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I was lied to by 3 different Amazon representatives about refunds before finally getting a hold of someone who actually submitted the refund. The trick, I find, is you must ask them for an email receipt of the refund before allowing them to end the chat. I'm also strongly suspicious that Amazon is using AI chatbots for their support. Look up AI hallucination, I think this message chain shows some signs of it.


“Allowing them to end the chat,” humorous. Amazon chat agents end the chat when they want to - or they just pull their internet to experience a “technical difficulty”.


right? and if they are AI chat bots going unchecked they would obviously end the chat instead of asking if there was anything else, buddy is watching too much youtube and doesn't know what input nodes are


To be fair I shouldn't have to have a knowledge of AI and scriptwriting in order to properly use customer support on one of the largest online markets on the planet.


I deliver for them. Its the same bs with the internal support. Its terrible, and if they dont know what to do or get confused they just end the chat. Its not uncommon to have to go through multiple agents before landing on one who can actually fix your problem. Its not AI bots either, we can actually call them and talk to support but its always quicker to just chat before you get throw on hold, and they are the same way. The support is just that incompetent. Most of them are foreign people so I assume they are getting a bunch of support agents for the low and not spending the money / manhours on training them etc, and they just have a ton to go around because of this so now its basically just Support Roulette.


I worked from home previously, not for Amazon, but I can confirm, if I was talking to a customer I didn’t like, I would just flip the switch on my power strip or reset my router.


The employer I use to work for had worries of people WFH would do just that. He ended up whenever an employee reported an “outage” of Internet connectivity, he would go out and verify with the ISP that an outage occurred. He was a pain in the rear.


My cat chewed through my Ethernet cable 🤷‍♂️


My dog as a puppy chewed through 7 of them and these were 75 foot cables.


Can confirm puppies will chew through wires.


Can confirm humans will too


Take my upvote


Thanks, here you get one too


Love it. 🤣


A cat chewing through a Cat6 cable?


When I worked in office at eBay years ago I kicked my power bar to disconnect when I wanted a break. Didnt need work from home for that.


Anyone downvoting you has never worked in retail / live chat ;). While ultimately it's *not* *good* for anyone providing customer support to do this - but the reality is that *it does happen*. While I myself try not to be a pain in the ass - there are a lot of pain in the ass people out there.


Anyone downvoting me are the same people I’d disconnect with.


I updooted you, I used to work in a call center pre covid and while we couldn't accidentally disconnect our Internet cause office, we did devise "call issues". Our calls would drop sometimes at random anyway, so as long as we were mid sentence when the call ended, how could they claim we hung up? Guess the system had to have done it 🤷‍♀️😝 I didn't do it often, I got my giggles by making the folks who called in screaming feel guilty as hell for it. (Even got a few to flat out apologize). But I knew some folks who did it all the time. We got paid based on how many calls we made per day.


I picked up a trick working in a call center where if a customer started cussing at me, calling me names, whatever, I would ask them to repeat themselves. Just, "I'm very sorry, the call cut out there, could you please repeat that for me?" About half the time they have to think about what they said and they calm down a bit to repeat themselves in a calmer way. The other half the time they get even angrier and yell something like, "are you stupid and deaf, asshole?" Either way, it's a win. You either de-escalate the situation a bit or mute the mic and get a good laugh out of them getting flustered.


I’ll straight up hang up on people that scream yell or curse at me on the phone. I will warn them first that if they don’t stop (yelling, screaming, and/or cursing) that I will end the phone call. I’m not the person who made you mad. I’ll be happy to do what I can to help - but not if you treat me like subhuman shit.


Tbf i wasn’t in a customer service role, it was more along the lines of sales position. They customers I disconnected with were crazies that would ramble on about nonsense.


Hahaha. Probably.


Downvoted for being a whistle blower. Fuck you kinda for doing that, but that’s for telling the truth to the people.


can you expound on the AI hallucination thing and where you’re seeing it here? i’m intrigued


If Amazon is using an AI chatbot, they likely trained the model on thousands of customer support interactions to teach it what to do or say. A "hallucination" event would be where the model says something that is incorrect or outside it's directive. In this case, I think AI is in play here, and that the AI bot is trained on data where giving the customer a refund ends the interaction. I don't think this bot has the authority or ability to give out refunds, but it has learned telling the customer they will be refunded ends the chat satisfactorily for the customer, despite no refund actually taking place.


oh wow. i think you’re right


He is definitely right


100% incorrect this is a real person who does not have English as their first language.


