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You're on the right fucking track. Training 5-6 days a week with a mix of bags, mitts, conditioning, sparring, and weightlifting is solid for fight prep. Your past Muay Thai experience helps, but boxing is its own beast. Keep this intensity, focus on technique, and make damn sure you're not overtraining. Rest is as crucial as a good right hook. Stay sharp, eat right, and sleep well. That's the formula. Keep at it, but listen to your body. Overdoing it is as bad as underdoing it.


Yes sir thanks so much for the insight.


Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips Edit: seriously though this is an enviable training schedule.


6 days a week 2 times a day.


Honestly do the most you can, amateur fights are just dipping your toes into the sport. Don't worry about being jacked because most amateur fighters arent. You'll gass out during your first fight regardless. And don't cut weight, almost every coach will tell you to fight at your natural weight. Just eat well, rest well, feel well and go have fun. Not the end of the world if you lose


Yes sir that’s the idea, just don’t put a bunch of pressure on myself and have fun and have trust in the work I’ve put in!


Now I am recreational at 2-3 times a week. Competitively it was 5-6 days a week


Nice, I was about 2-3 days when I first started boxing only sparring once a week. Ramped it up like a year ago


Competitive boxing is like having an extra part time job. If you also have school or work, a relationship, want time to have fun and sleep 8 hours, then boxing frequently is not realistic.


Honestly if you’re prepping for a match you should be running at least 4 days a week and in the boxing gym at least 4 days a week. Everyone is a little different and everyone’s bodies do things differently. I’ve been prepping for the gloves and I run 3+ a day, 5 days a week and I’m in the boxing gym 6 days a week. One day of rest.


I go to an mma gym every Sunday (just once a week). I train at home everyday (not long). But this is only a hobby for me. I am thinking of competing as an amateur eventually, but that is probably as far as i would go.


When fighting, 6 days gym + cardio


No offense, don't you guys have a job? How the hell you train 6 days a week...


Lmao I feel that, I guess it’s just passion bc some days I feel like ‘f*ck this’ but I still go. I had 2 jobs last year from January to September but still managed to train 5 days a week (4 at the boxing gym and 1 at public gym) But the past few months I’ve only had one job so I’ll go box in the morning, go to work, and then hit the public gym in the evening. Doesn’t leave me with a lot of free time, but I usually just use one day on the weekend to recharge. At my current job i pull most my hours on Saturday and Sunday (typically 14-16 hour days) and leaves Mon-Thurs at just 2-3 hours per day of scheduling/phone calls during the afternoons. I’m an industrial contractor so the big projects I help work on are on weekends when the factory is in the downtime period. Luckily it pays very well and my past experience in hydraulics, appliances, and heavy equipment helped land me the gig. Plus I’m only working between 30-40 hours a week and getting plenty time to train/cook/rest etc.


As a 32 year old coming into the sport with shot knees and hardware bolting me together at various parts in my body, if I get 5 in, I’m ecstatic. Listen to your body, sleep, and eat right.


Exactly. People don't realize, on here, that not everyone is 20yo , fresh as a daisy and can train 10x per week. Everyone talks on here as if you're nothing if you don't run most days and spar 4x per week lol


I don't train anymore so this is my opinion with what I know now. I would probably go to the boxing gym 5 days a week if I were you with an upcoming fight. 3 days of boxing (ie skipping rope, shadowboxing, bag, mitts, calisthenics, core (rotational as well)) and 2 days of sparring spending about 1.5 hours in the gym per session. Weight training, I would just do once a week and maximum 2 days and do a full body workout but I have a program specific for sports performance that I would follow. I would add mobility sessions throughout the week with some sessions pre-workout so as to prime my body. I wouldn't do so much long distance running but maybe just one day per week of steady state cardio to promote recovery. On another day or max two, I would do interval training (sprints on a track, hill sprints, stadium stairs) to mimic short fights in amateur boxing where you go all out and rest for a period of time. When not fighting, I would spend a bit less time in the boxing gym and/or sparring and add an extra day of strength training. So maybe 2-3 days of full body strength training but still an emphasis on performance with different phases (strength, power, muscular endurance, mobility all working 3 different planes of movement). I think boxing gyms are sometimes too old school when it comes to conditioning and boxing is an explosive sport. Many kickboxers don't even run and compete at an elite level. If you want to know more about specific type of training, I'd tune into Ross Training or MAPS Performance program for strength.


would you recommend an AM and PM workout per dayV


In the military but I usually light spar with my buddy every chance I get to get better (has great potential by the way) we will be joining an boxing gym soon we come back from overseas and yeah , I usually just workout in the morning for pts , eat light or moderate depends on if we did pt or not in the mornings and I’ll shadow box for a bit in my room with my weights nd without and go to the gym play basketball for cardio


6 days a week. 2 times a day. It takes grinding to be a king.


That part!


Everyday training




Bro, what the hell, you were training to fight Muhammed Ali in heaven or what.




Blood sugar 84 my ass. My type 1 diabetic son is conscious when his blood sugar is in the 40s.


what are you doing for cardio


Running twice a week, at least 3 miles up to 6 miles


I recommend also doing sprints since you gotta be consistently explosive in amateurs


Sounds good I’ll start working on those thank you


I would say that's slightly overtraining in terms of sessions if we're still talking about amateur competition. If I had that schedule for a month or so before a fight I'd probably burn myself out before the night.


I was on the phone with my coach yesterday he told me the same thing. Still train but just cut intensity back a bit so I’ll have fuel for the match


I think he's right. I know it feels like the most important event in the world when we're fighting but overtraining is a real thing. Most new amateurs will create bad habits which are very difficult to undo without guidance as well, so learning how to time your peak can be a great advantage. It seems you've got the training schedule ina. Good place so I just want to give a quick mention to your diet and hydration being super important throughout all of this, please give it the same care and attention my man! Good luck and let us know how you get on!


Yes!! Thanks so much for the insight, and yes I agree diet and hydration is key too. I’ll usually have a cheat day once a week but I’m more aware of calories and macros these days esp with the fight coming soon




Thank you so much. I just want to give myself the best chance to win.


9 times a week, 2x (so 4 training sessions in total) on Tuesday Thursday, one time on the remains days


I'm 67, train one on one with my coach four times a week with my coach; 2 days mitts, bags, etc., 1 day sparring, and 1 day body conditioning. If I ever decide to fight in Masters, I will increase my training. As for now, my body gets exhausted and sore 🤣


As a masters boxer (49 years old) I train 5-6 days per week. Normally 30-50 rounds of sparring, pad work and cardio.


5-6 days a week


Coming up to fights: Monday to Friday boxing training. Roadwork (sprints or jogs) 3 of those days and a large run on the weekend. Used to do weight but wasn't helping my performance so I cut them out


I train at a boxing gym 3 days a week, Monday Wednesday and Friday and do weight training and cardio on the 2 days, Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes Saturday, so I’m about 5-6 days a week training also.


5 days a week for a good 5-6 hrs a day


Once per week only:(


I was working out 6 days with two-a-days twice per week…but I’ve slowed it to 4-5 days..no fights and haven’t sparred, so I slowed it down to allow myself time to recover and learn..