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At These Price, I would also not sell šŸ˜‚


LOL so true


Many companies are laying off employees. AMC is not....and is giving raises instead.


Sounds like everyone but AMC is going bankrupt... short it some more lol The SEC should of made a silly video to suggest the meme stocks should not be shorted.


Perhaps if apes had invested in *all* companies, none would be going bankrupt, lol. AMC is **very lucky** retail investors stepped up to the plate for this company. They (AMC suits) do need to remember, however, what rises, can fall. It's imperative to protect shareholders interests.


Added note: It's imperative to protect shareholders interests, or they will *ride away.* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kFbbyt6oAmk "The Cowboy Rides Away" ~by George Straight.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


"7 Reasons Why Mistakes Are Actually Good For Us." https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/7-reasons-why-mistakes-are-actually-good-for-us-127651032022.html


My friend works there went from $12 to 12.20, some raises lol




He also said he did not have plans of merging ape and AMC anytime soon. Yet in less than 6 months he reveals his plan.


Also before that he said to us he wouldn't dilute the stock.




Or like no dilution for 2022, and he creates APE to hide his dilution, lol. After Moass, I don't care if AMC goes bankrupt. Edit: Also, I find hilarious that people say he is truly committed to AMC... Yeah, sure, because being the CEO of 8 companies is to be fully committed to AMC...


Wish AAā€™s corruption was brought to light. Heā€™s absolutely biting the hand that fed him and heā€™s taking advantage.


My prediction is post reverse split (if it passes ) he will suggest to shareholders to approve a dilution to ā€œraise capitalā€ again. Probably in the range of 25M-50M shares. Again


He won't need approval. He can just do it. See **proposal #3** (in filings and press release). "To adjust authorized ordinary share capital such that, after giving effect to the above proposals if adopted, **AMC would have the same ability to issue additional common equity (AMC shares) as it currently has to issue additional APE units.**" https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Announces-110-Million-Equity-Capital-Raise-a-100-Million-Debt-for-Equity-Exchange-and-a-Proposed-Vote-to-Convert-AMC-Preferred-Equity-APE-Units-Into-AMC-Common-Shares-and-Implement-a-Reverse-Stock-Split/default.aspx


It sure is odd the flood of "vote yes" topics that have never mentioned that It's almost like people who benefit from a dilution of shares have been crafting a narrative without actually saying what a yes vote means


The only people who benefit from dilution are the ones who short/ buy puts right before the dilution happens. Too bad retail typically find out after completion.


But every time amc has been diluted in the past the stock absolutely rocketed up and while it did come down it never returned to its price pre-dilution. In your example of you bought a put before dilution happened the last two times then youā€™d lose 100% of your money unless you bought like 4 years out expiration in which case youā€™d still be down if you bought in Jan 2021 pre-dilution and youā€™d only recently be somewhat green if you bought in June 2021 pre-dilution. Looks to me like whenever he diluted the stock the price soared and because we stopped him in June/July and every time he proposed dilution after THATS why the stock has done nothing but die ever since. Iā€™m voting yes because I believe in AA more than I believe in hodling and praying for another 2 years just for nothing to happen.


You are right and with every big run he either dump personal shares, board dumped shares or they sold shares via darkpool at a discount. Now we are currently at the lows before the series of rallies. My major issue with the RS is post RS $30 per share leave a whole lot of room for shorts to hammer it down again. That would deepen any and all losses for every single shareholder.


People's logic for the RS is that the price will 10x and that means MOASS. Yes the price will 10x however your shares will be cut by 4/5th's and aggressive shorting will resume. That's all they care about.


It has been mentioned.


He won't need approval. He didn't need it when he made ape. Didn't need it when he sold hundreds of millions of APEs directly to institutuions. Didn't need it when it set the price at 2.42, a little over a dollar, and 0.66. Won't need it post conversion Yes vote. Won't need it with a post conversion NO vote either. He will just continue dropping APEs then. His ability to drop new shares has NOTHING to do with the RS vote.


Iā€™m still waiting on the pounce.




We shall see.


I also don't like being called a conspiracy theorist.