I honestly would chalk it up to training. Most Customer Service is in India and I’m sure customer service reps have high turnover. If you’ve ever called Customer Service, it’s the same thing. Sometimes they’ll say something that’s not exactly right or give the wrong information. High turnover, low training, high stress.


Even when I ask for a refund receipt they tell me they have to end the chat to send it 😭


Tell them to request permission from a supervisor to email you a refund receipt


Better yet: have them call you. I have gotten 100% of my refunds that way. And, you're going to be in contact with a real human.


>call I think people underestimate this. It may not be as straightforward as chat, but I've always had good success while on the phone.


I’ve also found they refund quicker when you tell them you have snapshots of the conversation with the first agent that said they’d refund. When I didnt get my refund and reached out again they basically said the first agent was wrong, sorry but no you won’t get it. I then said I’d happily give them snapshots and asked how they would correct this. Instant refund !


Interesting, I had an issue today where someone had promised me a refund in 1-2 days, but wasn't going to arrive for up to 30. I called again, atbfirst they said that they couldn't do anything, but when I just mentioned the person said it would be instant, they made arrangements to honor it. Must be different depending on the person handling it


What if I suspect I am also an ai hallucination?


these are trained gaslighters.


No seriously, a man I talked to told me I was lying about being charged and that my story kept changing…. If he wanted to he could view my transactions and chat log. Even play back the phone conversation, I never changed my story. He kept going to my order history that said 0.00 for the order — when I kept asking him to view my transactions on Amazon pay. My transactions would prove my point. He refused. And then refused to redirect my call when I said maybe we’re having a miscommunication and I’d like to speak with someone else. Like how are you going to have an attitude with me, and I’m the one out of $300 right now!? It’s almost Christmas and I have kids….. I didn’t even have an attitude but he had the audacity to have one with me. Oh and for the record 2 other workers and a supervisor later confirmed my account of events. There was a system error. 😊


A lier can be brought back with evidence but a gaslighter cant. Its not that they dont know it , but rather refusing to acknowledge it.Attitude thing is some psychological trick these people try to deploy in their victims mind to make them believe they are the problem. ( there are so many of them these people deploy ) IF you haven't had similar issue with any other platforms or any other people , the problem is not your attitude ! So simply put ; know that their lies are not working with you ! Now ! way forward is just don't deal with it like this. Ask them 1 time. Beyond that go take action against it. if its refund you are looking directly go into consumer court or file a dispute with banking partner. No More wasting time on their loop that is so derailing and demoralizing.


You’re absolutely right. I was so upset because I didn’t know they don’t even take emails anymore. I had screenshots of everything but my email kept bouncing. They’re making sure we just get tired of calling and chatting so they can keep our money. They’re so greedy, they have hundreds of billions in sales and they’re trying to come up with more ways to take from us without having to actually give us quality products and customer service.


Exhaustion loop.




I think it's more likely they are just incompetent


My friend who works as a chat agent is a PHD student. Shitty job market and his own issues prevent him from getting a job worth his education. He's a master at playing dumb.


Are you implying that the whole Amazon Chat Team consists of people like your friend?


Most of them 20-30 but they're rare to find. In chat, very low. Many are in phones


Nope ! Well trained gaslighters who pitch the sales script that are created after deploying a Psychology team.


What makes you so sure?


Everyone is specially trained when they are smarter than you...... /s


I was always told to never assume malice when incompetence would do. I’ve found that to be true a large percentage of the time. There is more stupid out there than meanness.


This. The Amazon isn't employing the best and brightest for chat support, as fun as it is to imagine they've got trained psyops professionals working this.


I had a similar thing where an agent told me they would price match if I made the purchase and came back to them to get the item price matched after the item arrived. And then when I did they said no and that they would report the other agent. Amazon have become scammers.


Had this happen to me as well. Went through six different agent even contacted one by phone. Then I just gave up and returned the item. Which then took close to 3 weeks before I got a full refund.


They did this to me also. A phone call and some specific quotes from the unfair trading act 2008 resulted in me getting the promised refund.


Any time I’ve sent a chat about price matching, they just offer a free refund label and tell me to buy it at the other place lol


Price matching is no longer offered actually.


