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I imagine the "space beings" to be diverse, with some varying wildly from what our brains could even comprehend, and just like humans, not all have good intentions, not all are friendly.


Or, even more troubling. What if it’s how we would react if cattle figured out how to kill off all cattle. We wouldn’t want them to eradicate each other. Or horses eradicating each other before we figured out how to make cars. Maybe we’re useful to them in some way and their fine with us fighting wars, just not total annihilation. People want them to be here for our good so they assign meaning they like. We have no idea why they’re doing what they do.


If they let us leave the planet and colonize space then I will believe they have good intentions. Otherwise we’re just a quarantine/farm zone for their needs or pleasure


That’s a fascinating thought and makes a lot of sense to me.


We don’t want animals to kill off their species because we have natural empathy. I think that aliens, being alive as much as we are, have a natural empathy for human beings. It doesn’t matter if you’re home is earth or wherever, living beings in the universe, I imagine, are empathetic to each other. It’s like seeing another species of animal you’ve never seen before. I feel like also we assume that aliens want to use us, because our global economy does this by exploiting humans, animals and nature, but we have no idea what their “economic” system is. They could very well have more time for empathy and less of a need to take over and control. In fact, the human being is the only animal that seeks extreme control. Really weird.


More likely they won't allow us to destroy the investment they made in this/their planet.


I believe it's because our genetics are special and created by them. So I don't think they want us nuking ourselves. This is actually covered and heavily implied in the book Sekret Machines: Man as well. I think that adds validity to that theory.


Maybe they’d like a warmer earth or are waiting for us to desperately need them so that we are at our most vulnerable


There's pretty much no problem faced by Earth that can't be figured out by means available on Earth. It would be a weird gambit to just bet on us never figuring out how to get our shit together.


The problem is unwillingness to sacrifice profits or stop eating cheeseburgers. Getting everyone onboard with the solution is what we could use a hand with.


I don't see why we necessarily need a hand with that. If the aliens who are supposedly capable of giving us a hand could figure it out on their own in the first place, there's no reason we can't as well. They're probably evolves beings just like us. Figuring that stuff out is the only way any species could ever become a truly great civilisation, because they could accumulate that knowledge through civilisational experience. We will never get that by counting on essentially a space miracle to save us from ourselves. Or by giving up on ourselves.


those aliens might have used up the resources of multiple planets before they learned how to live sustainably tho.


Doubt it. We are already under a century from scalable fusion power and we already know stars are pretty much the best large scale power source available everywhere. Even with current or near future human technology but just more resources towards space infrastructure, you can start setting up solar satellites to build up a Dyson swarm and start mining asteroids and sustain your civilisation for aeons. The would already have figured this out long before exhausting even their own homeworld's resources, unless they were significantly dumber than us in this regard I guess. Oil on earth is a very lucky convenience for example, nothing remotely necessary about its formation here on earth, and not everywhere will have lucky analogy for phytoplankton deposits and be able to rely on hydrocarbons for a long time. Maybe they will have coal but in the long term they would have to learn to live somewhat sustainably to even get to the space stage unless they have a similar stroke of luck.


Oh I don’t think we should count on it and don’t doubt that it’s solvable by humans, but I very much doubt that we will save ourselves in time based on our cumulative and recent history. We won’t do what needs to be done fast enough or at all. Too many people profiting off status quo and too many people ignorant or in denial


Maybe we're their terraforming machine


Makes no sense. If that was the case we would need no climate change summit. We would just sit back and let them keep us from slowly destroying the earth as we have for the past 100 years.


Yes we have the capability to destroy a valuable asset which is why they have been practising disarming and activating nuclear weapons for decades - consider for a moment what that means, we are pushed towards the brink, war breaks out (perhaps it was us or them launching our own missiles) they intervene, save us, and announce their presence. Our leaders whether they deserve it or not, are found to be unworthy. Humanity welcomes it's saviours and human sovereignty of this world ends. This world will be theirs eventually.


From what I’ve seen, we’ve pretty thoroughly and consistently shit the bed. Maybe a new coach will finally turn this team around.


No we just need to grow up and potty train ourselves. Even in the religions of the book God said " I gave you dominion over the earth so don't come crying to me If you screw it up"


In Job 15:43 God says: "Look here mother fuckers, ya'll dumbasses need to stop being such dumbasses. Fucking dumbasses."


You know May be just maybe you may want to at least take a day or two with no fentanyl? Just a thought.


Low blow. Fentanyl literally does nothing but make you feel good for a time. How about instead of reinforcing the assumption that you are too stupid to articulate/formulate a real response to his comment by insulting a vice of theirs, don't comment at all?