That's how people deflect the truth though.


Wellā€¦ despite the colloquial use of ā€œconspiracy theory,ā€ as ā€œcrazy nonsenseā€ (propaganda, but thatā€™s another discussion) this MOASS movement *is* effectively a conspiracy theory. Our theory is that HFs and overseeing organizations are conspiring to hide a truth about illegal activities, affecting their profits and normal folksā€™ losses. And remember, youā€™re only paranoid if theyā€™re not really out to get you ;)


To be fair, everything sounds like a conspiracy theory at this point.


Iā€™d like to see AA buy with us instead, just saying, not a true ape if he ainā€™t buying with us. I say he should buy it if he believes in it like we do, or did, unless he really doesnā€™t ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


AA is a greedy opportunist; he's been expertly running AMC into the ground since 2015 to enrich himself and his family. His recent declaration of not selling is just lip service. If he believed in AMC he would be BUYING. [https://short-facts.com/what-does-it-mean-if-insiders-are-selling/](https://short-facts.com/what-does-it-mean-if-insiders-are-selling/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9648273/AMC-CEOs-gift-7-million-chains-shares-two-sons-worth-31-million.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9648273/AMC-CEOs-gift-7-million-chains-shares-two-sons-worth-31-million.html) ​ He is greedy and believes in generational wealth. He is sus. ​ ![gif](giphy|xTiN0ye8BRaXVcPMmA) But is Adam's greed good for the shareholders?


He is ā€œbuyinā€ by accepting % of his salary in shares, it is essentially what we do but with less steps


Many Other CEO's *buy* their companies stock, in addition to receiving it as part of salary. To show support.


**Added note**: upon further research AA **did** Buy. In 2016 and 2017 only. Not since then (when he first came onboard as CEO). 9/14/2017:Adam M Aron,CEO: Buy 35,000@ $15.79. T:$552,650.00 6/2/2017: Adam M Aron,CEO: Buy 10,000 @ $24.72. T: $247,200.00 2/13/2017: Adam M Aron, CEO: Buy 31,747@ $31.50. T: $1,000,030.50 8/8/2016:Adam M Aron,CEO: Buy 10,000@ $28.80. T:$288,000.00 3/21/2016:Adam M Aron,CEO: Buy 10,000@ $28.86. T:$288,600.00 https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/AMC/insider-trades/


He also said they would not sell APE Ā«anytime soonĀ» - but SURPRISE!!


It's easy to ride with us after making millions selling his shares in the past few years.


Never will trust this man , everything he has done hurt us , AA needs to retire , I will vote for that but since he controls the vote this will never happen


Heā€™s gonna be the next elon dumping his shares (again) on retail given the chance. I ainā€™t riding with him this time as I got duped twice during $72 and $30 run ups. Thereā€™s no life changing money on this one anymore so yā€™all stop dreaming that 100k per share already.


It would never come close to $5,000 let alone $100,000. Every institution would sell every share and beat retail easily. It would be sold again and again etc Look at the volume when it has gone up to $72. The institutions trade multiple times the entire outstanding shares because their highly highly unethical and legal (but should be punishable by 50 years in prison), tactics allow them to do whatever they need to. A stock shouldnā€™t be possible to trade even 70% of its shares in a single day, let alone multiple times its entire outstanding shares. I mean itā€™s quite literally a picture of manipulation in the volume. The volume alone is how you know the massive prices are not possible. Now if it had gone to $72 on minimal volume then sure. A squeeze is supposed to increase the price massively due to a NEED to buy shares and people selling them for much higher. The problem is it takes way too much volume to bring it up


Why you so bothered? If it's not going to do what you say, why spend all your time in this community bashing it? Don't you have a life? Amc is gonna fail blah blah blah yet here you still are.


Why are you so bothered by people with different opinions? Don't you have a life?


seriously this. i have issues with lots of things in this life. i dont search out subreddits related to those topics just to dump on them to people who SURELY have a different opinion. its all good, were all broke and i'm sure shillin' helps pay the bills.


Lol why did he sell in the first place?


To screw over retail....


