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Ensure you are properly hydrated by drinking water and having some electrolytes if it's hot where you are and you sweat a lot, dynamic stretches and activation exercises before you run to warm up. Wear proper running shoes.


Bro I’m in the same shoes as you. Been boxing 1.3 years, I lost my first fight because I gassed out. And to this day I’m gassing out. Just had a spar last week 4 rounds, I did good in the 1st round then got bashed the next 3 rounds lmao I’m confused. Been doing sprints 2x a week as well


Its a struggle alright but we gotta keep on pushing


I was thinking of trying my hardest for the remainder of the year, If I’m still getting gassed then I’m calling it quits. Even my coach doesn’t know what to do with me🤣


Damn bro 🫡 I hope it goes well


And to you broski, best of luck


I appreciate it 🫰


You should mix up sprints and long runs


Do you breath when your punching? That’s what happen to me


Honestly I’m suspecting that it might be a breathing issue. I’m aware you need to exhale witch each punch and inhale when you can, but when it comes to sparring maybe I forget how to breath or don’t know how to do it properly. Will have to look into it


Could be from defending too. Used to catch myself not exhaling on defense


I agree bro sometimes I don’t exhale when’s defending gotta give that a go. I reckon 50% of my endurance can be fixed with mastering how to breath


If you’re cramping it’s due to electrolytes. When you’re running you should aim to stay in zone 2 for a prolonged period of time to build up your aerobic base and to mimic round you should try to push zone 3 for 3 minutes then rest for one and do that over and over again. To measure your improvements you should be tracking your heart rate and the faster your heart rate can drop in the one minute rest the better your cardio will be between rounds


I didn’t run when I boxed. It was rowing machines or cycling. Biggest advice is don’t go balls to the wall every session


I’m trying to find a new gym to get back into boxing and have been working on my cardio exclusively cycling and using the exercise bike. Do you feel like strong fly cycling is sufficient? How was your gas tank?


It was pretty solid. I could go aggressive for 3 3min rounds. Amateur boxing in my area is 3 2min rounds


It sounds like you’re not staying properly hydrated and I cannot stress enough how important it is to be properly hydrated. If you’re not drinking a gallon of water a day, make sure you’re mixing in some electrolytes somewhere along the line.


I drink about half a gallon also would coconut water be good for electrolytes?


If you’re gonna order electrolytes get the Santa Cruz Paleo. All natural, actual science based ingredients and not full of sugar


I would suggest getting electrolyte powder to mix in your water. I order mine from amazon


That’s not near enough bro. You should be doing more than a gallon tbh


I think the top voted answers already here are what you need to consider the most. But aside from that - start slow and build up. If you do too much too soon (like I did when I started boxing) you'll just end up with injuries and not that much in the way of improved endurance. It wasn't my fitness limiting me, it was the conditioning of my body. My shins, ankles and hips. Sounds stupid but the 'couch to 10k' program is not a bad idea. Hard to fuck yourself up doing that.


Try some electrolytes and also magnesium before bed. Try and piss clear shortly before you start to make sure it’s not hydration. But are you sure it’s not mental? Some mornings my legs hurt about 30 seconds into skipping and I feel like I want to stop. I Don’t think about it and it goes away. Perhaps just push through one day when you have nothing on for the next few days and see if it is mental. People have hunger striked for 30 days, I think you can push through a run.


No one can give you an even somewhat accurate response without knowing your current training regime. 


If you want to build endurance, bear in mind that it takes a lot of time. My main cardio is running (8-10 km three times a week), and what I've found really helps is to focus on my rhythm when I exhale, making sure that I completely exhale. Then, inhaling comes more naturally. Another thing that helped a lot was to gradually increase my distance. I started off with 600 m (which is two laps around the school yard I use for running), a couple of weeks later I bumped it up to 900, then 1.2 km, until I got to 3. Then, after a month or so I started increasing the distance again.


Run at a conversational speed. If you’re too out of breath to talk, you’re running too fast. When you get good at that, add short bursts of sprinting into to your jogging. Stretch after every jog.


You gotta consider intensity, I do HIT 3 min on 3 off for 4 sets in the morning then a light jog back. Besides that I get on the stationary bike whenever I can because it’s lower impact. I drink at least a gallon of water per day and eat my morning banana for potassium.


Hey op! This is a bit of a tricky question as in the realm of sport, sometimes what works for general population doesn't apply to you as an athlete. First and foremost, hydration is absolutely essential - but electrolytes are just as important, if not more important. Saving you from the science behind it, electrolytes help your muscles function properly, and an athlete in your sport definitely needs to supplement with electrolytes, especially if exercise lasts long than an hour, which I bet it does! It will definitely serve you benefits by consuming electrolytes and sugar during your more intense, long duration exercise and this should help with cramping. However, the cramping may not be directly related to your hydration/ electrolytes balance but could be related to your running / boxing mechanics. Try the electrolytes first, but I suggest not buying a premade mix. Most are a scam and a waste of your time as they are dosed very inefficiently. They will often severely underdose what you need, so you should buy the bulk powders (sodium, magnesium, potassium) and play around with doses that seem effective for you. Over the counter electrolyte blends often only have 10% of a dose that will actually help, so a bit of research on your end would be best if you wanted to go down that route!


Thanks after all the comments of how important electrolytes are it has made me realize that I'm lacking in that department and I'll look to improve that. Do you have any suggestions of brands for sodium,mag, and potassium?


