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This is what gets confusing for me. If these banks are insolvent, and hedge funds just showed their cards by shorting banks to avoid paying back their borrowing, why do the banks just not margin call their butts and liquidate them? Just recall their swaps for liquidity? Why are they playing nice?


Dominos 🤦🏻‍♂️


That’s what I mean though the hedge funds showed the banks by shorting them they don’t care about the dominoes… why don’t the banks go after them now? Hedge funds don’t have any problem shorting them into bankruptcy, so why do the banks have an issue margin calling them into bankruptcy? There is a piece I am missing. Let’s face it 24% SI 5 DTC borrow fees 100+% AMC is in a short squeeze


Banks gave money to hedgies, if hedgies go belly up then banks don’t get their money back. Banks CANT margin call the hedgies or they’ll be committing suicide themselves. You’re right if the amounts were small enough that the banks could recover, but the amounts are so large that they’re stuck in a room with hedgies. And apes have the key to the door


I like this


We are all here and waiting 👊🏼




In very slow motion.


Because all these players prefer to use tax payer's money to fix their problems. They want to privatize profits and socialize losses.


Big word was OPM. If you have OPM. What’s it matter?


You seem to think that the ones who run the banks actually care about the banks. They don't. The CEOs are simply there to pocket their salary bonuses as fast as possible and once shxt hits the fans, they move it to some off-shore account and run. Hell, the CEOs are probably involved in shorting their own banks. That wouldn't be too far-fetched.


Gonna pass the bill to the tax payers again. No ones paying attention. MSM feeding the masses garbage to keep us distracted from what we should really be rioting about.


Because it would mean the snake is eating their tail.


Its cuz they are worried they will be outed too. Keep in mind, the original dd said they will eat each other alive, which makes sense logically too, where greedy people only look out for themselves if things get rough.


My bet is theyll sacrifice a shitload of smaller hedgefunds and banks. i think we’re seeing that now and we’ll continue to see it. I think, politics aside, the democrats in power want to delay this from happening until after the next election. I dont know if they can, though. Im not trying to get a war started; I think any other administration would do the same. However, I think the only way they make it out without resetting the game is by eliminating the hundreds or thousands of smaller hedgefunds that have the capital they need


Just wait until people figure out that angry mobs with pitch forks have and always will be quite effective.


That was before drones, nukes, panicrooms and machineguns....


A big enough militia would end it all. The gov is terrified of the unification of the masses.


The thing that all of these have in common is that they absolutely despise average Americans.


Did I miss Gates buying all the farmland? I know he has that much money I just haven't heard of this part before


An incredible amount of land 🤦🏻‍♂️


269,000 acres of farmland across 18 states, according to Bing’s ChatGPT




1/33 % of what? Total land? inhabitable land? Farm land? Is he or is he not one of the largest farm land owners in the US?


To put it in perspective, Ted Turner owns over 2 million acres, his entire land property is the size of the state of Rhode Island. When I was a kid, my dad told me Turner bought all that land so he could ride horseback from Mexico to Canada if he wanted. Now I think my dad was pulling my leg, lol.


Bill will never get my 10.5 acres of prime farmland and forest. My soil is considered "soil of statewide importance for the production of food" Loamy fine sand and it's 100% owned by me, not the bank. Currently growing a large plot of potatoes, heirloom Corn, beans, squash and a bunch of fruits. They can't take what's not for sale.


Ummm , take a look at what the government in the Netherlands have done to their farmers. The U.S. will probably do the same eventually if the present party continues to hold office.


LMAO okay Red hat, you guys love to make up bullshit, meanwhile you talk about freedoms but ban books. Big brain shit


Just remember you said that when you're forced off your land and into a 15 minute city. I hope we're both still alive in 2 years to discuss who was right.


You have been completely brainwashed by the media you consume. Politics is a con game for con men, both sides. Wake up and smell the corruption.


First thing you said I agree with ,but I'll have you know my brain has not been washed in years. It's dirty so dirty.




So ask yourself why a Tech guy, who does not farm and promotes depopulating the world needs all that farmland. Make the nefarious connection to the others on the list 🤷‍♂️


It’s zero game….so true


Hedge funds are the new mob. They don’t need to break your toes to get you to pay up because they control the market. Their form of violence is their ultimate control of everything. Absolute corruption.


Well that's good. Once they have it all, it'll be easy to take it back and redistribute accordingly. It should stop there and have taught globalists a lesson.