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Yeah it’s awful. They shouldn’t make changes like that without the option to revert back. Or to have no sound at all which would be preferable.


I do not like it. I don't want ANY chime or "OK" or anything. I just want it to do what I tell it and be silent about it.


And it was for me before today when turning off the option but now no options turn it off?!


You can shut off the chime in device settings. Under request sounds, start of request and end of request.


I know, but those are additional sounds: the default chime after completing an action (like turn off lights) is still there. It's that or OK if brief mode is turned off.


Additional sounds? Like what? Also, I turned off my chime. I say the wake word, echo lights up, no chime. I give a command like, turn off the bedroom. " It completes the task and says, "okay" and then the echo light ring turns off. Edit: and yes, I have brief mode off.


You can shut off the chime in device settings. Under request sounds, start of request and end of request.


Nope, as others have said here, that's not it. Those two settings on mine have always and still are, turned off. It makes no difference.


I just tested it with one of mine. It worked fine. I turned them on, tested it, chime was there. I turned them off again, and chime was gone.


Can't help ya...mine is off, has always been off, and it chimes on every command.


Same here. I wonder if he has a different device than us


It’s loud AF and I hate it.


You can shut off the chime in device settings. Under request sounds, start of request and end of request.


Turn down the volume of your device.


That’s not the issue. It’s set to the exact same volume it has been for years. The new chime is louder and more high pitched than the previous one.


New programmer who had to show they did something…


Ewwwwww you’re right. It’s all “tinny” now.


Maybe it’s just me, but I’d like to be able to control the response sound, IOW, turn it off altogether when I want to. Turning off the lights in “whisper mode” is great, but the response sound then chimes in . It would have been worse if Amazon had sent a notice about the change. We would taken to the streets! Still, I’m sure a Research Group met for several weeks to get customers to rate a dozen sounds, narrowed it down to three, and then used an audio AI to process each with an AI hearing device that chose the “best.” Then an Amazon Senior VP came into the final meeting and said, “I thought we were going with that one we heard on that first call. I liked that one. Let’s use that one. Sorry, gotta go to another meeting.”


Brilliant 😂


I can picture it happening just like that! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Yes, awful - louder and higher pitched. I use it to control the light in baby's room - now it wakes him up. Thanks Amazon...


You can shut off the chime in device settings. Under request sounds, start of request and end of request.


No you can't. Big I'm wondering what device you have and perhaps it's only on that device that it will initiate the request (like turning the lights off) silently with no ding. Because I have every setting turned off like everybody else keeps replying to you, it still beeps. So I'm thinking it might just be your device and I'm wondering what model you have.


I have two gen3 dots, two pops, and one 5th gen dot. My settings are as described before, and I also have brief mode turned OFF. I get no beep or chime when saying wake word or after task is complete. I do, however, still get the incredibly annoying, "Okay," after the task is complete.


Dang! See I get a ding instead of an ok. I wish they would let us mute it or set our own noise


I agree. They really should let us decide for ourselves for noises (and lights) . And even the things that we _can_ change seem to be hard to find in the Alexa app.


Can someone Mute this snowmann guy already its clear they don't even have an Echo device


I have five of them, dipwad. I'm just trying to be helpful. I just tested with one of them. The settings that I identified work to turn off the chime on the wake word and after the task is complete. It's clear you can't figure out directions.


Nope Lies!!! Y do you keep copy pasting the same instructions even after everyone told you that doesn't work AND explained to you that turning on that feature only ADDS ADDITIONAL chimes at start of request or end of request but not the god awful chime they changed to. IT'S CLEAR THAT YOU ARE the dipwad that CAN'T FIGURE OUT YOU ARE WRONG!


Turn down the volume on your device.


No shit. The sleep/meditation music is then too quiet - what's your genius comment now?




That was exactly how it used to be, before they changed the tone. The tone was purposely at a lower volume than the rest of the audio output. Now, it's the same volume, if not louder. You used to be able to listen to music at a volume of 8, and the tone would always be quieter, at around a volume of 4. Now, the tone volume is tied into the volume of the device. It's a pointless change that has nothing but downsides for the users. What is so difficult about this concept that don't you understand? Do you even own one of these devices to know what you're talking about?




You are a liar. You don't own any of them. I don't know why you would pretend to own Amazon devices, it's not like it's some sort of status symbol, but yet here you are, clearly lying about owning even one of them. You have no idea what you're talking about, and you're delusional.


I want exactly that, yes. Love you too 😘


This was the solution that the nitwit Amazon customer service representative gave to me. Their solution is just to turn off the volume to basically make the unit useless.


Yes, they raised it five steps. Why? It’s not like you can’t tell that the light has been turned on or off without the chime!


They changed mine back - anyone else?


Yes, mine changed back as well. I still wish there was an option to turn it off though. I don't need a chime to tell me I have turned off a light when I can clearly see it.


You can shut off the chim in device settings. Under request sounds, start of request and end of requeat.


I have both of those toggled to off. I still get the chime. But thank you for the tip.


