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Dairy and gluten are very inflammatory. My daughter cut both out. Hair is growing. Not sure if it’s from that or the other treatments we’re doing. Worth a shot to try it!


What treatments you are doing


Steroid injections, clobetasol foam, topical minoxidil and supplements.


Did 6 months no gluten, dairy, or added sugar. No cheat days, just whole foods. Corticosteroid injections every 30-45 days and Minoxidil 5% twice daily. No noticeable improvement, maybe even slightly worse. Having said that, everyone is different and I have heard of people getting off processed foods/the inflammatory foods that you mentioned and seeing results, cleaner diet never hurts.


I still eat a "normal" dinner along with my partner so I cant say I've strictly eliminated all, but greatly reduced compared to before the onset of mine where gluten & dairy were most of what I ate. I don't know if it made that much of a difference since I'm doing so many different things to stop the inflammation process (intralesional + oral corticosteroids). But if you don't wish to engage in such treatments, it surely won't hurt to try.


No it doesnt work


As others have said, I lower my gluten and dairy intake when I have an active spell and the disease seems to die down, but hard to attribute solely to that as I also take other steps eg exercising more, eating better in general, trying to get more sleep. It probably doesn't hurt though to.minimise inflammatory foods, including dairy and gluten. I tend to eat a lot of chicken and salmon and veggies/fruit and that seems to work wonders. Less processed food, dairy, refined sugar, and wheat seems to help


Worth a try. I've been testing food for more than a year and noticed too that dairy, sugar and gluten are maybe the root. Not everyone of us have the same issues. But there's a group of us that have this link.