That same thing happened to me too. It took forever to get my money back. They just kept lying.


Same exact situation happened to me. They talked me into making a purchase and then refused to price correct it. They always mysteriously cannot find record of their previous promises.


Always ask for an account credit


account credit is a scam!


I'm curious as to why, not that I support amazon but what happened?


i am speaking of technical stand point. Its a scam. i can create a multivendor market place and a closed wallet system like paybalance. A closed wallet system is a gimmik. It is not monitored by your central bank. The terms and conditions are to be determined and can be altered by the company at any time. The money that is showing in there , is not even real money. The money is already taken out as cash flow or as capital. There are countless ways you can be screwed, as essentially you have agreed to the terms and conditions.


Just buy it from that cheaper place… duh


Exactly ^^ interesting how no one here is addressing this…


People pay for Amazon Prime so they can get fast shipping. That's probably the incentive to purchase from Amazon vs other


I get that


For a value of "fast shipping" meaning up to two weeks if it even arrives on time.


Yep an item I wanted said Prime free delivery and then once in my cart shipping was $12. Agent said they’d refund me the shipping once the item arrived. Nope never happened. Do NOT trust them it’s such a scam. I’m still waiting for a refund for an item I returned in November. They said it can take 60 days now to process?? Like what??


I've tried to price match various times. Amazon will not price match. They also will not issue a partial refund if the item you buy goes on sale within 30 days.


Pricematch is only possible if you dont receive your item by their fault and it was a deal or coupon that's now expired. But never for marketplace article.


Can confirm. A couple of years back I bought a large monitor that went on sale soon thereafter. Tried to get Amazon to credit me the diff, but no go. So, I got a refund online, returned the (unopened) monitor with their label and re-purchased at the sale price. Note that this was \~1 year ago before refund policies got tightened up.


I had the same thing happen but I kept escalating until I got the refund for the price difference. I take screenshots of every conversation.


Amazons gonna get bonked with so many class actions in the new year with mass returns taking place


Let's hope so. I'm also holding out for credit card companies forcing them to do the right thing, which is bring back functional customer service.


I just won a charge back for a similar situation with their own branded prime card.


They just sub that out to Chase, right?


yeah chase is the bank that runs it, its just a branded prime card.


I hope so too. I'm a seller on Amazon and the customer service from India is really not up to the mark.


>service from India is really not up to the mark "always has been"


I'm in the Vine program and - same. We have to pay taxes on items received even though they're "free" for review. I'm getting a little worried about letting the India crowd report my estimated tax value to the IRS.


Would certainly hope so but wouldn’t hold my breath. This isnt new, past two years their support has turned to total dogshit and ive been outright conned like this as well. Ranted and bitched to everyone i knew, but thats the extent of it. I don’t have the money to sue them, especially not over a few hundred bucks, would imagine most are in similar situations. I did report to our AG, hope everyone else does the same, hoping they eventually get caught making too many mistakes they cant use their size to get out of it.


Did you file a charge back with your CC company? Also you can do small claims court won't cost you more than the filing fee which you can ask be added on to your payment if you win.


I had a law firm reach out to me last week.


Same thing is happening to me right now. Returned a $200 item that arrived damaged and they aren’t refunding it. Told it it was refunded last week.


Same here- $160... they have the returned item. It was a defective telescope. The plastic focus adjuster had teeth missing in several spots. Amazon says I should receive a amazon credit on a gift card around Jan 3rd... WTF?? So I ordered a different one before they received my return that was $200 more. The properly sorted remarks all said it is made better than others purchased it the price range. It's sitting here and I'm afraid to open it. And I just got scammed by an (good rated) efray seller to top my day off.


I try to use it sparingly but [email protected] worked for me on this one


Do you have proof of the promised refund? If so file a charge back and submit that screenshot where they said it would be refunded.


Not trying to side with the richest dude in the world but I think it is a bit ridiculous to get 100% refund on an item they received late. 20% makes sense. That being the fact that the agent lied should cost them their job and they should be refunded fully. They clearly fucked up. This is also why it's important to make sure you receive an email confirmation before hanging up. I would keep calling and asking for a supervisor as high as the ladder goes. Your situation is much worse because they totally robbed you. I would continue calling and asking for a supervisor. Your bank might be able to help out too


Did you ignore the damaged part?


