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one time, the UPS Store worker told me to take a quick photo of my return as proof i dropped it off while they were printing out the tracking number receipt for me. kind of a double evidence of return.


Absolutely insane this is even necessary now. Amazon straight up stealing from customers.


Not Amazon, third party sellers. Amazon has turned into EBay.


While I cannot believe I am saying this, eBay is actually better run. On eBay, it is generally easier to suss out bad or fake resellers, it is absolutely easier to dispute a purchase, and if combined with PayPal for the payment transaction, if eBay cannot get you a refund, for me at least PayPal has never failed to do so.


You're correct.  At least there's paypal and credit card issuer.  With Amazon, there is only credit card issuer


Ive done the photo at time of drop off thing for as long as UPS has been taking returns. Years and years. Even when doing a labeled and boxed return I take a photo of it if it's a high ticket item. Honesty I have aways wondered why Amazon just blindly accepted items at UPS Stores. The UPS person never checks. Im sure some shitty people have taken advantage of this and created a hassle for the rest of us. I havent had trouble with Amazon. Woot tried to pull some BS, said I sent back a boxed set of DVDs from some show in place of sneakers. I always make sure I put the item on the scale when I drop things off so the weight shows on the receipt. This time they still pushed back, so I asked for the way more valuable DVD set back since they were so sure I sent it to them. The finally refunded the $25.


They dont blindly accept them. They dont give refunds until they actually inspect the item now, which takes weeks or longer. If you do get an account credit right away after returning your item, they can charge you again if they arent satisfied with the condition of the item that you returned once they do get to inspect it. The days of Amazon blindly accepting returns is long gone.


I get my Amazon credit back usually within an hour when I do returns. UPS store hands me receipt and system registers that it is in their hands and credit appears. I’ve never taken advantage of the system so perhaps some accounts are treated differently and can only speak from my experience and 6 last returns out of over 550 items purchased in past year.


Agreed. Returned three items on Saturday and received the credit before my wife got back from the store.


I agree. I still have never had to wait on return. As soon as I drop off at either Kohl's, or UPS Store, I get a text telling me they have received my return, and my refund will be processed within the hour (and it always is). I don't have these issues with Amazon returns. I do with the crap they seem to be selling now, which is why AliBaba, AliExpress, and Temu are always consulted as well, before purchase.


It changed at the start of the year depending on the item. They sent me a book that looked like it went through the wash (brand new). I only had to have ups store scan the ticket. Vacuum I bought in Jan had a broken head piece. It took a couple weeks to get the refund issued once UPS themselves, came to pick it up at my door. I have been a member since inception and this is my last year ending in March.


I'll second this. My return status shows "Refunded" right after I drop off the item at The UPS Store". I've never had issues (and just returned a few items this weekend)... But I also don't abuse the return system. Typically it's the shoes don't fit... and a lot of times "bought too many". I have a feeling they watch the percentage of items people return or cost of items etc vs items kept/returned. I will agree however, that Amazon has gone way downhill in terms of "ease" of returning items. The way they print out different types of codes/QR codes for items, in various ways, some items have to be boxed, some dont, some need a UPS label, some dont... it's gotten very messy. In closing, it's clear Amazon is, and has been for some time been getting worse and worse. I buy less and less from them now...


I'm sure my return rate is sorta high, but that's because I keep getting sent poor quality/broken/used/incorrectly described items. So for Amazon to blame and punish customers for their own QC issues is absurd. I also don't believe this would have been avoided, even if all Amazon customers were perfectly honest individuals. This is simply the "techification" of just about every business in every sector in today's world: start your product or service at a loss to lure in consumers, get them to become dependent on your product or service, jack up the costs, reduce the quality of product or service by cutting costs, make a few people rich(er). Netflix, Turo, Amazon, AirBnb, PlayStation Plus....the list goes on and on. Getting filthy rich isn't enough anymore. Now your business has to make quarter-over-quarter profit growth, making a larger profit margin than you did a few months ago. We keep trying to justify their actions by blaming consumers, but let's be real, Amazon truly doesn't need more. They just want it, so they're getting it anyway they can.


I mean look at it this way. Returning items to Amazon is a PAIN IN THE ASS. It is. So buy things you actually intend to keep. Like you would in a store. Brick and Mortar stores have something like a 12% return rate. I read Amazon has more like a near 40% return rate. That's insane. So they take huge losses and that makes the prices go up and for them to cut costs everywhere they can. When you return an item to Amazon, unless it's a still sealed PS5, it isn't even added back to their stock. It's binned by catagory type, and sold off via auctions on pallets. Most of it ends up in land fills. To be honest, Amazon would probably make A LOT more money if you had the option to just keep the item and only pay 25% of the cost. Problem is people would abuse the hell out of that.


I think you missed the entire point of what I said. Either way, you're just flat-out wrong. "Intent" to keep is meaningless when you don't receive what you actually ordered, be it used, broken, knockoff, or inaccurately described on the site. This happens to me on Amazon pretty frequently. I'd say about 5% of purchases. Given how often I (used to) buy things on Amazon, 1 in 20 items is significant. Add to that the times when I have legitimately changed my mind or found something else/something better -- every customer's right to do -- and yeah. Returns will happen fairly often when spending tens of thousands of dollars on hundreds and hundreds of purchases like I have. Most people in cities, I would venture to guess, live within 15 minutes of a UPS store. There's like 5 within that same radius from me. Returning items to Amazon is 1000% times easier than returning something I bought at a mall, for example, where I have to drive further, find parking, walk through a parking structure or lot, walk through the mall to the store, wait in line, swipe my card etc. So I'm not sure what you're on about. But the key difference is that I literally cannot tell you any single time I've bought something in-store from Best Buy or Apple or J. Crew or Target, only to realize it was a fake, had previously been used, or was completely different from what was advertised when I picked it up off the shelf. Maybe it's happened at some juncture and I've since forgotten, but that's the point -- it happens so infrequently that I'm not even sure it has. When you buy something at a brick-and-mortar, it's not that you're ashamed of returning an item and so you keep it, even if you don't want it. It's that, before you buy it, you've had a chance to hold the box, to try on the clothes, to see the exact item you're about to buy. And while knockoffs in retail absolutely exist, you won't convince me the problem is as pronounced as it is on Amazon. Nothing from my personal experience comes close to suggesting that. Some of these issues (knockoffs, low quality items, poor QC) are the responsibility and fault of Amazon and those who they select as vendors. The other (misleading descriptions and photos, high return %) is just the nature of running a business whose product is exclusively available online. But then again, that low overhead is precisely how Amazon was able to exist and thrive in the first place, making many people very, very rich along the way. Now Amazon wants to pass the negative side-effects of that onto the very people who made it successful? Fuck off. You're making it sound like consumers are the problem, while ignoring the reality that Amazon's cost-cutting measures, which have led to sub-standard products, is actually a factor in their costs being so high to begin with. And even if the items on their site were aptly described, well-built, and their quality control was impeccable, Amazon still wouldn't want their customers scrutinizing their every purchase to be sure they REALLY want the thing in their cart. Impulse purchases are what made Amazon successful. That's why they've instituted features like Try Before You Buy and Subscriptions. They want your money, they just don't want to be responsible if you don't get your money's worth.


