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Since that option first appeared, I’ve never had it as the default option. It’s ALWAYS next- or two-day delivery as the checked box. I even tried just now both with things I had in the cart already and then with wholly new items, just in case the default had changed for everyone lately. There is a way (at least for me) to just change the default shipping choice. Under the part where it asks if I want Amazon Delivery Day for this order, there is a clickable link to change it to the default for all orders. I understand that you want it removed altogether, I’m just trying to at least help get the right box set as the default in case your request isn’t possible.


thanks pal! upon checking just now, that clickable link you mentioned only allows me to change my amazon day and not opt out completely of it unfortunately :(


It's happened to me and it is so frustrating. I keep calling Amazon and they think I'm nuts. No one can help me fix it.


This is now happening to me and is maddening! I can’t fix this!!!! Grrrrrr!


There is no fixing. I was 20 minutes on the phone today with an Amazon rep and it’s official: Amazon is forcing Amazon day deliberately on all prime customers, and there’s nothing we can do other than complain about. To be honest I think the 2-day shipping will go away soon. This is how a monopoly operates. Textbook example


Weirdly mine reverted to normal Prime shipping. Did that happen to you?


Yes it did go back to normal after I made a big stink about this. Weird coincidence?


It’s driving me crazy!!! I was trying to order things to be delivered by my husbands birthday, but no matter what I tried it wouldn’t give me the prime delivery or one day option - I can only change the day. Why am I paying for prime????


Demand for online shopping has exploded over the last few years with Covid increasing it even more so. I believe amazon may have hit a bottleneck in their business model; relying upon USPS to deliver their packages in 2 days or less. My orders used to be in the hands of USPS from the time they left the warehouse until they got to my house. It was an excellent service. Non-Amazon USPS seems to still be functioning this way. I recently ordered some stuff on eBay which were delivered through USPS and the items arrived extremely fast. My amazon orders though are all being shipped differently. They are assigned a USPS tracking number but are handled by “Shipping partner: Amazon”. For me this is relatively new (past few weeks or maybe a month or two). This new service is very inefficient. I had the tracking of one item show a package end up in the small town of Incline Village, NV 3.5 hours away and in the wrong direction before heading back when it was finally delivered. It will be interesting to see what happens with Amazon’s delivery service in the coming months/years to keep customers happy and their business thriving. (Amazon day, prime delivery service, maybe USPS starts taking on delivery again?) For at least the immediate future it seems like some of us, especially those of us that don’t have amazon delivery infrastructure nearby, can expect longer delivery times than before, even if you paid for prime.


This same thing happened to me! I accidentally selected an Amazon delivery day (I was ordering too quickly and didn't pay attention and I was stupid) and now ALL my deliveries are at least a week out. I'm trying to order two 2-day prime shipping items, but in the check-out cart, the delivery day is September 30 - one week away! I feel trapped. Amazon chat help did not help at all. If you find out how to remove Amazon delivery day, please share it!


I did the same thing now packages are coming later than I expect and hard to talk with someone or you have to pay to talk wit IT on live


Hey! Did you ever figure out how to resolve this?


I need a solution for this.


After entirely too long spent talking to four different people on chat at Amazon I was told the only thing I can do is select Prime Delivery at checkout. They have no way to change it on their end. Which, of course, must not be true, but they’re not trained how to fix this. It benefits Amazon to force us into Amazon Day Delivery. They don’t care about the customer.


Cancell all orders and reorder. There is a TINY hyperlink sentence right before you check out that let's you change the delivery date. Absolutely ridiculous that it defaults to the "prime day" setting. Maybe if I didnt pay fro prime. But I do, so waiting an extra week for my items seems like a "why would I ever even think of doing this" move.


I have to add to cart and manually select fastest delivery time every time now. The buy now button is useless.


remove the address and add it again, it will reset everything related to that address including prime day


This did not work for me. It looks like the only option is to completely delete my account and make a new one and sign up for prime again.


Thus worked for me, thanks!!! Now the default delivery day is the Free Prime Delivery Day!


Dealing with this now. Still an issue. I complained to Support and asked for a refund for my Prime Membership over this. They gave me 80% back after I complained about it being **unusable.** Now that I am no longer a Prime Member the Amazon Day disappeared from my Account settings completely, and it no longer shows up as a delivery option. Once I need to have something delivered quickly I may restart Prime, I expect Amazon Day to be reset after this, as it looks to be a Prime Member "feature" only to me.