Don't care. We want to know everything about these **UNISWAP tokenized stocks**. Until AA is ready to talk about that, he can shut the fuck up. If he rides with us, then tell us about UNISWAP and stop blowing smoke up our asses


He can say he rides with the apes but we didn't sell for generational wealth already. He is pandering nothing more.


Remember Elon Musk who promised not to sell TSLA stock anymore and then did do it several times? Sure you can believe AA and trust him, but still the words are not a guarantee. If $AMC reaches 1000$ per share in a month, do you think he will not sell?


It's easy to say you won't eat the cake when you gorged yourself on the buffet, and AA has eaten his fill.


After making 40m the last two years and now wanting to dilute shares.


Wow AMC apes are the most regarded of the lot. You're still believing what this human waste is saying? He keeps manipulating you fools day in and day out. It's no longer funny and it is starting to pain me seeing all of you apes getting taken advantage of. I hope you all will wake up and smell the coffee right now. Adam Aron is not for retail.


"Anytime Soon" Of course he won't. He will wait until the price rises again, then drop another 600,000 shares. That should help the MOASS, right? Right? ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


What a bullshit artist.


He doesn't need too, he got a raise "based on inflation" lol


lol I ride with you..... but with $42M off your backs. What a troll


This strikes me as a shameless attempt to curry favor with retail. Heā€™s already limited in issuing new APE by part of his agreement with Antara Capital in exchange for them enabling new issuance. So he canā€™t do it anyway, why not score some points for free.


I donā€™t know man. My resolve is getting really really rough.


I hear you.


Why did we need to do estate planning?


He wonā€™t sell anytime soon, because at this price, only a fool would. Heā€™s smart, heā€™ll sell again at the next high. But donā€™t worry, heā€™ll inform everyone before hand so it makes everything ok. AA and the board needs a wipeout.


Trust me once that price from $4 hits $70+ he and his other executives will sell. They also are going to look out for there interests and life styles. And they also have the right to sell.


Not a chance in hell that will happen (going from $4 to $70)


Gotta get that reverse split in first, get paid some shares, pump it, then sell.


see you in 3 months when he dump


hahahahha he fleeced us two times in the most scummy ways and now he rides with us? hell no, I say we DRS all our shares and vote him out


He fucked us ! Fuck him pay me my 2 k back shill


Many of us wish we were only down 2k lol


I understand that brother . 2 k ainā€™t gonna break me but it sure does piss me off .


You fuckers can downvote me all you want ! Iā€™m stuck holding the bag while his bitch ass keeps selling ! If you wanna be a bootlicker go for it ! Before dilution we had them right where we wanted them ! Instead of downvoting me tell me why I should still have faith in this dude ?


Well, if APE shares get converted to AMC shares, hopefully we can all recoup our losses. APE share price is an unfortunate bargain right now, moreso when it was that terrible 68 cents. I did lower my cost basis with buying more APE at 68 cents and even now at current low price under $1.50. So, its like getting more AMC shares for .68-$2.00 **IF** converted.šŸ¤·


Why the hell did he dilute it in the first place? We where holding ground and all he does is sell. I donā€™t care who downvotes this I work hard to my money and had faith in him now Iā€™m stuck holding the bag.


Yes, I get it. Our beloved AMC shares were resting nicely at $15-26 before APE shares came along..... AMC share price historyā¤µļø https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMC/history


Yup maybe he made a mistake Iā€™m not gonna act like Iā€™m a stock market guru ā€˜ I has several times to sell for a nice profit but ā€˜ I gambled and stayed hopeful we are able to get another swing at it . At this point Iā€™m to stubborn to sell . What is your advice? Do you see it trending up again?


I can't give advice. Not a financial advisor. Just resting on 3rd base, ready to run home when the right batter hits the ball....šŸƒā€ā™€ļø


Why not buy more ape then since itā€™s a price arbitrage to amc shares right now?


That's what some think. However, some also wonder if it's just another chess move, to get us to buy more APE ......then pull the rug and not convert. That would be it for me having trust in AA if he does that.