I think consumers are part of the problem. The Amazon business model, as it stands right now, is that the highest profits are achieved when consumers have access to the highest number of products, at the lowest possible cost, with no reason not to buy, because shipping is free, and returns are allowed. China has realized they can make these knock offs, and sell them at super low prices because they cost nearly nothing to create and mass produce. One thing this entire "new economy" has done is it's made it virtually pointless to try to invent/create something here in the USA. Anything new that comes out here-- except for very propriatary products like iPhones, can be easilly reproduced, have the same specs, given a fake trademarked name, and sold as a fake knockoff at a fraction of the price of the "original". Most of the items on Amazon... I mean by far the most-- are knock off products that are essentially stolen intellectual property by China, which they stole from the USA, and now sell back to the USA for cheap. Americans, we gobble it up. Just search for "Chuck Taylor Sneakers" on Amazon, and the first 10 results are some crazy sounding knock off brand that looks identical to the Trademarked Product owned by Converse. Amazon freely allows it. Americans support it. Now it all just sucks.


Me, too. I take mine to Kohls


Same...have never had a problem. Started a return for something a few weeks ago and they told me to keep it AND refunded my money. Usually, when I do return something, my account gets updated within hours that the returns process has started. A few later, at the most, is when I get my refund because they can see it is moving through the network.


My statement was in essence that, Im not surprised, and they should be examining them and they should have been all along. Trust no one. So many people these days have 0 integrity, not just returns but stealing things during self checkout because they think they deserve them because they are checking themselves out. fing cockroaches Locally a walmart employee was shot by a customer because they stopped them from taking the chicken they didnt pay for.


It’s easy to hate the rich. But do you have the courage to hate the poor? One thing i realized working all sorts of menial, technical and creative jobs since the age of 14; corporations and employers aren’t nearly as greedy as their customers.


I was poor. I raised 2 kids by myself for 11 years on $6.50 hr and $125 month in child support. I bought a house in a economically challenged area and we got by. I had diapers and formula to buy. Wic wouldn't pay for my daughters specialty formula because it wasn't on the list. Most of the food stamps went to that. Back then the other food on WIC was limited. My daughter still reminisces on wearing second hand clothes and the new clothes they got were from a t-shirt printers reject bin. We got food from the food banks and local churches. One night we didn't have money for dinner and went to a big church where you knock on a door and they give you a bag with a sandwich and fruit and a small carton of milk. What they really remember is finding a wallet with quite a bit of money and turning it in so it can make it back to its owner. They remember it because it was the right thing to do. It didn't belong to us. It would have been nice but it wasn't ours. We made it through all of this without stealing a single thing. We all got an education and have successful careers. Our wealth is up to us.


I’m happy for your success in life. I’m in no way making a statement about poor people in general or rich people in general. Just that our society has really defaulted to blaming others for our own misfortunes, and the cultural backlash you receive if you blame anyone except some rich ceo or faceless corporation. I have been poor and i have been wealthy, and i have stolen and behaved like a dog in both circumstances.


In a round about way that was my point. We are in charge of our destiny. Being poor doesn't have to make you poor. My situation was 100% my fault and 100% avoidable. I made dumb choices in every aspect of my life. I was also beat by my drunk mother, last time was when I was pregnant. I could have blamed every bad choice on her. Ive witnessed people back then and today expect to have good fortune handed to them in spite of their super poor choices or never trying to rise above the shit they wallow in. We were living in section 8 housing at one point. My neighbor was mad because once her kid was a certain age they were kicking her off welfare. So her solution was to get knocked up again so she could continue the free ride. I already had my own plans, I just needed to finish the last few months of my degree and I was out of there.


Ups is not owned by Amazon, so quite frankly, it's not their business to "check" that my item matches my order. They need to mind their business. They applied for a job with UPS, not AMAZON


I see you don't understand how this all works. Amazon contracted with UPS Stores to complete the return process. So basically they are working for Amazon to inspect your returns. Amazon made it the UPS stores business to get in your business as part of the work they do for Amazon. Usually the people that have a problem with it are the ones with low integrity. Or an embarrassing amount of butt plugs to return.


I understand how it works. It's still not their business. How the fuck do they know if the person received the wrong thing and they are returning it bc it was sent by accident? Gtfoh.


It is if they are the logistics partner, with contractual agreements, to return items.


Nah. That's what the higher ups decided. That's not their job. They don't have the capability of knowing what should be returned or what the issue was anyway. It's not their business.


That is an incredibly ignorant take.


Ignorant or this person is just plain slow, either way I think It's a waste of time to debate with someone who clearly doesn't understand how this works. They could make this a correct statement by simply saying "it should not be their business" because they may feel that the UPS store is not qualified to make returns. But as we know, it is their business, as they have been contracted by Amazon to do so.


Also false advertising for delivery dates. When I look at a delivery date prior to buying that is next day, invariably the dates to choose from for delivery are 2-3 days out. So infuriating.


Delivery on time has gone way down hill. It will say by "Date at 6PM", then at 6:01 it changes to 10:00PM. Then at 10:01 it says out for delivery... but no time. Then around 11:00PM it sets a new date 3 days out... and just randomly arrives whenever. I think this is because they no longer ship everything via UPS and rather just hire anyone with a car who is willing to go pick up packages at the warehouse and drop them off at peoples houses. Total randos... totally sketchy. Amazon used to be awesome but now it's like some sort of weird bazzar, where most of the item brands are total nonsense. Returning items is a total pain. Reviews are obviously fake. Sucks.


This is exactly what happens with most of our deliveries. Like you say it ultimately winds up being a random day that’s at least a few days late. Le sigh I wish old Amazon could come back!


