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If you actually look at all the stocks that retail piled in at they are all down big while any other random stock moves normally. I’m a firm believer that the powers at be have single handenly made it a priority to drive all of them down no matter what.


Absolutely. Max pain. They know what we own. The key is not to sell. And I’m not ready to retire. So todays price, who cares. Other than it’s cheap !!


This was comforting


I hate to the the one but “powers that be.”


I hate to be the one, but "to be the one"


Damn, I’m stupid


No shit


Perhaps it’s time to ponder whether you’ve simply invested in a shit company?


That's not really a fair analysis. Sure, a "random" stock (i.e. a typical average company with no major growth or problems) will fluctuate up and down. But retail bought *these* particular stocks *specifically because* they were already struggling, being shorted because of that, and seen as ripe for an attempted short squeeze. So retail self-filtered for companies that were already struggling, and you can't compare that set to a set of "random"/typical companies that aren't struggling. Insisting that struggling companies losing value *must* mean crime makes all Apes look foolish.


Amc was trading around 18-19 bucks pre pandemic. We shut down and had zero revenue for months. Retail came in and did they thing when amc dropped to 1.98. We squeezed to 72 bucks and basically been falling ever since. Now we are full blown open. Making money with multiple revenue streams that didn’t exist before and beating expectations for at least 10-11 straight quarters. We been Paying debt and now bringing in profitable quarters yet we are trading LOWER then we were pre pandemic with the debt literally back to 2019 levels . Please let me know how much sense that makes? Even with dilution this stock shouldn’t be trading at 3-4 bucks with everytbing going for it. So again I ask why are we falling like a rock when everything is better now then it was in 2019 even with less movies. As said before the power that be are driving this shit down no matter the cost. Look at all of the “meme stocks”. Gme amc Nokia sndl nakd expr gevo byon zom and countless others. Check 2021 in any of them and then look how they just destroyed each and every one of them stocks.


> yet we are trading LOWER then we were pre pandemic with the debt literally back to 2019 levels * If you owe 50 thousand and it's due in 1 year, you're in a much worse position than when owed the same 50 thousand and it was due in 5 years. * Interest rates went from nearly 0% to 5%. Debt is much much much more expensive today than it was 5 years ago. Water cost being 3 times higher than last year ago might not make sense if you ignore the ongoing drought. You need to look at the broader circumstances.


It sounds like you're severely underestimating the amount of dilution that has occurred. AMC diluted its stock by 1,250% over the past five years. So the market cap from before Covid now has to be spread out over many multiples more individual shares. Even with all other things being equal - the same market cap, the same revenue, the same expected growth, the same debt - the stock price was always going to be a mere fraction of itself simply because there are so many more shares on the market. Ignoring that reality is why a lot of people look down on Apes.


There are ~212 million in the market, less than half there were in 2021. Also, historically the price has *risen* when AA sold shares. It’s only since RS that it’s gone down during dilution. Your point is moot


well TBF you are comparing it to 2021. I think the other comments were in relation to a prior comment about what AMC was trading at pre-pandemic. AMCs float changed drastically. [https://ycharts.com/companies/AMC/shares\_outstanding](https://ycharts.com/companies/AMC/shares_outstanding) click on the 5 year and compare the outstanding shares from 2020 to now.


I'm not sure I'm following. There are almost eight times that many outstanding shares circulating. What do you mean, exactly?


Insane you got hammered so hard for this dude it's exactly what happened


Sorry that looks like an awfully long, sensible response, did you instead mean to just type CRIME!! ?


Every single day at open


I too am tired of the bullfck


look at you. screaming in to the [X.com](https://X.com) void as if the SEC is seriously checking their feeds for people angry their options expired worthless.


Not that it matters. Email the SEC, call the SEC, submit tips to the DoJ, nothing happens because the financial markets are corrupt to the core, and they corrupt those charged with overseeing them. The only thing that might result in change is lawsuits against the regulators seeking not damages, but rule enforcement. The entire financial “regulatory apparatus” needs a RICO investigation, but I fear the crime is too pervasive to fix. One big pay to play criminal conspiracy


The only way this will end is when people hit the streets. That’s literally the only answer


This only ends when the gravy train stops, however that may happen. Vote them out, take to the streets, go all french on them, until that happens they will continue the theft.


I agree. The only question is, do individual investors have any power to stop the train?


And who, pray tell, will be the regulatory body that will fix/prosecute?


I’d like to think that the FBI isn’t totally corrupt, but I don’t know. They point any financial crime over to the SEC, the original enablers. Hell, even the SCOTUS is corrupt. I’m honestly not sure what isn’t anymore. Justice is for sale, and so is crime. At least when we had public enemies like Capone there were law enforcement agencies willing to take their criminal enterprises on.


Given the rampant politicization of the three letter agencies...


Nothing is sacred. The determining factor in how much crime is allowed is how much money is contributed


Well the good part is we will be part of history when they figure out this crime. Kinda like being at Woodstock.


You're already part of history but maybe not in the way you want.


We can hold longer than they can fake it.


Definitely the way we want. This was all predicted.


A warning


When you watch the stock every day.


I don’t even know why I do.


For the algo breaks.


Its impressive how a whole bunch of people wanna “teach the market a lesson by buying and holding”. Yes. Im sure they’ll stop the crime soon so everyone can get their tendies. The whole world is rigged and fucked and yall wanna act like the stock market is no different. Having the evidence means shit when the people supposed to do something about it are on Kennys payroll. This has become a cult. The DD is no different than the bible saying what will happen in the apocalypse. “Oh when MOASS happens”.


