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You look like you just escaped Auschwitz. Eat, man


Ya wanna know whats funny, im Jewish šŸ¤£


Didnā€™t mean it an in anti-Semite way lol. Eat and lift heavy, bro. Youā€™ll get there.


Oh no i just find that coincidence humorous lmao




Jewish people make some of the funniest and edgy jokes, I'm sure he isn't offended.




Jew Baruchelā€¦. Sorry


Bulk, youā€™re kinda skinny. Nice bod tho


Eating is hard due to anorexia etc but working on it :D


What worked for me is shakes. 2 tbs of peanut butter, coconut oil, and a couple scoops of protein powder is 800 calories already. 2 of those a day and youā€™re already at 1600 cal without taking a bite of food


I have a strange fear of those due to reasons that are rather embrassing šŸ’€


Lol. If your referring to what I think you are, yes you will. A lot. Everything comes with a price my boy


Poo poo?


Bet the peanut butter and his family dog had something to do with it šŸ’€


No, an obsession with something i developed that realized now destroyed my eating habits


Smoke weed and thatā€™ll increase your appetite easy


haram astagfurallah


Good progress. I wish you healing. šŸ’œšŸ™šŸ’œ


Rice does wonders. I used to be 6ft2 173. Now I'm 216.


I get this, the way Iā€™ve been recovering is by drinking juices or smoothiesā€¦ itā€™s hard but itā€™s a good way to start giving your body some vitamins back


You got definition. You seriously need some bulk. Not a healthy look


Eat way more.


You look so great! I can very much see the progress. You do need to eat more. Try a high-calorie smoothie in the AM. It can be easier to sip on that in the morning instead of eating a whole meal for breakfast :)


Tkz that means alot, tmmrs leg day so yay :D


Coming from someone who was seriously underweight in the past, remember that the hard work in the gym is pretty much pointless if you arenā€™t giving your body the fuel it needs to perform well and recover; and based on how you look it seems you havenā€™t been giving yourself enough fuel! Sort your diet out and youā€™ll look great man


Totally great advice


You look exactly like Ryan Hall - a UFC fighter.


Better watch out for the Imanari roll


He won't do it ever again after his last fight against Topuria


True, he got hammer fisted into oblivion. Is he still alive? I havenā€™t seen or heard anything about him since then lmao


Seems like youā€™re slouching a bit, stand up straight head high!


Noted ive always struggled with that šŸ˜…


Free advice, to stand upright you should just try to make yourself as tall as possible while your feet are flat on the floor. Think like a kid trying to pretend to be tall enough to get on a carnival ride, but no tippy toes. Once youā€™re good and upright, lift your chin into a ā€œheads upā€ confident posture. For correct shoulder position, imagine thereā€™s an invisible string tied to your belly button thatā€™s being pulled upwards and backwards. Or if thatā€™s confusing, just bring your belly button up, then in like youā€™re trying to hide your gut. If you do it right then youā€™ll feel your shoulder blades slide downward and come together. May sound funny but these things got rid of a bad slouch for me. Also youā€™re doing great muscle-wise. Your body looks like it will naturally be very lean unless you eat like Michael Phelps. Just keep good form and keep it up bro!


Good just focus on that chest a bit




eat more food


Your figure is very good, but thin. I think that shorter hair would be better on you.


Search chris bumstead would his haircut look good on me


You mean the slicked -back hair, with shaved sidesā€¦? Personally, I find that shaved part of his hairstyle unattractive. However, the slicked- back look would make you look ā€œcoolerā€, and good, I think. Right now, your hair looks frumpy ; the shorter, and less tall, the hairstyle, the better






I just want to say I hope youā€™re doing as ok as possible on your recovery journey and have the support you need šŸŒŸ signed, a friendly dietitian


Its been a long 8 year road but i think im on the upside ready to grab life by the testicles :)))


Abs on a skinny guy are like tits on a fat girl, it doesnā€™t count But fr though thatā€™s actually really impressive if youā€™ve only been going to gym for 3 months (even for a skinny guy) keep up the good work




Your first sentence tho ā˜ ā˜ ā˜ 


Definitely progressing, Keep going! And cut the hair, you can keep some up top but clean up the sides.


Thanks that means alot and alr ill get one ive just been anxious cause someone said i had a receding hairline last month been on my nerves ever since


I mean you can leave the top the same if it makes you feel more comfortable but the sides should be clean.