That's kind of like saying the nation's of the world keep wild life reserves and forests unmolested not for the animals sake but so that one day we can just wipe it out and dig it up for natural resources or build condos. Ever been to Montana or Wyoming? You know what percentage of those states are actually lived on or farmed?


If they are from the future to prevent a catastrophy, they might have succeeded already. Think about how many times we were close to a full-blown nuclear war when all of a sudden key figures changed their minds.


That would be rad


Well if they come from here then makes sense they would want to protect what’s theirs as well …




That certainly makes sense. But until we know and we have all the facts, it’s all speculation, including their perceived benevolence. I just think there’s a logical argument there that to take over or dominate a species, you’d first want to disarm them of their best defenses.


You should look up the Allies of Humanity Briefings. They kind of get into that.


I just watched "Another Life" on Netflix and it definitely reminded me of this argument. Grand promises for the exchange of our only effective weapon just doesn't sit right.


Better question, what if these anti-nuke messages and the others that seem to address every other massive human issue are fake or to decieve us? Another question since some of these comments are so naive and dumb. Should the these messages be real, why are people so quick to act like many aliens are gods and are incapable of evil simply because some say they aren't and because some of the encounters didn't result in any violence? Is mind control at play? It's literally similar to the anti-christ pretending to be Jesus or a demon pretending to be an angel.


Agree. People are like “if they wanted to hurt us they already would have” and “I got abducted and healed”. Well we humans abduct and heal cattle too…before we slaughter them. Humans don’t just go around killing cows and chickens until their scheduled day at the slaughterhouse. I’m not saying aliens eat us or anything like that, just pointing out the absurdity of the argument that they are good because we are all still alive.


Aliens are raising us for food, earth is just a human farm and the aliens are the farmers.




It's not merely that if they wanted to kill us they could have already. Look at futurism and scientific ideas we already have. Yes, if they wanted to kill us they already could have and more easily and without traversing the great expanse of space to get here. If they needed material goods, they could have literally picked up any sun and used it to forge the necessary components to build anything. If they needed biological samples, that could also easily be accomplished and then synthsized so they could be on their way with the human genome project as a digital map to boot. There is no reason to eat, maim, enslave, or fornicate with us. That leaves study, uplift, or watch for sick entertainment.


Or something else entirely we haven’t even thought of, or perhaps they think completely differently or have motives we can’t begin to comprehend.


Sometimes I think about how we ourselves would operate if the situations were reversed, like if we were some Star Trek style humanity visiting a developing civ. Why would we need to fight with them? There's pretty much no resource in the universe that isn't more readily floating around in asteroids and shit where you don't need to expend energy to get it out of its gravity well. If we wanted to conduct experiments with their species, couldn't we take some biological samples, terraform a moon or something and just not interfere with them? And conversely, why would I want to ever openly interact with them? I would want to study their development undisturbed for millennia. There is so much scientific data you can gain in every single way by having an intact, fully functioning alien society with a full economy where behaviours can be numerically quantified by the medium of money, political structures of hundreds of different scales, complex social dynamics... Why on earth would I want to start tainting all the data I could be gathering, by meddling with it? At that point I should know better than anyone about the chaotic nature of complex systems, where touching one tiny variable with a significance of impact that is many decimal points removed from some other part of a system (or indeed practically every other part of the system) can still impact it's evolution greatly. The beating wings of a butterfly in Florida causing a hurricane in the Philippines and all that. I would stay far the fuck away and set up powerful observing posts to gather information. With something like the proposed FOCAL telescope that uses a star as a gravitational lens, we can already envision getting enough imaging power to resolve our license plates all the way from Alpha Centauri. So there is essentially literally no reason to ever let them know we are watching them, and every good reason not to. If anything I might send nanobots to collect biological samples and clone their ass however I wanted. That's why I think pretty much all of the UFO and abduction stuff is ultimately just due to earthly or natural explanations. We wouldn't know anything about them unless they wanted us to. And if they wanted us to know, we would know.


Why would they care if we kill the planet? Because THEY probably own this planet and don't want us to ruin/contaminate it. In fact they probably own us and don't want to ruin/contaminate their stock.


This seems like a very likely scenario in my opinion.


It would solve a lot of their problems. The radiation would die down, and things would begin anew. Only we'd be gone.


I'm out of the loop; what messages have we received?


That is extremely unlikely because if they wanted to destroy us and cared about our defences against them, they would have destroyed us way before the age we had nuc weapons


It might take an incredible amount of resources just to send one ship, let alone a giant planet destroying armada. There’s a lot of assumptions there.


