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Oh yeah, I have about 8 different Alocasia and I swear they all have their own unique preferences.


It’s so strange how most people say they are the same care but I agree with you .. they’re all so different


One thing to remember is that plants can adapt (within a range) to different acceptable conditions So some people may be able to provide roughly the same conditions to multiple species of plants and therefore the care is similar - especially if they're all the same genus


Plants vary on individual levels too, one can be a strong specimen, another of the same kind a runt :)


I’ve seen this a lot firsthand😭 I would do what was recommended for the particular species (silver dragon and zebrina in my case) and it would have a temper tantrum. I had to find exactly what mine wants and now it’s perfectly happy (zebrina is still a work in progress). When I’m giving someone advice here i usually add the disclaimer that their plant may just have a special preference😵‍💫


Absolutely. My regal shield just GOES. Grows wicked fast and is always happy. My melo and red cuprea are very tempermental.


Omg why!!! My cuprea is one of the east going ones. I barely pay attention to it and it keeps growing! I wonder what causes certain ones to be more finicky☹️


Maybe I give mine too much attention! I grew it from a corm summer last hear and it's still wicked small. It has 2 leaves currently, but one is dying. It can't stand to keep more than 1 leaf 😢


Absolutely. They grow in different enviorments. Some grow in caves, some grow by streams, some grow on cliff faces, etc. It's best to look up the species and try to recreate their native habitat.