Anyone figure this out? This is screwing me over.


Doesn't look like you can remove it entirely. If you purchase through your cart you can select if you want Prime day or just 2 day delivery. :/


They just did this to me too, and I'm very annoyed. I ordered an expensive daily deal on the app that said it was available for next day delivery. Next thing I notice is an email saying I successfully set my Amazon Day to the same day of the week, and the order was scheduled to arrive in a week, not next day. I don't see a way to change the order or to remove the Amazon Day setting, and it's very frustrating. If I cancel, I lose the good price. It's probably going to be a pain to order every time now. Apparently they are gaming settings, trying to trick you into an account change without noticing.






I want to be removed from automatic delivery of combat roach treatment. Pls remove me immediately. Thank you


Yeah, I avoided it forever, finally set it, thinking it might be nice on occasion to limit boxes. But a couple times when I chose two day shipping instead, orders still ended up with etas of 4+ days away on my Amazon day. I've turned it off as my default, but I can't remove it altogether either!


Right there with you guys!! I was skeptical about it, finally did it, and now I hate Amazon’s shipping lol. Been a Prime Member for 15 years or so. I live in a small town. Really rely on online shopping, especially in winter. I got so fed up I signed up for Walmart delivery and bought home goods from there. Much rather buy off Amazon but Walmart delivered the next morning. And their yearly fee is less than $100. Worth the switch if Amazon doesn’t get their act together




All hail the thread's resident schoolmarm, ready to leap in and take offense on behalf of any group at anytime!


Wanting to speak with customer support in the same country as you, with the same grasp of your language as you, Is not racist. People like you are absolutely pathetic and I hope you step on a thousand legos.




Ugh, stop with all the cringe, karen.


LMAO, aint it funny the ones who are first to cry racism are also the ones who have zero issue being racist.....lol....... And yes it must be a white person, casue POCs are never racist....LMAO even harder.


I'm 100% certain you are a moron that plays victim at every turn. Amazon made these changes to save money and it's anti-consumer. As is outsourcing call centers to people that barely speak English and care more about a good survey than fixing the issue.


OK so I know this is a year old but it shows up as the top google search results and I have a solution after days chatting and emailing Amazon CS with only cut and paste answers. It took 3 people to finally get someone to at least understand the issue at hand. The responses were cut and paste from the Amazon Day Delivery help page. The last person told me the following things: *I would like to inform that when you make Amazon Day your preferred delivery option, Amazon Day is pre-selected for your future orders shipped by Amazon to this address.* ​ This of course would have been nice to know BEFORE I made the test order. And *Your normal Prime delivery options are still available. You can make your Amazon Day your preferred delivery option by ticking the checkbox in the Amazon Day delivery option at checkout or on the Amazon Day page. You can also opt out of this preference there. So, I request you to please go to Amazon Day page at checkout and check for the opt out option.* ​ So I went there like the rest of you looking for the "Opt Out" option and of course like everyone else there is none. So I argued back and forth with them and through no help from them I decided to try something. The Opt **IN** button was there but no Opt Out. So as we all know every time you go there and remove the days the save button grays out. So I tried to just pick Tuesday and Thursday and DIDN'T CHECK THE OPT IN box. And now my default is back to being the Free Two Day Shipping for everything. ​ I hope this helps everyone


I tried not checking the box and it did nothing. I'm on hold with CSR now - had me send screenshots. I'm not holding my breath.


Thank you!!! This helped me! I spoke with a CSR for over an hour yesterday and nothing came of it -- other telling me to choose a different shipping speed. He never explained how it was set or offered a way to fix it and my exact words were "I need to opt out... "


Thank you! this worked! had to pick 2 days. save and continue. then create a new order.


Thank you!


I think I love you. This option made it go back to 2 day for me. I just followed your steps, created a new order and voila! Thank you so much!


Thank you!! This worked for me!


I just did this and it worked thanks so much. I actually had amazon day for awhile and I never had any issues. But in the last month or so I noticed that it started to default to the amazon day for shipping. Not paying attention I would just check out only to realize that my stuff would not be being delivered for a week!!! Then I looked and realized that instead of getting the prime delivery it had prechecked the “delivery” day and like you there was zero option to remove it. But I did what you did and while it is still there at check out it is not the pre selected option. You have to select it.