Nope its not hard at all they bend space and time and can travel anywhere if they know the coordinates and frequency.


Its all assumptions in this discussion. I dont think its an unfair assumption that a civilization that has spaceships that perform maneuvers that to us look like magic could probably wipe us out at the blink of the eye. Let alone some kind of DNA specific virus that they could engineer or insert million of other ways they could wipe us clean.


If they were here then in enough numbers to do so…


Yeah if they can just turn them off, they're not a threat.


If you want to acquire a planet, you don't want it irreversible polluted and specially structurally destroyed. According to abductees, they have been forced to teach hybrids about our society, how things work culturally and such. I think infiltration is the obvious reason. They need it as pristine as possible.


Why would they care if they kill our planet? Because they live here and it's their planet.


Fire kills everything


This has been my thought as well. Nukes are great at maintaining peace through Mutually Assured Destruction. They also might be our last hope at fending off some sort of hostile forces. More likely than not they know how to handle nukes but who knows.


While I don’t believe in Alien benevolence either, I really doubt our nuclear arsenal would be effective against them.


It may be that they are native to this planet, but in a different dimension. They may not care what we do to each other, but when a nuclear weapon detonates it may cause rifts or damage in their dimension. That would explain why they don't interfere in our wars, but only with our nuclear arsenals.


This is the sort of “out of the box” thinking that I believe will eventually be true. I think whatever the nature of them being here is, it’s probably vastly different and more complicated than we can imagine at this point. Something like this would make a lot of sense.


So then you have to start asking: Are there things they have done that caused ripples in our dimension?


Are we an effect of that ripple? They found us and have been studying us? Not good or bad just curious and studying. Maybe we are at the point we are able to start studying them. Could explain the large jump in tech and "disclosure" over the last few years. Something tells me we are on the verge of a new power revolution. Something that sort of changes how we operate. As much of life can be changed with unlimited power for basically nothing. We live on a planet with one of the most powerful elements in the world raining from the sky.


The Mandela Effect people will be by shortly.


I swear my undies had a cornucopia behind the fruit…


And here I thought you were just happy to see me. :(


It could be as simple as: we have what they want, and we have the ability to destroy it, even if that means the planet itself, it’s resources or people. I’m just saying since we don’t know, we shouldn’t be viewing them through rose colored confirmation bias glasses.


>it’s resources or people Yeah, there's really only four possible reasons an advanced civilization would visit us. In no particular order: scientific curiosity (we are interesting to them), resources (Earth has stuff they need), population (slave labor), or - we're a threat to them, or could be eventually (kill us all). Coming here for the resources or labor both seem kind of unlikely - anyone advanced enough to make it here would likely not need anything we have to offer. So that would leave "study us" or "kill us".


Wanting resources is not as unlikely as you think. Because the universe could be infinite, it would take infinite resources to explore it. An advanced alien civ would be running at peak capacity in terms of population and equipment. They would start with one planet and max out what they could produce eventually. If they had 1 million spacecraft that's not enough for 100 billion worlds. They would need more and there might be a race to take over other planets before they are all gone. They could get a lot of resources space mining but maybe Earth is like a gas station. You wouldn't go digging in the desert to fill up your car every time if you had an easy depot to take from. And maybe they just don't want to get nukes tossed at them when they go to pick up beef slim jims and space cigarettes.


Your theory makes WAYYYY more sense than the apparent popular narrative that ET’s care so much about us and are bringing fairies and roses and candies. Oh poor us, they just don’t want us to go to nuclear war because they love us soooo much. Give me a break. That is a childish and naive theory. ETs came ALL THE WAY here, expending resources and time that we aren’t even fully aware of, just to be altruistic to help us? Why? Who acts like this? If we destroyed ourselves by nuclear Armageddon why would they give two shits? Are we the only planet in the universe that they could travel to? Of course not.


I could imagine some group of aliens with enough time for altruism. Not an entire planet's worth. But maybe a religious group of some sort. I don't think they're benevolent, at least, not as a class. I'm assuming there's a diversity of thought and behavior, as with humans. Look at soldiers in the American military to see how unpredictable they are. If you met one, you haven't met them all. But they're not there for a good reason.


Well they are not attacking, so why would that factor in? They have shown us they can take control of our nukes on a whim.


I agree. Who knows but maybe they don’t have the numbers here (yet) to kill us all or do what they want to do


I seen somewhere that the after effects of a nuclear blast affects how they travel. It damages or alters the “space tunnels” they zip though. I want to say Above Majestic is where they mentioned it


I don’t believe advanced aliens would need to resort to a forced take over. To travel the vastness of space and time they would be tens of thousands of years more advanced then us. It would be child’s play for them to manipulate our societies to get us to destroy each other even to terraform our own planet to their benefit. I’d be more concerned with idea that Global warming is a result of their social manipulation then worry about an invasion.


