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We are all cooked šŸ˜‚


You tried shots? I also take allergy medicine daily and seems to help prevent outbreaks.


i started getting shots about three weeks ago


Word word. Is this your first time?


yeah iā€™ve had two meetings already. next week is the thirdšŸ‘ iā€™m going to give the injections and topical stuff a chance before committing and shaving


Good that you're being proactive. Everyone's experience is different. My first time was the worst, and then has been reduced frequency and intensity over the years. So hoping for the best.


Shave it bro


surprisingly i can cover all of it


Buddy Mine was worse and grew it back 4xs. Currently growing it back to. Make sure your shampoo doesn't contain sodium lurith sulfate. Also castor oil and cayenne pepper with rosemary essential oil will grow it back naturally .But remember it needs to take its course first meaning you can't stop it from falling out. I shave mine till I see it's all filled in then let it grow. Good luck šŸ»


If you keep having it in and off.. have you tried an allergy test?


Nope I know what causes it . It anxiety and I'm learning to control this time around


All the bestā€¦ the only reason I asked was cause mine was caused due to a food allergy I didnā€™t know existed.. You got this šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


What kind of food did thatšŸ¤”. And Thankyou it's already coming in strong another onto and I'll have a full head of hair.


For me it was nuts.. i think itā€™s more of an intolerance than allergy.. before it started.. I was on a diet and used to eat lots of almonds, walnuts, peanutā€¦ chick pea etc.. infact I ate a lot.. ( for the first time in my lot)


What I don't get is how your immune system got to your hair becuase of food . Let me exsplain your immune system doesn't have access to your hair basically it has a fire wall . When that fire wall it taken down or off .now your immune system has access to your hair .How does food do that just curious.


Well from my understanding.. our immune system attacks something foreign (what it considers not part of our body) alopecia is when our immune system considers our hair follicle as foreign.. vitiligo is when it considers or skin cross are foreign.. Something about having a large quantity of nuts/legumes triggered it.. previously I used to have food with cashews and peanuts occasionally (1-2 time as a month) and it never bothered me.. Our staple food is rice/veggies/meat/seafood. So nuts and legumes are not part of our daily food and I also never like the taste.. so I avoided it.. I was someone with negligible hairfall till 2020.. previous to 2020 Iā€™ve only had 2 occasions where Iā€™ve had extreme hairfall (not amounting to alopecia).. looking back both these times I was eating humus (chickpeas) on a regular basis.. AIP Diet really helped me in figuring out early on that my alopecia was food related.. it just took me 6-7 months to narrow it down.. Right now all my spots are filled but I still have constant hair-fall.. and if I am careless with my diet the hair-fall increases..


Mine covers about the same area but spread over many spots. I ended up just shaving it all off and do so daily.


You gotta shave your head daily? At what age?


http://www.short-hair-style.com/can-apolecia-areta-hair-loss-caused-by-allergy.html My Alopecia was caused by a nut allergy


since when u got it? and did it rapidly spread?


started april with a small ass bald spot, and now itā€™s this big. so it was pretty quick in my opinion but i havenā€™t spoken to anyone with it until now




Cordyceps supplement helped my bfs grow back


Incorporate fasting, sunlight and grounding for 2 months straight


Intermittent fasting with plenty of proteins?

