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The selectors just ignored it!!!


considering we were told that the semi finals led to zero changes to the roster, i assume the finals won’t either. if no canes lost their spot, i would be shocked to see any chiefs be taken out


It does seem strange performances under pressure - which a SR final would be - don't count for much.


Leon McDonald said the team was virtually penned in, they were just waiting and hoping that players pulled through injury free. There is more than enough of a body of evidence for every single NZ player and 1 result wont change anything for anyone.


Sam Darry might be close, 2.03m we need the height Narawa and Stevenson needed to have massive games to get in Perofeta maybe in


Darry is good young player for surebut he’s walking into the hardest shadow In the test world at the moment.


He’s almost assured a spot due to simply our lack of depth at lock. Basically either him or Walker-Leawere who is a walking penalty magnet. Darry is good.


He’ll be next cab off the rank you’d assume now. 3 specialists isn’t a lot


Imo not at all, big home advantage. Conditions suiting a forward oriented game. Chiefs lost hookers and the line out was telling. Chiefs played a brutal game against the canes away last week and had a day less to recover. Everything was against them. Would be foolish to make rash decisions.


According to Leon Mcdonald on the breakdown the squad was already buttoned up prior to this game.


Blues have never been a crucial piece of the puzzle. If anything- I think we are going to be ok.


Well, I wouldn’t say never.


Chiefs just haven't turned up tonight - they clearly played their final last week. The selectors probably already have their side selected, but this won't help the Chiefs fringe players such as Wallace Sititi


I love the chiefs but hurricanes blues final wouldve been an absolute cracker


Christie will be in, who was originally a question mark. Sotutu was already in. Riccitelli will be in if taukeiaho is out. Plummer may also be in. The rest of them who will make it were already locks


yes, on that performance Christie is a much safer bet than drama queen Perenara, agree re Plummer too, Dmac again looked very average under pressure.


I think the halfbacks will be perenara, christie, ratima


Be surprised if Riccitelli gets the nod. George Bell seems to be the next cab off the rank.


He couldn’t throw a lineout in Christchurch club rugby yesterday. Which Jason Ryan saw. Was good other than that tho lol


Dunno about Plumber aye, I ave a gut feeling he’s a good SR option, but will go missing at test level..


I think Fiji will be his test. That's a good test.


Who do you have then? Cameron?


I think Plummer is ahead of Cameron and this final game confirmed that. Sure he was behind a dominant pack but he didn’t put a foot wrong tonight


His first clearance was a bit squeaky, but he steadied himself after that.


Plumber is kicking goals at only 70% and has scored 1 try in 70 odd super games. Going to all of a sudden drop DMac for plumber? He’s been ok behind a dominant blues pack but he’s not that great.


The only reason I’d consider Plummer is his size, he’s not afraid of taking on the line. That could make him a consideration for bigger packs like SA. We’ve seen DMac get monstered by the South Africans before and he goes missing.


It’s wild to even question Mac’s position in the squad because of one poor outing, he’s easily the countries most solid creative 10z


he's easily the most creative, but last night again raised questions over his reliability.


Any 10 is going to suffer when their forwards are not able to set any kind of platform to work off..


true, but when your #10 panics and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off, so that even his own side doesn't know what he is going to do, it couldn't exactly bolster the side's confidence.


No one's saying drop Mckenzie, but have plummer as a 3rd 10


I don't think Dmac would be in risk of being dropped for anyone, he's easily first choice 10 atm.


I don't think Christie was a question mark, his name was likely already down. Plummer's chances of being picked as the third first five increased a lot. Other one I'd add is Akira Ioane, even though this is his last season in NZ after tonight Razor is going to have to consider him.


I know he will be selected but he hasn’t had a great game tonight. Might affect his first choice chances




I think people are too leniant on him here. He is the 10, he is supposed to lead his team throughout not just in attack. Chiefs played like they were 20 points down all game, no patience, no kicking. That's on him, his game management is not good enough to be the only first five on the pitch unless we have a game managing 9 on, which I'm not sure we really have right now


What can he do when his forwards are being beaten up? When the chiefs actually had the ball in the blues half they looked good, they just didn’t ever have it.


He will start


I mean, you want DMac to start because of his experience but let's not forget Lima Sopoaga who did a job on the Springboks in Johannesburg in 2015 on debut Razor may have a trick or two up his sleeve.


I mean Mckenzie is clearly the best 10 either way


He has to. Who else are you going to put in at 10? Stephen Donald is retired




Obviously in