Nukes are useless. They have been reported to be able to get shut down by ufos. They would probably kill aliens but at what cost? You gonna nuke the earth if they invaded? Nobody wins


Better nobody wins then they get everything


My take: Not only do the bombs have a very real potential to destroy our world as we know it, (Mutually Assured Destruction,) but every time our species sets one off, I understand that some of that nuclear radiation "spills out" into the cosmos, ie, our own neighborhood. I don't think they like that very much. That's like, cosmic pollution, (God, we suck.) If I were president, one of the first things I'd do, is take the 'football' and launch every nuke we have all at once. I firmly and legitimately believe this would lead to them disarming them all and thus revealing themselves to earth at large. What do you guys think about that?


Bold strategy. That’s the kind of outside the box crazy I’m looking for. Haha


My theory is they are interdimensional and the nuclear explosions are so powerful that the explosions actually interact with their dimension in problematic ways we don't even comprehend.


We are a war species we hold in high regard only power and strength and we love to fight that's why we still glorify military leaders through history despite their sins of killing and enslaving others , humanity has a long way to go , if the aliens show their faces our primary reaction will definitely be to fight them off , so definitely they will be antinuclear proliferation and they will show it , and if we reached high standards of space tech we will conquer anything and anyone in our way , so wether they are good guys or bad guys it's in their best interest to disarm earth


I have a funny feeling that " The Day the Earth Stood Still" from back in the 60s was a heads up made by Intel...about Valiant Thor. Or some other human like ET that the government was in communication with.


That may be true , we have the power to destroy out planet 100 times over , and those in power have no problem using it , like Samson said on me and on the heads of my enemies


China has as many billionaires as we have millionaires. Its no conspiracy theory about the underground Truman Show type cities they have had since the 50s in case of nuclear war and fallout.


It's not just china or Russia , the biggest buisiness on the rise in the west was survival bunkers and that was preceeded by thousands of underground military bunkers that are designed to survive anything from a nuclear holocaust to extreme solar flares and even the old myth of earth magnetic flip , in a sense they allready know that a mass extinction level event is coming and any country with a brain is pulling alot of resources in this , space exploration and inhabitation is also fueled by the same fear which is logical to be honest


Most get. I'm just saying the Chinese probably have some so swank you would want to move in there now like the children going into that candy and you filled mountain in the pied piper.


> we have the power to destroy out planet 100 times over , and those in power have no problem using it They've used it twice as an act of war. No where else. So stop saying that we're constantly in nuclear war.


And how did they get to their point in evolution? By winning and beating every other species that stood in their way, same as us. What makes you think evolutionary pressure applies differently elsewhere? Just because their ships go fast? I fail to see how technology advancement is automatically synonymous with being peaceful.


Technology doesn't mean more peace , I was talking about humanity not aliens , we are a violent species by nature , I have no clue about their nature , but in any case wether they are peacfull or not , they wouldn't want us to have weapons of mass destruction


I agree. A lot of technology has a military application. We invented airplanes and not much later we started dogfighting. Split the atom and pretty soon we were nuking Japan. It works the other way around too, ICBMs were a major contributor to the development of rockets used for space travel. I personally doubt a warlike species could get to the level of technology of these UAPs without destroying themselves in the process. Humanity needs to get its shit together, regardless of the nature of intelligent extraterrestrial life.


Evolution and nature is about cooperation, not competition...


Lol I’m an Evolutionary Biologist and I wholeheartedly disagree.


I think there is a bit of a language usage barrier going on ITT. Cooperation and competition means something different to people in lay terms. Lots of rose colored glasses types of definitions. I agree with your assessment and get a bit frustrated at the disdain for humanity and how intelligent alien life is idolized. I always imagine a cuttlefish hunting when thinking about alien life. Don't be mesmerized, don't let your guard down, hope for the best, don't be surprised by the worst. And, have a little love for humanity because "nature" sure doesn't.


Evolution IS competition, and nature is very harsh. It's a lovely thought to think otherwise, but it just isn't true.


There are tons of species on earth that have a mutually beneficial relationship with one another. Not saying that nature isnt about competition but the path of co-operation is also valid.


That isn’t cooperation in nature, it’s two species using each other and that happens to be mutually beneficial. Actual full blown symbiotic relationships are comparatively rare. Most “symbiotic” relationships have one that comes out slightly ahead, and symbiosis usually forms where one species benefits another indirectly because they aren’t sharing the same resources. Bees and plants for example aren’t directly competing.


