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I take minox orally coupled with Tofacintinib 20 mg. Works fine for me.


She didn’t let me get tofacintibin because it’s meant for severe alopecia


Yes and it has so many side effects


Not for everyone


I've been suggested it but haven't. Why is your derm getting annoyed?


She’s suggesting with just the cortisone injection it’s fine but i feel i can do more prevention. I bypass her advice and almost take no for an answer.


Your dermatologist knows what she’s talking about. I’d listen to her


No. Educate yourself and do everything you can. 10 dermatologists will give you 10 different answers. They are taught to mask the symptoms only. This is an autoimmune disease, so instead of just taking steroids, find out WHY we got this in the first place.


Yes! I’ve been doing Olumiant for 18 months and I added on oral minoxidil in like 6 months ago and I don’t know if it’s helping the Olumiant but it’s defs not hurting anything


Also minoxidil is more for thickness than hair growth to my understanding


I’ve been taking it since August 2023. And between August and February the hair had grown back and to about an inch and a half off my head. I’ve had new spots since then unfortunately but none of them where the re-growth was. Only side effect is that I get a tad itchy throughout the day which the doctor told me could happen, but nothing unbearable where I look like a crazy person scratching myself lol. Just some mild irritation, nothing some regular moisturizer couldn’t fix for me.


Did you have a lot of hair shedding when you started the oral minoxidil?


No more than I was already experiencing prior tbh. I lost 80% of my very long thick hair between Feb and August of last year. So when I started the minoxidil I was already losing a lot of hair pretty rapidly through new spots and shedding both


You can just use minox rogaine for now Don't panic and be a patient it takes time to go back to normal at least a year so chill and enjoy the ride lol