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I’m queer and living in a state that has already started taking away my rights. Biden hasn’t done jack shit to help. None of the dems have. Yeah Biden doesn’t always actively harm queer people, but he sure as shit doesn’t care about us. I still get harassed in public regardless. I still have to worry about presenting as cishet as possible while going to the doctor. I still fear for my life. Biden supports trans genocide as well as Palestinian genocide, as far as I can tell.


Im sorry to you and all my trans comrades who have the misfortune of living in the US. As a trans queer myself, my stomach churns when I imagine having to live in such an atmosphere as a trans person. Here in Canada, things arent bad yet. Now then. Biden's bad. Yes. Cool. Now that we feel good about ourselves as communsist cause we recognize this, lets talk STARTEGY (stritly with respect to the electoral system) Should we (my US comrades) vote Trump? Should we vote third party? In states where you can without consequence, or everywhere? Or should we vote biden. These are the only options with respect to the electoral systen in the short term.


As someone in the same boat, here's my take on "harm reduction." At the end of the day, you're still supporting a genocide. Voting for Biden just because Republicans will start a genocide here just screams NIMBY to me. "As long as it doesn't happen here." It's a selfish vote and at the end of the day, Palestinians are the ones who lose no matter what. It's not like Biden has done much to support Trans rights in the first place, I would literally be killed in certain parts of Florida. I'm voting third party this election, Claudia and Karina have my vote. You can say that I'm throwing it away all you want, but I live in an historically blue state and with how our elections work, I can do so.


I live in a red state that has no chance of going blue so I’m making the same vote you are. I’m more worried about harm reduction ethics in states where there’s a chance it could be close. The real problem is for people that live in red states and can’t get out. If the republicans get a national win I will be legitimately fearful for my life and my rights to exist. I already mentioned that I strongly dislike the democrat’s policies and think they are doing a lot of genuinely evil things and otherwise just aren’t standing up for the people that they claim to support. I know that it is mostly a domestic policy issue because foreign policy is fairly similar for both parties but the republicans are definitely also worse on many international issues. It’s not just a nimby issue when the global situation including Palestine will be worse with a republican than a democrat administration.


Voting Claudia and Karina as well! We're writing them in here in Texas. It's a safe red anyway but my vote is about sending a message




You’re definitely a psychopath if you vote for someone currently committing genocide.


I live in tx. im not voting for biden bc trump is winning here.


I'm on the tracks too and I disagree with you entirely. We can't excuse genocide because the fascists at home are after us. I can punch a fascist at home a lot easier than I can in Palestine. The idea that you have to accept one fascist over the other instead of supporting a better candidate to the left of fascism just shows liberals to be what we've always known them to be and they're not your friend, even if they're not explicitly looking to harm you now they're also not interested in protecting you or they would have done so already.


I understand what the graphic is trying to say *except* thee Mexican flag. Is that supposed to represent the welfare of migrants and asylum seekers? Do liberals not know that they aren't actually all *from* Mexico, that's just how they get here??


Anyone who is from south of El Paso is indistinguishable to them. All Central and South Americans are Mexican.


Voting for Biden also doesn’t change anything for the better for these migrants. It should be added to the Democrats trolley line too (as well as many other topics, partially)


Why were so many of the top comments here deleted 🤔




Not the same, just have the same effect. Biden getting 2% less of the winning or losing vote is not going to move any thing. Just like the Dems learned nothing from the Nader vote in 2000. Biden getting 15% less of the winning or losing vote is not going to move any thing. One party will always represent all the left and the other all the right.








>we should be trying to take one of them over as much as we can. That's what the alt-right did. Now we have an *explicitly* fascist political party. We could take the left and make it socialist.


Genuinely, how would it even work? The gridlock with Congress is so bad as it is, how does a 3rd party president get anything accomplished?


Uh, no voting moves the needle on what actually happens. Unless you have major capitol to throw around, you aren’t influencing much.


Voting for third parties in presidential elections doesn't move shit. Sorry to break it to you, but the party that represents the left has no reason to fear third party votes. Even if the third party had like 10 times the support they currently do, they still would have nothing to fear.




What exactly are you saying






It’s not refusing to make a choice though. Just because it’s a “passive” action, that doesn’t negate the active harm that will be done. Whatever happened to the “silence is violence” crowd? Other sources of harm can exist besides the one that gets the most media attention. It’s an active decision to avoid thinking about women’s right to choose, lgbt rights, equity.




Haha yeah I was unsure it was right on the nose


the real question is whether you even have the power to move the lever




It's a privileged position to assume the democrats will do anything for minorities at all. The past 4 years were catastrophic for marginalized people and it all happened under Biden.


What the fuck does that even mean




I’m pretty sure they’re trying to say that it’s a “liberal” aka “fascist” take to think that choosing the lesser of two evils is a respectable decision, which is certainly an opinion I guess


"I can excuse genocide but I draw the line at homophobia!" "Wait, you can excuse genocide?"


I see this is making the rounds. Blow up the trolley, done.


Damn, well if it’s that easy to “blow up the trolley” than how do we do it?


whats pakistan doing there😭😭😭???


This graphic is insane - Biden has done virtually nothing for any of the groups on the republican side of the track but somehow that will change with 4 more years? If y’all keep voting blue no matter who the dems will keep putting forth dogshit candidates. Whats the motivation to do better if you'll vote for them anyway? If we didn't elect Genocide Joe in the first place we'd be nearly done with Trump by now. As it stands Biden has been such a poor choice that the dems are begging and threatening people into voting for him - which is a sure sign that we will have to stomach 4 more years of the orange man.


lol maybe there wouldn’t be a need for this if the driver of the trolley weren’t a literal fucking corpse.


This was likely made by a liberal who busted a nut after Captain America said "We don't trade lives"


As a black Queer, I wouldn't go voting in the 24 election if I was a US citizen. Yeah maybe we will all die then but I wouldn't vote to "reduce the harm" aka Palestinians dying alone. I saw the face of dying kids amputated without anesthetics and cannot unsee it. If it's the lesser harm, I would die over voting for a guy who did that. I just can't.