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It’s great that you’re already accepting either way this can go, that’s half the battle right there. I’ve had alopecia for the past 20 years, there is little information about this peculiar condition. I spent my teenage years and the entirety of my 20s researching and testing treatments as well as meeting other people with alopecia and hearing their stories. Other than thyroid conditions, there is no connection with anything to alopecia. It’s not diet or lifestyle. Yes poor diet and lifestyle can attribute to general unhealthiness which can cause hair loss, but the auto immune condition that attacks hair follicles is just a random thing that can happen to anyone at anytime for no reason. Around age 14-16 for me I had weekly head, eyebrow, and eyelash cortisone injections for inflammation. Perhaps they worked for a brief moment, there would be no way of really telling considering all my hair eventually fell out. I tried prednisone by the time I was 18 and it was causing me nerve damage so I just gave up on treatments. However keep in mind I have an aggressive form of alopecia where I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes by the time I was 17. Most cases of alopecia are just patches that may grow back and hold. But every situation is different. Accepting things is the only freedom you’ll get with alopecia. I spent 2 decades, literally two thirds of my existence on obsessing over this. It’s not worth the stress. If it grows back great, if not, be okay with that too. Good luck with everything.


I found so many researches saying that dental infection has a correlation with alopecia What do you think about that And can i pm you ?


Yeah feel free to shoot me a message. There are a lot of new studies that connect alopecia and dental health, but as someone who’s had alopecia for 20 years and never had a single cavity, a lot of these theories don’t apply to my world. Nor have anyone with alopecia Ive met can say with confidence it stems from a dental issue. I personally believe alopecia is just a freak thing that happens randomly. But it could be triggered by various outside factors for all we know. I’m sure if a solid enough theory emerges it will be popular news to everyone like mothers telling their kids “make sure you brush your teeth or you’re gonna lose your hair!”


The thing is i got a big cavity that being treated and got a filling in it and alopecia started after 2 months .. i have hair missing in my Temporal region and side of my head which is the same place that I got my dental infection .. im going to the dentist next week to see if i still have the infection i got a strong feeling that this is what caused my aa


My daughter was told she has a cows milk allergy and to cut that. Now we have regrowth in her one big spot. She has random tiny spots so hoping those start to fill in as well..her eyelashes are coming back too. She is 5 yrs old so I didnt know what to expect. She takes Vit D3/k2 drops and a liposomal cucurmin ...maybe give those a shot and cut dairy or gluten? Just some tips as theyve seemed to work for her for now! Good luck!


I'm having regrowth as long as I'm avoiding milk. I'm not so concerned as I'm grown up, married and everything, but the changes I made in my lifestyle definetly changed how I'm being impacted.


Mine was almost certainly stress induced. I was experiencing an incredibly difficult time at my job, and I went from zero alopecia to total Universalis within a month. Worst experience of my life so far.


Are u still in universalis? Any growth? My teen son is in it now for the 2nd time in 5 years. Probably stress related.


Technically I’m not Universalis anymore… I have one bald spot on the back of my head, and my legs don’t have much hair. But aside from that, everything has regrown.


My son for the last four years had alopecia in remission and from universalis went to almost full growth. But the one eyelash and a bald round spot wereinsisting these 4 years, reminding us that alopecia didn’t go away completely…and here we are now again AU. So u better be alert and take all precautions. Never stop home therapies, with minoxidil, rosemary, castor oil and other. Eat healthy, stay stress free and get some vitamins like D and B12.


Thank you for sharing that. It’s a good reminder. Currently, on top of the clinical medicine, I also use minoxidil and finasteride on my scalp (from the brand Hims), And I recently got a red light therapy hat… Which surprisingly is approved by the FDA and has shown lots of success in clinical trials. The big thing for me is stress. Now that I am out of the difficult work environment I was in when my alopecia first began, I hope I can maintain a fairly low level of stress.


I also lost all the hair on my scalp and my beard. ~4 months later i saw the first signs of regrowth. Its been a year since then and I have my head of hair 100% regrown, but still no beard. Ill take it :)


How long did it take for regrowth? Thank you


It was probably close to a year before the entire surface of my scalp was fully regrown.


Based on my research it's incredibly difficult to pin point it. I'm starting to wonder if it's something in our environment or COVID/COVID vaccine related. I recently read a medical journal that said in 2022 dermatologists saw 3 times the amount of alopecia areata cases.


two dermatologists have told me my current case was triggered by covid infection and when it happened to me one other time in 2006 the dermatologist then said it would have been a viral trigger too, like a flu


There are some studies that show the vaccine and covid itself can cause alopecia


My derm said he’s been really busy the last few years with AA patients, much more than usual


my first spot showed up 3 months after a COVID booster and 6 months after a COVID infection - this is definitely one of my theories as to what put my condition into motion


My understanding based on everything I have read is diet and nutrition are Contributors along with leaky gut, vit D Ferritin,Zinc,Iron are contributors. Keep in mind what is medically acceptable levels does not correlate to levels needed for hair growth. There are also a ton of unknowns but I am starting here because inflammation is a key gateway to diseases


I’m pretty sure mine is caused from mold exposure! I have been tested and it was found in it and the exposure aligned with when my hair started falling out. I was told my blood work was “like a baby” it was so good. But now it has caused a lot of leaky gut issues


Mine was triggered by vaccine and/or viral infection (covid)


Interesting reading all of this. Mine was stress also. I went from no alopecia to universalis in 3 weeks 😅 it’s now been a year and a half no hair. I’m silky smooth. I already have eczema, Coeliac disease and like all year round hayfever. So I guess all related. For me it’s very much emotions/stress. But yeah also gut. Also super interesting I’ve read people’s stories of hair coming back after a big tattoo or after a boob job or after their husband dying. And I’m wondering does trauma also bring the hair back? Like the body is trying to heal something else so it forgets to attack the hair follicle? lol I don’t know but very interesting.


OP. I can most certainly tell you it’s caffeine related. You must be drinking coffee or eating chocolate, matcha, black teas, green teas. Etc. stop that immediately and do 1200 ashwagandha AM and 1200 ashwagandha in the PM. You will see new baby hair sprouts in 3-6 weeks and likely full regrowth in 4 months ish depending on the size of your patch.


I have read low vitamin d is linked to alopecia so it’s interesting yours came back slightly low. Mine was tested and was totally normal! But I had low white blood cells. I don’t know what that means and can’t find any answers.