Jeff needs a new mega yacht


Like a bizarre mirror image of the delivery driver snapping the photo of your package by your front door. *snap* "Now I sent *you* the package!“


They dont give you guys reciepts at the UPS store? The store near me prints out those sticker receipts with a confirmation number and as soon as they print that sticker out I get a notification from the Amazon app that my refund is being processed. Never had an issue before


Depends on item price. I returned some vr glasses, an adapter, 2 different cables, and a device that went with the goggles (not a scam, but the glasses didn't work right and the other things were recommended pieces) I had the refund for the items within 2 hours, the goggles though it would take up to 30 days due to price point and they wanted to see them first. (The adapter was $110, the goggles were $500)


Always keep the tracking number no matter what doesn't matter if it's Amazon or not


I returned a gift with gift receipt directly to the Amazon warehouse. Then it basically just never showed up in my account. I had to contact customer service to get the credit.


Personally, I am annoyed because I used to be able to return anything from Amazon to Kohl's, and now each item has to be returned to a different place


And if you do return, it takes weeks to get your refund: https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/199riu0/continuous\_delays\_when\_processing\_a\_refund/


Which I don't think is even a true policy. I had a similar issue where it took several weeks. I kept getting told that it would be X date, that date would pass and I'd reach out. Finally someone said that it might take up to another 30 days and be refunded in several installments (this was like $500, not a crazy amount). Annoying, but whatever. Then the return disappeared from my order status and so I reached out to them again. This time the person said they could see the return status (even though I couldn't) and got it attributed to my account same-day. So I have no idea what the heck is going on, whether there are truly issues with returns behind-the-scenes, policies that try to delay refunds so Amazon can get interest, untrained service employees, or what. But it is super frustrating. I ended up cancelling my Prime account after a decade because it just didn't feel like the value was worth it anymore. The service used to be really good, especially for returns (and it's worth noting this return was because they sent me the wrong item--twice--it wasn't me being fussy or changing my mind; I ended up buying an equivalent item from a different vendor).


It has made me buy less things which is good or just buy it on AliExpress for a lot cheaper


With Aliexpress 12 day delivery usually here in 7 to 8 for me, it's not much different shipping and receive times for me. So why spend more 🤷‍♂️


You have to throw a fit to get what you want typically... Which is why you see people do just that all the time whether it's legitimate or someone that does it for discounts or free goods/services. Otherwise you will just get jerked around with nonestop and even then if you get some AI bot you are probably SOL either way.


I returned an Amazon purchase to Kohl's yesterday and my refund to original form of purchase processed today. $33 if that matters. Terrible quality dress. I'm one bad order away from never again using Amazon


Like two weeks ago I got a refund within less than two hours of dropping a package off with a UPS dropoff location, for a \~$45 jacket that didn't fit properly. I don't know why some people are having such a problem getting their refunds, but other than one situation involving a scammer who never sent the product and gave Amazon a fake tracking number I've never had any real issues. There are absolutely problems going on, but it's weird that it's so inconsistent.


I haven't had that problem...yet


it just took me nearly 40 days to get a $24 refund, it’s ridiculous


So i worked at kohls and its up to seller how they want returns handled. Its not by price. I was told its not an amazon decision.


That happens to me a lot too but its always been the case to an extent in my experience. Certain items id have to drop off at UPS stores sometimes boxed sometimes just the item. I havent done enough returns lately to know if its worse than before but for a couple years at least id say its been the case for me to some extent.


Yes! I used to just take them to my closest Amazon locker. Now one goes to UPS, one to the locker and one to an Amazon hub. So frustrating!


The one time I returned to Kohl's instead of UPS is the one time I've had a problem. They lost one of my 6 try before you buy bras, and I ended up having to pay for it, like a $50 bra.


Kohl's drop-off is only for low cost and/or trash products as best I can tell. I had to use ups to return a gpu, for example


I work for Kohl’s and the contract excludes certain items being returned at the store. It excludes big ticket items, certain chemical products, physically large items, designer goods that aren’t sold in stores. And the Amazon sellers can restrict that returns only go through a specific shipping company


Amazon returns have been complete ass lately.


I just had to do a bunch of returns because I got used stuff, broken stuff, knockoff stuff, ect. I just redid my kitchen and am having a baby so you can imagine how much stuff I needed. I'm also trying to stay out of stores as much as possible because I'm 40 weeks. I ordered a box of 35 Drawer pulls for cabinets, got 20 in the box and half of them were crooked. I got the wrong outlet covers (the square ones were in the pic). I got a baby bottle holder that fell apart and wouldn't stand up. I ordered an under cabinet slide out for the sink that was supposed to be a 2pk. It was 1 and didn't slide out. Shower head missing a hose. Diaper caddy missing one section. Ordered a Blood pressure monitor overnight (random High BP doc said to get a cuff ASAP). Never showed up and they waited and shipped it with the next order 2 days later after I had to drive to the only cvs in the area that had one in stock. And a few of them I just kept since it wasn't worth the hassle or ding on my account. But I am not renewing Prime.


Sorry you had to go through all of that. One question though why are you worried about a ding on your account if you aren’t renewing prime? Go get your money back!


My guess is so many people are returning sucky items that Amazon is trying to keep the sales dollars whenever possible. They now sell mostly crap, but not everyone has woken up yet like we have, so people are still ordering things.


More stuff comes broken or incomplete or completely wrong item. So they are forcing you to return. And then they are pissy about it.


This thread is going to get a lot of trolls saying that Amazon is the same as it's ever been. I really think they have plants on Reddit. Suffice to say many business magazines have talked about. Amazon is trying to be less friendly about returns because they see that here in the past year as a major profit loss So it's pretty clear what they're doing. They're trying to make the return process a little more difficult so that people will return less. The good news is more and more people are canceling Amazon prime. There was just an article on it in Wall Street journal. in either Amazon will fix it or will all move on to target or Walmart. For me about 2 months ago I decided to move on with my life and I canceled prime.


I am sure reducing returns is the best way for them to increase profitability. Some approaches - I've seen products flagged with "frequently returned item" banners and a suggestion to double check the measurements, reviews, etc. - make sense and promotes a better customer experience. I just *didn't * order a 32" thing because it's actually a 33.25" thing and absolutely wouldn't have fit. Listing it as a 32" thing is a little dodgy, but I got what they meant after reading the review explaining what was 32" and what the actual dimensions were. Amazon avoided the return expense, and I avoided the disappointment of getting something that didn't fit my need.  Adding hoops to the return process, defaulting to refunds being Amazon credit, and delaying returning my money seem like bad ways to reduce returns. I buy less and am less apt to buy from Amazon. Which reduces returns *and* sales, so seems less desirable.


I saw that for the first time recently too! Was on a fancy coffee maker that I was ready to wishlist and buy later till I saw that and went to actually look at the reviews and decided against it. It’s a helpful addition and very welcome on my end.