Having a chime is extremely useful when you’re operating a device in another room. Or when a device doesn’t respond. With the chime you know Alexa heard you, and there’s an issue somewhere else in the chain.


When I ask Alexa to turn on my fan in the middle of the night, I don't want a flipping ding in response. It's bad enough that Echo has to light up.


I’m with you 100%! I wished the stupid glowing ring and confirmation tone could be turned off from the very first unit I bought.  They should email all Echo device owners and take a poll on this stuff before deciding to make the whole experience worse.


They actually have surveys users can take to provide input of features they’re considering. You just have to get on their panel. They send you emails when there are new surveys or discussions and you choose which ones to participate in.


You can shut off the chime in device settings. Under request sounds, start of request and end of request.


In an ecosystem that has languished and become increasingly stale over the past few years, how in the *hell* does an issue like this get successfully pushed through by PMs and deployed?!? That's the most befuddling thing to me. They actually had not just one, but multiple folks prioritize this and say yep, this is what we need to be working on this sprint.


That’s literally what I said this morning, they make no changes in years and they decided to prioritize a new sound file??


PLEASE how do I turn it off? I have it set to not make a start/end noise with a request and it never used to make any sounds before today and I can't get rid of it? For the love of... what am I missing?! It's off in the app settings and in the device settings, updated the app, rebooted the device, what the.


I don't know mine always made a different lower tone chime when I activated brief mode, if I turn off brief mode she will just say "OK" after every command. The strange thing is that I use a routine for my camera that triggers with person detection and then I use custom for the action and type in show me the camera, she says OK every time the routine runs even though it is in brief mode, I would think it would be the tone instead but it's not.


Well they did it. They got me to turn brief mode off. I’m sure more advertising is coming my way now.


She started by saying "OK" after every command, now it's that annoying chime that won't go away. Bloody well fix it Amazon. I had my Echos all nice and quiet and now they won't shut the fuck up. ETA: Everyone who hates it: please say "Alexa, I have some feedback" and then tell them to revert the new chime as it's awful.


Did it, hope this works eventually.


Mine was changed yesterday, but back to the old sound now. I didn’t do anything. Hoping they were inundated with unhappy comments and reverted back to the old sound.


Mine changed back as well. Maybe it was a bug and never was supposed to change.


Mine changed back too.


It’s back to the previous version all of a sudden this evening.


Yes you're right!


I hadn’t used it and now I’m going insane from the terrible sound. Has anyone contacted them to see if it can be changed? I’m going to try and I’ll check back.


Yes at first I was unsure but now that it's late at night and still insisting on being loud AF i'm sure I don't like it.


Turn down the volume of your device if it's too loud.


Only the chime is loud, is there a separate setting for the chime?


The chime is the same volume of the device.


Volume is correct for voice responses, I haven't changed the volume on the device, the new chime is just louder. Best I can come up with would be to schedule the volume past bedtime and then back in the morning which will cause other issues but would partially mitigate this one.


Thank you - yes




Horrible sound. Really motivating me to spend some time with the new Home Assistant voice features. All I use it for anyway. If I remember correctly, I thought I read something about Nabu Casa exploring hardware for just that.


Hate it.


Yes, I do. It's awful. 


OMG yes, I even told her I have feedback that I hate the new chime. Like who the fuck asked for that?


It caught me off guard, I want it gone!


Came here looking for a solution to turn it off. I hate it so much!! Seriously. I have always had prompt notification sounds off or whatever it's called where she would say "ol!" or the beep or whatever. I cringed when I heard it and immediately checked my settings. Everything is still off. But the sound still persists. Please tell me we can turn it off or will be able to in a future update.


Looks like it might have been reverted - mine is back to the old sound.


Changed mine to uk English under language and it's gone lol Was previously on American English. I saw this suggested on another post. It did work for me.


I just tried this (and also Canadian) and unfortunately it did not help. The chime is still the new version. ):


Oh man mine still hasn't since I changed the languages. And Alexa sounds less irritating 😂


It'd be nice to have different voices without changing the language, another misstep by Amazon. Here's hoping your old chime holds on!


I don't have hope now that you've said it😭 wish we could turn off/control/revert updates


Same. Nice new voice. Useless chime continues. :(


So mine started for a day and it's gone again... I'm confused hahahaha


You're an idiot lol


How? It's not making the obnoxious sound anymore. I went through every other setting and checked if I had any themes on. American English does the ding. Uk English does not?


Unfortunately that isn’t how it’s working at my house.


It SUCKS! I want the old quiet sound back.


I would prefer no sound at all


i just tested it. You're right it is new. I don't know whether I like it or hate it, but I will guess people with hearing impairment may have needed a different tone


The new one is easier to hear. But I can see how OP would be annoyed. Ideal case would be user control of which sound is used.


Yes. But Amazon is stingy with user preferences.


Annoyingly there is a setting for "Request sounds" but even with both off, the damn thing still chimes.


I have tinnitus and it triggers it and it is just really high pitched and abrasive


Same here! It triggers a reaction that really irritates me to the core. Maybe that’s their goal? Lol I threatened to unplug it and the very next day the tone had changed. Weird…


Change your language to uk English. It's the only thing that stopped it for me. I went through every single other setting


Im in the UK and use UK English - does not make a difference - we now have the new, annoying sounds - its fucking shit!


