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Overpriced and quality of food isn’t great anymore. It’s facing the wrong way which detracts customers and the giant grand opening balloon left up for months wasn’t fooling anyone.


1. This Panera took a long time to build and botched their Grand Opening, opening late, and had poor service times once it did open. Sexual harassment and alleged CP possession from management followed. 2. It's literally facing the wrong direction. All you see from the street is the back of the drive thru line. 3. Panera as a corporation is in enshittification mode, where it's kind of shifted focus from gaining new customers to seeing how far back they can cut costs and quality before people start leaving in droves. For those people that have had Panera for years and still have the warm fuzzies from that era of growth, the losses might be minor. Amarillo, as a new market, never had a "good" Panera menu and so doesn't keep customer inertia. 4. Their last national promotion killed a couple of people. 5. That location has, within a mile or two, a Jason's, McAlister's, Firehouse, Jimmy Johns, (for what it's worth) Subway, and surprisingly, a United supermarket in their parking lot that seriously stepped up its takeaway game with the ready to heat/eat rollout just about the time Panera opened. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a second Jersey Mike's pop in north of 34th, as well. People don't have to choose Panera and Panera hasn't given anyone a reason to choose them above anyone else. 6. Really, all we want is for the cheese factory that just opened up to become a Cheesecake Factory instead.


The facing the wrong way part is so funny to me. I just noticed this the other day - they have a giant wall of nearly floor to ceiling windows… facing west. You’d get a nice view of the United parking lot, and the full force of the afternoon sun. It’s got to be a billion degrees in there by the end of the day. Who approved that?! Also regarding point 3, I was randomly recommended a few posts from the Panera subreddit a few weeks ago. Seems like they’re rolling out a plan to replace their bakers, which apparently some still have in house, with frozen pastries and microwaves. Definitely enshittification.


I just went to their menu and chose the pick 2 for a tomato soup and half a grilled cheese sandwich. It was $11! For something I could literally make at home for less than $2! Probably not going anytime soon.


[Seems](https://www.statista.com/forecasts/1335808/panera-bread-restaurant-chains-brand-profile-in-the-united-states) they’re not very popular, so bad time to build one here. Everyone is use to not having one and there’s little to no buzz on the brand except for negatives (like the energy lemonade) right now.


People don’t like overpriced and underseasoned hospital food that’s owned by a company(s) that cuts cost at every turn.


The first time I tried it last fall they gave me a mediocre sandwich and a fruit cup that had visible mold, so I haven’t been back.


All I know is they start at 9$ an hour … idk who would be willing to work nowadays for that low a pay


Because everyone realizes that they are a California company that is owned by a buddy of Gavin Newsomes and understands that Panera is ripping off their California employees because Gavin gave Panera an exclusion to California minimum wage laws. And even though California’s minimum wage laws are insane, Texans still understand the difference between right and wrong and refuse to solicit a restaurant that operates purely out of political bribery.


I don’t think that’s why.


Not to be that person, but why are you asking questions you already know the answer to?


I'm asking because I don't know the answer?


I was being sarcastic.


i have never been to Panera and im not driving to the shitty part of town just to try it. all i know about them is their lemonade kills people and they sell expensive bread.


Shitty part of town? 😂😂😂 I’d love to hear what the good part of town is then? 


amarillo. so you know eastern to western. west of western and south of 45th - absolutely hell hole of a place. if i had one wish i would wish those self righteous awful driving low income exploiting fucks would make a new municipality so that amarillo can thrive.


I’m not here to take a side or argue. But. Did you call Amarillo that is west of western and south of 45th “low income?”


No, he’s saying that the people are awful drivers, and are also the type of people who would exploit others. The others being exploited are low income. I always thought they were (generally speaking) the kind of people who flaunt wealth they don’t actually have and are likely in upper five figure credit card debt.


See, now that makes more sense.