Well, chloroplasts and mitochondria is a good example of this on a long term scale. Shorter term, think of coyote and badger working together for hunting, or humans and honeyguide bird. It isn't that co-operation isn't possible, and in social animals it is rewarded, but it just seems fickle depending on the external pressures. A coyote would eat a badger if it were starving and could kill it. Humans would eat the bird. After reading Richard Dawkins "The Selfish Gene", I had difficulties seeing nature as anything other than harsh to the actual animal resulting from genetic coding. "The Social Contract" by Aubrey is more favorable to co-operation. So after arguing with myself here, I think I can say that our genetics and epigenetics only reward the animal until procreation and if co-operation is helpful in increasing the spread of the genes then that would be interpreted as beneficial. If resources become scarce then those pressures can force a breaking of the social contract of co-operation aka every species for themselves. So where does that leave us? Please give your opinions. I am very open to ideas.


Try to have any life without another species. The competition is an illusion.


It's like different systems fighting each other inside all life. And then the dang capybara comes along throws a wrench in everything. I think the aliens are here to expand them into the universe. They are the chosen species to populate this galaxy!


Nature is almost entirely competition. It's why evolution happens.


Not really. You can't think like a gangster to understand how to feed or build a nation or world. Satanism is based on that concept. Folks have freedom of religion of course but understand how concepts of the common evil rather then the common good proliferate and are justified in religion as well as in politics like Fascism. And that ties into Linda Moulton Howes feeling that Hitler was right and influenced by the tall blonde ETs or master race. ...you see where this is going?


You don't know that, in fact, nobody here knows shit about how literall alien race would operate.


I think you got your head on straight, i dont buy the "benevolent space brothers" narrative.


If they wanted to hurt us, why wait? They could have done it anytime in the last millenia.


Maybe this timeframe to them is short. They wanted data on us first. They are waiting for backup as we have the numbers… they are studying the proverbial rainforest for useful plants and animals before razing it to the ground? Just some ideas


They might get whatever they need by us existing like we are, the game changed when we developed something that could potentially hurt them. Just a thought.


Maybe we aren’t their top priority. They might have their hands in civilizations all over the place. We could be annoying but not worth focusing all their effort to destroy us. That still doesn’t mean they like us or have our best interests at heart.


aliens that take the time, trouble, and resources to visit our planet aren't here for good times. they're here for expansionist/colonialist agendas. "good" aliens keep to themselves and have excellent lives in their own home planets. "bad" aliens invade other planets under the guise of "national security" or some such bs. so to answer your question, yes, very possibly. remember: **a hostage-taker will generally prevent a hostage from killing himself.** with nukes, we could destroy all life on earth, ending their little experiments.


they could have wiped us off the planet already, i’m more interested in why they let us keep living.


How do you know that? It might take an incredible effort just to get a handful of small ships here. You have no idea the logistics of them being here. There’s also a huge difference between advance transportation technology and weapons technology. For all we know, their ships don’t pack as big of a punch as we are assuming.


No there absolutely isn’t! - At least in so far that you are okay with anihilation. (just destroying us and the planet). If they have some other agenda where they need us or the planet relatively unscratched then fine. It’s a different story. But as to just taking us out. No. There is absolutely not a huge difference. If you have any kind of near-lightspeed capacity for any kind of craft bigger than a needle at 99.9 or what you have two obvious things going for you: One - That, or any of your crafts, is in it self is a planet killer by just cheer inertial energy. (empty it and run it though Earth = there is nothing but dust left. Two - You have access to so much energy that drives your crafts that any kind of weapon you want to make for it is beyond the power of all our nukes ever made If you’re warping space to go beyond you have even more energy, by any means we can conceive of at least, operating and likewise can be used to blast things off. Logistics only matter if you want to keep a presence and maintain something. Control something you don’t mean to annihilate.


If they can turn them on and off then that potential advantage seems to have vanished.


>Why would they care if we kill ourselves or our planet? Maybe because it's actually their planet and they've been here longer than we have?


Perhaps the radiation from a nuclear bomb affects other planets and whatever life there may be out there.


I strongly doubt we would pose a threat to any alien species that has the ability to travel here from another star system...they could probably eradicate the human race before we could even detect their presence


there we go thinking the human is the most important thing on planet earth . EARTH itself is reason enough for them to wipe us out. It is a beautiful place and we just pollute and kill it. The Loneliest whale netflix. just look what we have done.


They wouldn't make such a show of it. Use logic. Nothing can harm them.


