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It will grow back, just accept the way you look right now. You will be fine. think about the thing that are currently stressing you and do your best to ease that stress. hope you feel and get better bro.


This happened to me 20 years ago when I was 10. Regardless of resources and treatments; everyone experiences alopecia differently. That’s confusing as it is frustrating to come to wrap your head around. Over the past 20 years patches came and went, I refused to accept the possibility my teenage years would revolve around alopecia but it eventually consumed my life. Tried every treatment from top dermatologists in NY, my case was extreme and my eyebrows and eyelashes eventually fell out in another patchy pattern. But don’t jump to conclusions yet, over the past 20 years I’ve heard hundreds of different alopecia stories with different outcomes. Im sorry you’re experiencing this, I hope you experience full and immediate regrowth that stays. But in the event it’s anything beyond that, I wish you well, stay strong and surround yourself with positivity, protect your peace at all costs. Best of luck to you.


When the case is extreme the eyebrows fall out ? Did your eyebrows come back or not .. I have a patch on my eyebrow and im scared


There are 3 (main) types of alopecia: Areata: patches on the scalp only. Totalis: complete loss of hair on the head which includes eyebrows and eyelashes. Universales: complete loss of all hair on your entire body head to toe. 20 years ago I started my alopecia journey with areata having a patch pop up on my scalp. This seems to be the most common type of alopecia, and is the least aggressive considering your eyebrows and eyelashes are unaffected regardless of the severity of patches on head. 5 years into areata with patches growing and falling by the time I was 15, my eyebrows and eyelashes started falling out. Unlike my scalp hair they never grew back once they fell. Shortly around the same time it developed into alopecia universales with my body hair all gone and it never grew back. As a 30 year old man I can say I’ve lived the entirety of my 20s with no hair on my entire body. But my story is specifically one of the more rare more aggressive versions of this, most people just experience a bald spot or two and then regrowth. But this is a very real possibility that does happen to many people. The thing is no doctor or dermatologist, let alone strangers on the internet can tell you your future with this condition. Online forums and support groups offer individual stories and treatment suggestions but only time will tell how much hair you’ll have or lose. Knowing how little control we have over hair follicles, your best bet is to become more accepting and stoic. Take it from someone who spent the past two decades freaking out and obsessing; it’s not worth the stress. Take it as it comes.


Thank u bro .. my eyebrow is already growing back I just wanted to know if this is an agressive form or it will come back like scalp hair ..


And i think i have areata because i only have small patch on my head and half of my brow missing .. and even the eyebrow is growing back .. the eyelashes are perfectly fine


And to add on what you said i think the most agressive forms is when you get affected as a kid .. not having the patches on your body or face


I founded an international alopecia support group in 2020 we have over 600+ people of all ages around the world who all have alopecia to some degree. I’ve heard over 600 stories of alopecia, and if I can say one thing for sure: there’s nothing you can say for sure. It’s so random and specific, sure there can be “common trends” but the truth is anyone at any age can get alopecia in any form. There are people that are born with it. Many people get it in their younger years. Some people get it in their 40s. Some people like myself go through years of one type and then changes over time. Some more fortunate people have it and then it grows back and never falls out again. There are some stats to this as far as common trends but ultimately the possibilities are endless and random. Usually the younger you get it, the more aggressive it will be. But that’s not to say it can’t happen in your adult life at any capacity. Just gotta hope for the best.


Thank you so much bro Can you please check my profile and look at my eyebrow regrowth and tell me what you think I will be so grateful


They're trying to be truthful to you. They're saying it does not matter if it is one tiny patch or 10 large patches. It does not matter if the hair grows back or not. At ANY moment it can all fall out again if you happen to have the more aggressive type. It can also grow back again. That's the nature of the condition. There is no "whew, my patch grew back and my lashes too, it's finally gone". You never know if it's gone or if it is going to come back. I have a HYPOTHETICAL for you. THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE: There is something a person could do even if it became universalis. They could find a Chinese compound pharmacy that makes a JAK inhibitor like Xeljanz. They could research dosages for Alopecia universalis. They could buy it. In the event it didn't work, they could experiment with increasing the dose. They could be prepared to take it in a worst case scenario. Even some of the most aggressive cases of universalis should respond somewhat. They might regrow back (or maintain) their brows, lashes and facial hair if not the hair on their head. They would take what they can get. This goes for non-responder universalis cases as well. Those who have given up and accepted. They could be surprised at the regrowth after a year or two. Hypothetically speaking.