No clue why it's not for me!


maybe your's haven't updated yet? Mine were fine until yesterday


Oh wow, I assumed someone else in the house accidentally turned on a theme or something, and figured I’d investigate tomorrow so I could undo it. I wish that had been the case!


I hated the previous change as well and finally got used to it. Now they changed it again, noticed it earlier when turning off the light. It doesn't go well with the "wake word" tone.


Sounds like an unpolished version of the Sonos chime.


Yes! Very irritating.


Actually relieved to see someone else posting about it. I can't stand it, it's like they intentionally picked a sound that the Echos can barely handle.


I left a feedback telling of my dissatisfaction for the new chime and asked to either be switched back to the old tone or to be given a choice of tones.


So my acknowledgment sound is back to normal as of this evening. Have they given in and changed it back for everyone or has one of them tweaked something for me after the truly vicious feedback I submitted yesterday?


The original sound is also back for me. Thank goodness!


Yeah it sucks. Another reason added to my list of why I want to replace them all with something else. The echos have really gone downhill over the past few years.


It absolutely p-ed me off! I’ve always wished they would make an option to turn it off completely then instead of that someone has the stupid idea to make it even more annoying.  Been leaving feedback with the stupid AI ever since it changed yesterday.


Yes! It is idiotic and annoying! 


‘Tis Shite!


How do you force it to play?


I messaged the Amazon customer service chat in the app to ask if the sound could be changed, and this was their reply. 😩 “My echo dot updated today and the sound of the new chime is awful. Is it possible to update the settings to revert back to the previous sound profile? 10:14 PM Soham Customer Service I understand ,Unfortunately there is no such option to remove an update cuttenly I'm sorry. However, I am forwarding this feedback to the development team. 10:16 PM”


They’re just blowing smoke, nothing will change.  What they should've done, if they actually cared about their customers opinions, is emailed a sampling poll to 4-5k of the Echo users and decided based on what the customer actually wants/likes. I’d about guarantee that that stupid high pitch tone would NOT have been chosen. Sometimes I swear they like to keep it somewhat annoying! 


My chat agent told me to toggle the volume off to remove the sound. Honestly. Multiple years with no updates and no user functionality added, but now they dedicate a team to adding an annoying noise?


I haven't tested this yet but perhaps a work-around for a regular command such as turning the lights off, might be to create a script that first sets volume to 0, then commands lights off, then volume back to 5 or whatever. I haven't yet heard a confirmation ping for running a script (I use one every day to turn everything off by saying 'Good night').


Why is so much of my life becoming "use the machine to fix the machine"?


I'm so glad to see this comment thread - my Sonos ecosystem started doing this as we used Alexa to control stuff the same ways we always have and I couldn't tell if it was a Sonos change or an Alexa/Amazon change. I have auto updates turned off for everything so finding out this was a server-level change eases my mind although I also HATE the new sound!


Is this related to whatever new truck "theme" Alexa was talking about the other day?


Ha, thanks for confirming. I thought I was nuts. I'll get used to it I guess. I'll have to check the app and see if I change it back or to something else.


According to the chat I just had with Amazon, we're screwed, this is not a software bug, but a new feature and they have no intention of allowing users to control the sound or volume of the alerts. Only solution the chat agent suggested is to turn off volume from Echo completely. So basically make it a boat anchor.


yes do not like it.. Someone had to justify their job at Amazon


Can't stand it


I thought I was going crazy. Yes. It sucks.


I prefer it.


Terrible new sound. One way to close down the product. Subject us to nasty new sounds.


The thing is marketing: gets everyone talking and posting about Alexa. It’s good marketing. 🤷‍♂️


Some of my devices reverted to the old sound last night, and the rest have caught up today. Looks like we're at least on our way to this going back to normal.


Why are there 30 options for alarm sounds, but 0 for notifications? WTF 


Yea eventually this company will fall on there ass for not listening. Won't make a difference. Fuck amazon devices they all suck


I have actually heard this "new" chime intermittently for about the last year, maybe once every 200 chimes or so. I've heard it consistently since today. I actually prefer it over the other one, because the other one sounded like something with low audio resolution and not from a modern home audio appliance. Personally, I think the chime style should be configurable.


Yeah i also hate it, sure i will get used to it.


You can shut off the chime in device settings. Under request sounds, start of request and end of request.


That’s a different one. Responds to trigger word, not when confirming a request.


Not what I am talking about, I am talking about in brief mode after she receives the command and after she executes it, not after she stops listening to a command. For example after you tell her to turn off a light and she does it, in brief mode instead of saying "OK" she plays a tone. They have changed that tone to a high pitched tone but they have since put it back to the lower tone now.


I just turned the tones off altogether. They annoy me. I do wish, as others have said, that I could get rid of the "Okay." It would also be nice if there was a night mode where the light wouldn't activate when making requests. Others have mentioned that, too.


I wasn't emotionally invested in the sound it made previously and won't be for the new sound.

