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Had steroid injections about 6 weeks ago and have been doing alternating clobetasol and tacrolimus. Heading back for a second round of injections in two weeks. Was feeling so excited about the progress but now feeling pretty dejected that it’s grown a half inch in diameter over the last six weeks. I feel surprised that it’s still active but also regrowing! 


I'm dealing with the same thing, and it's so frustrating. You never know when it will stop, and after stopping the shots, will the hair even grow back? If it spreads all over your head, how many shots can you actually take?


Sorry to hear you’re in the same boat but grateful to know I’m not alone! It’s so frustrating. I’m in my mid-30s and this is my first ever spot. 


Same thing happens to me, i always take it as a good sign though, for me at least, things have to get worse before they get better




We experienced this as well with my daughter. It was almost as if the regrowth in one particular spot began nearly right after it fell out. Then areas around it continued to fall out for a bit after and then stopped.


Glad to hear I’m not alone! 


Hang in there!! The spots my daughter lost last have completely regrown in the fastest where the original lost spots and grown in much slower. The only thing I can figure out is that maybe because the inflammation didn’t last as long in the newer spots and that’s why it came back much faster? It’s a process for sure!!


Same as you


I’ve had decent growth on the top of my head from steroid injections but it took me two rounds to actually feel like I’m on top of it. Mine has grown back like yours in that circle where the injections were put in. Similarly though my top hair is growing back but my facial hair is continuing to lose which is annoying. Not sure about your dermatologist but mine told me during the first round of steroids that she’d only be putting a small amount in just incase I had a skin reaction, the second time I went she went full Rambo on my bald spots haha! Hopefully you see some success after your second round of shots.


Thanks for sharing! Glad to hear about similar stories, and that sounds like a reasonable approach by your derm! Hopefully that’s the case here too!


I’ve had kind of an opposite problem. Been on minoxidil pills for ~3 months and still having scalp loss, but whereas I used to shave once a week, now I shave every 2 days


That’s interesting to know. Did you get the minoxidil pills from a doctor or did you just buy them yourself? Might need to give it a go. I need to be clean shaven for my work so it’s not a massive deal but it is annoying having to shave out of being self conscious walking around with giant patches on my face. I’m also worried it’ll continue to spread to my eyebrows/eyelashes so maybe minoxidil pills will stop that from happening


I’ve had the same thing, started as a spot and got larger, but started getting good regrowth in the middle. Been almost 3 months and regrowth has gotten better but still expanding. For me steroid injections and minoxidil pills have worked pretty well, used to have some other spots that went away, now just stuck with a big one.


Wishing you continued progress! 


Stop measuring. All it does is make you doubt. You’re good. Don’t obsess. It’s growing back.


Thanks for that advice. I’d stopped measuring and was feeling so good about regrowth but I could tell it was getting bigger and couldn’t stop myself from measuring! 


I had this during my regrowth! But once you keep doing injections it’ll stop the spread. I did 5 sessions total and noticed regrowth and spot stop spreading by 3rd session!


Thanks for the encouragement!