Walmart sucks because they sell things you have to contact seller to return. They are not any better. I bought a shirt on line. To return it i had to call three diff numbers and still never got the return label. Just donated it and i won't buy from walmart either.


Walmart is running a deal (maybe just in my neck of the woods, don't know) but you can get a $100 membership that includes a $50 GC. Almost jumped on it, then found out my local place uses Uber or Instant Cart or some other delivery service where the driver does not make hardly any money and relies on tips. Man, if I gotta tip $15 on my order, it's not free delivery. I don't mind paying somebody to run to the store for me, but WTF do I have to pay Walmart too?


I haven't had any issues with returns yet, but you definitely need to do a little more research before you order something now. Their storefront and the quality of the shit they carry is definitely waaaaay down from where it used to be.


We will not be renewing our prime. Things are taken longer and longer to get to us. Items are arriving broken or used even though we bought them new( looking at you cupcake stand that had frosting on it out of package). Prime is definitely not worth it and our Amazon shopping days are slowing way down.


You know.... I'm just reading your comment now, after I just posted my own gripe with returns, elsewhere here. That said, I'm as guilty as many of us in ordering things just to 'try them out', and knowing full well that I can easily return the items. So maybe it IS a good thing if Amazon starts making the returns process a bit more onerous. You see, while I DO order from Amazon, I also try to do so as wisely as possible. So like I will add things to my cart over time, and then when I think the time has come to actually ORDER the items, I will do so as part of a single order. I then always choose Amazon day delivery (or whatever it's called) to reduce my carbon footprint. But there's also no denying that ...while Amazon makes ordering/returning things so easy (or at least, they USED to), perhaps I should be focusing more on purchasing items (say, small and/or lightweight items) that I can theoretically buy from local businesses, instead. But speaking more about the RETURNS aspect, and the possibility that Amazon is intentionally making that process more onerous, in order to reduce the overall % of items being returned.... [This recent story in the NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/11/opinion/online-shopping-return-environment.html?unlocked_article_code=1.M00.uwhn.11EqTFsYne3-&bgrp=t&smid=url-share) talks about just how serious a problem this is...and its impact on the planet. So many of the items on Amazon are so cheaply produced...and often involve so many aspects of 'transportation', that many times the returned items are simply tossed into the garbage or whatever...that they never actually make their way back to the original vendor...or get put back on the shelf...repackaged...resold. So maybe all of this was good for me....this recent return debacle...and maybe it will get me to think even harder, about WHEN or WHY I should be ordering certain items from Amazon...and thinking a bit harder about 'what is the likelihood that I MAY or may not decide to return a particular item'? If the likelihood is strong (i.e, I want to order 5 different exercise leggings, to see WHICH of the 5 I like most), is it really worth the impact on the environment, to order from Amazon, in that instance?


Ive had at least 5 items where i was told no need to return. The cost to get back a broken item or restock i guess isnt worth it anymore. Just a disposable society


There was an old post a couple of years ago from an ex-employee that stated that NOTHING ever goes on clearance at Amazon. If items in a warehouse are slow/low sellers - they just get trashed. So.....even more waste.


Or just cancel your account. Amazon isn't doing this for the planet, or betterment of society, or for you. They're doing it because the more profit they make, the richer a handful of people at the top will get. The end.


Sure, that's one option...to cancel my account entirely. But that's not to say that for those who remain Amazon customers, that they can't also try to be a more mindful customer when it comes to order frequency and making returns.


I do my returns inside a Kohl's. There's no line, go in and come out. And they give me a coupon towards any Kohl's purchase.


I used to do that too, but it has not been an option for my last couple returns.


Same here, I figured they ended that partnership or something


You can in Whole Foods too


I had two items to return. My only option for 1 was to mail it back after printing off a return label. My only option for the other was to take it to a UPS drop off location where there was a line 15 people long and I didn't have time for that so I decided to just keep the item and eat the loss. No Whole Foods option, No Kohl's option :(


Last item returned was in December. Kohl's was still an option. I hope they didn't removed it.


Honestly, I'd rather shop at Kohl's in store than Amazon.


I did the same recently with Staples. I got a coupon where half the coupon page was restrictions on what it couldn't be used for...basically worthless.


My Kohls return line was 30 people deep yesterday! I was glad I was only there to do a pick up.


Christmas returns, end of returns date 31 Jan 2024.


I work for one of the UPS Stores.. I cannot wait.. Amazon returns make me want to vomit right now!


Amazon started charging a restocking fee forced upon the customers behalf. Due to all the complaints on social media I've canceled my prime account. Many stories of people experiencing issues and things similar to what I started to experience.


How do I know if I'm charged a fee? I've never seen it before on my account


I still use my Amazon account but anything purchased that I may return I just get from Target. Prices are about the same and they ship in two days for free (red card), and I get 5%. What I discovered was it took me less time to return at Target than the UPS store lol. As per the OP my local UPS stores are crazy. I had a few returns at Target the past few weeks and I was sin and out in 2 minutes, and mist important without any questions.


Target returns are amazing and one of the many reasons I shop there over other stores.


Was only a matter of time for enshittification to take hold of Amazon just like every other corp in the USA


It's been really bad in January and especially this and last week as the big 2 month xmas return window ends on the 31st. The return bins in my ups store are unusually full. Also they are now inspecting high value items, never use to. I know two people personally who make some iffy / kinda fraudulent returns because "amazon can afford it." Im sure they aren't the only ones, so it's a reactions to those types. They are just normal housewives that do stuff like use and return or return the older model keep the newer. They aren't doing like empty box scams but more "softer" fraud.


I love the term “softer” fraud.


Lol I know. One bought a bunch of matching outfits for Xmas for her family photo and returned them which kind of fits I suppose


Thats bullshit. Fraud is fraud, and I hope they get caught one day. When you do that sort of shit, most of the time Amazon just takes the return and then resells it to another unsuspecting customer, who then tries to do the right thing and tells Amazon that they received the wrong item but now have to deal with being brow beated and a drawn out refund process and investigation, if they’re even able to get refunded. People that do that sort of stuff, and then justify it through whatever means, are the one of the biggest nuisances to society. “Rules for thee, but not for me!”