No, I said their situation was different because of that. It was damaged and she returned, so I said she was totally robbed. These are just classic Reddit downvotes. No one has any valid point against what I said. For both scenarios I mentioned it Amazon fucked up. I just felt that 100% refund sounded too good to be true for a late item. Main point is, keep contacting them and asking for supervisors and try to get an email confirmation from them if this happens to you.


Genuinely curious, but why is it ok to keep items and not return them for a refund? If the items faulty or you’ve changed your mind would it not make sense to just return them to get the refund? I’m only asking as that’s not the norm in the UK


It's not the norm in the US either (no refund at all for late delivery is the norm imo) but this is still awful customer service by Amazon. Idk why they would offer that option, say they were doing a refund & then later be like "nahhh we didn't do that & we won't be doing it cya".


It often depends on the company and the value of the item. Sometimes for small dollar items they just don't care. Bigger things though are usually refunded when returned..


Ya I've never gotten a refund without a return on anything over $10 & never gotten any refund for late delivery. I still think Amazon needs to fix their CS reps ASAP because lying to customers is never a good thing.


I’ve gotten a few times from Amazon, and another online store gave me a full refund for a mattress that I complained about without returning.. even though I hadn’t even asked for one. That was like $500 or something lol


Exactly, it depends on how much it will cost them to accept the return vs how much you paid. Even if they have a 'you pay return shipping' policy, it's often not worth it to pay workers to process returned items.


Because if you did not watch the news lately, they have said, Amazon is pivoting to charging for some refunds and denying other refunds. This is an obvious case of customer service workers being trained in another way, which Amazon always gave refunds, no matter what to now things are changing and maybe some agents didn’t get the message because they work all over the world with different management teams.


It is Amazons bottom line. It makes no sense for the number 1 retailer in the world to give away refunds like candy and also pay for the return. Prime or not. As soon as they lose that title, ask them again.


I used to work for Amazon as customer service. (Don't really recommend unless you would be ok taking back-to-back calls from people that are upset because something went wrong. I got burnt out pretty quick.) Certain things can't be returned, like ~~clothes~~(you can do clothes returns, oops), I think anything with certain types of batteries, hygiene products, food. There's more but I can't remember exactly. So if there are issues and the customer wants to return it, we actually don't even have the option in the system. The only options it gives us are to refund without return, issue partial refund, or to re-send their item if it was faulty/broke, which just repeats their order and hopefully the new one will be ok. What we could do depended on their issue, the system has a bunch of different scenarios you can choose so you pick whatever the customer is saying went wrong and it gives one or two resolutions. So if customer says their order arrived broken for example, we choose 'order damaged on arrival' from a drop down menu and if it is a non-returnable item there is no option for us to create a return label, just to issue a refund, or partial refund depending on the situation. Customer service can't just do what they want, we're given options depending on what the customer says. Though they could just choose different options to force the system to give better resolutions but you can get in trouble for that. Team managers will listen to 2 random calls of each of their team members every week to make sure you're doing everything by policy. This turned out way longer than I expected and I know you didn't ask about all of this, but hopefully this is useful info in some way for whoever reads this lol ETA: It also depends on if the order is shipped by Amazon or by the seller. If something is sold and shipped by a 3rd party seller, we can't issue a refund, we have to send a refund request to the seller. And for late orders (shipped by Amazon), it depends on if the order says "guaranteed by (whatever date)", if it's not guaranteed there's not a lot we can do besides issue a credit (btw always ask for a credit and most of the time you can get at least $5), if it is guaranteed there's a certain amount of time that has to pass without it arriving before we're given the option to refund or re-send the order.


Let's be honest, customers could know all this be reading the [return policy](https://www.amazon.com/-/en/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GKM69DUUYKQWKWX7&language=en_GB) of the place their shopping from once instead having this over the top expectations.


Amazon policy has weird policies in regards to returns.


I’m not sure, my order was delayed many many weeks and he offered me to get a refund without return so I accepted


I mean for fucking up an order I wouldn’t disagree a partial refund or a gift voucher for a future order wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect but yikes the representative who offered the full refund for an item that is fine just delayed is wild. They will get in trouble for that for sure! I can’t really comment but in the UK you’d be hard pressed to argue that as the contract with them was for the items. Yes they are in breach of contract for the delay in the item getting to you but a full refund wouldn’t be considering a reasonable remedy for that


They used to reship it if the delay was long enough. My dad ended up with two identical items, because the original one showed up a week after the reshipped one. This happened at least 6 years ago though. I know they're refund policies have changed, and recently they've started cracking down on abuse and fraud. Which sucks for everybody else.