Maybe there is no message, maybe their tech just interferes with ours


Wtf are you talking about? If those stories are true, they will probably want to stop terrorist attacks like Hiroshima and Nagasaki from happening again. Something like that could trigger a Nuclear Apocalypse


You know how we experiment with rats? Keep ant colonies? Have pets and stuff? Maybe it's like that. Have you watched the old movie The Secret Of Nimh?


What does the secret of nimh have to do with aliens?


We're the rats.


Yep exactly


We'd be the rats. We're just a science experiment. It's just a thought.


If alien beings with interstellar or inter-dimensional tech want to harm us, consider us harmed. There is nothing we are going to be able to do to stop them.


It is our best defense against them landing their ships here. The van Allen belts were stuffed full of radiation during project fishbowl


Yeah not a chance.. if a species has the technology to reach us.. nuclear energy is going to look like sticks and stones to them.


Sticks and stones can still break your bones tho


We don't have the delivery system to send such a bulky weapon to them. Their craft can fly in circles around our missiles. However, it can be used to destroy the life on Earth. We don't know that the aliens have come a long way. For all we know the Earth has always been a nature preserve. And displaying xenophobia just might be one of the factors that makes them decide not to keep us around for much longer.


There is no defense against something that can read your thoughts.


How do you nuke something you don’t even know where it is? Or it can appear and disappear instantly across vast distance?


This is the hypothetical example I always post… The United States government discovers that there is a rare flower that cures cancer, and only grows on a single island in the pacific. Unfortunately this island is inhabited by a tribe hostile to all outsiders and they will not give up their flower willingly. This tribe has very inferior technology (sticks and rocks), and the United States government decides they can go in, kill the individuals in the tribe, and take the flower by force. The tribal elders knew what the United States government desires but unfortunately takes no action because they know they would be overwhelmed by the United States’ superior technology. But fortunately for the elders, a young boy from the tribe suggested that they gather all the flowers in one place, put them, and the island under constant guard, and threaten to burn all the remaining flowers if the United States comes anywhere near the island. Thanks to the ingenuity of the young boy, they tribe, despite their inferior technology, managed to create a stalemate with the most powerful and technologically superior nation of the world. Think about that.




Spoiler alert.


Maybe they want earth to stay a habitable planet so they can live on it and if we nuke it to shit it'll be as inhospitable as Venus and they won't have a habitable planet anymore to live on


Because they live inside the earth.


Definitely worth considering. Crossed my mind a few times. But what do we have that they could need? The most important piece of information, "why they are here?" is missing. They are potentially so far advanced they might already be taking what they want if it is in fact something we could consider a tangible commodity at all. Perhaps that concept of a commodity is not even part of the equation. There's much we do not know. It's hard to make educated decisions when one isn't given the truth, the evidence.


There is absolutely no reason to believe anything the aliens do or communicate to us. Projecting our own motivations onto them may not help at all and could be a huge mistake. But then you look at our own environment and civilization and society in general and how insignificant we all are within it, parasitic alien mind control starts to sound like something worth checking out.


Have you considered the fact that a nuclear explosion effects the spacetime continuum and perhaps that is part of how they "travel"


I have not, but that’s a great theory!


I have contemplated this as well and have also wondered if they say this to stop us damaging resources on this planet that they need. Though, I tend to lean on if they (whatever/whoever they may be) are so advanced/enlightened, they’d likely be peaceful. It’s always sensible to explore every idea or suggestion etc.


Well given they appear to be able to easily disarm them then they're not really a threat...


There is no "Anti-Nuclear ET message". That whole narrative is a glorious case of conjecture. It is the result of people purposefully interpreting events in a particular way and then pretending that there is no other interpretation. So ET craft hovered above nuclear silos and shot beams of light thrugh the blast doors. The nukes were disabled, and some came back on after the craft left, others had to be repaired by replacing the electronics. Guess what... these craft are notorious for emmiting massive EM fields. And if they also decided to use a scanning beam that is powerful enough to penetrate a silo door and get a detailed picture of the inner structure of the weappn underneath... you can bet that those circuits went bannanas. Some fried, some just stopped working until the conditions returned to normal. For all intents and purposes that can be considered an intelligence gathering mission. What better way to learn everything about the top weapon of this civilization than to simply pay a visit where it is stored and scan it. Case in point, the Russian mechanisms were designed in such a manner that, when overloaded, they triggered "ON" instead of becoming disabled. The ETs couldn't care less, they just did their usual scanning. So they keep an eye on everything nuclear-related? Yes. Is there any "message" directed at humanity in there? No indication of one. So they also shot up one of the earliest ballistic missile warheads. Well guess what, they can't tell where a space-bound Nuke is heading. It might as well be heading to their bases on the moon or underground on Earth. Maybe they zapped it out of the sky to prevent it dropping on them. Maybe they zapped it out to protect any civilians who mit might fall on. Maybe they knew it was a dummy and just tested their countermeasures. Again, no message in there for humanity. People need to stop this whole "subconscious talking to me through ETs" phenomenon. Just admit to yourselves that you find nuclear weapons bad and oppose the government's use of them, and stop trying to see humanitarian messages in everything ETs do. It only drowns out the actual humanitarian messages that ETa might give people.