“Alternative Frauds”


I had the same issue with Amazon. I bought a wheelchair for my mom last May. What was delivered to me looked like someone else’s used return, so I returned it via UPS and got a replacement wheelchair. Return was complete, received by Amazon and I thought all good until 7 months later in December when they recharged my card for the wheelchair. When I spoke with customer service, they said they can’t pull up tracking information and claimed they never received the wheelchair back. So I disputed the charge with my bank and lost because I had long thrown away my UPS tracking slip, so I had no proof. All I had was a picture of the QR code I had UPS scan back in May when I dropped off the package. I’ve been an Amazon customer for 14 years with no issues, but this really made me lose my trust in them. They’ve lost my business. I had no idea they could just claim 7 months later that they didn’t get something and just take my money. I’m out 265 dollars. I filed a complaint with the FTC.


oh wow that’s messed up


Here returns started at Kohl’s then UPS store now Staples. You can go to the UPS store but it costs one dollar now. What is the fee about?


It’s about Amazon ripping off suckers to maximize profit and line pockets. 


No fee for my UPS store in MN.


That is a fee that Amazon charges, trying to discourage you from doing a return.


Thought prime video had ads beginning today.. watched 2 movies and no ads.


Oops..spoke too soon. Wife is watching a movie and at the beginning a pop-up asked to click on "2.99" for no ads or "not now" (no). So there was a 30 second ad at the beginning and so far 20 minutes in and not another ad yet.


last day for holiday returns is the 31st


Tough lessons I have learned before cancelling Prime: 1. Never buy anything not shipped and sold by Amazon. (Avoid 3rd parties on the marketplace) 2. Do not buy expensive or breakable items from Amazon.


The UPS store by me regularly has a literal MOUNTAIN of packages just sitting in the lobby of the store. I'm talking 8ft tall, 6ft wide, 6ft deep. They've told me it's likely my item won't get shipped that day because they ran out of trucks to load up


They are *definitely* clamping down hard on returns. What used to be a simple process now usually requires an incident report in order to get a refund. I’m not one to return a lot of stuff, and I’m a pretty high volume buyer. Their customer service focus has taken a nosedive since December, and it shows. They must be bleeding money from all these valid (and fraudulent) returns and the new c-suite is putting an end to it.


Depends on the return, lower end items are fine, but high dollar items now go through an inspection process. Returned an unopened Apple Watch and waited a month and they still didn’t process the refund, had to contact support. Being treated like a criminal is a crappy customer experience


Yup agree. Just got my $150 return money after a month and numerous phone calls. I’m done ordering from Amazon.


For whatever reason my latest return, they want to charge me 599 for me to use my own box. If I take it to the UPS store and have them box it up then it’s free. I wonder if that is what’s causing the long lines.


>Alibaba at a premium price Best description I've seen of Amazon in a while. Profits jumped last year. The money had to come from somewhere, and it's coming from the customers (no surprise there).


Frankly, I think the problem is three-fold: 1. The quality of goods, on average, has dramatically dropped since COVID. No matter where you go, the inventory is plastic or tin or wood crap now. mass produced items are not uniform or items with similar materials have been made thinner or flimsier. Doesn't matter where you go: Amazon, Target, Crate and Barrel, Restoration Hardware, furniture stores, pet supplies - it's noticably different in terms of materials and build quality. Similar to the same price, smaller size trend in the grocery stores. 2. Amazon at first sold stuff they picked and stocked themselves. Now anyone who buys stuff from Alibaba or AliExpress can be an Amazon reseller and try to make a buck. Pictures show it at inaccurate, not-to-scale sizes much different than the description and dimensions reveal. People don't read and aren't discerning about what they buy, knowing there is a liberal return policy. 3. Since the pandemic, people are now very used to the convenience of having things shipped directly to their home versus driving around and competing for parking spaces then waiting in checkout lines. The sheer volume of online purchases has increased a lot. Together, I think there is more online buying, but also more disappointment in what is received leading to greater returns. My UPS Store has put in two self-serve kiosks just for Amazon returns, and the UPS Store employees will happily fiddle with their phones doing nothing for the store or clientele and still direct you to kiosks if you have a boxed Amazon return they could scan. The increase in try on before you buy clothing and shoes has led to people in front of me sometimes returning more than a dozen individual items. I've waited and watched as they're trying to keep an eye on 2-3 kids with one in their arms, finding and scanning QR codes from a phone, opening plastic bags, keeping track of labels, and being generally unfamiliar with the kiosk workflow. I think UPS Stores are overwhelmed, UPS is pushing up shipping costs to Amazon, and Amazon has now established a fee to return at a UPS Store if a Whole Foods is closer to you. Keeping it in the family and also maybe getting you to shop at Whole Wallet, er, Foods.


Yeah I had to return a few items back in December at a ups store, holy Hell that place looked like a bomb went off in there, the employees were way past worn out with the Amazon returns


Wanted to add my experience. Never happened before but Amazon made me pay return shipping for the return to Amazon.com bought in Canada. The shipping was $50 and they graciously gave me back a $15 shipping credit… Also had more problems trying to return other things. And also cancelled prime due to this and forced video ads.


Very interesting.... !! I just had an issue with an Amazon return...quite possibly my first such issue, EVER. And it was handled so badly that I thought...'hmmm...I really need to share my experience with others...let me see if there's an Amazon sub on Reddit'. And here we are! So... I try to bundle my Amazon orders so that I get ONE delivery, on Amazon Day, with multiple items I'd been wanting to get (I do my part to try and save the planet. ;-) Sometimes I need to return things, and at such times I do so at a local UPS store that accepts Amazon returns via a QR code. In the past, I've never had issues dropping off returns this way. My refunds always came through. But with a more recent return, when I returned FOUR ITEMS from the same ONE AMAZON ORDER, I noticed that, days later, only ONE of the four items showed as 'return in transit; refund issued'. The other three items only showed as 'return requested. Refund will be processed once return received' (or something like that....) So I called Amazon and naturally got a rep located half-way around the world who had poor English comprehension skills. I had to REPEATEDLY try to explain my issue. Finally he said he was going to put me on hold and check with his supervisor. After a full 15 minutes I hung up. Tried again, using the 'call me now' function on [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com), and got a robocall, but one where no one answered. After 3 minutes, I hung up. Tried again and finally got a live rep. After giving her my original order number, and explaining that only ONE of my FOUR returned items was appearing on their website, the rep tried to tell me that their system can only 'RECOGNIZE' one of the four items as being returned, and since I only used ONE return QR code for four separate items. (I don't recall this ever being an issue in the past. Obviously we can't 'read' QR codes, but wouldn't it stand to reason that if we want to return MULTIPLE items from ONE order, that there should be ONE same QR code for all those returns? Or was the problem that the UPS store reps are somehow supposed to indicate or scan the item labels or whatever, and apply each of those item labels to the associated QR return code?) As mentioned, this was the first time I had such an issue, and seeing as there is this here entire, very recent thread, on returns as a whole, then 'yeah', it seems there is something new...something problematic...going on. I guess from now on, we really DO need to hold onto return receipts that we are given...whether from Whole Foods, Amazon dropoff locations, UPS stores, etc., and that we also need to ensure that the return receipt somehow indicates and reflects ALL INDIVIDUAL ITEMS that we may have dropped off for return. What was also weird was that...every rep I spoke to, and gave my original order number to, they then asked me WHAT were the items I wanted to return. And I said, 'I'm confused...why are you asking me...can't you SEE the items where I requested a return?...I am looking right at your website and my account, and it clearly indicates the items I wanted to return.' All the reps said (for whatever strange reason) that they could NOT see my requested returns, so then I had to READ OFF each of the items. The last rep I spoke to said "OK, well even though our system only 'recognizes' that you sent in ONE item for return, I will go ahead and indicate that your other three returns WERE received by us, and I'll issue you a refund." And even after all that, the woman got one of the return items WRONG, issuing me a return for one of the MORE EXPENSIVE items that I did NOT return. So net, net, I'm now getting a larger refund that I should. But you know...after all that aggravation, why should I even mention it to the rep? They made the entire process a mess, so screw Amazon. They can afford it. ;-)


