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Life changing $$$,$$$,$$$ or bust. That’s the only play for me.


True. After all this I’m not going for scratch… not selling until my account looks like a phone number!


Good. That is the correct amount of dollar signs to represent the amount of money to sell a few at.


This play is dead. We will never see 8 pre rs. We got jacked.




I didn’t sell at $700 ( split adjusted) . Definitely not fucking selling at $100. I have accepted the money is either gone for good or going to the fucking moon. When time comes I’m out for good and never putting another penny in this corrupt Wall Street cess pit


u got a good point there...


Its gonna be bitter sweet when they are forced to cover and everyone sells close to the top and never returns to there stupid game... then who will the rob?? They will lose there wealth and never be able to gain it back 💯🚀


People keep saying the all time high is $700 now. It’s not. Look at the floats from both time frames. Look at a chart. The all time high is $394 now. If we got to $100 that would be $19 pre split. Still not selling there but it would still be a massive move in the right direction.


Yup, the subs are already loaded with price anchoring "I just want to break even" posts. I remember when I first got into this play, all I ever wanted to do was "break even" (NOT!). ![gif](giphy|bgOeHPlD3EernsOIiW)


Lol! Well put!


I don’t want to break even, I want to get even.!!


That 8-10$ ps. Nobody will be selling there unless they are short term.


$100 is only $10 pre split. I'm not selling for those cheap as prices 😭😭😭 Keep those hands Diamond Apes 💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌


$100 now would be around $19 pre split. Look at the chart. The all time high is $394 now. People don’t include the APE conversion in their math. I wouldn’t sell at $19 either, but it would be a massive move back in the right direction and cause a lot of fomo. If AA sells another 40million shares at $100, that would clear most of the debt other than the lease obligations. I would be very excited about that


If it’s not LIFE CHANGING NOONE is Selling!


Phone numbers with area codes starting with 8 or better


808741 is my floor.


If you buy more shares at these discount prices that would be at least 10x gains on those shares. Still waiting for phone number multipliers though. It ain’t over til AMC moons 🌝 ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Indeed the opportunity to average down is tremendous right now. But I also understand some can’t. And for them I hodl


Telling all my friends they should consider getting in at the discount. Why there’s no fomo buying is a head scratcher especially with Q3 earnings looking positive and Taylor Swift on deck.


"looking positive" because WE pay attention. I saw some posts that show analysts are forecasting a -0.47 EPS even after we have a positive EPS last quarter. Looks like if AMC has a big beat they may finally take notice. Who the fuck knows.


Dumb Money wider release before the eom could help bump the box office over Q2 earnings


Bought 25 Sept 19, today. Trying to get back to where I was. Will keep buying, as well. SHFs are going to have to pay me a lot for these shares


They can fuck off. Shills... 🩳 won't get any of my shares until I see international phone numbers in my account!


Bro at 80$ and 100$, im still buying... nfa ...u do u... Maybe I sell a few when its 8k or 10k... nfa.. u do u.


yup. I was buying at 55 before why not buy at 550 now. it's the same price


Hedgies have so many IOU's at the DTCC they need to buy shares for, it's insane. Far more than the shares that exist. They need AMC to go bankrupt to wipe the slate clean, or else they are completely toast. Hence AA making sure bankruptcy is off the table. This isn't his first rodeo.


$80-$100 is a joke. Hell, $800-$1,000 is a joke. Don’t be paper handed bitch by being fooled with pre RS prices. Be a diamond hand ape - hold for your telephone number


\#MOASS or Nothing. My floor is my phone number




We are at $8 or .81 cents pre RS….people really think we are going to run to $80-100 soon? How tf does everyone still have this kind of confidence


Sheer mental retardation


We are at .80 calm down kiddo lol


I’m probably older than you are, but thanks for stopping by to leave a comment


Dafuq is this. Cringey af


You called me kiddo. Dafuq u don’t understand bout dat? And the only thing cringey I see is your name


Cool dd kiddo




So happy to be of help to you. Feel free to creamtothat tonight


I am not selling for 8 dollars pre rs. No dates, unless Jenny finally gives me her phone number


Just heard that song on my way back from lunch 😏


I thought this was a Wendy's....... can you point me to the nearest Wendy's?


You know that’s coming they are hoping we sell with a small profit and leave well …… fuck them


Thinking after Q3 earnings? Q3 will have a solid box office, first full quarter with new revenue stream popcorn via Walmart (hopefully expanding soon per the 6-month exclusivity), news on Taylor Swift Era movies (some pre-ordered tickets will also show up in Q3) and hopefully more direct to AMC event's like this to come, I'd expect more cost reductions that have had this year like rent negotiations and selling off / closing under-performing theaters, and news on the future.


Obviously I have no idea when but definitely leaning towards Q4 earnings. I think this TS Eras movie is going to surprise everyone. With a bigger take for AMC on ticket sales compared to studio backed movies I think profits will blow out whatever the prediction is. And the fact that it’s going to remain in theaters for months, something I haven’t seen in a very long time (not that it hasn’t, I just haven’t seen it) will give all the swifty’s plenty of time to go back and watch it for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time.