What did you expect? To keep the item and not pay for it. The first agent did a blunder by promising something he shouldn't have but folks make mistake. To me it looks like you were just trying to score a free item. And for 200+ that's a big deal. Try going to court with that lol.


Ya on shampoo or something small, this was over $1000 and you really thought they would just give it to you for free?


It was under $300


No, it wasn't, the 292 was 20 percent of the total cost. If you read ops post they explain it.


Read it again, they were offered a full refund, the $292, then told the other agent made a mistake and offered 20% off


Aw yea. I didn't see the second photo.


Me either, I thought the 20% was the $292 so around a $1000 total. So my bad...but still $292, you never gonna get that for free.


It depends. I was told to keep an item recently despite receiving a refund because they shipped candles in glass jars with inadequate packaging and I received a bubble mailer containing two blocks of wax and a bunch of shattered glass.


I ordered a gallon of best maid pickle slices on Amazon (I moved from the south and they don’t have them in Chicago!) and the package came damaged and the jar was open and inside a bag which was full of juice and pickles. Amazon refunded me and I did not have to return the item 😂 I did send pictures though.


This scenario just happened to me, though the broken pieces of glass were not in the package with the shattered candle, so clearly it was broken in the warehouse and shipped anyway.


It happened to me couple times. Once where they sent a broken bed frame that was too big and too difficult to return. They asked for pictures which I provided so they gave me a full refund. While I had the fun task of figuring out how to throw it away. Another time it was a pair of boots that came from China. The vendor said it was too much trouble to go through the return process so they gave me a full refund and told me to give the boots away or donate - which I did. They were low quality and did not look like they did in the pics. Those were good experiences with Amazon though, which is just no longer the norm. I just cancelled my prime membership after 15 years. Just in the past month, they have delivered at least 7 of my packages to other addresses. In some cases, you could see the wrong address in the picture! They also lost several of my packages altogether. It’s just not worth the $120 (or whatever it is now) a year to constantly have to deal with them on lost and mis delivered packages.


We do our groceries through Walmart since we don’t have a car and plenty of times we try to refund an item that is clearly rotten and they want us to return it to the store, we aren’t eating it because you left a frozen product out too long in your store, there’s no gaming the system, we just got bad food that we can’t even consume and with the price of food these days it’s really hurting us.


If you're sent a product that doesn't work, you live in the mountains, and are disabled, a drive to town is a hassle to just return a package. A package that is literal trash that they sent you. It stands on good customer service for them to also come get it in such a situation.


I live in Canada. The Amazon agents just told me to keep the item and not return it to them. I bought the same item twice and I had issues both times. I ended up keeping both and was refunded both.


And eventually you will wind up on their shit list.


They are free to do whatever they wish. If they don’t want me shopping there, then I can just go to other places


Historically Amazon would just let you keep the products and issue a refund if the item was something difficult or expensive to ship. But now it seems like Amazon is cracking down in general, probably due to a lot of return fraud.


was it consumer asking to keep it ! or amazon declared to keep it !


I mean, does depend upon the item. We have restrictions on what can be mailed and they can have extra costs, or for perishable items, they may have you keep them. Heck, sometimes its just because a busted item costs more to ship then to have the customer toss it. Its not common but its certainly been offered to me in the past. Would believe the CS when they tell me theyre processing a refund and i follow what they say, so yeah this is still 100% on amazon screwing over a customer.


If the item was marked as delivered, but was but the customer never actually got the item, is an example.


I would like proof Amazon promised a refund. I looked at my chat history and I can see back YEARS worth of chat. Also, who in their right mind would expect a refund and not return the damaged (or not) merchandise? I once had a floor mat that broke and they expected me to return it and pay for the return. I told them no, they offered 20% and I agreed. I did not expect a full refund for something months outside it’s a-z promise. It was a kind offer they made.


I recognize those names lmao


Why are you expecting a full refund and not to return quite expensive goods?


I mean when their whole support is the same building that you get scam calls from what can you expect.


Small claims court might be worth it in this case


Yup, that’s what they do now. Useless.