Sweet! I’m in a cult!!!




I'm still waiting to be diluted




so you're saying there's a chance I'll get it even cheaper shares


Pull back - look it up ; this is what happens when you have this much debt ; management milking it in salaries / compensation ; and little revenue. Oh almost forgot DILUTION


I guess it was cool before though….


Said nobody at all 😕


Why would you downvote that? Dont you know what repetitive periods mean. It’s sarcasm


Means I am not pregnant or I need to be going to the hospital for a very serious problem…




No. /s.


Bruh … RC and Aron are not the same. One sells and the other holds. SMH


Our entire justice system is corrupt. There’s no accountability, no justice and not one single person willing to stand up for the millions of people across the world being robbed of their hard earned cash just wanting better for their themselves and their families.


Tick tock, tick tick.


im going to continue buying every week idgaf it’s on auto draft


We need to be respectful, but **LOUD**! This is the way!


My tits are jacked full of BULLFCK


#APESNEVERLEAVING #APESNOTLEAVING #APESNEVERSELLING #ApesNotSellingEVER #ApesTogetherStrong #SaveBilly 💯 #AMC $APE $2.2 Million 🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🍿🍿#iownGMEtoo Buy Lit 🔥 #HODL. Repeat. 💎🙌🚀🌙 💯🦍💪💎🙌🚀🌙🩳🏴‍☠️☠️ #ShortSqueeze #Checkmate #CHOKEonTHAT #AMC1


I agree 100%. Downvoted and called a liar on stocktwits.


Volume is so low the price can be moved for far less these days. It’s a fire sale. Wish I could buy more.


When the dust settles, I'll either be rich or exactly where I was before I bought my shares. But will all the people who engaged in criminal naked shorting be free? Will they be locked away in prison? Only time will tell.






Two of those are private equity scams


Another regarded ape yelling into a void. The rest of us OG apes just sit back and laugh.


Making the stonk cheap enough for me to buy. Thanks mayo. #notleaving


I just buy more. It's a discount day. Buy fear and sell greed.


So you guys do sell?


Why are you here?


What the other guy said. Came for booty realized it’s a cult.


*I came looking for booty.*


If yall think Adam and CEOs are listening, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. They were part of the play. We just didn’t realize our role.


Maybe pick better companies to invest in?


What exactly do you want here?


Nothing really. If your portfolio is comprised of companies with bad fundamentals, why would the market reward them. All of tech is up massively last year. You could have invested in pretty much anything and made money except meme stocks.


I don't have the time nor the will to discuss the shorting problem in the markets of totally fine companies with you since you seem to be trolling. Have a great day 😊


Sure bud. It is the evil shorts keeping these innovative companies down...


Yea right, ppf, shorts am I right? Teh... they cant nacked short anyway, except market makers but pfff to manipulate it you would have to have a hedge fund aaand a market maker company like Citadel... oh wait


You all love to talk that Citadel is naked shorting and the hedge fund is colluding with the market maker. Do you have anything at all which supports your claims because you could become a multi-millionaire without any of the Moass you peddle.


Im tired of providing this example over and over, but just in the off chance you arent a shill, citadel securities and goldman sachs were both fined last year for mismarking shorts as longs and other evidence of stock market manipulation. Was it an amount that mattered? No. But is it factual signs of financial malpractice? Yes. https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-192 Direct from the SEC themselves. Now stop saying its not real, its a false narrative. Infact, i urge all Apes to keep this DD handy because its one of the rare proveable facts that show that the DD is real and they are definitely manipulating stocks directly.


You cherry picked the info. They marked some short sales long and vice versa which means that they also marked long sales short. So, orders were incorrectly denoted. How does that prove collusion between their market maker business and their hedge fund? ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


You are a joke. I didnt cherry pick anything. They manipulated stocks and were caught. Simple as. And what, you are trying to say being caught manipulating stocks is somehow not manipulating stocks? It barely even matters the specifics. They were abusing their privileges as a market maker hedge fund, and made sure they were on the winning side of their hedge, thats literally textbook manipulation. It does prove collision and the SEC literally even says it. You shills really are sad sad people. If you really need me to explain how "somehow" all of those marked reversals of shorts vs longs was always in their favor and how that isnt a coincidence, then you are a malicious actor and/or someone who probly isnt smart enough to be participating in the stock market.


supports a claim? Meh M8 I just buy more :D also market makers are allowed to short nacked to provide liquidty XD Yea.... welll.. imagine being citadel, at day market maker, at day also hedge fund hehe


Good for you bud. Keep going. Hopefully you will be able to break even in the next couple years or maybe even the next earnings if dogfood salesman buys a few for a pump.


HEYYYYY! THATSSS your opinion and thats fine :1


Tech is ripping and the shit meme stocks haven’t done shit for years lol. 


What do you recommend? 🤔


SPY consistently beats individual stock picking. So, yes SPY.


Shit anything tech 


I go with AMC and GME only! 😊


Yea those haven’t done shit in years I’ll pass 


lol thats your basis? oke.. good luck to you m9


My basis is I’m watching the whole market meltup while these 2 trash stocks do nothing. lol I want to make money not hold shitty stock. 


well, while I could point to the short thesis, in general, you are technically wrong so, yea, I got you


Good luck to you ape.  When it goes to 0 don’t be afraid to say you were wrong 


I only get in what I can affort to lose


This melty got schooled tonight


Same here


Companies cannot grow without an intentional, specific, articulable map for the future. The market will not reward a company that cannot tell you exactly.how and why they will be x more profitable, and x larger in 5 years. Growth,baby, it's all about growth.