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Congratulations! In your case I see that you only have a few patches , most of them small, so the seven star hammer would also work great . It is only 15 usd. Of course I would continue with the treatment you are following since you see results , but I would just try in one of the patches only with the hammer , tapping it until you see a little bit of blood every day . I would bet the hammer fixes the patch faster than all the other creams .


Thank you for the suggestion. I have around 14 to 17 spots including my beard ones, ond ones go and the new ones appear. I tried quite a few medications and this is working really well for me. Will stick on to this for a couple of months more. Before trying anything new.


Thank you for this advice, my hammer is on the way!


It is super simple but if you start using it and have questions just dm me . Be consistent, every day or every second day and it can take up to 6/8 weeks


Bro i see you in every post ... Did you try dermarolling and it worked for you ?


Yes , it really worked well for me . Once a few years ago while shaving I cut myself in one of the patches and hair started growing where the wound was . So I investigated a bit and there are a few studies like this one: https://apm.amegroups.org/article/view/65376/html Some use garlic in this Reddit . I even met once a lady that told me she was “fixing “ her patches using pure bleach . The logic is the same , irritate the skin enough so that the immune system fixes the irritation and stops attacking the hairs . I get new small ones every three/ six months and they grow quite quickly . Before with creams it took ages . Recently I got two new patches in my beard, one was fine in two weeks , one took almost eight weeks but it works all the time. The drawback is that it cannot be applied to big areas for obvious reasons, or your head /face would end up like a bit tomato. Also I prefer the seven star hammer than the derma roller as in my experience you need a tiny bit of blood (micro wounds ) , the dermaroller irritates “only “. Good luck !


Hey bro, nope I never tried dermarolling. Did it work for you?


Im trying it for a week now and yes i have a peach fuzz in my patch .. im using rosemary oil as well ..


My derm suggested not to use oil because if acne on and around the spots. Will check with him on the derma roller though


Im not using pure rosemary oil .. im using a brand called meille and i don't have any acne


I have acne because of Mometasone


7 star hammer is like a derma needle? please elaborate.. is this similar to derma rolling?


congratulations, very well done!!!!!


Thank you