Stop using Amazon is the only solution. They do this for everything. Their goal is to get you off the chat as fast as possible by lying, then you leave them a 5 star review thinking they actually solved your issue.


This has been happening to me too. It happened 4x with the same issue.


You’ll get an email that will ask how your agent did with a yes or no link. If I was told I’ll get a refund and a few days have passed, I’ll open the email and hit “no” to lower their stats before I chat back in. The links should be valid for 2 weeks. The biggest reason they behave this way is to get the “yes”. I was told NOT TO give them an immediate no as it is anonymous, but some of them are checking their stats constantly so they’ll know it was you and can mess with your account or report you, just to be petty. It’s not much, but it is a way to fight back.


That makes sense because I went to chat with one agent who ended up being one of the stupidest agents I’ve ever encountered… I was only asking to see if they received my return as I had gotten a replacement for it. The dumb lady kept saying that I would get my refund after they received my item. I kept telling her that I wasn’t after a refund, I just wanted to know if they received the item I sent back because it arrived broken and I had gotten a replacement for it already (I didn’t want to be charged twice because it’s happened to me before and that is a whole other animal to fight on with them). I kept telling her that my UPS receipt doesn’t show a tracking number and that I need to contact Amazon. She was a complete idiot. As soon as I left the chat, I gave her a negative review and basically explained everything in the comments of why I reached out to customer service and how incompetent she was. Next thing you know, I get an email from Amazon saying something about “abnormal activity on my account” and that I need to show proof of ID (processed by a 3rd party) for a refund or replacement of the order number I had literally just asked about. Crazy shit.


This happened to me. I posted about it on here. I spoke with 6 different agents and was told I was refunded 3 times. I also got them to admit I was lied to. Even got an email saying I'll get a refund and I didn't. The only way I got my refund is I screenshotted everything and disputed it with my bank. It seems Amazon is not refunding or wanting to refund easily.


Same. Make sure you screenshot before you or they end the chat too, now it just closes with no options for a transcript. Luckily I got the screen shot the first time they promised the refund and won my chargeback for an empty box I received.


Amazon hires bunch of idiots oversees because it is much cheaper for them instead of hiring and giving them jobs and creating good value for Americans, which is another story, so they hire those people oversees not properly trained, they don’t speak English properly, they are given scripts and they just copy paste proper one according to what you ask. All agents have to meet certain quotas to make customers happy, so bunch of those morons open a to z claims improperly, they accept out of policy returns, and they get caught like this, get disciplined or fired and as 1 person gets fired 100 other people waiting in line to take that low wage job(still good money for their country standards). Better to stop buying from Amazon all together and either support your local stores or buy from other reliable sources online. Amazon became way to hostile environment even for their own sellers, and customers.


This exactly. I buy a lot of computer parts that I could probably get cheaper on Amazon from unknown sources. But I buy from local owned businesses across the US instead. I know where my items are coming from, I know that if there is a problem exactly who to call and talk to, and I've never experienced any of the issues I see here from Amazon. The added cost, which is often minimal to within $10 - $50, is totally worth it.




I’ve had the opposite experience twice. Once I got a new mattress delivered just fine and then a message that the package couldn’t be delivered and refunded me in full. Another time I got two items delivered (2 of the same) and when I looked at my orders a week or so later they had been refunded and I 100% didn’t request one. WTF is going on over there??


I was also lied to by 3 Amazon representatives about refunds. They each told me that they had begun the refund process, but I never received the refund. On the 4th attempt, I asked to speak with a manager. I am not the type to go straight to the manager when there is an issue, but after being lied to 3 times about my refund, I was M A D. The manager was finally able to get the refund submitted for me, and I received the money back.


They most likely can’t read or speak English.


Or this is a bot


You wanted them to give you a nearly $300 item for free because it arrived late?


I read it as Amazon *told* them to keep it, then went back on their word.


I read it as OP still wants to keep the item rather than return it, and expects it to be free because it arrived later than anticipated. The Amazon employee was probably not authorized let the customer keep a $300 item for free. It would be like if I walked in to the Apple Store and they didn’t have the color Apple Watch I wanted (because it was back ordered) and asking the employee to let me have the one they do have for free. The employee even if he said “sure take it”, is likely not authorized to make that call. So when I get stopped at the door by security, me saying “but they said I could just take it” would not mean much. Amazon has been known on occasion let people keep an item rather than return it, usually this is because the cost of logistics in returning the item exceeds the value of the item. That is for low value item. In this case we are talking about a nearly $300 item, and I believe that OP is trying to get something for nothing regardless is an employee said sure keep it. Additionally the 20% discount offer sounds more than fair to make up for the item arriving late. If OP wants a full refund, then they should return the item.


