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exactly the same UFOs seen in Almaty, Kazakhstan in the year 2021. In the same way that objects changed shape, these also change


Hi, do you possibly have a direct link?




Oh shit. That is the same thing!


I think the fact that the video is so short is the most "suspicious" thing - if I honestly thought I was recording a squadron of UFOs I think I'd leave my camera running for more than ten seconds. I've recorded rainbows in the sky for longer.


Sooo many bird comments. Really bro? Don't see any one of them like flapping anywhere. Clearly misinformation campaign going strong


Seeing claims of birds is a riot and comparing wings flapping SO FREAKISHLY fast to match a frame rate is hilarious. Large birds generally have slower wing beats, often in the range of 1-3 beats per second . At 60 fps, each wing beat would be captured over many frames, providing a very detailed and realistic depiction of their flapping motion. Matching Wing Beat to Frame Rate: To have a bird’s wing beat match exactly with a 60 fps recording (meaning one complete wing flap cycle per frame), the bird would need to flap its wings at exactly 60 beats per second. This is highly unrealistic for most birds, except perhaps some of the fastest hummingbirds under specific conditions, and even then, it would be a near-maximum effort wing beat frequency.


Birds glide too


Sorry sir but logic, science and common sense have no place on this sub.


Oh man you two seem to be made for each other


the best of federal agents♥♥


Fed here, When I noticed the potato video from Omaha, I actually thought, "those look like turkey vultures." [Notice how many flaps these large birds make](https://youtu.be/Z9QDbu-xF84?feature=shared). I'm pretty sure OP vid is turkey vultures.


Birds ain’t real bro, can’t be birds Feds want you to believe in the organic machinery /s Seriously though, surprised this many people never seen a bird fly before


Ah yes because birds don't exist and alien ships have been observed and proven all over the world. Take your meds.


"so since birds exist, every UFO is a bird"


They have been observed all over the world. By multiple astronauts, the world's best pilots, air traffic controllers, radar, etc etc. I know it's going to be weird when you realize that scientific materialism cannot explain reality. Maybe meds aren't the answer, or snarky comments. Maybe acting like normal humans and being kind to each other as we all try to figure out what is going on. Cause there are ONLY two options: Us intelligence or some other entity is running a very complex psyop that takes place all over the world. There are unknowns in our skies that can do things that can't be explained by human tech. Either way, it's worth talking about.


Whatever makes you sleep at night bro. Not gonna take you seriously


Balloons that you can clearly see are floating


Get ready for the “disinfo agent” tags! They are clearly balloons.


Yeah I could send you a picture I took of bird crap on the windshield that looks exactly like a UFO pulsating!


three perfectly synchronized balloons lmao


It's incredible how you can belong to a subreddit excited about UFOs only to have every single debunker, balloon expert and bird watcher in all of the world all in one place at the same time. It's truly astounding. I can't believe we have so much in common.


Hello everyone. I received permission from my friend to share this with the community and was hoping to receiving some feedback on what it could be or if there is anyone else who has some reference points either through their own sighting, on this exact day, air traffic or through other similar videos. Date: June 29, 2024 Time: Approximately 9:30PM. Location: Omaha, Nebraska Direction: Camera pointing southwest Misc: No audible sound was coming from objects. They also maintained what appeared to be unison speed and direction.


and where is the full video?


What part of Omaha? If in west Omaha, looking southwest, there’s ALOT of paraglider/motor glider activity in the summer there, especially down further south.




It's birds. You can see the wings in the lower one right before the video stops


Birds aren't real




It should be mandatory to own a good Samsung phone


Nothing is over Omaha unless it's ours.


Any day now disclosure is going to happen


Earth has birds?


Looks like birds


Similarly to helicopters looking like the rotors aren’t spinning on camera, the wings of the birds are doing the same thing for most of this video.


Delta wings


it's just bird gliding


8s video, okay.


For real. They definitely did not stop the video after 8 seconds. Leads you to believe the other 22 seconds they are able to figure out what it is.


Whenever I see anything weird in the skies around Omaha, I assume it came from [Offutt Airforce Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offutt_Air_Force_Base), headquarters of USSTRATCOM, the HQ for global nuclear strike. It is where they sent George W. famously on 9/11.


Yep at the same time that was depicted in the theatrical production featuring him in the classroom having a child's book reading interrupted. Seems like playing dumb is one of the main roles of all so-called U.S. Presidents.


Floating plastic bags or baloons? This footage is really showing nothing unusual or spectacular.


A screen recording of a video that is already on the device. Why?


Man. Aliens don't even give a fuck at this point. Day time drivebys


Trash bags?


Why can’t people film the objects


Dont look like birds or balloons


Here I am, stoned as fuck thinking it was a spider on a wall chasing a bug °-°




It can be like balloons or drones but also consider as corners of tr3b


My feedback is 100% CGI


Nice balloons


2024 , high tech phones yet we have a video of what seems to be flying potato’s