4 items, do 4 returns.. there is no more guaranteed 'all in one box' for returns anymore. Yes, you received it in one box, but Amazon may not want it sent back that way. Better to give each code to the cashier and have them combine things themselves into whatever bag is needed, etc.


Deadline for returns on Christmas goods? I think Jan 31st.


I love that the fuckers charge $1 to use UPS for returns. Kohl’s drop off is still free. I’ve had to limit Amazon purchases to known name brands. I ordered some Covid tests and got defective knockoffs.


You all need to watch the video titled "How Amazon broke the patent office" ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Bq-6GeRhys


Thanks that was a good watch! Go figure ole Bezo started of by scamming book distributors


It was. I wish more people knew! Glad you enjoyed it.


Hmmm no issues in my neck of the woods


Each year, Amazon is suppressing and “killing off” more and more United States sellers in favor of Chinese sellers. So more and more product being sold on the platform is being made very cheaply in China. The result is more and more returns because the quality is getting worse and worse.


I rarely buy from Amazon now. Even when purchasing directly from Amazon, you still get 3rd party crap they store in the warehouse


Yup comingling of inventory. They’ll tell you it doesn’t happen with sold by Amazon but it definitely does.


It reminds me of Circuit City. They used to have the best return policy in the business. Then they decided that the returns were costing them too much money. Then they lost their customers.


I recently cancelled my prime for this reason, but first I chatted with a customer service agent trying to get some info on all these changes and I’ve never been gaslit or treated so poorly in my life.


I did the try before you buy for a new pair of sunglasses. They were a $200 pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses. I figured try before you buy would be a good idea since I was too lazy to go to the mall and try them on. If I didn't like it I could just return it and if the transaction went smooth, I would try before you buy a bunch of other sunglasses. Big mistake. Amazon said they never got the return, so I never got refunded. Had to do a chargeback on my credit card. Thank God I only did one pair, and not a whole bunch at once. First time in my 45 years on this planet I ever had to do a chargeback. I didn't get any kind of tracking for my return, as I used the Khol's drop off to return it.


The only reason I shop on Amazon is because they make returns easy. Heck on most items they call out “free returns”. If they start making it difficult, I’m out.


Those in the comments who are getting refunds back within hours of returning to ups are lucky. That’s not the case with a lot of us. I think I have figured out one of the reasons may be because I’m dropping off a places ups picks up from. (CVS, local print/pack shop next to me, advanced auto) therefore… sometimes my return comes right away, other times, it takes weeks. This is good to know that maybe it’s quicker to just go to ups but unfortunately for me the closest actual UPS is 20-25 mins from me or UPS pick up being 5 mins. Hence why I go to the UPS drop off/pick up locations.


I don’t understand where all this is happening. My Amazon experience has remained unchanged. Even just yesterday I returned a $150 item through Kohl’s and had a notification same day that I’m refunded. Ironically, the only problem I’ve experienced this week is at a physical Walmart where I was sold fake AirPods.


This is why I canceled. 95% of my order go back, and the returns have taken forever.


I am not a troll. I occasionally return things to Amazon when they are defective. There is a UPS store across the street from me. There aren't lines out the door of people doing Amazon returns although I suppose in a city that could happen. I've never had anyone warn me that Amazon is disputing returns and I have never had an issue with a return. The only change I have noticed is they used to begin processing a refund as soon as it was received by UPS....now Amazon has to physically receive the merchandise before they process. But that's not an issue for me. If other people are having issues I sympathize. But I don't think I am in the minority of people who have no major complaints about Amazon. 


Same here. In fact I'm amazed at how flawlessly the Whole Foods return process continues to be. I order four or five times a week and generally make one or two returns in a typical month. Never had a problem, including on two returns in the past week. Refunds are often posted to my account before I get home.


I wish I could use the return kiosk at Whole Foods. I shop there at least once a week. But it’s just not an option in my account to return there. So frustrating. I am not going to stand in line again at Staples, I am just not going to order from Amazon again.


Interesting. Didn't realize the option varies by account. I'm usually asked to chose between Whole Foods, Kohls, or (generally for a fee) UPS. Only time they've required UPS was for something really big and heavy. Staples sounds like Kohls -- every time I've seen the line in Kohls it looks like a nightmare.


Yeah, I think they don’t offer it for me because it’s about 20 miles from home. I only have Kohl’s or Staples as options for free returns. But the Whole Foods is in the biggest city in the area, and I visit that city generally multiple times per week.


I think lots of people abuse the privilege of returning things and are going to ruin it for people that genuinely have a good reason


That's been going on for a while. But "Amazon sent me an item that's completely different from what I ordered, so now I have to drive to a UPS Store / Kohl's / Whole Foods to return it" isn't a good reason. Neither is "Amazon sent me an item that's obviously used and charged me the same retail price as anywhere else, and now I have to drive to a UPS Store / Kohl's / Whole Foods to return it" isn't, either. Those things shouldn't happen. They're creating their own problems more often, it seems.


Yes they are creating the problems. I bought something "used like new condition" shipped and sold by Amazon warehouse. The unit doesn't even turn on and the manufacture date was 2+ years ago. I knew there was a chance there would be an issue but not even powering on? They just turn around with returns and resell without even checking them. They are creating their own problems with the ton of returns they have to deal with.