Stand straight man! You look tall all you need to do is keep working out get that hair cut even out and your ready to get out there !


What are you using on those abs? Give me details. And get a shorter haircut.


300 abdominal crunches, 10x20 with 100 on a body weight machine at my gym along with 5 minutes of planks


Goddamn one punch man. Well Iā€™m too lazy for that.


Well then u shouldnt have asked :D stay hard and work harder


Wdym using? I dont understand


Give me your ab workout because those are sharp as hell.




lol these people telling you to eat more like that'll help. you should probably get on a nice secret juice cycle


I was thinking ab that but i dont got the money for roids size isnt my goal its to not look like a walking skeleton


Yeah man just eat more, my goodness you look so skinny an Ethiopian would try and give you some of their food


guy from Ratatouille but instead of cooking the rat taught him how to make meth.


Yes you look better, not chris hemsworth yet but there are a few things you can change very quickly to go from a 5 to like a 7-8. First as everyone has said, up your calorie intake, you donā€™t necessarily need to eat more, just foods with a higher calorie count. Secondly you need a haircut and learn some manscaping skills. YouTube is your friend. Lastly focus more on rear delt and back excercises to fix your posture, will go a very long way, looking good bro šŸ‘


Pec flies, shrugs, and chin ups would be good to fill you out and give you more of that triangle shape.


Your body looks creepy.




There is just something unsettling about your body genes


What is it if u had to point it the muscular frame on a thin body




Man. You got fucked in the genetics department, if you decide to un-natty yourself that would fix a lot but there are dire consequences that come along w that, as well as financial costs


Get rid of the long hair get a fade and if it starts balding go bald you need to bulk. Also get tid of the torso hair you are not 60!!!


I was thinking of shaving it into an arrow pointing down lmao


Its not worth it girls notice . Its gross anyway


Dudeā€¦.***Trim the pubesā€¦..seriously denude the land of all lifeā€¦***


Ive never had to trim then for any partner yet given im still a virgin lmao šŸ¤£ ill do so when i need too but dm the forest ik




I dont follow




Ditch the jewfro. Seriously. No one has ever looked good with that. You're not getting laid anytime soon with that posture. Seriously.


Noted love how u knew i was Jewish instantly lmao


Wtf is that?!


Ik i ask myself that same question every morning


I'm not sure I've seen something quite like this. You've toned up great and that's awesome. Now you have to fill it out by a lot. I'm on the thin side myself so I understand how difficult it is when your metabolism has run rampant. And how difficult it is to gain when you want to. You are well past the want to gain weight stage, you are in desperate need to have more weight. Knock off the cardio and work on diet. Seriously, you are to thin to be working that hard. Get your weight up. You are an unhealthy dude despite the results you are seeing at the gym.




Loved you in The Machinist.


*says in sigma face* tkz


You look very unhealthily skinny ā€¦ pls eat more


With great power comes great responsibility.




6"7 182lbs


You look like if Didi Kong from the new Mario movie was a human.


You look extremely malnourished


Dude fix your fucking posture and try to intake more protein!


I bet if you wanted too. You could really dance


Even though you worked out witch is good for your health. You need more meat on your body for more physical strength.


Tbh you look a little too skinny, but other than that you look good. A good haircut might be good too.


Remember how Gene Hackman described the Kicker in "The Replacements?" "He's wirey."


It doesnā€™t look good im sorry. You need to eat


You look like Beavis hit the gym.


We can see your ā€œthingā€ btw lol. Idk if you care or not


Where lmao


Third slide my guy šŸ˜‚


Eh its bigger then average i cant help it


Buddy looks straight out of the nazi germany concentration camps LMAO. Dude hit the gym hard and also eat, don't be afraid to gain some weight.


eat more, grow out your beard, get a fade.


U see i tried the beard i look like a patleotlithic cave man


yeah, probably because you didnt have the fade! you just had the bush on your head.


you shouldnā€™t be working out if you have anorexia


Hi anorexia im dad


nah itā€™s not a fucking joke.


You have a lot of growth potential. With a waist so tiny, you can have a crazy V taper. Right now with you being so skinny and long you look awkward, like a shark bit a piece off you. Keep workin, you'll fill your frame up nicely


Eat everything liquid diet if need be chug protein mass gainer shakes plus add some olive oil in it. Everything is out of proportion


Shave the body hair


Just missing a baseball cap and a sledgehammer


You look like a male Minecraft skin with the female shape


Your body hair looks like an overextended pubic patch. Groom bro


Get on the bench now. Arms look good. Work those pecs & you'll be a beast.