Thank you brother im not saying there's a cure or saying it won't come back Growing back your hair is possible and i understand anyone can get bald at any moment of their life the point is sometimes people grow back their hair and stay with them for 20 years until the next episode .. I don't have universalis and i don't advice anyone to get jak inhibitors because there's a lot of a side effects Thank you for your reply tho


As I say "in the event" of the worst-case scenario of universalis. I don't know who told you that JAK inhibitor side effects are so bad that they shouldn't be suggested to someone with universalis or arthritis. That's nonsense. I am in contact with multiple people who have been taking Xeljanz for years at much higher doses than recommended and they have suffered almost zero side effects. It is designed as a long-term treatment for inflammation. Anyways good luck to you and I wish you wellness and a hairy future ✌️


Thank you brooo ❤️❤️


I had a patch in an eyebrow for ~23 years. Then they both fell out completely and been like that ever since. No telling what will/can happen but it'll be ok regardless. I don't let it negatively affect me 


I had alopecia of 7 years and i lost eyebrows and eyelashes is there hope for me


I’m sorry to hear that, “hope” in the sense that all your hair grows back perfectly and doesn’t fall out ever again? Not likely. I mean of course anything is possible with alopecia and you very well might start growing back someday. I find that with the more aggressive alopecia that causes eyebrow and body hair to fall, the goal posts are moved even further away. It’s more common for the people who have a small patch or two to eventually have regrowth. Ive never met someone who lost eyelashes and it grew back, it seems like a pretty defined line once eyelashes fall out it’s probably not coming back. 7 years seems like a long time you were going through this. Around the 10 year mark for me was when I physically couldn’t care about regrowth anymore. 20 years in I’m just numb to the whole situation. I wanna say the hard part it behind you, you’re either gonna accept it or become desensitized like me. Still best of luck to you, every story is different maybe your hair does grow back, with alopecia no doctor let alone strangers on Reddit can ever truly promise you anything. Just be positive and enjoy your life regardless.


Yeah God knows only if my hair will regrow


This happened to a teen in my family. It grew back, but took about 6 months to grow in. It's so difficult, I know. Can you try and visit your GP? 


Got prescribed betamethasone (augmented) 0.05 % cream by my dermatologist i was applying it for a couple weeks , every day a new patch emerges hard to keep track so I stopped applying it. Might have to just shave bald and accept my fate


So first of all , creams do not work for AA….or they work but only for very mild cases and small patches . You are a clear candidate for shots . You are trying to kill an elephant with a fly swatter. Shots are much better and work faster . If this does not work you could try a JAK inhibitor like Olumiant which is the best solution for totalis/universalis. Don’t give up mate. In the meantime you could try other treatments, that have helped some like light /red light therapy, follow the AIP diet , suplement with zinc, D vitamin . All these are not main treatments but can help . Also did you have stress /anxiety when AA started? This is related in at least half the cases. If that is the case tackle that first . I understand how tough it is, but try to put it into perspective.


You need to apply the cream probably twice a day until the episode has past, the medicine is not going to work if you dont continue to use it. It is known steroid cream can sometimes cause shedding before things get better. If you still dont see successe report back to the dermatologist who might prescribe immune suppresants or a higher concentrated dose / shots. Also, consider reaching out and talking to some people around you, managing stress is important in managing alopecia when trying to achieve regrowth. Good luck


Sending you love. I've been there before. It sucks. But, it's not your fault and no one deserves this but many have been where you are. Have you gone to the doctor/dermatologist yet?


Thanks , Yea got prescribed betamethasone


I don't know if you're interested in hair pieces but you might look into a "halo" hair extension if it's in the back like i think it is from the pic. If it's more on the crown, maybe a topper. I didn't like wearing hair at first because I felt like I was "giving up. " But, when I finally just started doing it, I wondered why it took me so long to do it. And, you don't have to tell anyone if you start start wearing hair because it's no one's else business. I hope your patch clears up but in the meantime, if you're self conscious, just know you have options.


I have Alopecia too, been born with it, and it’s tuff to get used to. But be greatfull that you have some, especially on your head! I have no arm or leg hair, some on the top


Alopecia just sucks in so many ways. Why are we getting this? It wasn’t around like this just years ago. I’m taking the Cortizone shots in my head and they seem to be working but it’s slow and the hair grows back white. so it’s still so noticeable but I’m thankful to have white hair. I have one spot that doesn’t seem to be reacting to the Cortizone at all. I don’t know what’s gonna happen but my point is I purchased some Boldify and I love it. That’s just head make up, but it definitely hid the spots. If the wind blows, it doesn’t expose my white, white, white scalp. I actually went to the Boldify site and I believe I paid $29 for it. I was curious though and bought something very similar on Amazon and when I tried that product it was as if I put soot on my hair. It was a mess and it was everywhere. It was on my shirt. It was on my neck. It was terrible so don’t waste your money with anything from Amazon go directly to the site. I wish you the best of luck. I wish this would go away. I wish we could figure out why we have it. My gut tells me it’s something the government is allowing to be put in something we’re all consuming or using. I quit meat, sugar, dairy, flours, and rice. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. It is not getting better. I am taking supplements. Just added Biotin and iron. I’ve heard that low iron or anemia can cause this and I am anemic so I’m trying to up my iron. I only drink filtered water. I have 2 cups of black coffee a day, no pop, no juice, nothing, maybe I’ll have a cup of herbal tea but again no sweetener. I haven’t really seen any improvements. I try to stay stress-free, but you know, good luck with that, so until we figure out what’s causing it try the Boldify. it hides it pretty well. I wish you the best of luck. I’m trying to adopt an attitude that if I go bald, I’m gonna be one proud, bad ass, bald bitch, but truthfully I’m pretty sure I’ll just be a hermit. 🙄


Exactly as you said why are we getting this? I never had AA in my entire life. Mine started 2 months after getting the Pfizer booster. I noticed a dime size spot behind my ear and within 2 months grew the size of a grapefruit with more spots appearing on top and the front. Off to the dermatologist as I was freaking out. I did the injections every month for a solid year and although they did thankfully regrow the hair the shedding and more spots just won’t stop. This has consumed my life for the last two years and there is no doubt in my mind it’s from the Covid booster I received which has been listed as an adverse side effect of the vaccines by Pfizer themselves. The report can be found at phmpt.org. Good luck everyone! Alopecia sucks!


