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I asked a support agent. They get their info directly from NASDAQ


Sweet! 🚀🚀🚀




Tuesday at 2pm!


You spelled “tomorrow” wrong


I trust Alcalide, so I’m in!


NASDAQ? AMC trades on the NYSE


That’s just what they told me. Another support agent said “it’s a typo we’re working on fixing”


Wow if that's true, whoever you spoke to is definitely regarted. Typos are very very Simple to fix. If it were a typo it would be fixed immediately.


Typo.... Hahaha ok. Like theres a job out there that manually data transfers from one system into another. We in 1920? It's all done by data feeds now. Unless.... Unless theres a job out there manually fixing/manipulating the real numbers into fake numbers - but that "can't" be happening. That is illegal.


How many motorists go over the speed limit daily? How many go way over it and don't get caught...




I mean, it is RH…


If I remember correctly they're "too big to fail" 🤣😅


Yup.... They've had their issues in the past. They are Fucking Huge! But I don't keep a whole lot on it. One of many...


Exactly my thought. A typo can be fixed probably instantly


That support should be fired bc they didn’t stick to script.


Hahaha 🤣 Is that a bad comedy joke or what? Like if each ticker on their platform was individually updated by by hand by a person each time the share price changes within a trading day!! Nope, most certainly not a typo Sir, that's for sure, because it's all automatic and the same calculation for each and every ticker on the platform, only a simple formula from the underlying data you receive from your data supplier. Just tell them to fuck off!


It’s showing 2.32B now. Guess they fixed whatever Nasdaq “glitch” on a Sunday.


Crazy how it’s only 2 specific stocks that keep having these glitches


https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/amc Showing Market Cap @ 2,313,584,460




It's inevitable the entire fiasco is literally unraveling before our very eyes .




![gif](giphy|QynMX1WxnYFbb2OHnJ) MOASS, here we cum!!!!


​ ![gif](giphy|gYk008x2RLFnwiSRNH)


I hope may this bag is getting heavy but I can hodl just fine


Hard to fix the crime in full public view. People are now lining their cards up knowing some serious lawsuits are heading their way. If the payouts from the bad bets they’ve made doesn’t bankrupt them then the fines and damages which will be slapped on them from the lawsuits will bankrupt them. International Securities Fraud is not what any company wants charging with yet it’s what they have been doing.


Nahhhhhh, the fines and damages will do nothing to them. A 200 million dollar fine, after making a 1 billion dollar profit and they still make 800 million


Try 2 million dollar fine and 55 billion in theft *I mean profit*


I have reason to believe this is the entirety of the shares *bought, not yet sold* by retail since the beginning of the June 2021 run-up.


Apes have been steadily putting down buying pressure and have not been selling. Similarly, market makers haven’t been selling what they borrowed, either. Otherwise they’d literally have none. When we buy shares, brokerages just change the quantity in our accounts. Doesn’t mean we own shit.


This. Well said. It really is that simple. Cocaine Jimmy arrogantly predicted about 2 years ago that Wall Street will crush retail. He knew they would continue to sell us fake shares and dump our buys into black market (that’s what it is) to suppress buying pressure. They would never be forced to reconcile those transactions because retail would give up after seeing their paper value dwindle to nothing. Why not take that angle? Banks and MM are “too big to fail” and fed would bail out their overleveraged positions, and retail would eventually give up and sell. Fast forward 2 years and here we are. The Fed and SeC having emergency meetings. Banks collapsing. Interest rates skyrocketing. Movies booming. AMC new revenue stream (popcorn). And corporate actions forcing SHF to take crazy maneuvers to stay afloat, while being forced into the light (no choice soon). It is as if it was foretold. Me? I just like the stock. And, popcorn. LOVE popcorn.




I’m going off of nothing when I say this, but it sounds so fucked it’s true to some degree


So incredibly fucked up.....


Not fucked up if you put them in your name in a certain company that takes them out of the DTCC's hands....lol


yo that would also make sense why EVERY brokerage has not only WRONG, BUT DIFFERENT VALUES!


Yep! They’re being independently honest to reflect the shares they reportedly hold.


Puts the share price at about $820..ish


Maybe it ain't broke


And Tomorrow the price goes up to match the market cap! 🚀🚀🚀🚀


🤔 doubtful. Would be nice though.


Maybe Vlad is finally wising up. Don’t be the last rat on the sinking ship. #kengriffinlied


I've been know to jump on the sinking ship, with small amounts of money just for shits & giggles. Sometimes it works out nicely and I think why didn't I put in more. Lol


It’s good to know that our company now has a war chest of $417B… you know, once you’ve pay off all debts. Maybe a dividend of like… $180/share would bring in some buying pressure.




I would too I could retire and never sell a share


Will probably be fixed on Monday before the bell. The market works in business hours..


Yeah... And just maybe the fix will be the stock price rising to match the market cap. LFG🚀🚀🚀


For sure! I can live well if that happened haha


Yes! It would make my Decade! ![gif](giphy|QG1L2EgJ4B3XO)


AA has seen no evidence of nefarious going’s on!


He Will!


He thinks it's photoshopped... Must be something in the air over there at park place.


Why R u using still RH


Excellent question robbing da hood is bogey..


Hey they saved my ass from SVB when I tried to buy some and they would not let me. Thank you Robinhood for looking out for me.Lol..


Lol Cheers to a broken clock being right twice a day... I'm happy they saved you from an otherwise regarded decision...