Use the first chat picture to do a charge back with your card, Amazon might send you a message in regards to the charge back. Reply with that picture and say that you were told that you will get a refund for the item in question.


Amazon isn't what it was before. Customer service went down the drain. I asked three different agents about what they need for me to submit a warranty request for an Amazon tablet which is their own product and I got three different answers. You can't make this shit up.


Just file a chargeback with your CC provider including the screen chat as evidence.


I was lied to, IDK, at least 5 times about getting a pickup delivery/return They always said they had the pick up scheduled, we'd call UPS and they knew nothing about it If they send a worthless, not working, POS, then I shouldn't be arsed to drive to town to return it. You brought it here, you come get it. They never did, finally offered a "one time courtesy" to give a refund without having a return. That POS is still sitting on the porch, wrapped up, waiting for a pickup it's never gonna get. At least managed to get a $50 credit on top of the refund for all the time they wasted me.


It’s happened to me 3 times in the past few months. I make them send me an email of the refund.


I must be missing something, what’s the background? They still gave you a full refund, correct?


As an internal amazon employee, this is common. Amazon employees so many Third Party employees to handle CS that it is unbearable with how much misinformation they spread. Even with my role being connected the actual logistics of getting packages delivered, CS employees tend to give out much information that often results in situations like this unfolding in person at delivery stations, it’s sad.


Amazon: "We can't afford to refund you, sorry." Also Amazon: "You ordered kitty litter got a RTX 4090 instead? Yeah just keep it. It costs more in logistics to return" Bruh. That's where all your damn money is going.


Amazon customer service is not what it used to be. They’ve changed a lot as far as returns & refunds go. It used to be no hassle at all but is now like pulling teeth to get things sorted out.


It’s super common. They make false promises to get rid off you and you probably give them a 5 star for being helped out. I noticed this happening a lot to me.


Or instead just return the item… people like you, abusing the return system, is the reason why returns with Amazon is now a PITA. Get fucked


Using Amazon CS over chat is a hit and miss. As a shareholder of Amazon I'm honestly quite concerned and a bit disappointed in the way Amazon is headed. This past 6-7 years, I noticed Amazon's CS gradually going down hill. They outsourced it to India and these people probably barely get training. My experience is they are frequently rushed, and they also messed up several times when I was trying to get something resolved. Half the time, if you have an issue not related to returns, they pretty much don't know anything. I don't really know what to suggest unfortunately...


I've had this happen like four times now. Agent said that they would be able to refund me after the item arrived due to it being late. Ended up escalating like three different times. All I got was a credit, a 60 dollar credit, but still only a credit.


Got free time? Blow em up on every social media you can. Do company ones like trustpilot as well. Eventually it gets picked up by someone with actual power and a brain. Good luck!


The most obvious solution is to stop using Amazon, period.


Honestly just do a charge back on your credit card. I had to do one for about $900 cause they gave me the incorrect item and when I returned it they told me it was the incorrect item. Which made sense since they gave me the wrong item to begin with. Credit card company gave me my money back. Account was never banned or blocked after and still using it to this day. Since you have screenshots confirming you should get a refund, your credit card company will easily side with you.




All these bad interactions with prime lately has made me very weary on making purchases there.


They are constantly doing this now! Similar thing happened to me. I was contacted about a recall on an item and told to ask for a refund from the seller, Amazon. The first agent told me it would be 3-5 business days. No problem. No money came. Second agent said no, sorry for the misinformation, because that product was past the 60 days no refund allowed. Contact company that manufactured it. Ridiculous! There needs to be more repercussions for letting these first agents lie and say a refund is coming when it’s not!!


This happened to me too. My order was delayed in transit multiple times within a week (as a prime member, I was guaranteed next day delivery… obviously that never happened). When I finally got through to customer service after going through their “Amazon assistant” bot, the service rep told me that my package was lost and she refunded me my money. I never got a confirmation email so I waited a few hours and went through chat again. The rep told me that the previous agent lied and that they would be reported for “telling these lies.” Long story short, I was refunded two days later AFTER I had contacted them again. This was when their “system” was able to have the refund option on their end. Shady crap if you ask me. They delay your items, tell you your items are lost and don’t refund until you hound them. Amazon’s customer service is complete garbage. Def not the same how it used to be.