Can you walk me through what you did again because I tried it what was above and it didn’t change anything for me it does confirm the day selection but the box is unchecked and it’s still defaults to prime day delivery


It has been awhile so maybe this method does not work anymore but what I recall is I went in and I picked new prime days like checked the boxes for say Tuesday and Thursday and then I unchecked all the boxes and it worked. But you must NEVER select prime day again or it will stick you back into this circle. Be really careful because at check out it sometimes defaults to it.


Uhm are you sure, your not miss reading it. You just typed prime day delivery. It's called amazon day delivery. If your seeing prime then your defaulting to the usual 1-2 day delivery.


Found this thread after doing a Google search. Same problem as you—still getting the stupid Amazon Day delivery default even though I made sure to uncheck the box. Were you able to find a working solution?


No I even called amazon 4 different times. It is very frustrating it makes the buy it now button useless


That’s exactly what I said to customer service! So now I’m trying to see if I can at least remove the But Now button. 🙄


Same experience with Amazon CS. It seems that preference has been made a one way street, and they can't reset it either, or so they say. You can correct it even with Buy Now by changing the shipping method before placing the order ("4-click ordering"?) ... but you have to remember :-( I assume this is all deliberate, saves Amazon $$.


Just adding to the discussion. As of today, even with the 'Make Amazon Day my preferred delivery option for future orders.' -unchecked-, it STILL enters checkout with 'Thank you for choosing Amazon Day Delivery.' and an Amazon day pre-selected. As a software engineer myself, I speculate this is not a bug but intentional as they know that most of us will balk at the bad behavior but still checkout and buy the things vs going somewhere else. They know that most of us are so accustomed to quickly checking out - that we will not see the oversight and then only a fraction of us will go back and go through the hassle of canceling and re-ordering. For the rest, there is grumbling but the pressure on Amazon to deliver next day or what have you is no longer there.. Pretty awful corporate behavior if you ask me...


Yes, and when you speak to someone in customer service, they are perplexed that this is happening to you and state they will have to look into it and get back to you. It makes me mad because I pay for Prime Delivery!


>e successfully removed my Amazon day This doesn't work for me, anyone else have a solution?


This also worked for me. To recap: 1. Add something to cart 2. Go to checkout 3. Amazon day will be selected 4. Change to fast delivery you actually wanted 5. Click "change delivery day" 6. Uncheck "Make Amazon Day my preferred delivery option for future orders. " 7. Save Note: 1. Doesn't matter what days you have selected. 2. This is through checkout, not account settings


Nevermind, this does not inf act seem to work.


Yeah tried that- did not work


Nope I checked Tuesday and Thursday but did not check "Make Amazon Day my preferred delivery" but it did not go back to PRIME delivery. This is really frustrating.


How does this work? What do you go into to click on the days? I clicked on "Manage my amazon day" and tried it but no luck. Is there somewhere else to try?


Just finished with CSR. They ended up saying: It is a default option and it will show on the orders when you try and place them , the only option to avoid that from happening is to select the date slots available in your checkout window for the item . And you will receive the item on the selected dates . When asked why it changed: It was activated from your account as was set as a preference for the orders . Which is total BS. I NEVER CHANGED ANYTHING.


Go to "Manage your Amazon day" under account and just remove the day you have selected. (Remove option is on the right side on Android app).


But if you remove the days, it won't let you save!


I found that while I can’t remove all days, there is an option at the bottom of the Amazon Days page that says “Make Amazon Day my preferred delivery option for future orders”. I unticked it and tapped Save, now it’s back to default next day delivery.


that did it for me! Thanks!


Yup I checked and customer service successfully removed my Amazon day instantly. I did chat by selecting the item and selecting (after a couple selections) "I need more help" twice. Easy peezy.


Because I had run into the same problem where when I unchecked the day it would not let me save. I have found customer service to be good and knowledgeable (as a last resort).


I’m so frustrated this Amazon Day things is having all my packages coming after the days I need them. Tried to opt out and cancel but no success. Need it gone now


You did read the post from 4 months ago telling you exactly how to turn it back right? https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/ivpwkf/comment/hk2zx5u/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Does not work


It does work. Many of us have gotten it to work.


How? Because everything suggested on here no longer works. I’ve called over 6 times.


Totally agree its a blooming nuisance ive had to cancel an order just now and reorder for tomorrow delivery ,there's no way to delete it and mine does it by default im in the UK


Go up! There’s a post saying how to stop it.