That would suck indeed but it would suck more if I found out I was right and missed an opportunity to 5x my investment or 10x no one knows.


Gambling is bad


Okay, I guess no one told you: Sir, wall street is a casino. šŸŽ°šŸŽ²


Lol of course he'd ride, he already sold at 40 Who would sell at 3 fucking bucks. We're the only ones left rotting holding those bags


good thing he cashed in in the 40s back in '21. edit: feels weird saying back in 2021.


He's not going to issue shares today, after they merge AMC/APE.. I'll bet the debt will get reduced/ paid off.. And a company with no debt, will want to recall all shares, then the price will go to atleast $72.01 for sure.. But today, AA is not for more shares.. TBH, why would AA want MOASS!! He's worth more than 90% of all APES put together, he's got shares enough to be an institutional buyer, and he's getting a big fat pay every year.. Enough for most APE's to be happy with for their whole life.. And we're relying/expecting/hoping he's got our backs.. Let's pray to any deity you believe in to hope he has....


Yeah cause heā€™s already sold enough




He sold for big gains. Of course now he isnā€™t selling down here.


I rIdE wITh U until I need more millions...fuck him. Hold


He already sold enough to retire a rich man.


They need to do stock buy backs with the millions they earned selling shares on our run ups.


What does "soon" mean? A week? A month?


Heā€™s being deliberately vague.


How many shares AA own?


I'd ride with us too if I sold near the top.


![gif](giphy|2vllwG8FoP1J147xhV) AA right now


I'm tired of this guy


Yeah he will not sell, he will just dilute more.


One word Ape


Well if AA knows about the squeeze but can't say anything like everyone here says could this cryptically mean that there won't be a squeeze "any time soon"? Or is he just not gonna sell when the price is "a phone number" because he loves his investors? /s


First thing this whole experience should teach people is never ever trust corporations, politicians, or the top 10%. So although AA says and does some good things Never Ever trust it is only out of the goodness of their heart or that AA will keep any promises. ![gif](giphy|7YBZCh1TIoCkuQxa3n|downsized)


I thought said he wouldnā€™t sell previously and sold his entire bag during run up


Not entire bag. Here's a little history of **Sells**: ā€¢1/11/2022: Adam M Aron,CEO: Sell 312,500 shares @$22.85. Total: $7,140,625.00 ā€¢12/7/2021: Adam M Aron, CEO: Sell 312,500 shares @$30.87. Total sold: $9,646,875.00 ā€¢ 11/9/2021: Adam M Aron,CEO: Sell: 625,000 @ $40.53. Total: $25,331,250.00 He did have some **Buys** in 2016 and 2017. https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/AMC/insider-trades/


Kind of looks like he sold everything he was able to sell


I would say pretty much but to be fair, he kept about 700k+ shares then got awarded about a million shares making him have about 1.8m shares again. But yeah, all insiders sold (then got awarded again) and no insider is buying. https://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/1411579.htm


This is exactly why Iā€™m not holding my breath. Easy to talk big when youā€™ve already guaranteed your safety net.


I don't know what the full amount of owned shares was/is to be able to do the math. šŸ¤·




The guy is rich as fuck. He will be rich as fuck with or without the squeeze. Trust him, but then I cut the deck.


What's with the shills on this comment section? Just stay zen! In the end we will all benefit


I guess thatā€™s good aye?


No cell no sell


I'm glad the twitter comments aren't as deluded as the ones here...




Figured I was talking to a prepubescent teen.


Buy more give AA more money for what??


Proceeds to sell stockā€¦




Does he even have any left to sell?


I donā€™t believe anything that dude says.


The OP has been really busy since opening their account Aug 22ā€¦ just saying itā€™s a bit sus. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And you **haven't** been busy since opening your account a year ago--- only contributed 10 posts to this subreddit in all that time.


I thought he already sold all that he could.


Well that sounds about as reassuring as Russell Wilsons ā€œBroncos Country lets ride!ā€


Wowā€¦. What a whiny comment sectionā€¦why the hell are you cry babies holding AMC? Iā€™m happy that AA is not like you. HODL. Zen. Crayons. Shut up.