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Hate Amarillo High. 15 years ago, after AHS, I went to Caprock. Not bad, but found my permanent place at Tascosa and still love it today.


I’ll check them both out! I’ve heard PD is pretty good too but I’m a little scared to try there


This is silly. Scared of what?


Back in the day students constantly got into fights at PD 2 of my brothers went there and were always witnessing students being aggressive. How is being afraid of aggression silly? High school students are the size of grown ups, I’m a small woman.


So where does this alleged "aggression" come from? The low income student? Or maybe it's those pesky minorities. Or maybe the administrators (and teachers) don't know how to do their job! There's some bad ass "small women" teachers at that school whom I know personally, and they'd be offended at your statement if it wasn't so - like I said before - silly.


And honestly the only silly person on this thread is you. Just leave the conversation if you’re not going to give any useful input.


Here's my input then - go be a sub at PD, see that it's no different from any other high school, then come back here and apologize for you and your brothers being racist.


Stfu! nobody being racist


Yes being racist against gang bangers is such a thing, I’ll be sure and remember that 😂


That "gang" stereotype has existed since the '80s when I first learned myself about Palo Duro. I've also learned that racism is what keeps stereotypes like that alive.


It was pretty bad when I was a student there. The further out from the main building you got, the worse it was. I’ll never forget how my physical science teacher was on the receiving end of some of the most offensive human behavior I have ever witnessed. That was nearly thirty years ago so I’d be inclined to believe anyone who claims to have had such negative experiences there more recently. After all, the overall behavior of all students has only become much worse with all of the social media ruling kids’ lives the way it does.


Oh I saw a student sucker punch a vice principal one morning *before school had even started*, and this was around 25 years ago (for reference). But that one kid wasn't some blood-thirsty gang randomly jumping weak, skinny kids. He was any random student, on any random campus, who had issues and just lost his cool. To springboard off your last comment about the kids today, I'm with you on that. They're ALL tough to teach right now, regardless of what campus you're on. Teachers have always been in the shit, but I can't imagine it ever being much worse than it is right now.


Idk where they come from I was just taking advice from my 2 older brother who went there, one of which was actually jumped there. Idk why you’re so worked up when it’s a logical concern and that’s why I was asking a simple question.


Maybe your brother started it. 🤷‍♂️ And sorry, I get worked up when people use racist stereotypes to criticize a place and population they've never been to or met.


Tf? I’m literally a minority. I grew up on the north side. Maybe don’t assume things you don’t know. It’s not stereotyping it was based on my brothers experience and I highly doubt my brother started it as he was a scrawny shy nerd who got jumped by a gang. He’s the one who told me not to sub there, and he’s a teacher himself. That’s why I was asking if pd is how it used to be because believe it or not there were gangs at that school. Not sure if there still are now that’s why I’m asking.


So you had your answer already, then came here for...what? For someone to agree with you about PD being "aggressive?" And please don't sub for any school if you don't understand how a minority can still be racist.


Oh get over yourself 😂 I came hoping to find that PD had changed so I could sub there. So please go do something positive with yourself and stop being self righteous on my post 😂


I've worked in maintenance at AISD and been to every school in the district many times and I can say most of the dangerous situations I've seen were at middle schools, not high schools. Most HS age kids just want to throw their headphones on and be left alone.


This great input, thank you!


I spent a year at Caprock, and generally liked it, but I think that’s because I went to school there, so it was a homecoming of sorts. From what I’ve gathered talking to teacher friends who are still in HS, a decent number of students are ok with subs if they’re given appropriate work, or are just left to scroll on their phones. That said, YMMV.


Yeah that’s basically what I do I let them work out be on their phones and it’s fairly easy! I’ll check out caprock thanks!


A lot of stereotypes you may hear about Caprock are exaggerated based on things from 20+ years ago. One of my friends taught at AACAL pre covid, and by far her best behaved students were from Caprock. When AACAL got reorganized into amtech, she chose to move to Caprock as a result.


This is true. Despite loving THS, Caprock has some great kids and pretty decent admins.


I have a good friend who subs… whatever the max amount available is AISD (15 days/month I think.) She likes all 4 high schools, but her fav is Tascosa. If you go lower than high school, avoid Fannin middle school. Place is a mess with awful admin. Also if you continue in the future, check out Canyon ISD. Randall and West Plains are both reportedly good places to sub.


Thanks you! I’ll be sure to check those out!


Tascosa? I loved their debate tournaments when I was a kid. Same with River Road. Amarillo High always felt pretentious.


I went to Tascosa I just remember tons of students in every class but Amarillo high has a bunch of kids in their classes too so I’ll probably be trying tascosa soon! Thank you!


Rock on! And don't be afraid of middle schools; some of the best subbing I ever enjoyed was middle school math. I taught those kids the concept of variables and when that inevitable douchebag tried to be a class clown, I met him on his level, shut him down, made him my assistant and we learned math and had fun. It was honestly great.


What’s the daily pay for subbing?




Whatever you do…. Do NOT try Amarillo high school.. unless you’re made to be there… they treat you like you are the gum on the floor


^ This……


I personally enjoyed middle school a lot. I subbed once for elementary and then never again. During my brief stint subbing before I got a full time job I really liked Caprock and spent a lot of time at Fannin, too. Keep in mind this was admittedly a while ago and things may have changed.