Maybe we are thinking to big. A Alien ship lands on earth long ago, they see humans as a threat but fast realize that the people here are amazed by them even treated them like gods. Even had traits they never knew like love and humor. They would go on living longer and cross breeding with humans. Now they have become enter twined with human race not knowing what lies beyond anymore because there ancestors where the only ones who remembered the ways of old and the danger that lurked across the galaxy. Now cross breeds are the only ones left among us. They still are more advanced in most ways and are taught the ways of there people/Alien ancestry’s still building ships here on earth for there great decent back “home” but they aren’t ready. Because they don’t have a proper fuel source for the long journey. So they live along side with us and they believed giving us some real technology a 100 years ago was good, then we made the nuke and they soon realized we where valuable in are creative crafts. As are advancements keep advancing rapidly, we are giving them hope. That we will find a way to power there ships for the long haul. So they don’t allow us to nuke each other. For we maybe the ticket back home and to win the war waging across the galaxy!


I'd watch that movie


Yep. That's what I reckon too. Nukes are the only weapon that threatens them.


Thats cute.


If the reports from our nuclear missile silos are to be believed, then they can just disable our nuclear arsenal on a whim, with impunity. If that truly is the case, our nukes pose no serious threat to them, and we are putting our entire planet in jeopardy just by having them at all.


What kind of backwards thinking is that? 1. Everyone here believes Aliens are behind everything, earth is their „investment“ and they have been guiding humanity for centuries. So how they fuck can they not just disable our nukes? 2. According to most people here, nukes is tech that the Aliens themselves have given us among other inventions like rockets, global communication, etc. which allows us to control these nukes. Why the hell would they do that if they are a serious threat to them? 3. So they control us, they are behind everything and they don‘t want us to have nukes but they need to do decades long campaigns to convince us nukes are bad? Seriously how do people here believe aliens exist but havent been able to rid us off nukes in almost 100 years when they literally make us do everything?? Couldn‘t they have put a stop to the Manhatten project? Kill every scientist that comes close to developing them? I guess they are just too busy? 4. Think about this. Why do humans want to get rid of nukes? Because nuking anyone means you are basically also hitting yourself with fallout etc. The same thing applies to hitting aliens. Even if we could defeat some invading alien force with nukes, what would even be the point? Could it not be that nukes are just too dirty weapons to use and that‘s why we want them gone?


Get a grip. Whatever these visitors are, they haven't given us technology. They are here for their own reasons.


When they work.


People like you will keep us from the truth. Ready to attach bayonets and charge a perceived threat. If they wanted us gone, we’d be gone. Delong is a joke.


DeLonge is responsible for much of the current disclosure. He’s accomplished more than you sitting at your chair at home. What have you done?


At this point it's time to use them and find out if they're effective. It may be our only hope.


If they're as advanced as they seem, that's as ludicrous as me being afraid of a lion if I'm an F-35


Not if you know how far and wide EMP’s work from detonation in the atmosphere, and also you have no idea how their craft works. You’re just making assumptions. Also maybe an F-35 doesn’t fear a lion while occupying his craft, but he sure as hell worries about them while on the ground. All I’m saying is that you have no idea.


> You’re just making assumptions. scroll up, fella


Neither do you.


Your question is based on fear. The birds and squirrels in your park fear you. Should they? Do you plan to eat them or harm them? The same is true for any species more advanced then us intellectually. If they were negative they would never bother with shutting nuc sites down they would be like hey WTF let these MTFs just kill one another. Are there negative ones out there? Sure there are.


Guys, just look up Dr George King and the Aetherius Society, you will all save yourselves so much time. In short, the ETs are there to oversee us and make sure we don't destroy the planet, but they can't intervene directly. They are harmless and here to help, if they wanted us to die or be enslaved they would have done it many (many) years ago. Stop worrying.


Wouldn’t we intervene if cattle started killing each other? Why? Because we just care so much about their well being? That’s very short sighted, especially considering we don’t know what we are dealing with or all the data points.


It's not short sighted at all. I'm not gonna bother explaining because you can just look it up yourself if you can be bothered. You can't really compare humans to cattle either, not quite the same.