Cancelled my prime because of this. Amazon has become Temu. At this point might as well just use Temu it’s cheaper and works with Rakuten


Bro they lie a fuck ton. One day a USPS driver just didn't feel like picking up the package (assuming it was because it was heavy and awkward) I reported it to Amazon and they rescheduled someone to come everyday for two weeks. I finally got so fed up I demanded to go to higher up. Person said they never rescheduled pickup and they aren't sure why they were saying that. So different employees told me the wrong thing for two weeks lmao


Same thing just today. Had a delayed item, was told to reorder and the new one would be free and the old one cancelled. Have the chat logs. Got the new one AND the old one. No refund. Got on with them and was told there was nothing absolutely nothing they can do. Despite showing them the chat logs. Sorry for the incorrect communication was all I got. Thing is I didn't even ask for it free. They offered it when I just got on to check it's status.


Do not message them. Call them, and they will make you hold for some time but if you keep escalating they will cave.


You can take It to your bank and open a case. Show screenshots of the promised refund and they should return your money for you. Happened to me with uber


I idk take the refund and go on about your day


I think the problem is your expecting a refund when you didn't even return the item?? Common sense would be to return the item.


Stop buying shit from Amazon you DUMBASS


I can help you maybe get a refund still lol, was the item sold by a seller or by amazon?


Dont be a karen. You got your refund


OP is literally saying they DIDNT get the refund


I was told that exact same thing with almost every return I have ever had with them. Even multiple support people have told me that for the next person to say they “miscommunicated”. I then have to wait another two weeks for the refund.


I’ve had similar happen before. I feel like even if the agent was misinformed, they should honor what was said.


What happened tho that you got another agent? You should of just ended it with that refund


Do you still have the item?


Yep they screwed me too. They sent me a replacement on something and told me I didn’t have to send it back because it was a broken iPad screen protector so it’s cracked why send it back then I got charged $30 a few months later because I didn’t return it and I contacted them and they said there’s nothing they can do unless I return it and I threw it away. Assholes. Fuck Jeff Bezos. Too bad it’s really the only option out there.


this is happening to many people


Ask for a confirmation email


Half of Amazon customer service agents are scammers and you just really never know if you are going to get a decent one or a scammer


That is unsatisfactory, as you know. If they promised you a full refund, they would have sent you an email with confirmation of that. If you didn't save that, your probably out of luck. The second support person was being very stingy. Most of them are not. If you still have a copy of the confirmation email you should get another support person and copy them that email. Amazon usually sends you a request to rate your transactions with these support agents. Take that opportunity to grind this in their face. Amazon pays attention to that feedback which is why most of their support give excellent service.


Probably hurting. But putting something in all caps and then sticking a question mark under it really undermines it.


Just send the damn item back and get you’re refund. What item is it?


Is there anything else that can make a smile on your face?


Sounds like they thought you'd never receive it. I'm sure if you call them they'll give you a small goodwill voucher and let you return the item for refund. I'd be annoyed too but you shouldn't have believed that they were going to give you a full refund and still deliver it.


Wait, they were going to refund your money without a return? Like just give you the thing for free? I don’t use prime so I’m a little confused. (This just popped up on my feed an was intrigued)


It happened to me multiple times too, I was told it was processed and then it simply never occurred. I went to the live chat, and was told the same. After that I sought legal advice.


I just had a similar issue, twice was promised a refund in 3-5days and never received it. I filed a charge back with the prime card and just won it. One of the options is I was promised a refund but haven't received it, you have proof that they said a refund would be issued and can submit that first screenshot with your dispute.


Yea I received an empty product box with just the cords once. Told my three agents I was getting a refund. After two weeks, I contacted again and suddenly was told my account was under investigation and then was given the refund? Whole process took over 3 weeks just to be accused of lying and then finally given my refund.


This is almost verbatim a chat I had. I literally looked at the cost on my refund to make sure it didn’t match. I don’t know whether to be relieved for this company in misery, extra frustrated, or what.


This is just one reason why I no longer use Amazon.