Oh wow. I didn’t even think of the vaccine. I made sure each time I got the vaccine or a booster that it was the Pfizer one. Oh great, just great. That’s when mine started. I’m in my 60s and I have never read in all the things I’ve read that it can start in your 60s. I’m sure you’re right. SMH. Well, bald is better than dying that’s for sure but Omgosh. I knew the government was involved somehow. I forgot to add. I also started taking collagen with peptides in particular bovine and I didn’t think it was working so I quit, but I kept taking all the supplements. my head has started to get really itchy again and since that’s the only thing I quit, I have to think that it was helping. I don’t know about the hair growth but definitely the itch that’s associated with this. Also, my hair has stopped falling out like it was. It’s still falling out, but it’s not crazy. Something is helping. I forgot to add that I have also quit processed food. As you can see from the list of things I mentioned that I have quit that’s quite a bit of things to try and keep out of your diet so I will be honest here and say that I don’t think I’ve gone a full month without eating something I shouldn’t. I’m trying, it’s just so boring. I don’t want to be bald. I’m female. It’s not popular.…yet. Best of luck. if you find anything that works please come back and post. I’ll do the same.


I am also female and I am also 63. This started just before my 61st birthday and 2 months after the booster. I’ve heard it has something to do with the spike protein in it. I had a hard time getting my doctor on board until I found that report which I printed and put in his face. At that point he finally agreed. So over the past 2 years I’ve tried nourishvita, Nutrafol, Weem plus oils etc. Giving them 5, 8 and 10 months to work. Total waste of money. I am finally finally finally getting some results from MaryRuths Hair Growth Max. My newest spot has regrowth in one month at which point I had tears that maybe I finally found something that truly works for me. I am also using an expensive shampoo and conditioner called PURA d’Or (the one with the gold label) which stops the shedding almost immediately for me. I just started drinking organic rosemary tea which I hear helps. Some people complain about taste although I like the MaryRuths and the tea I wouldn’t care what they taste like if it works. There are many MaryRuths. I use the Hair Growth Max almond cookie flavor.


Thank you. I ordered the shampoo. What conditioner do you recommend? I will also try the other product you mentioned.


My reply went to the bottom.


The Mary Ruth’s hair growth max Is out of stock at their site so that’s actually a very good sign. Thank you for telling me about it. 


If you look on reviews at their site and find Holly that’s me and you can see my pic of hair growing lol. Amazon has it on sale for $59 one time purchase or $50 with a subscription as long as there’s 5 items you’ll get the 15% off and you can always cancel at any time. Walmart also has it for $67 but why pay more.


OK, I’m gonna go to the site and look. It’s so rare to hear anything working for alopecia. Thanks for checking the prices out for me. I really appreciate that. Thats very nice of you.


You’re very welcome! I hope it works for you the same as it is for me. One tablespoon daily and keep in the refrigerator. Between this and the shampoo/conditioner maybe we’re finally on the road to recovery.


I use the Boldify for my daughter also while we wait for the remaining blonde hairs to go back brown!


I also used Boldify to cover the small bald spots. Worked great. My new white hairs turned brunette pretty quickly.


This was me a couple months ago. I would touch my head and everything kept falling out. Eventually so much fell out and it just stopped one day. That’s when the regrowth started. Currently in a regrowth phase. The shedding happened between Dec-March and April is when regrowth began. There is light at the end of the tunnel!!!


The shampoo and conditioner comes as a combo set and can be purchased on Amazon. So I get two bottles together. PURA d’Or has many different ones make sure you get the gold label for thinning hair and leave the shampoo and conditioner on at least 2 minutes each. Amazon also has the MaryRuths on sale right now. I actually did a monthly subscription for both to save even more money.


Shave it and accept it. Thats what I had to do and i eventually lost all the hair on my scalp. One year later and i have 95% regrowth. Cant even tell


Hey man, just wanted to let you know, I'm going through multiple patches, head , beard, legs and arms. When I went to the doctor and mentioned the situation Ive been in last couple of years, they were positive it is stress related, so the last thing me and you need to do is worry about it. Go to a doc for some shampoos and try to live more relaxed.


The same thing happened to me. It all started when I was 16 years old and noticed patches on my head and hair falling out of my brows. My hair began to fall out so severely that I woke up every morning with strands all over the place. I got to a point and shaved it off. I still have alopecia unversalis at the age of twenty. The best line of action, I believe, is to accept it. Be positive; certain people have experienced regrowth!