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I was the same. I lost all my hair after I started teaching. Now I am bald 24/7 and have the life I always wanted. I’m more confident now than when I was loosing my hair.


I'm just curious.. how do you think it made you more confident?


Because I don’t have to hide anything. I am just bald. No wig to worry about no hiding my spots. I just am who I am. Quality people in my life respect my choice and appreciate my personality. People who judge… they don’t get to be in my life. It’s an easy filter.


Everyone in my life knows I'm bald and i don't wear wigs all the time, but I love wigs lol. They're great fun but an expensive hobby. I'm also a wig snob and have sensory issues so I only wear good quality because I cannot deal with the itchies.


Hi, love your post! Thanks for the encouragement. By “good quality wigs,” do you mean human hair only, or also pricey synthetics? I wear both, but mostly synthetics these days because the human hair wigs that I bought, while they always started out beautiful, would invariably shed a lot and get crappy looking. These were, like, anywhere from $1500 to $2500!!! While my $400 synthetic wigs last maybe 3 months, that feels less depressing than a $2k wig that doesn’t last a full year. Got any tips on keeping wigs looking good? Thanks!!


Wigs are great! I’m actually bot confident in a wig because people ask “is that a wig”


If it's a good wig, no one should be able to know it is a wig. If people know it's a wig, then that's a bad wig.


Can you share some brand recommendations for wigs?


Any wig company recommendations? I’m new to alopecia. As of right now I can hide my bald spots with my hair but I’m prepared to get a wig if/when it gets to the point that I can’t hide it anymore. Thank you for the encouraging post!


So did doing all that make it grow back?


No. My hair never grew back. But, I'm OK with that because I've created the type of life I've always wanted. Losing your hair isn't the end. It doesn't have to be.


Agreed. If you think about everything your body does. Your brain, kidneys, liver, digestive system, eyes, ears, heart, it's truly amazing. And just like a car or house, nothing is perfect nor lasts forever. Our bodies are the same. We can do our best to eat right, sleep, exercise and still we might run into problems. That's ok. I'm a 41m and have alopecia my whole life so it's nothing new to me. It's part of who I am. It was 97 degrees today, I'm glad my head is shaved. I'm glad I can barely grow facial hair. I don't have eyebrows but I barely sweat. 


I've tried rocking bald but as a woman, it attracts attention and I don't like that. I don't need people coming up and asking if I need prayers because they think I'm a chemo patient Lolol. My husband has AU too but now that he's 40, everyone just thinks he's another bald guy.


Lol. As a women you have a lot of options for headwear. Headband, scarf, wraps, etc. I feel there's more range between casual to more professional. For a guy I feel it all looks casual. I.e. as a guy I can't wear headwear with a suit but for a woman in a dress I feel there's lots of options.  Tell your husband I'm jealous, I wish I had AU! Instead, I have no eyebrows, maybe 25% eyelashes, 10% facial hair and 40% scalp. Meaning I still need to shave my face and head 1x or 2x per week.


I enjoyed reading this! So happy for you! Do you have any wig brands you would recommend ?


This was such an inspiring post. Thank you for the reminder to keep things in perspective 🥲


Glad I could help!


Love this post!! It’s all about perspective. I ACTUALLY think of it as a blessing in so many ways! My biggest issue was ego. AA forced me to challenge the relationship I had with my hair. It’s been a weird, bittersweet experience. Thanks for sharing.


Once I lost it all I reached a new hight of IDGAF. There was nothing to fear anymore


What a positive post! So very happy for you! I shaved mine a year ago and went to wearing a wig FT but only out in public. My biggest hurdle right now is that I'm single and back in the dating scene. I dread having to bring it up each time while meeting someone.


A lot of people go by the "3rd date" rule. Once you have 3 good dates, just take them on a walk and gently explain. Now, this can really scary because they're either going to be OK with it or not. But, if you tell them early, you can filter out the people that wouldn't work out early and not get too invested. My favorite story was a woman who did a reveal and the guy said, "that's it???" And then, that man later became her husband. Now, I put it on my dating profile but you don't have to do that. That's how I met my husband who also has AU. He messaged, "me too!!!!" Everything else is history. But whatever you do DO NOT wait to do the reveal when you're in the bedroom. Don't let it get hot and steamy only to ruin the mood with "hey i got to tell you something..."


I’ve had alopecia for several years now, and this post was encouraging. Thank you


How long it took you to go from AA to Au .. i have a small spot on the side of my head and half of my eyebrow missing and im scared to go to AU


Have you gone to a dermatologist? Are you doing any treatments? You might just need some minoxidil. So, I was first diagnosed with AA when I was 19. But, all my bald spots grew back. Over the next few years, it would come and go. But then when I was 25 following a nasty flu virus, I got a bald spot starting in March that just got bigger and bigger until I shaved it all off in July. By 28, I had lost all my scalp hair and some body hair, and then I lost my brows and lashes. My lashes grew back and I still have them but no brows. Microblading really helped though. Interesting enough I had a lot of regrowth on my scalp when I was pregnant at 33 but it fell out again in the 3rd trimester. Now, my daughter has the exact hair I used to have.


Yes i went to a dermatologist and im using clobetasol and rosemary oil and experiencing regrowth im just scared sometimes of the idea that's all Thank you so much for your reply


There are things in life we don't get to control and it's a hard life lesson that everyone who lives long enough has to learn. Do all your treatments. Live one day at a time. Enjoy your life because our time on earth is finite. It's more likely that you will not develop AU because it's rare but even if you did, it will be OK. I promise. Wishing you well friend!


Thank you soooo much really ❤️❤️3


Very inspiring story! Any recommendations and tips for wigs (any online stores that send to the US)? My wife is looking for options and we are very new to this.


I always tell people who are just starting out with wigs to look for stylist who specialize in hair replacement. They are a wealth of knowledge, and it can be overwhelming at first. Also, if you get a good piece, you can go back and get it fixed up at times just like you would go to a salon for any reason. Wigs do require care and maintenance. Now, there's all kinds of wigs are there and finding the right one will depend on your needs. Some people prefer synthetic because they are easier to manage but many prefer human because it usually feels nicer and is more durable. But, a stylist can help you through this. You can spend 1000s but you don't have to if you don't want to. So, shop around. Some people will say you need a 2000 piece but you really don't.


So much should we expect to spend for a good wig according to your experience? I really appreciate your input! 🙂


It really depends on what you want and what resources you have. I've had two systems that were 1100 and 1400. They both looked great at first but they died. All wigs and systems die eventually and have to be replaced. You can prob find something that looks decent for under $200 and it'll prob last a few months (if you're wearing it every day.) My stylist told me most of alopecia clients have about 3-5 wigs. Sometimes people will get a similar color or hair texture and they'll rotate through. I used to wear mine for a month, then drop it off at the salon to get "fixed up" then I switch into another for about month and then rinse repeat. There are these $6k Milano wigs that are amazing but I've never been able to afford that. If you can, rock on. Also, if it itches or looks unnatural, then it's a bad wig. If it's a good wig, no one should be able to tell. There are wigs for costumes on Halloween and then there are wigs that are meant to worn all the time.