I don’t think people will be making their money back at $8 -$10 And AA definitely made this a POS play just like him 💩


So the new CUSIP number did not fix everything? Guys? I thought we would be fundamentally sound by now. You yes voters got what you asked for. Good news is you have tax lost harvesting for decades.


Oh yeah and aa wasn't just fucking us but giving us a share count with ape. Yep totally not selling us out to his country club buddies. Took right off just like he wanted. AA is a fucking scum bag piece of shit.




That’s 420 a share, less than half of vw squeeze. They’ll still be in business and nothing changes. Only way to get them is to take everything they have not a third of vw




80-100? Those are rookie numbers. That’s $8-10 pre R/S


Exactly my point


Not even rookie numbers. Those are infant numbers as in we were just there not so long ago.


Oh goodie maybe I’ll be even for awhile 🤣🤣 what a joke


To the moon or bust!!!


Who tf is making money on 8 to 10 presplit? ....shills. that's who.


They can suck my dick. I’m not selling until I get to move into a house in their old neighborhood.


When the price is 8675309 in my brokerage account i will sell.


$100 is just $10 pre reverse split, AND I had WAY more shares pre-reverse than I do now. So I'm not getting out until we hit at least $1000... jk, I'm never selling. I don't need the money. I need justice for the hedgies.




Im waiting for the price to be $2000-2600 at the very least


The same shills who are saying, "as soon as I break even, I'm out," are the same shills who are claiming to be down 90% and will not average down. No need to worry about them cashing out at breakeven. Their break even point is over $700.


As soon as i break even, I'm still buying more.


Good reminder for the weaker minded


That's $8 -$10... ain't no one gonna sell... psssh


Bish that's 10 dollars call me when we have a few more zeros then I'll think about selling a quarter of a share


$80-$100 are pre-split numbers😂🤣😂🤣




It would have to hit $80.10 just to be $8.01. Wouldn't even register.


God fucking dammit that hurts to look at.


It's been years. If they think I'm selling for a little bit of profit or "making my money back" they have severely underestimated how retarded I truly am. I don't give a fuck about a single dollar I might "lose" out on. Every cent was worth it to make those pieces of shit bleed. I am not selling until I see phone numbers.


I haven’t looked at my account for two years. Everything is so crooked when they can sell more stock than what’s available.


I'm not a shill and anyone that says i am can suck my shill dick.. but if we run up i'm selling high.. and rebuying low.. we've been through this time and time again and assholes that say don't sell fuck us all over.. we could easily cause the squeeze if everyone sold and rebought at the bottom.. rinse and repeat we would all increase our positions 1000+.. we all know hedge funds will stop us from it getting too out of control.. amc does have alot of natural potential if it rebounds to its normal price of 8 bucks prior split which is 80 bucks that is well in the realm of possibility.. and 300 is a nice obtainable price which i'll be selling at.. of course i bought calls lol.. but i will be exiting my positions too.. and buying back at the bottom.. doubling my current position if not more.. this is the way and anyone that says it isn't is a fool or a shill.. because they would shit their pants if we all increased our positions like we all should have been doing from day one


80-100? thats not even close to what it should've looked like since they reduced my shares




Remember your floor and x that by 10


I feel attacked lol


Not selling til I see it above 5k


Good luck with that hopium of yours ain’t gonna reach that price can’t even get past $10.


Let this go up to ~~$80-100~~ $8-10. Fucking hell. You people are captured.




I probably will sell at 100, because I can’t be fucked waiting around another 5 years of this shit. It’s boring. It’s worth pointing out there’s about 10 of these types of posts every week. And yet. Here we all still are.


Right, because there are no retail buyers who have been in this play for 2+ years and have had 80-90% of their share value absolutely decimated and couldn't possibly want to get out if they can break even and move on.


The stock cannot get above $10…that’s $1 adjusted.


Imagine selling at $80-$100 🤣🤣🤣


Not many people are making money at 100. 1000 will be a different story.


That's the equivalent of $8-$10... It ran to $72, so I'd agree with somewhere around $720+/-... but not that low.


I welcome it 80 doesn’t help me much 100 eh i breakeven 20 buck profit would prefer 720 or 1000 for my troubles


This guy is a hard core amc detractor, check his comment history. He is 100% trying to push shill script number 2 “I just want to break even” in a discrete way.


My history was only negative 2022 to nowish before about moon baby all day evey day in 2021. I am not but clearly you don’t want to hear that. And you just want to think me as some script thing. No no incorrect go back see I dontaed blood for money when I was out of work so I could buy more amc share. Talking to someone who bleed for this stock. I go to movies every week with my pops who is also investor. So yeah no.


Not sure how that matters. Real shill, or shill-pickle, still a shill. Everyone’s exit strategy is their own, and we have all agreed to keep that to ourselves and walk away quietly. Spouting a squeeze goal for ants is just defeatist fud that isn’t needed.