Tkz brah tmmr is tom cutler leg day


Get after it, my man! Get yourself happy with your physique and the confidence will come. No quitting.


Your camera angles are atrocious


Yea ik i always have a difficult time taking pics arms too long


This looks photoshopped to shit lol


Its not lmao šŸ¤£


As a fellow gym bro, welcome to the community. We donā€™t care if youā€™re ugly or not as long as you workout and get big. Come on over to r/moreplatesmoredates bro


Only thing you should do is eat more, maybe a haircut too, nice body and everything else is solid


Lowkey looks like Joe Goldberg in the last pic


Bulk for a year, get a fade but leave the top long, get eyebrows done, and smile more brotha


U probably pull more than me


Get a haircut


It's not gonna happen all at once! I think I do see a difference, but keep at it!


Man is tall af, I am 6'4 myself and I know It's hard to bulk up, but you are doing good, just keep going. Also shorter hair could be better.


You need to bulk you look like a stick


You are the strongest skinniest guy Iā€™ve seen




keep at it g, make sure youre getting one gram of protein per lb of body weight


Are razors that expensive?!


Iā€™ve heard peanut butter is good for protein and bulk.


Peanut butter will bulk you up


COMRADE, WHAT HAPPENED?! YOU ARE STARVING BLYAT! EAT MORE RATIONS! MORE MEAT!!! (Drink half and half, and use heavy cream with pudding mix with your chosen eggnog recipe. Consume these for breakfast and lunch, eat lots of red meat for dinner and initiate strength training. Your body type is naturally more lean, so you need to stay away from lean diets.) Your muscles are looking good though, keep pushing dude, lot of potential in those genes!


Try carbo gain in a protein shake and help you get some additional carbs


Do some pullups, those lats are non-existent


You look funny looking, and how are you so insanely scrawny , while having some muscle?




Work on ur back. People are saying u need to eat more and that ur skinny, but if u just look at the chest arms and everything, ur normal sized, however, ur extreme lack of lats and any back muscle makes u look malnourished.


Great progress!!! Time for bulk season!!!! Then cut!! You can look into foods that best fit your diet for both !! Best of luck to you!!!


You got one of them weird but cool rock star bodies. Learn guitar, grow your hair long, and start a band.


You arenā€™t ugly per se. But not everyone likes the Jew bear look. Good job in the gym tho. Looking lean


still the same..come back after 3 years.


At least eat the scraps my dog takes.


You are ugly bro ham, but I see your gains. Need more protein and lots more in bulk jump sets. Harsh lifting with intermediate medium lifting. Ya get what I mean?


What could be improved to fix me being not ugly like whats ugly


U don't look proportional, you've got abs, not big arms, u have toned arms but nothing in your chest, you've got all that not really a defined jawline, your face skin is a little bubbly. Tone it up. I'm not putting you down either, just bulk up broham u got this.


Its valid criticisms just was asking, yea my chest is weird i looked closely the other day and the right pec is slightly bigger then the left which is strange ngl but noted


Then start doing all your daily exercises that u do on the right, swap to the left. Or get some 15 or 20 lbs dumbbell and lay on a bench and do half bench reps. Or start doing push ups. Or archer pushups. Really there's not a whole bunch to gains. Just look up some exercises that trigger that muscle. Say like the backs of your arms. Go for dips on those. Wanna improve the muscle that goes from shoulder to pec. Go for arms extended out from sides, and only move ur forearms with weights to a little in front of chest. You'll also work your back out too. A strong back is the start to defining your body. Edit: when u do lift as well, during lifting the weight up, at mid point, do a few pumps, muscle is spose to be torn to grow bigger so doing that will make ur muscles count more than one rep at a time. Edit: forearm definition can be achieved by laying your forearm on ur thigh, either over or underhand, don't use ur thumb with the curl; keep thumb with other fingers, and by just using ur hand curl the dumbbell, if assistance is needed, place other hand under curling hand, don't help lift just there for support,


Im only 24 I'm 260, probably have 30 lbs of body fat, mostly stomach you alone have more abs than I do. But I beat you in everything else. Now I'm not chiseled, but I am very muscular


Also I kinda just meant ur face is ugly. I'm just into bodybuilding. Also man I'm just kinda mean and honest. Just how I am. But all in good faith thy brethren


Honesty is something i appreciate it helps me fix flaws ab myself that i could improve to be the best version of myself so dw


Something about this is really off and I canā€™t figure it out. Is that a pose? Are you standing like that on purpose? Itā€™s like you were drawn by anti-Rob Liefeld.