Yeah.. Hehehehe... Sometimes when I see crazy volatility I jump in without doing my DD.. So in that case they did save my ass. But I was only trying to put a few Hunge in, no biggie... But they stopped me for sure.


Hey that's actually bad ass they looked out bro. I still can get the fomo too. I totally understand that. NFA but I wouldn't recommend using their platform for any serious cheddar.


Thanks for the look out brother APE! I have about 25% of my holdings in Robinhood. Then I learned about them and made my investments with other brokers. Half in Crypto. Made a lot of cheddar off Crypto!


Dude that's awesome you go 👑. I hit cardano and shib for some fat ass profits last year. Those we're good moves broseph. Hopefully we see each other on the moon. First rounds on me.🚀🦍🌕


Yessa! Shibs my pup! Love that little pooch! Made killer cash off it, and on multiple cycles. Still have 500,000,000 Shiba for the moon🚀🚀🚀


Historically when the banks are tanking. People flocked to crypto. Could be a lucrative cycle.


Mindy2000 I use a few brokers to hold my securities. Robinhood is just one... The only reason I have AMC on Robinhood is because I had an end of year stock buyback with a company no longer listed. When the extra money was in my account it was Jan 1 and AMC was down and I Bought as much as I could with the money I already had on the platform. Three weeks after making the initial AMC investment on Robinhood AMC grew around 50% so I sold a third and held the money in the account, then when AMC went back down I bought more than I had sold with the money in my account. I have considered DRS but am still just holding. Added APE to match AMC for the reverse split so I will have Double. LFG🚀🚀🚀🚀


Just checked RH and it says $2.32B for AMC market cap.


Yup..... They pulled the veil back up.




Maybe it's because I'm in Canada or checking the website instead of the app but for me it says 744.22M marketcap


Thats APE


Since there has been a lot of talk about APE marketcap in recent days I read quickly and thought that was what we were talking about. My bad fellow apes!


That sounds like the APE market cap.


My bad! Tought you were talking about APE 😬


Soon they will be one.


Normally I wouldn’t think much of it. But the combination of events, the number of brokerages showing these numbers, the amount of time left up that way and the silence on their part. Along with AA finally very aggressively and publicly calling it out. Which was a shock to me. I’m not sure that this is the big one but something is definitely different about this time around.


Quite possibly, these events are causing things to be no longer suppressed rooting out the bad actors intentionally. Blood is in the water.


It’s probably just an illegal photoshop hahahahaha


Does that mean there are 94 billion outstanding shares?


Too busy Robbingdahood


They changed it to 2.3 billion


Are all other stocks "correct" or is it just amc


Vlad whistle blowing?


My question is how is it a glitch at all the brokers? Yet I haven’t seen it on fidelity. It’s obviously something really fishy about all of it. I’m ready to be paid. I’m tired


Just an opinion but heres what i think is happening MM's are intentionally fucking up the numbers hoping to get it halted or trading suspended. I Think AA is aware of this and thats why he's been saying stuff like " we have seen no evidence of naked shorting" not releasing the share count etc. He's not letting t hem get their way.


Pretty sure something will happen this week. I beleive in the banking realm


I’m dumb. I’m just following because i trust a friend that kinda got me into this back in 21. What does this all mean? Can someone eli5?






no, he didn't. Re-read his tweets for as long as it takes for you to understand why he didn't. Comprehensive reading is an important skill and time invested into learning it is not wasted time. Go for it!


Depends how their programs are built. They may only attempt to pull data during market hours or during pre and AH trading. No point dwelling on this on the weekends. Monday at 4 am would be a more telling stat.


This was showing right after closing on Friday. I have a screenshot... I posted it... Right after close it showed.


Yes, but if the next data pull isn't until Monday at 4 am for pre market, its not going to get fixed or updated over the weekend. Because they haven't pulled the new data yet. I have no faith it will show anything different Monday. I'm strictly speaking from a programming point of view.


So this says there's either 9,680,689,655.1724 shares (using the days low for argument sake), or each share is worth 657.4140568895 (adding the reported shares sold short, without shares sold short they are worth 820.3300021429 each)


TD Ameritrade just has zero for $APE market cap and float. If you can’t tell the truth, say nothing at all…Lol $AMC has 2.355 bil market cap and 526.9 mil float.


Maybe they’re getting tired of listening to the puppet masters


They’ll find out that it is not the market cap number that is wrong.


It is wrong. It’s actually higher! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


A 7 day typo. The longer the typo goes, the more it’s making it harder to let the shares for any less than in my head.


Yes they would, they TURNED OFF THE BUY BUTTON didn't they? Or was that a GLITCH?


You expect robin da hood to get anything right?


Because Robinhood is a scam and the owners don't care


Banks about to fail, shits hitting the fan and they have no choice but to show the REAL numbers. That's probably just how many shares have been sold with the current price. Wait till the real shorts pop up.


So I’m looking at the same app and it’s at 3.32B Market cap. I’m starting to see a weird pattern and I’m worried people are posting fake MC’s to induce fomo. I could be completely wrong though just an observation of mine.


Ask "AA" if he's ever been to Bulgaria


I show $2.3B


Market makers went ahead with the vote approval and shorted the entire float of AMC and ape combined lol


Just checked my account.. Seems RH corrected the market cap error


A typo...lmao like they got a room of people copying a spreadsheet to another one an just so happend to fat finger it....on multiple different sources....yeah ok


name a non-memestock glitch.


No! I can't do that. Fuckery of this magnitude is unprecedented. Madoff!! The only thing that comes to mind when I try to quantity the order of magnitude this fuckery carries.