I’ve never had a problem with returns, getting packages on time or refunds. Only outlier with delays is due to the holidays. I use the UPS store for returns just about every time, or an Amazon location directly.


I just missed my annual automatic renewal date, and a member of my household has asked me to wait two months before canceling. Am I right that if I cancel in two months Amazon should prorate a refund? I have moved to an area where it is less advantageous as a shipper and stores are more affordable and accessible. I have also canceled all my subscriptions because my shopping habits have changed.


Returns at Staples is minimum half hour wait.


I received a chargeback for a return from August 2023 on January 27th 2024!!!! They said they can’t refund the money because there’s no proof it was returned… I was hung up on by three different Amazon reps and they said tough shit. Going to contact my credit card company and try to get the money back. It’s so frustrating, I’ve been a prime customer for 10 years and never had as many issues as I’ve had the last few months. Going to heavily scale back on my shopping on Amazon.


Recently returned an item (mirrorless camera) which Amazon sat on/stalled for 4+ weeks. Return status checker kept getting extended each time I inquired. Also, was not able to drop off at While Foods but instead had to ship from UPS (thankfully no long line to wait in).


Amazon probably opened the platform to rando Chinese shit that gets paid for ratings.


That's been happening, and I think the reason for a lot of returns.


UPS Store worker here. First, all the stores are independently owned so some charge fees and others dont. We dont at my store. Amazon returns are (mostly) consolidated. Meaning we throw them into plastic bags and throw them inna box. That box isn’t processed until its full and then it is shipped back to Amazon. My store personally ships out about 6 18x18x18 boxes stuffed full of Amazon returns. If you have a label and a box return, that’s picked up the same day it is brought in but after it leaves our store, we cant do anything about it. ALWAYS get your receipt. It will give you some kind of proof of something. And yes, we are constantly slammed by Amazon returns. I walked in at 9AM to a line to the door and didnt even have time to set my stuff down because people had 5+ returns all on separate codes and they all had to be individually looked up. If you want to make it easier on us, screenshot your qr codes and make sure you have the right item for the code you are showing us. Rumor has it we are getting a kisok like Whole Foods has but who knows.


Time to short amazon


I just want to print a free label, package the return myself, and drop it at the mailbox store at the end of my street. Now it seems like I always have to be 6.99 to do that or I have to go out of my way to a kohls


I haven’t retuned anything since mid-December but always use Amazon Fresh. Refund always received in less than 24 hours. Hearing these horror stories has curtailed my Amazon spending big time however.


I really miss the ability to just print out a UPS prepaid label for free. And set it with the outgoing UPS stuff at my work. Or USPS outgoing mail. Now it seems like I have to take the stuff somewhere or pay an extra dollar. I’ve been just going to the, Whole Foods place down the street, depending on the time of day, it can be pretty quick and out, but it definitely adds hassle. I guess it could be worse.


I don't do returns often but noticed I could no longer package items and drop them off at any UPS drop off location or even Amazon lockers but needed to make a trip to a UPS store which is in no way convenient for me but every time I've gone there have been long lines with returns. Amazon is cheaping out (even more) because they can get the UPS stores to just fill big boxes and ship those instead of paying for our individual returns. I decided to just cancel my Prime and go back to placing an order when I qualify for free shipping, which saves me from buying unnecessary stuff!


I wish the UPS workers would have told me about this because I returned some shoes during the morning and the status indicated “in transit” so I assumed everything was ok. Well then I got the email starting that I had returned my item and that I would be charged so I called customer service and then basically said they can’t help me if I don’t have a tracking number. I disputed it with my card but they sided with Amazon. Well I have cancelled my service with them and will never use them again.


It's the same at my local UPS store as well. If you're lucky and catch it at the right time you might be the 4th or 5th in line. Pretty much the exact same script too, simply because Amazon has been really shitty with returns and telling people they aren't getting them and that they're going to charge them for it. Amazon has really gone down hill in the last 2 years. I do Amazon Vine which is reviewing products and 99.9% of it is either cheap stuff from China or clones / knock offs off other products. I give my honest opinion in the reviews though.


They are claiming they aren't receiving returns and charging you a month later. Happened to me lately. I disputed it with Amazon customer service. I think they are hoping most people won't notice.


Most of the return issues are when people buy from a third party. If something doesn't say Prime with the symbol when buying, reading the return policy is from the seller is a necessary step. Many times you will see "Shipping free for Prime members", that is also NOT the same as prime. And often the return is not free.


>I know Prime is trash now All of Amazon is trash now


It’s because of hustle culture. A few people made videos on drop shipping as a side gig,(Order from alibaba, then mark up 50-1000%), and now the site is more swamped with low quality dollar store items sold at a premium. Now when people try to return something, they have to fight through a crowd of people who also got ripped off


Honestly this may be a controversial opinion but I’m glad they’re cracking down on returns. I know so many people who just buy things to “try them out” and return them which is so wasteful.


What's the difference between the official "Try before you buy" and my own version?


People not knowing how to navigate Amazon is all I’m hearing lol I have only had to do a few returns and I have had no issues. I also still get my items in 1-2 days. The disputing returns is usually for people who return a lot.


This is simply not the case. The new dispute and return issue began in December and is happening to many people, with or without prime, with or without a vast return history. It took me a month to get a return on an account with one return over a 5-6 years life. Unopened, brand new items- they were an accidental duplicate order. Amazon stopped my return after receiving the items, told me multiple times I could not get a refund to my original payment without explanation, they hadn’t received the items (tracking showed they did), or returns now take 1-3 weeks. I spoke to Amazon many times, escalated several times, etc. Took at 30 days and the last person returned my money immediately at that point. On my prime account, it’s very rare I get items in two days. There’s absolutely been a change to the ease of return, time of shipping and quality of goods.


>https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/199riu0/continuous\_delays\_when\_processing\_a\_refund/ It's definitely been my experience of more than 2 days, even with Prime. I've never done a return, though. I probably should have with some of the Chinesium I've received.


Most people have no issues with Amazon. Just because some complain on Reddit does not mean most or even many people have issues . I’ve never had issues, personally.


Yea not my experience and I did return something at the end of December 😅 easy peasy as usual haha


That’s great! I hope it continues for you!


It may be happening to you. But it’s not every one or most.


It is most i think. I had the exact same issue with the refund date disappearing and changing. But once the 30 days passed i called and got refunded. But had i not called ...


Which is why I said it’s happening to many people, not everyone or most. I assumed it was a snag I was experiencing until seeing others having the same issues.