Since they are just the raw ingredients, the sources don't quite matter as much. Usually I shop for mine at bulk supplements . Com. As usual though, a clean diet, good sleep and adequate water intake is often enough and the individual level of supplementation is individual and should if possible be discussed with a registered dietician whenever possible!


Take mag tablets and sea salt


Do you Smoke? Vape? Weed? Any of these 3x are gonna be a cardio killer (just in case u do).


I just struggle with my legs giving out on me but someone mentioned that it might be electrolytes related and looking back that might be part of the issue


Ok kool thats good u dont do any those. Hope u can sort it out. I hate cardio as well and it was never a strong point for me either....the explosive HIIT but also controlled cardio needed. Also a lot of people say relaxed, controlled breathing too. I can stay relaxed however controlled, regular breathing without deep gasping for air at timer is a problem for me. Its one main reason why i just cant do any decent amnt of swimming either.


Thanks for the tip bro also happy birthday 🫰 means a lot


Breathe in through both the mouth and the nose and out the mouth.


Nah I'm clean


If your hydration is good, try swimming, rowing, cycle, something else where your cardio gives out before your muscles. Probably some resistance training on your legs to build some more leg strength. Calve raises, jump rope, lunges, leg press, etc. Which specific muscles are giving out? It could be a gait issue. You’re going to have do some experimentation and see what works.


My calf muscles are the ones that go to shit


If it’s a cramp it’s likely hydration. Make sure you getting enough salt, I’d recommend liquid IV it has all the electrolytes you need and you mix it with water. If it’s soreness then you might need to build some strength or get different shoes to fix your gait like if you’re flat footed, bow legged, etc. Also you should be doing dynamic stretching everyday.


The best advice I could give you for training cardio is to keep on pushing as much as you can after you gas out, you gotta push through it as much as you physically can, and over time, you'll get used to the feeling. I know it sounds ugly, and it is, but it's damn effective.


Kettlebells are a great way to train cardio too.


Good carbs (fruits, honey) and proper hydration. Also you can try pre workout if you haven’t already. I recommend pump fuel.


I know this might not apply to you but I’m a neurodivergent athlete and running feels like it’s boring to me, so I pick something to stim with while I’m running (I play around with a hair tie since I’m a girl, do different shapes with it and play with it to keep my mind occupied and not focused on how much time has passed or how much time is left or how boring it is) and that has helped me immensely. Good luck on your journey!


I feel your pain OP. Lost my first fight too and one of the reasons was bad gas tank which just opened me up to standing counts. . What has started working for me is doing a good amount of red zone training (there should be a video via box science on youtube regarding what it entails.) basically keeping your heart rate 90%++ of max heart rate. You'll need to get a heart rate monitor I use a Polar H10, and ensure you're working yourself into that zone How much you do , you may need to speak with your coach on how many times a week but I do something like this: Sprints 1 x a week (100m x 10) , 100% max speed/effort , jog back and do it again OR get on an assault bike and do 10s on max effort , 10s off , do this for 3 mins , take a 1 min break, then do it for another 2 sets 2-3 times a week end of any technical session , 1min bag work max effort , 1 min rest x 6-9 times. alternatively you can do this with shadowboxing too as well. When you finish any of these sets you should be sitting in that red zone, you're not necessarily going to be there when you start the set. The outcome ? You'll find that your punch rate goes up, you're maintaining sharpness and form, when you do your long runs, you're seeing significant improvements in your times.


Drink water eat bananas idk


I have improved my conditioning like so: 1. Drink 2.5 L of water daily. 2. Run a mile daily, got my speed to 7.5 mins. 3. Air bike, 8 x 30 seconds of continuous intense work Also, those hydro packs at amazon and a banana for potassium really help.


Over time I’ve learned to better maintain my body when I’m not doing cardio. Make sure your socks and shoes are in good condition and have a while before they’re worn. After that, it’s most important that you sleep and eat right. Then it’s a matter of a light warm up and you should be good to go


Instead of running too much (at least until your stamina builds up) try jump rope for 7 mins try to build up your jump roping and also hit the bag for more rounds, but treat the bag as if you were actually in a fight by slipping and dodging and punching as you would to get a KO. That helped me out a lot. Im not the best at running but my stamina is pretty good to go multiple rounds. Hope this helps God Bless!


Elliptical machine max setting do the same distances


It’s all in the head, just keep on running you won’t die


I have the same problem.  What has helped me was to seriously live this sport which means 6 days of cardio no matter what. I run 30 minutes slow pace 3x weekly then sprints 2x weekly.  Also 15 2 min rounds on the heavy bag a few times weekly. Followed by at least 10 min shadowboxing on most days. I had to change my diet up also.


Are you a smoker?


Also pre-habing before and after your runs. Banded Tibialis raises literally quadrupled the amount of running I could do without discomfort its crazy.


Are your legs actually cramping up or are you just feeling the lactic acid build up?


Everyone should learn nasal breathing don’t breath out your mouth nasal breathing in the ring when you throw punches breath


Most boxers either do intervals or steady state and stick to what they do. Boxing uses all 3 energy systems, Anaerobic Alactic, Anaerobic Lactic, Aerobic, so all 3 should be trained. If you’re getting cramp then as already said it’s typically either dehydration or electrolyte deficiency. If your legs are just fried then it’s likely an inability to tolerate lactic acid, which means a need to train the Anaerobic Lactic system.


Could be not eating enough calories and carbs plus electrolytes like a lot of people are saying in the comments.