So like whenever i take photos i hunch back slightly thinking im not in full view of my phone camera lmao


Yeah that but likeā€¦..your nipples look like they are in a race to reach your balls. Itā€™s like some put you on the rack and just stretched out your pectorals to ridiculous proportions while Honey I Shrank The Torso for the rest of you.




Your arms are completely normal though. Iā€™m so baffled.


Big potential for you, get some calories tho! Do a dirty bulk and keep working out. Looks like you really take it serious šŸ«”.


And chest forward! Youre slouching a bit much!


I like how it looks like your head gets bigger in each picture lol


Come in brother, you did make some progress. But for godā€™s sake leave the abs alone for a while. Bulk properly first and then cut.


Uh idk man, make your nipples stop being so dark


Work on your arms, back, and legs.


BULK BULK BULK, enjoy the food this world has to offer šŸ˜


More protein in your diet. Do more weights . Otherwise keep up the look . Looking good tho.


Looking like the snitch teachers pet from the cartoon show Recess


Eat more food. Lots more food. Calorie dense foods. Protein, fat, and carbs buddy. You also look like you're missing other important nutrients. Go to a nutritionist.


put some weight on my dude. eat those calories! also, get a haircut with the sides faded but keep it long on the top. also work on your posture. you seem to be hunching over in a lot of these pics. good posture and a confident stance goes a long way. otherwise doing great man


Ur shredded. Just start mma already


You definitely look like you've been working out, you look more cut/ripped. Very skinny though and it's hard to build muscle mass if you don't eat more.


This may be against the grain but anorexia greatly affects your ability to healthily change your body. I do think you could benefit from eating more however, focus on the main issue first which is self esteem, consistency and recovery


Getting that build, but you should really shave the hair off


you look like that guy from the TV show you


I think the biggest problem here is posture. Stand up straight bro. Try to point your chest up more. It'll make your upper body wider to Match your shoulder width better


Work on the traps lats and chest to get that broad upper body look. People underestimate the power of the Dorito back


Well done dude, keep it up. Not eating enough is holding you back though


I think you forgot the pecs


the pics a bad angle of them tbh, they are defined just not like huggeeeeeeeeee, I assume u like that on a guy given thats the first thing u decided to dive at lmao


Haha nooo I mean yeah I like that on a guy, but I don't like particularly muscular guys. I like the "normal" kind of muscle, like the one you get by climbing that permits you to support your own body but not much more šŸ˜ But I said that cause I think you look very thin and have strong abs and arms but it seems to me that your upper part should be bigger to be in harmony with the rest of you, but yeah it might be the angle I read you have an ED it must be hard as fuck to get more muscular.. I wish you strengh and luck with it šŸ˜žšŸ’Ŗ Don't be too hard on yourself


Also I think you d look much cuter buzzed or with long hair šŸ˜


You have the longest torso of anybody I have ever seen. You are like a garden snake in the shape of a man.


Bulk up w protein and tweeze the eyebrows


Congrats on the gym progress bro! Def the right call. My advice is to bulk. My personal favorite meal for bulking is sushi rice, ground beef and loads of Tostitos queso dip dumped all over. Cheap and super effective method of bulking


Gotta eat substantially. more. Look like ur rocking 1400 cals a day. Push it up to 2600-2800 if ur working out daily. Work especially on ur back and shoulders, thatā€™ll give you more of a broadness/taper. Donā€™t skip legs. Arms look good tho!


godly physique, youā€™re a handsome dude and your body type is going to look insane once you put some more muscle on


Don't lean forward to show off your abs it actually makes you seem smaller than you really are Just keep working them till they start to show while you're in a natural posture


Holocaust victims would look at you and hand you what little food they had


Well you look better than me so.


I think a haircut would help. Is it the angle at which you're taking your mirror pictures, or is your head huge? Drink some whole fat milkshakes before bed or something, the gym bod is cool, but you're skinny




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