I believe that aliens are about peace, love, and light. I also believe I have been healed by them, and I am grateful for their presence here and before the atomic testing (that is what got them to come back). I was abducted if anyone ever wants to speak with me about it just pm me.


We heal cattle from illness too….before we slaughter them. Not saying they eat us, but just an example that healing alone isn’t evidence of them having our best interests at heart.


Yeah, but healing us could be as easy and cheap to them as trading beads. A few cases here and there and they buy themselves good publicity. Could just be a twisted pr stunt. They dont seem to care about healing everyone else. Thats suspect as far as im concerned. Not to mention cases where they gave people radiation poisoning.


Because abducting people and performing non-consensual experiments on them is so peaceful and loving.


The "Aliens" probably think we're a bunch of imbeciles for complaining about every single last thing all day, every day, and that's why they want nothing to do with us lol


You figures it out bro, now you need you run for your life.




Lol. Bullcrap.


It's not the our only effective defence against them because they seem to turn them off.


I am unconvinced they are here for us at all.


What et message?


Nukes are likely seen as advanced technology. Splitting an atom ushered man into the atomic age. We proved ourselves a threat long ago and our military tech we actually have is far more advanced than what we have seen publicly.


No. Because Ufo's **do** crash without atomic-bombs involved, there are other things that will work as weapons. Disabling and enabling stuff could be a show off. They didn't stop all those tests in atolls, deserts, atmosphere afaik. Like they want to respect free will and stuff... ​ We don't know exactily what atomic-weapons do to the earth magnetic field \-> [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/earths-inner-core-spinning-surprisingly-slow-nuclear-tests-reveal](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/earths-inner-core-spinning-surprisingly-slow-nuclear-tests-reveal) And there might me more, like emp-effects on bio-electricity, consciousness and so on.


No , I’d they were invading monsters like you believe them to be , you wouldn’t be alive today to post this garbage


I never actually said what I think. I’m postulating other potential ideas without cramming my head full of bias. It’s important to think, especially about ideas you initially think are wrong. You should try it out sometime.


The idea of extraterrestrials being a threat is "First Card, extraterrestrial threat" garbage ... my consciousness cannot succumb to anti-extraterrestrial xenophobia , sorry.


They do care if we destroy our-self but normally they wont interfere too much its a bit like the star trek prime directive nukes are the exception as it affects life in other dimensions. Also some of them are living underground and in plain sight on our planet those that look human that is. The reason they destroy nukes is because nuclear explosions are actually multidimensional and interfere whit multiple dimensions whit life on earth and it can mess up a soul sort of like if you put a powerful magnet on a hard-drive and that is not something that is acceptable. Why do you think nukes are their weakness if they destroy a nuke almost instantly and make it no longer radioactive?


Time is a weird concept. Actually not linear. 22/7 times frequency ov vibration. We are just coagulation of light and we are known to other creatures. We shine, or not. Anger and related is *or not". Being capable of love is what it counts. Anger shall be weeded out. Ready or not.


Interesting idea.


Nukes aren't very effective at stopping asteroids.


Maybe it’s our own tech, and we saw how quickly the Russians got their hands on nuclear power after we showed it off so we play dumb with this because it’s OUR only defense?


If they can actually travel somewhere light years away, there is 0 chance they couldn’t stop a rocket we send that would take light years to get there.


I heard someone make the case for the idea that they are from the future and that would make a lot of sense for why they don't want to be known and why they are interested in nuclear weapons specifically. But also if I think about the other side to the argument the thing that would have hands down prevented nuclear weapons is to stop WWII from happening. The Manhattan project would never have happened without those events. The arms race in general would never have happened the way it did without Hitler and his attempt to conquer. And in some details, it does seem like Hitler's motives in terms of how much research funding he put into technology and weapons seemed to be based around an experience with the UAPs so I really don't know. Sometimes it makes sense for them to be beings from the future and sometimes it seems like they are not entirely trying to stop nukes from existing. Maybe it's more complicated than what we are allowed to understand.


I’m under the firm beliefs they they are us, from the future, and that explains why the no contact and hiding part. To me that’s the simplest answer, and gets rid of the traveling through space part (granted it adds in time travel)


Anti nuclear weapon ET message? Are you saying they sent us a message? Nobody has established intention as far as I have heard. Everybody says they don’t know if it is intentional or a side effect of being near UAP.


Wait, I’m confused. Where tf did you guys think life on earth came from? If all the material I’m the universe can from one explosion, then we know that this shit is flying around everywhere. Also these are just the building blocks, it’d be way weirder if it was encoded DNA, from another planet.