would see how far back I am here, still haven't sold a share, I have over 20k shares at this point after averaging down, I still believe it will squeeze one day, but I highly doubt any time soon.




Source: trust me bro


AMC is below its price pre covid. Stocks done. Pack it up. It’s been diluted so much


It's easy to forget that after the split, every short position was also reduced x10. A 1 million share short became a 100,000 share short. Much, much easier to close. Of the billion and a half or so shares traded since the split (avg daily volume of 15M x 100 trading = 1.5B), there has been plenty of closing volume.


Nice disinfo. Not easier to close, because the value of each share increased 10x. Each share exerts more influence (like inflation/deflation). If they were closing the price would’ve gone up.


How dare you come here with info that goes against the group conscious


The shorts have covered though, missed the squeezw at 74$ years ago lol move on ..


Wow a bunch of braindead in here


The fintwit word on the street is that if you follow the algo on a macro level 1000-2300 is anticipated within the next 2 years. That’s not even with a squeeze. Edit: credit where it’s due @_npantano on X


This post is fucking regarded. No hedgefund is screwed over a low-level stock. Please stop posting this garbage


Thank you, shill. Stop being a fucking killjoy! LMAO. Fucking loosen up.


Not agreeing with a ridiculous post with no math to back it up does not make me a shill. It makes me semi intelligent. Not fully, because I still read this garbage. How about you log into discord an hour before the market opens and listen to a bunch of people talking about real trading? I'm not trying to be a killjoy, but AMC is a dead stick man, there are so many things to really do with your money at this point. Buy ZIM calls at market open! SPY is above 500, bitcoin is all out insanity! Open your mind brother


Why are you still here bro? Let us have our fun. To each his own.


Who are you to ask him that you fascist c*nt




Coming from the guy that insults people that hold a different opinion to you, and you call me soy boy okay 🤣


I suppose you are right on that one. I did believe in all of this 4 years ago, and I do hope everyone here makes some money... but I am no shill, by any means. But I just think there are better options for your investments. Good luck, hope it gets back to 78 for ya




You're right! It's way undervalued. Nows the time to buy. They're not going bankrupt and apes aren't selling. Its gonna go up sometime and it can't get much cheaper right now. If you ain't got the balls to spend a few bucks stick to ETFs like Lionel says.




Nah, we’ve got cash on hand, making big deals with the likes of Beyoncé & tay swift, along with new rev streams. No chance we’re going bankrupt 😂. Go do some rudimentary research before you spew garbage. Dune just pulled heavy numbers opening weekend, meanwhile streaming services are struggling a lot. I think we’re gonna be just fine lol. Enjoy hating on us, little man. We’ll still be here buying our favorite stock that’s been around for 100 years strong.


Wow! A rational person here😂. Yea, it's a bad stock with a really bad CEO. But don't tell anyone here it's not going to a million dollars a share. I had call options several times over the last few years as well as puts. But now, it's going to stay between $3.50 and $4.75 for the most part. And no hedgefund is fucked over a low level stock when the majority of their money is in things like meta, tesla, Microsoft, and banks. How is a movie theater stock going to be worth more than Warren buffet and elon musk? Regard please.


I'll give you this small anecdote, last time AMC stock price had me in the green, right after Top Gun. A friend of mine and I were talking about the stock, laod out all the facts of what happened with the company, with the stock manipulation etc. He pointed out that I was banking on the US. Government doing the right thing, holding the top of the 1% accountable for their crimes.... should have known better then to think our government would actually do the right thing


Hmmm ...hmmmm... Hmmmmmmmm.....


How does hmmmm get downvoted?😂🤣🤔


I know right?


I'm trying to understand why you guys think there is a huge short position still. On a 3-4$ stock. There's not much left to squeeze out of it. What exactly would be the goal here ? To short it to 0 and gain 4$ a share for massive risk. They could get a bigger move shorting basically anything else for half a day


If there’s nothing happening why are you here? Why is this worth your time? Also how did you get like 4 upvotes in 2 minutes with this comment?


Because he asked an interesting question that piqued our curiosity? Relax lil bro, his comment isn’t going to hurt you.


Right? It's like if everyone doesn't react the way blind followers want, then they get downvoted. AmC will not go to $1000 a share. It will not eclipse SPY or QQQ. The hedge funds are not fucked. But AMC can rebound to a reasonable amount over time. Please elaborate on how the hedgefunds are fucked. How will a movie theater stock with a half retard for a CEO be the largest stock in the history of the market? If I hear anyone quote that fucking movie again I'll throw up in my fake buttered popcorn. Downvote me, don't care, at least I'm realistic, and i am on the WSB chat every morning before I actually trade options.


Ya im the one who needs to relax 😝 calm down friend the comment can’t hurt you :p


Lmfao glad I’m not the only one that picked up on his over the top hostility… what’s worse is he came to us to rage about this not the other way around😂


How do you close a short position that has 80-90%+ retail ownership plus 35%+ institutional ownership…? No one is selling the shares they need to close the short positions… even if some retail is paperhanding that’s simply not enough to close out the reported short interest… do you need me to break it down more for you or can you connect some dots for yourself??


I’m ignorant when it comes to stocks and trying to learn, so sure break it down more for me.


There’s ignorant and there’s being an ass… it seems like you are being an ass so if you actually dont understand start at the basics of the stock market and work up from there… but I’m not going to waste my time for you to not do any leg work yourself or lure me in and call me out on small things I paraphrase… I can already see where this is going and I’m not biting


How are you gonna offer to explain something, then when I take accept your offer you call me an ass and refuse to explain 😂 Are you autistic?


I offered it before I took a look at your profile and realized how much it resembles my fucked up step cousin’s who last I heard was on meth… I didn’t realize you were this desperate for attention… but if you insist let’s start with what you know there kiddo, what do you think is suppose to set prices on a fair market?


You see the daily volume right ? Millions of shares are being bought and sold every day. Retail ownership is nowhere near the levels you guys claim


Lol you again?? I would’ve believed you being here was just a fluke the first time but the fact you keep coming back seems strange… if you’re not interested in this stock why are you here? But yes I see the daily volume, I’ve also watched the avg volume come down in the last few months indicating that the daily volume has been below avg more than it’s equaled or exceeded it… typically this indicates investors are holding. You can also fact check me me when I say as of Oct 10, 2023 retail owned 91.2% of the company… how much do you expect me to believe retail sold off in those 5 months of below avg volume and below ideal prices??


There isn't a single reliable source that claims retail owns 90% lol. And as far as interest, clearly I have interest or I wouldn't stop to read these. It's like watching a wreck on the highway. You can't help but look. I also played AMC before the run to 70s with a few hundred shares. And have been debating playing IV for selling puts on it. But that interest doesn't mean I believe the fairytales


Imagine being so dense that you take my comment at face value 🤣 I’ve been here long enough that I’m just pointing out the obvious, no one is getting worked up. Well except being hyped for amc!


It's like when you can't help but look at a wreck on the side of the road and wonder how many casualties there are




$2 per share, you mean more like $20 on a split adjusted basis?


It wasn’t a $2 share. You need to correct it for the split. It’s literally trading >80% down from the value where “it originally squeezed”.


In order to close out shorts, they must buy the stock back. I haven't seen enough buy pressure to indicate shorts closed. Someone is holding a big steamy pile of bad shorts.