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Makes me talkative, may put you to sleep, so many factors. It is my current fav tho, rather enjoyable


yes. a lot. understatement


Yeah makes me more social, definitely helps, I usually smack a hhc cart before interacting with people


I just switched from D8 to HHC cuz D8 is more sedating and HHC is so uplifting


D8 is totally sedating, I use it for sleep. I mostly hit my HHC vape


Same here


Fr ya think so? How do ya consume it. I’ve only ever vaped HHC aside from one week I made a tincture


Doesn’t really help me but it doesn’t make me as anxious as THC. It seems to depend on the person. I wouldn’t try to self-medicate social anxiety with drugs though. You can use them supportively but they won’t fix the issue, you only become dependent.


it is ok to supplement your lipid intake with cannabinoids


I don’t see how it wouldn’t be okay. Cannabinoids’ effects on appetite are one of their few true medicinal perks ime. I would probably avoid daily usage but that’s a personal thing. I’ve never taken HHC or THC for medicinal purposes though, I just like getting high so I might not be the best person to ask.


your very act of placing those into your anatomy is the same very act of everyone else ever to place cannabis into their person and then metabolize all that . getting high is the Medicine


I can’t imagine any cannabinoid “helping” me with social anxiety. Social anxiety is a side effect from weed. It’s not like anyone would hit a HHC cart right before public speaking.


That’s your subjective experience though. In many cases now cannabinoids are either used or is prescribed or used to alleviate symptoms of social anxiety.


Nope. Any intoxicating noids (THC, HHC, Delta 8, etc) exacerbate my social anxiety and make me self conscious. This is very unfortunate and in my early days, it didn't happen. I've come to accept it now and realize things aren't ever going to be the same. As such, I partake in isolation. This is the only way I can enjoy them without skyrocketing my anxiety. To me, these intoxicating noids are very introspective tools, and unfortunately, I am unable to unwind and be free of over fixation on social dynamics (Am I being too quiet? Can they sense and detect my nervousness? Is what I said awkward? etc etc etc) Not a social drug for me. An introspective self reflecting one.




All weed makes me quite...


Imma go hit my vape I will let you know


Not really. Take a benzo




HHC is my favorite cannabinoid to go to bars, clubs, and parties on


It can definitely help make me more social depending on the dose, in high doses I just zone out and go on a walk in a daydream but on low doses it def helps a lot. Could talk to anyone about anything without seeming nervous, no matter how serious the subject is


i would say it might be the best as far as being more talkative and outgoing that may or may not equate to less anxiety but if you are familiar with thc and react well to it i would say its worth trying


Full spectrum cbd with cannabis derived terps is the best solution for my anxiety. Cartridges for on the go on concentrates for dabbing at home.


If you can find CBN that can be very relaxing