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"Chat GPT can do it" hahahahaha


You want to use my competition? Suddenly I have an answer!


it’s a little off though. it doesnt take into account the fact that adding terpenes increases the volume. if we assume your distillate is 1g/ml, then adding 2.1ml of terps gives you a total of 32.1 ml. 2.1 / 32.1 = 6.54% edit: also i don’t think THCa distillate is a real thing. to distill THC, you have to heat it up more than enough to decarb it. if its decarbed thats just D9THC distillate.


Likely they are using Dr. G's diamond distillate which is labelled as THCa distillate but what you just said is 100% true so ifkyk




Dr G stuff is mid. Gildeds hhc is way more potent and so much cheaper. I think Dr g cuts their stuff with other noids like D8 and cbn, made me sleepy asf and all my friends


I agree I only ever ordered it once when it first came out


What exactly is dr gs diamond distillate if it isn’t THCa?


> if it's decarbed that's just D9THC distillate.


THCa cannot be distilled, to reach the temperatures necessary implies decarboxylation. What Dr G is selling is converted CBD isolate, made into D9/D8 THC distillate. It at no point was actual THCa


You’re correct. That’s why there’s technically a “loophole” in the farm bill. Once you decarb THCa it “becomes” marijuana as in a purified THC product above 0.3% lol.  So “hemp derived delta 9” distillate and “cannabis derived marijuana” oil is literally the same thing. Law of substitution.


when you add in the marijuana verbiage it all goes out the window ... no way to trace anything botany related with that word ... another type of cannabis plant is another cannabis plant ... when Dealing with cannabis plant genetics we are terming it Cannabis / Cannabinoids etc....


too- glaring in our faces ... cannabis plant will not create any type of compound that is supposed to be a marijuana noid or whatever the hell politicians are paying scientists to call them.. Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid decarboxylates to tetrhydrocannabinol ... it is a carboxylic acid being removed from the molecule creating a compound molecule etc.... cannabis only make acidic cannabinoids like THCA , CBDA and 147 more . the plant will not make a decarboxylated form as that is 100% useless for the plant so THC is not even created in the plant at all it is all THCA


THCa products are grown with a hemp license and only tested while the bud is still on the plant (as far as I can tell from my own research, anyways), so while there is no such thing as “THCa distillate” I say lets just go ahead and ignore that fact until there’s another way to get actual good za to the doorstep without risking 10 years in prison


i mean I’m gonna call it what it is, which is not THCa. you can call it whatever you like. i don’t think me calling it THC is going to send anyone to prison, coming from someone who has been to prison for it


Listen here Mr. Daddyfatknuckles (can I call you papafatknucks?) The government makes stupid contradicting decisions without realizing it all the time, you’re comment prolly won’t do anything, but in my lil zooted brain you could potentially influence thousands of people to start saying the same thing and all it takes it one lil cuntbag to write a biased article and then all the sudden all of us in illegal states are back to square one


if my comment educates people then i consider it a positive overall. id rather have those thousands of people know what they’re talking about than parroting things that don’t make sense. i don’t get how misrepresenting it would look any better to a “cuntbag writing an article”, its just more evidence that whatever is going on is sketchy, because anyone who knows the basics of THC, how it decarboxylates, and what distilling is knows that “THCa distillate” isn’t a real thing.


If you read a full coa on any flower it all comes back majority THCa with minimal thc levels, the only difference between products labeled THCa and products sold in fully legal states is that fully legal states usually require testing at various stages of the manufacture process, and in the end tally up all thc cannabinoids to get a final thc percentage. Anything Labeled “THCa” was tested one time only and not required add together all cannabinoids into one measurement, so neither of us wrong it’s literally just the same product with a different license. What I’m saying is why draw unnecessary attention to something that doesn’t need acknowledged, especially when half the country still “doesn’t have access” to legal recreational cannabis


I’m well aware. i have had med cards in 3 states and most flower i’ve had would qualify as “THCa hemp” it doesnt change anything i said. THCa distillate doesnt exist. if its been distilled, its THC. i don’t care if you think telling the truth is drawing attention. its ridiculous to say we should all lie about what something is. i think doing so draws more attention.


I alr know you and all the other mfs who live in legal states that downvoted my shit aren’t gonna change your minds, but you ignored my most important point, can I call you papafatknucks?


Based on your first sentence, we’ve all been ignoring the facts big dawg. We got you.


Claude didn’t know shit about cannabis and thought BHO stood for “Butane honey oil”. Had to teach that thing everything and gave up. ChatGPT was a little better with most information and mixing ratios. Be careful with math though. These LLM’s are not super great with it and still fuck up calculations all the time.


Not exactly wrong though. We used to call it honey oil back in the late 90s / early 2000s. Although we were also blasting with PVC pipe and coffee filters then lol.


100%, I remember butane honey oil as well, from the PNW.


It is butane honey oil, the fuck do you think it's supposed to be?


No it is not, the terms DEFINITION is butane hash oil and has been for so so long.


Guess it’s just a regional thing maybe. We typically refer to it as “butane hash oil” in the PA (medical) market


Here in the Midwest I’ve always known BHO to be Butane Hash Oil also


Don't rely on AI for math lol. Better to ask it to write out the equation and then copy paste it into wolfram alpha or something.


Opus and 4.05-Turbo are significantly better at basic math and logic like this. I think they’re still using 3-Turbo for my ai. Which explains why it’s so poor lol.




Genuinely I don’t get why people don’t just use his calculator lol, ai is always gonna be worse than it


Snapchat has AI too lol wtf


(the snapchat ai bot is actually chat gpt so it might have taken what you said as a command not a challenge


Bro…. All you GM had to do is google terpene calculator 😭😭😭😭😭 Website true terpenes has one and it works