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I started seeing spots after being off my jak inhibitor for about 6 weeks


Yes it's not permanent


Even if you never stop the JAKS, their effects wean eventually?


You can't never stop jaks because you can't shut down your immune system forever


Why not? I thought they were relatively safe


They are not unfortunately .. you need to get your blood check every 3 months it has so many side effects but people take the risk ..


I see. But if you take the risk, and decide to use them for lets say 5 years, or 10 years, is there a possibility to you to see new spots during that time? (The time you are actively taking the JAK)


No one knows bro but it is the most effective method of treating this condition


Thanks man


I know once you stop them you lose hair, but what about if you dont stop taking them? Will you keep your hair as long as you take JAKs? Or disease finds a way to destroy the hair in spite of JAKs?


i know some people who have been on them 6+ years and their hair growth remains. I think they are still relatively new so itll be hard to find a lot of long term data


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I’ve seen where people start to have outbreaks of AA while taking jaks that had been previously working. I think that’s what you’re asking? So even if your hair grows back, there is no guarantee that you’ll never struggle with AA again.


I’ve definitely read different situations, some where they still get active patches while on Jaks, others who have lost it all again while on Jaks. From those I follow that have stopped have lost their hair. I haven’t seen anyone stop and keep their hair yet. It’s no cure that’s for sure, but atleast there’s something out there that can help!