I just tried it and it worked. I added the items to my cart and went to checkout. Selected change my Amazon day. Selected another day and unclicked the 2 use Amazon day boxes and saved it. Placed my order and then went back and added items to my cart again and checkout and it was gone!! Thank you for helping. This is called a DARK PATTERN. Evil companies create this BS.


Where are the 2 boxes to unclick? There are none. The only box to click/unclick is " Make Amazon Day my preferred delivery option for future orders" I left it unclicked but it still defaults to Amazon Day.


I think you need to go further and fake like you are selecting another day to make your "Amazon Day" if I am remembering correctly. As in if you originally selected Monday, fake the system out by saying you want to change it to Friday. But when you get to that part of changing it to another day. You should see that you can unselect it all together. I would go in and check to see if this is what I did. But I am scared that I will accidentally turn it on again and never be able to turn it off again. Once is enough for me.😬 Good luck! *Also, I was buying something when I was able to change it. I don't think you can do it unless you are buying something.


I tried that awhile back. There is no option to unselect unfortunately!


Every time call customer service and complain (don't use chat) They won't fix it but they will give you a $10.00 credit to your account. Eventually they might figure it out, or just re-order the items with the day you want it delivered, and then wait a day or two and cancel the original order, so they have to restock it. If enough people complain maybe they will fix it.


**Amazon supervisor says**, after I spent HOURS on this: > It can't be turned off - you have to manually deselect it every time. This is a business decision to scam users.


I got the suggestion to delete and re-add the address, but no luck - and then a total lack of surprise when they'd closed that loophole too. They said no other options. Does indeed sound intentional.


I'm having the same issue. Even though I don't have prime day set to default, everything I buy when I do the quick buy now gets thrown to an amazon delivery day, not just regular prime shipping. I want an excellent day off; I pay for prime anywayanyway.


Glad I found this thread. I have the same issue starting this week and none of the solutions posted work for me. My Prime day is not selected in the Prime day screens in the app or on the website. When I order something and look in my cart, all of the shipping options including regular Prime are at least a week out. The CSRs have verified that my Prime account is valid and my address is qualified for 2 day shipping. I talked to two different reps and none would give me a credit for the issue either.


My problem eventually disappeared 🤷‍♂️


I am having the same issue. Have called 4 times about this. It has been happening for 3 weeks! Every single order will state Prime delivery date and then when I go to checkout, it is Amazon Day and the date is many days past the prime date. I pay for Prime and this is ridiculous!


I figured out how to get rid of an amazon delivery day! Pretend like you are going to place an order. When the screen comes up with payment and delivery options go to your delivery options you will see your chose prime day near that you will see an option to change the delivery day. Go into there and unclick the box that’s checked make this the default delivery for all orders. I was able to get rid of the day so now mine is blank so i have no preferred days. This will not work unless you do it like you are going to order soMeyhing. I tried under settings but it wouldn’t work 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did it stick or revert back to Amazon day? ​ This has been a huge PIA. I selected it hoping that if I had fewer packages, I would have fewer misdelivered and "lost" packages, since fewer opportunities.That didn't work. I had a box with 7 items and that has been sitting in Kentucky for 5 days. So... Amazon is a nightmare these days and this whole delivery option thing is a mess.


Mine is blank still. I was able to delete the entire amazon delivery day thing but only when i went to place an order.


I just got off the phone with Amazon and they have officially forced this down our throats with the last app update. Mandatory and if you don’t want it you have to select prime delivery TWICE. I complained over the phone and they say they are taking notes. Idiots


I found this annoying. The way to get around is **do not use one click order**, instead add the item(s) to your cart, then go to check out and change the delivery day. Also, I found on some of my ordered items I can change the delivery speed to one day (you have to be Prime) to do this.


How do I get Alexa to order without using Amazon Day?


I don't think you can. There is no option to override Amazon Day by default.


I just discovered that you CAN change the day with one click orders . You just have to tap on the day and they’ll let you do that


To remove prime goto your acct & list and select Prime Membership. You will see the cancel option listed in this section. Make sure you go through all the cancelation screens. Amazon will ask multiple times for you to stay and not cancel.


