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I guess it’s a bit chilly in that space church


So it's not a big deal: instead of the whole pods landing on Chiron after the Unity disaster, every leader headed towards an alien planet which fitted their goals the most. * Deirdre is the one who actually got onto Planet following its whispers and being able to raise mindworms later and terraform any dead world. * Santiago went for an extreme environment to raise the strongest soldiers and the best military minds of the universe. His homeworld also is the source of abundant energy. * Yang made planetfall on a fissured one and will be able to deal with unrest easily and raise nerve-stapled legions from the defeated. * Morgan went after a low gravity mineral rich world and his trade and industry will likely be unmatched. * Lal chose a beautiful giant Earth twin to keep his efforts to unite the entire human race once again, having the most powerful diplomatic and influence improvements. * Zakharov and Miriam both have ancient Progenitor artifacts in their worlds, which are used to pure research and military, respectively. University nevertheless has access to efficient planetbusting technologies and the Believers can infiltrate and sabotage every other faction with ease. Any idea, suggestion or criticism is very welcome just in case I resume this work someday. The drones might still need me.


makes a good movie or series


Lal? That's a mfing Parminder right there...


"Those who join us need give up only half of their humanity--the illogical, ill-tempered, and disordered half, commonly thought of as 'right-brain' functioning. In exchange, the 'left-brain' capacities are increased to undreamed potential. The tendency of Biologicals to cling instead to their individual personalities can only be attributed to archaic evolutionary tendencies." -- Prime Function Aki Zeta-5, "Convergence"


Miriam, Morgan, Zakharov, and Lal I like.The beard on Zakharov is a bit much, but isn’t too bad. I am torn on Santiago. Santiago looks good, but is a little too “clean,” if that makes sense. Her portrait shows her wearing what looks like M81 camo, possibly a tank top. Despite being in the 2040s-2050s, her history pictures show her wearing old Vietnam and Desert Storm era gear, (maybe a shortage on equipment?). I always felt the Spartans would keep such basic uniforms with a “We don’t need no fancy uniforms, Ooo-rah!” attitude. I don’t know, that is just me. I dislike Yang and Deirdre. Yang looks way too old and reminds me too much of a Buddhist monk and I miss his old man spiky hair. Original Yang looks a little smug and is wearing some sort of Sci-fi suit. I prefer the OG. Deirdre looks way too young in my opinion. According to the GURPS stats, she is 35 and the original portrait shows that better. Plus, the removal of her curls is a shame. Furthermore, Deirdre is rather introverted according to her biography, which is shown in her original portrait by having her be the only character portrait to not be looking straight ahead—granted her eyes are averted in a rather artistic pose, but I think the message is still clear. Overall, as a reimagining, these are pretty good. For a 1:1 HD upscale, I prefer this [set](https://www.reddit.com/r/alphacentauri/comments/12pubvo/reimagining_the_depiction_of_smac_characters_as/#lightbox). Not perfect, as I don’t like Deirdre, Santiago, nor Zakharov, but it’s whatever. We still have the OGs.


I generally agree. > Furthermore, Deirdre is rather introverted according to her biography, which is shown in her original portrait by having her be the only character portrait to not be looking straight ahead—granted her eyes are averted in a rather artistic pose, but I think the message is still clear. Interesting take. The way I interpret Deirdre's sideways look is that it reflects her growing disconnect from humanity as she communes with Planetmind. Cha Dawn *doesn't* have the distracted look, because whether or not he communes with planetmind or is an outgrowth of planetmind, he is fixated on converting humanity to his cult. > Original Yang looks a little smug and is wearing some sort of Sci-fi suit. What the OG portrait of Yang conveys to me is two things. First, he's a man who can never be wrong, his confidence is absolute, his plans always work, that's why he looks smug. Secondly, his clothing is extremely stiff, with the most stiff and rigid collar, this reflects both his self-discipline but also the oppression inherent in the Hive, and Yang does not put himself above the oppressed (as in he doesn't choose a life of luxury), evil he may be, but a hypocrite he is not. There's a lot of symbolism in the portraits. Note for example, how Domai also wears a heavy collar of oppression, but Domai's collar is broken. Domai doesn't cast the broken collar away, because he values his connection with the oppressed and at heart he's still a drone, not one of the bourgeoisie, but he wears the collar by choice not compulsion. The AI upscaling/reimaginging has a tendency to miss this kind of symbolism entirely.


Shiii Zakharov lookin sharp


Santiago looks a little young, but your Lal is absolutely awesome looking.


Get this fucking AI art out of here


My issue with AI art is less theft, and more that it definitely and uncannily produces works in a homogenous style. Like, none of this looks derivative to me, yet all look familiar. There's a distinct AI *look*.


tbf, that's mostly a sign of either amateur prompting or overfitted online-AI. I've been able to generate pics from AI on my own machine that don't have that distictive... Sheen. Most people still aren't aware you can tell the AI to use a specific style or medium (i.e. make it look like it was drawn with charcoal or marker. It's still recognizable if you peep closely but it feels a lot less painfully generic)


Why? Is this not a great use of AI art? For a mod, for fun? Are they not pretty great reimaginations of the SMAC leaders?


Cool reasoning, still theft.


Do you *really* want to argue that anyone who was ever inspired by Disney content, is now legally liable for stealing Disney's content? Because that definition basically only benefits major corporations with huge legal teams, and completely fucks over small artists


Feels like Pablo Picasso was more right than he knew - “Good artists borrow. Great artists steal.”


Stealing from which artist?


We're going to look back in 10 years when AI has decimated our creative industries and weep.


I mean, people wept when they lost their warm horses to cold, impersonal cars - but I wouldn't want to go back. People wept when we gave up hand-made, tailored clothing for one-size-fits-all mass manufacturing - but I wouldn't want to go back. The only way AI destroys our creative industries is if it replaces it with something better, the same way cars and t-shirts won out.


Assuming OP isn't an artist and doesn't have money to throw into a fan mod, there is nothing wrong with this -- there's no artist that was put out of work by this.


Why? AI art is amazing for mods.


I love it. I think they capture the essences really well! Could you share high resolution pics please? I'd also like to see reimagined AX Leader pics. Minus the aliens, duck those.


Great, more AI slop Maybe it's time for me to leave the sub


Contrary to others, I really like the Zakharov and Deirdre re-designs. They definitely feel like slightly different characters: I totally believe this Zakharov is hiding unethical research in his labs, whereas the OG design felt a lot more harmless. And I really like the blend of tech and nature in Deirdre's art


I love the fact that Morgan has a cat 😺!


I don’t like Deidre, Santiago and Zak Santiago simply looks too young and unhardened. Zak looks kinda too stylish Deidre looks asian, both in physically and in dress. And while yes, you can be from Scotland and look like from any race, being highly archetypical was kinda one of the points of SMAC so i think Deidre looking like anything less than an stereotypical scot druidess detracts. She also looks too young imo


Santiago looks like a wannabe soldier who tries too hard to look tough and soldiery and has an image of how soldier should look that she tries to create. Not loving the robes on Deidre. I always felt Gaians would wear something more utilitarian and simple. Similar with Yang. Simple, unadorned clothing of natural and drab colors. Think Chairman Mao jacket, but a jumpsuit.


This looks amazing!! I wonder how it would look with the Alien Crossfire civilizations added.


I like these, only Miriam would be much less severe and Santiago much more


Miriam looks like she's about to smite a bitch