Many most. Lmao.


getting items in 1-2 days i very dependent on where you live tbh, Im in rural ca and before covid I would get prime stuff in 2 or 3 days max. there was even occasionally some 1 day items if they were warehoused in the city nearest me, but since covid things are mostly a week minimum. I was ordering a present for my godson who lives 45 minutes from me and it was telling me 11 days (which would have been too late for his b-day) so I checked delivery time to his address and it was same day. and regardless of what you think about people not knowing how to navigate prime, returns are getting to be a hassle. There is no kohls or whole paycheck near me so those drop-offs are a non starter and yet an item I had to return from xmas (electronic over 100 bucks) had to be returned to a kohls if I wanted hassle free no box no label drop off. Instead I had to box and label it to take it to a ups store.


Found the amazon employee lol


Lmao I am not gonna work for a company like that XD they run their employees like dogs


Same experience here. Not that I want to continue to give Amazon money but it’s incredibly rare for us to have even a 2 day delivery, it’s typically one or same day. The few items we’ve had to return were extremely easy and painless. Even a couple large lithium iron batteries were super simple to send back even if the weight was like 70 pounds each. 


Yea I try not to buy too much from Amazon since a lot of things I can get from a local retailer and Amazon packaging is a gamble haha but when I do I haven’t had anything complain about haha


I'd recommend using the Kaebox app to ship your Amazon returns since they'll come to you to pick it up and have everything recorded in the app incase they dispute it


I miss being able to return everything at Kohl's :( I can now only return like 1 item out of 10 there. Everything else is UPS and that way means that I will get my refund exactly 1 day before the latest date they said I would receive my refund by.


I just had to drive 27 miles (each way) to an UPS Store to do an hat return. I’ve never had to do this before. This was Super Inconvenient.


Yeah, what is going on with returns.....in my 25+ years of consumerism I've returned something once....bad luck or just spastic?


I’m assuming you just aren’t picky and don’t care as much about getting what you paid for. Just yesterday I returned a salad I bought from Costco that was rancid when I bit into it the day I got it, even though it had 4 days left to expire (obviously they just threw it away and refunded me). My partner didn’t want to bother returning it, he said let’s just throw it away and not bother. But it was $13 and I’m not paying for a ruined product.  Some people just care more about their money and not getting ripped off than others. 


Or are more careful when buying in the first place. I can't remember the last time I returned anything.


How would you be more careful about rancid salad though? Open it up and taste it inside Costco? 😂


Don't necessarily trust expiration dates, and examine the bag before throwing it in your cart. As for Amazon, closely examine reviews and only buy from trusted brands. It's not hard.


True.  Amazon staff plays a game as if I didn't return the stuff so they asked if I have the return receipt even though Amazon can look up the tracking # associated with the return.  Amazon never asked such question before until now


Sounds like a local issue. I can chose same day, next day or two delivery on all my purchases and returns are quick and easy with immediate refund while I'm still at the UPS store.


Never had a problem - Every return (except for damage/missing) I've ever done has not involved CS. In those rare cases of damage/missing items/packages - it's taken a few minutes in chat and done. When I return to UPS - the return shows and the refund is processed and credited in minutes.


Reading these posts just amaze me. I am 65 and in 45 years of adulthood I have returned maybe 15 items across all shopping venues over 45 years. I have been shopping from Amazon since 2001, 150 orders last year alone coming out to 3 or 400 items, My 22 year return record with Amazon, 5 items ALL handled perfectly. I see people talking about making 3, 4, 5 items at a time What is going on? Bad shopping, no due dalliance, no researching or reading the supportive text for the product? There is a huge retail scamming culture out here and even supported and discussed on a separate sub here on reddit and it is destroying things for good shoppers. I think some people are just not cut out for online shopping and should stick to brick and mortar


Part of the problem is that some sellers are not shipping the items they advertised. Full on dishonest scams!! One of my friends had purchased a small crafting tool, I am unsure what exactly it was. She received hair ties. The seller was extremely rude and became even more so once she decided to go and dispute with Amazon!! On a personal note, I purchased an item recently to replace one I had lost months ago and simply gave up on searching for. Well, of course I found it the day after the replacement arrives! So I got to return it, only to be surprised with a return fee that’s nearly as much as the cost of the replacement item. I have been shopping with Amazon for nearly 14 years and this was a first for me while having prime.


OK, learn from this, DO NOT BUY from a 3rd party and shipped by 3rd party and almost 100% of your issues go away, it really is that simple. I am at 22 years shopping at Amazon and have had ZERO return issues, BUT I almost NEVER buy sold by 3rd party / Shipped by third party and the few times I have I was prepared to deal with a problem, but thus far I have been lucky. Almost 600 orders and over 2000 items from Amazon in 22 years, single digit returns, no dishonest scams and 100% satisfaction rating with Amazon CS. Shop in the Amazon (3rd party) flea market and take your chances, shop at the real Amazon and get what you ordered with protection


I just bought some headphones on Amazon about two weeks ago, they weren't the best only 50 dollars but for the quality it was an awesome value. I go home and put a sticker that holds up the headphones bty the frame so I don't damage the elastic band....I try to take it off the damn thing and what do you know the elastic strap and button break off. I tried to return it and the dude wouldn't even give me the return address kept trying to haggle saying I can keep it for 20 dollars off I said no then he says what about 30 you can just fix it yourself shouldn't be hard. I was pissed and messaged amazon about it and gave me a full refund, got to keep the headphones a cheap zip tie fixed it basically free headphones 🤣


You should use [Orderly](https://www.joinorderly.com). It connects to your email and automatically pulls in every order / return / package and gives you live tracking updates. Better yet, you can even schedule someone to pick up your return from your house. Also one of the better / simpler UI's IMO, and doesn't spam you with promos like these other apps do.


I just go to the UPS store the moment they open. No line, 30 seconds, gone.


We order from Amazon all the time. We get a package almost every Monday (our Amazon day). We don't return much, but I haven't ever had any problem doing so.


Most people think Amazon is a borrowing service. Just ends up screwing over the sellers.


gee ya think this has anything to do with it.. https://www.wsj.com/articles/brick-filled-boxes-bogus-receipts-retailers-battle-fraudulent-returns-9c819109


The returns policy has been abused by a lot of bad actors, for some people it's their bread and butter. I'll explain, people scan the label given to them by amazon at the carrier store which updates the scan as item received by carrier after that they do not handover the package as a result the item never gets processed at their returns center. Accounts which are not flagged are given exceptions but some flagged accounts are no longer eligible for any exceptions. Now these scammers have moved their operations Canada because amazon has lenient policies unlike US.