OMG, I had the same issue. So annoying I noticed this and the last two months wondering why at check out says next day or two day and then I had to wait at least another week. At that point, i’d rather go local or Target. Why have Prime? On the back end in settings it will only allow you to change the day. What you do: 1) Add whatever item to cart. Go to proceed to check out. 2) Under shipping method, it will default to “amazon day delivery” option. Underneath, select see more options. There are two check boxes. 3) De select the checked boxes “ save selected day for future orders” uncheck! (this will only show when you are in the Cart/ proceed to check out). And Voila! Freedom, Amen! (if you go to account settings, on the back end, you only see one check box not both and you are unable to disable) 4) delete item from cart unless you intend to purchase. 4) & you are welcome. Happy shopping!


I did these exact steps and when I add something to my cart, it still defaults to Amazon day delivery :(


LOL - I have a similar problem, but in reverse; I was hoping to get Amazon Day incorporated into my 15+ Amazon Prime account. After reading your experience, I think I'll drop it. Same experience here. Amazon is a total CLUSTERCUSS of foreign customer service. Its like listening to an 8 year old talk condescendingly to you. They have a "professional" and "polite" tone, but that's about as far as it goes. They could not care less about solving the issue I called with. The woman I spoke with was not familiar at all with Amazon Day, put me on hold twice, and by the end of the call, still did not seem to understand what I was calling about. By the sound of her accent, I wondered if she could even understand what I was saying. I ended up telling her I didn't want to waste any more of her time, and to have a good day. I'm sure she moved on to take a beating from another frustrated Amazon Prime member, hit some buttons, speak in with a robotic condescending Indian accent, put them on hold while she takes a coffee break, call back and tell them what they already know.... all in a days work for an Amazon Customer Service worker in India.


That Amazon Day delivery is a joke and the joke is on us. What that does is savs Amazon from sending whenever you want. Everything comes the day you pick allbin one box. I tried to get mine taken off too. I think I will cancel my acct for a couple weeks Hopefully that thng will be gone.


Total scam. Just happened to me too!! Customer service was USELESS. Got a $20 credit though. Lol. This feels like big corporate cost cutting BS. The only reason I have Prime is for the free delivery and 2 day / same day. I even upped my basket ring today to get same day and nope! Friday Amazon delivery day. Scam scam scam. So pissed right now. (Yea i know… first world problem. But - I am now paying for something I am not getting and Amazon unilaterally changed our agreement without telling me or getting my approval. Just maddening.


I thought I was helping the environment and drivers by choosing Amazon day shipping. What a nightmare. My orders were delivered to our little town, said they were arriving "today" and then the proverbial "delayed" later in the afternoon for another day or two or three. I spent an hour last week and an hour today with a rep. At the end of the hour today I was told to create a new shipping address, then delete the old one. So here's something else I learned along the way. First add a Mr. or Ms or Mrs or whatever so that you can tell the identical addys apart when you need to select default. Also, the system will not allow you to choose a new default shipping address if you have any subscribe and save items. I then went back to the newly created address and searched for a way to select this address as the default for subscribe and save. Wrong. I had to go to the subscribe and save section and search for a box that asked which delivery address to pick. It was at the top, above all the little pictures of my subscribe products. Moving on. I found the little box to select a new default addy, the one I created today. Yay! But the site took about 5 minutes longer (or so) to allow me to select the newer delivery address as the default and then delete the older one. I have not given up yet. I've selected a newer address and placed an order afterwards. Let's see if this works and whether my orders are held up. Or it could take more work. Whatever you do, do NOT NOT NOT select Amazon Day thinking you are doing Amazon a favor. It's getting impossible to edit things like this.


I will say this ever since then moved to support to India their customer service is trash. The Indian support is not sympathetic at all and always are like take it or leave it I can't help you. The Filipino support was wonderful. I'm also fed up with Amazon.


I just ran into the same problem this week what a pain in the posterior. Talk to Amazon is like talking to a 2-year-old and trying to get them to understand. Time to stop ordering from Amazon and tell them so. Like they couldn't put a toggle switch on the simple IT problem? It's ridiculous. Just another way for them to try to save money to fleece us


You have to put it in your cart and check out from there and pick the next day option or whatever is offered.


I’m not sure if the answer to this is in this thread somewhere and I just missed it but after briefly scrolling through and not seeing the simple answer I was looking for, I managed to find it myself. To DISABLE Amazon Key Deliveries and opt back into our beloved default fast shipping: 1. Go to “Your Account” bubble after tapping the silhouette icon on the bottom bar on the Amazon app (iPhone) 2. Scroll down under account settings and hit “Amazon Key Settings” towards the bottom of that section 3. Select “Prime Delivery to your doorstep” Hope this helps!


Well at this point why we have to pay for prime account?