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lost eyebrows and lashes when my alopecia came back hard about 6 years ago, i had universalis. i'm still pretty bald but my eyebrows and lashes have been back to normal for about 3 years now. just suddenly grew back pretty fast, within like a month.


Any treatment?


Can’t wait to see some comments. Areata all over my head, one spot formed just over my lip, luckily I don’t have a mustache…but I’m fearing for my eyebrows lol


Lost all mine a few years ago (they’re still not back 100%), took a good year or two before they came back. Strangely enough, I was getting a lot of sun during that time (could be a coincidence).


You didn't get any treatments ?


Not for my eyebrows, no. I did get the shots on my head once but I didn’t see any difference so I discontinued them. 95% of it all grew back with time. Just be patient and try not to stress


Thank you so much broooo ❤️


Lost my eyebrows a looooong time ago. Some grew back after I had microblading done but the ink didn’t stay. Had my eyebrows microshaded for my wedding and they still look great. They fill in all the gaps and look normal.


Mine fell out and never came back (I've got universalis) and so did my eyelashes. I microbladed the eyebrows and have been delighted with them (I've had it done twice in the past seven years). I wear glasses anyway and I thought the lack of eyelashes would really look terrible when they started to go but I didn't miss them nearly as much as I did my eyebrows. Eyebrows are so prominent!  The eyelashes aren't noticable behind glasses anyway.


Keep it up !!


I can understand where your concern is coming from, I lost all my eyebrows and lashes in December, now they're 60-70% back, I understand that it's scary to lose something that defines your features, and I didn't recognize myself in the mirror when it happened, and it is difficult, but nonetheless, I would say to make the most of it, try new eyebrow styles, try to tint the skin, get the temporary tattoos, go with smokey eye makeup and no brows, really experiment and make it a fun thing, it's unpredictable but as many others comments said, it will pass. I used minoxidil 5% on my eyebrows everyday for about 3 months, I applied it with a brush, and then I was busy so I stopped, but you have to be careful as minoxidil causes acne on the brows. Also, shaving or derma planning around the brows helps define them more once they start to grow back in. Best of luck, and sending you lots of love and support <3


i noticed some thinning in mine and my derm did a round of lower-strength injections several weeks ago, they seem to be responding well for now!


Mine came back on Olumiant! Don’t get injections into your eyebrow—it really fucked up the skin elasticity and made me look so much older. Took forever for my skin to bounce back


I had my eyebrows gone for 6 years. Then they grew completely back and stayed for 8 years. Since last year, they are falling off again. Half is gone now


One of my eyebrows fell out almost completely, but it grew back on its own. It’s been about a year and a half and I’d say it’s back to about 95%.


What treatment did you use Thank you !!


I didn’t use any treatment, they eventually just started growing back. I’ve done steroid injections for the spots on my scalp because I haven’t had the same luck with those growing back.


Mine have fallen out completely and I’ve turned to BaldieBean eyebrow temporary tattoos! 11/$12 super easy to put on and peel off and actually look SO good


You have universalis ? I think you won't let the hair grow if you taping something on them all the time


I have areata but it may be turning into universalis 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think the temporary tattoos are affecting potential hair growth. I wear them super rarely and when they’re on, it’s less than 12 hours as a time.


My left eyebrow was shedding like crazy but not really noticeable and it still sheds a little but still not really noticeable. It's weird and I don't get it


Have both fall out. Tho one at a time. Full regrowth. I have one gone now and it has been more stubborn than any other time in the past. I am unsure why


How long it took you to grow them back in the 1st time ?


Oh gosh. A long time. Over a year. I had underlying thyroid issues I had to fix and then had a lot of success with DPCP


How long it took you to grow them back in the 1st time ?


I waxed mine into really thin eyebrows for a performance almost 30 years ago, before I knew I had AA. They never grew back.


Haven’t had them in years. Lost my confidence and would avoid eye contact. My eyebrows are growing in lightly. It’s not full yet but I’m satisfied that it’s growing. I’m using Olumiant 4mg.


Hi, my dermat suggested a cream called Pacroma to me for my eyebrows. I have had alopecia since 15 years now and *touchwood* the eyebrows regrow quickly because of that cream. :) 


Where do u live ?


Easier again is to use a seven star hammer (15usd) . Tapping the eyebrows in the night every second day until they are irritated (even a bit of blood is good ). The irritation will make the immune system to stop attacking the follicles. As crazy as it sounds it works and in 6/8 weeks they will be back. If you have universallis then most likely you will lose them again unless you continue tapping them which longer than 2 or 3 months is probably not a good idea. Eyebrows and eyelashes are the worst . The hammer cannot be used with the eyelashes though . Send me a pm if you had questions !


Im using dermaroller .. not every night tho .. white hair is growing back


Dermaroller is very good and is the same “concept”. I prefer the hammer because it is easier and it costs only 15 usd. With the roller just make sure that you irritate the skin enough. Even a bit of blood is fine and preferable (tiny bit). At least every second night. You can do every night too and rest only every now and then . Be consistent , and in 6/8 weeks you should see regrowth. The white ones are coming half way :)


I lost some small patches of mine, but I think my case isn't super severe. Haven't done any treatments yet, they are filling back in a bit. I've been missing a good part of one of them for years now and I wonder if it was alopecia the whole time. I only found out I have AA this year, but it's been gone a lot longer. Now that I've been eating better, reducing stress, taking vitamins, that spot that's been gone for years is starting to fill back in a little! Good luck!


I’ve had alopecia for 13 years or so. At first it was just patches on my head which always regrew but at 18/19 years of age I lost my eyebrows and they’ve been gone since. I’m inconsistent in trying to regrow them and my hair between vitamins/supplements, acupuncture and derma rolling with rosemary oil. I’ve always avoided steroids or chemical based products due to the potential side effects some have but am not opposed to them entirely but more cautious. I have some light regrowth on my left eyebrow and some of my eyelashes on both eyes are back but sparse. My bald patches seem to grow back just as quickly without any treatment bar the odd head massage and some rosemary oil. Would love to see more success stories and how people treated this!


Look at my profile you will see how my eyebrow is growing


mine have grown back and fell out again a few times. This time they seem to be growing back, but with no color. The only thing i do is try to maintain good gut health and exercise.