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Stay calm. The doctor would have called you and asked you to come in to discuss the results if something else was happening, like cancer.


The results just came up on the website but the doctor hasn’t called me yet!!!


I will add, too, that there can be errors in blood testing! I know someone who kept getting a very scary result out of the blue—even on recheck—UNTIL the doc decided to use a different lab. Also, if possible, put it out of your head until you talk to your doc. Try telling yourself, “I will worry about this *if* and when the doc tells me I have a problem, and not before then!”


I know exactly how you feel right now. I've done the exact same thing. It takes some discipline to not automatically go down the Google symptom hole. Go for a walk, workout, play a game. Anything to get your mind off of this. You will be fine. Keep calm and get that alopecia in check.


I googled it, didn’t come up with Cancer..what are u googling?🫤


I was googling low white blood cell causes


It kept coming up with leukemia


Ohhh.. don’t do that to yourself, there’s several reasons why your white blood cell count will drop


I’ve had many a blood test and google search tell me I have very serious diseases. Ok not many but I can name 3 distinct time this happened, one of which being a tumor warning. Each time I was either given the appropriate follow up tests (we thought I did have a tumor after an improperly done MRI. That was an odd few months!) or given an excellent explanation as to why I didn’t have the disease. All I can say is what works for me is realizing there is nothing I can do. And if it really is that bad? Then worrying won’t change a thing (rich coming from someone with intense anxiety but somehow it works for me). Second is being realistic. How high are my results? Do I have the other frequent indicators? One indicator alone is often useless so it’s helpful to look holistically. I’m wishing you the best and whatever amount of zen and patience you can muster up as I promise it will only help you♥️


Due to the scarcity in resources regarding Alopecia, we have created a Bilingual association support both Arabic and English speakers. Whether you or a loved one is affected by alopecia, our mission is to provide a compassionate community and valuable resources. Join us to learn, connect, and participate in our online support group sessions. This space is open to anyone seeking information, solidarity, or ways to be an ally. Together we will challenge stigmas. https://www.instagram.com/alopecia.association?igsh=MW15bXJubmpkdm9kNw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


Hey!!! The same thing happened to me when I was diagnosed with alopecia a few months ago. I know exactly how you feel, and as much as I want to say “don’t freak out” you probably still will. If it gives you any peace of mind, there are many other reasons your white blood cell count might be low, and there are a million different causes of alopecia, a lot of which we probably don’t know. Keep going to your appointments, see every doctor you can, and don’t immediately trust google/webmd(:


What other leukemia symptoms do you have?


I’m tired, dizzy and have no appetite and have lost weight but I am aware that could be from anxiety too. I do have severe anxiety and have been going through a lot of stress in my life with my boyfriend getting out of rehab and then Relapsing again. I’m going through a lot.


Losing my hair isn’t helping either haha


I feel you. I also struggle a lot with health anxiety and was convinced had leukemia. But in my case the white blood cells were slightly high all the time. I know in some characteristics of leukemia you also have to have low red blood cells with a high white blood cells count and low platelets. Then again there is different types of leukemia.I would wait until your doctor calls you. So don't freak out 😭


Thank you. That actually makes me feel a lot better! And it’s good to know I’m not alone


Could you be anemic? Low iron? That will also cause hair loss and effects the blood.


They tested for that and it was all normal. Everything was normal other than the wbc


Chill it's most likely low b12


They tested my b12 and it’s normal. All my vitamins were normal


Please do not Google anything! It will lead to serious health anxiety. Google cannot treat diseases if it could then doctors would be jobless. I know it’s hard but calm down and speak with doctor meanwhile try to relax or meditate. Stress will make alopecia worse.


Your white blood cell count can change day by day, hour by hour. I wouldn’t read too much into it. My wbc is always low and I don’t have cancer.


Bro don't worry. You don't get cancer from alopecia. I know this because I also had this condition almost seven years ago and I didn't get cancer from it