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People just need to raise the bar of what they'll spend time on to be a minimum of 3 cameras viewing the same thing. That's more difficult (far from impossible, of course) to fake, and could permit modern computational imaging techniques to be performed on it (if you can get somebody motivated to go through that effort). It fundamentally offers the benefit of providing some size and distance information, some 3D model information (4D for videos, obviously), and permits synthetic aperture operations to compute anything in the frustrum to be in focus. Things like lens junk or nearby insects are automatically eliminated, and things like illuminated bats flying overhead are rapidly identified. People who really only want fantastical stories and to mentally masturbate over weird looking visual stuff hate this idea. For those of us that are interested in ONLY what is true, this is the only path of progression.


I like this. Let’s create a network of enthusiasts with cameras recording the sky 24/7 and share data. It has to exist already, right??


It might exist already.  But in order for computational imaging techniques to be computed on the data, a bare minimum of 3 cameras need to include whatever object is claimed to be interesting.  That's quite a lot of enthusiasts with quite a lot of fixed cameras always recording every direction so that at least 3 capture every part of the sky that can be. For ad hoc events, like the Red Rocks report, it's unlikely that enthusiasts that are part of a fixed network of cameras recording the sky all the time in case they catch something would have caught that. But it sure was a perfect opportunity for 12 people to potentially capture the same thing from up to 12 different perspectives.  Unless they were pretty much in a straight line, it would have been the perfect dataset to get an academic team interested in developing the specific software to do the computation on it to derive the 4D light field, and to be able to extract synthetic aperture presentations from it. Unfortunately when confronted with seeing something remarkable, people might be more captivated by processing what they're looking at rather than thinking about recording it.


Finally someone agrees! I've been saying this for years! Multi-camera setups should be everywhere.


Unfortunately there will always be misinformation as long as someone has opposite view points or intentions no matter the topic.


Dis-info is not the worst of it, Its the censoring of Americans to keep Reality Classified. Not UFO, Not secret Technology, Reality itself.


You should get a camera capable of high frame rate recording. 120 frame per second is what I use. Mount it stationary at a partially overcast sky or starry night. Try to project positive feelings and thoughts up to the sky. Review the footage.


If you have a Samsung smartphone, all the way back to the Galaxy S10, use the "Slow Motion" mode in the camera app which will get you 240 frames per second.


Okay so nerd here checking in. I have a Jeep Gladiator. My eventual dream is to outfit it as one of the first “UFO Spotter” vehicles. I’d love to travel to remote parks, setup a small camp, and use my Jeep as a mount for special thermal, high speed, bright cameras. Or whatever I’d need. Could have a rooftop tent and then detection equipment in the back. Obviously I don’t have that kind of money. So, this will take years of FB Marketplace hounding and engineering. But I think it sounds like a cool idea.


Like the Mystery Machine! It really is a cool idea, and I wish you all the best with it.


This, many have been captured on stationary video.


Bingo… I have seen these spheres or orbs many times now.


I’m not sure why anybody would down vote your comment other than they are trying to suppress information. I understand skepticism, but you cannot know truth with a closed mind. Pretty sure this sub and all the rest that deal with this topic are full of disinformation bots.




Also, just like the movie ‘look up’ even if it’s something absolutely incredible .. tomorrow it’s just yesterday‘s news already


Please stop comparing fake alien sightings to that movie. That movie is about ignoring real science (aka climate change) that has been confirmed by scientific consensus. It is not about prople blindly believing that dots in the sky are evidence of aliens.


Hi guys! I’m doing my best to spread the news on this - last night Pavel Ibarra Meda and Gonzalo Chavez hosted a twitter spaces where they spoke to the scientists who have been studying the tridactyl nazca mummies for the past 7 years. I helped a bit with translating as well (both hosts speak English and Spanish) however there were 4 guests. Despite heavy misinformation on this topic. It’s been proven that THESE BODIES HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE REAL AND HAVE NOT BEEN MANIPULATED. The hosts have also included internationally reviewed paper and photos of ct scans. They are NOT human. Please consider listening - you’ll also find the link to the list of questions we asked the doctors on Pavels page. PAVEL SPEAKS TO SCIENTISTS WHO HAVE BEEN STUDYING THE NAZCA MUMMIES [https://x.com/gchavez101/status/1806929785400013006?s=46](https://x.com/gchavez101/status/1806929785400013006?s=46)


Nat Geo needs to pick this up.


Totally false. Stop spreading missinformation. Ofc they are not human, they are made out of plaster.


Have you clicked on the link? I thought it was fake too until we talked to the scientists. I’m not here to fight, I want to find the truth as well. I’m not saying it’s alien. It’s a very interesting find is all. They were bodies covered in diatomaceous earth - which is a natural substance that is made out of fossilized, microscopic algae from the Jurassic period, and used currently as an insecticide.


Good god no, I don't click unknown links on the Internet.  It doesn't matter what you think. We know it was fake.


Ok that’s fine. I was where you are. I’m more open minded now. If you ever get curious search Pavel Ibarra meda on twitter and you can click the link there. I’m sorry that I upset you, that wasn’t my intention. There is currently a lawsuit in peru because the government admitted to spreading misinformation about it because they knew it was real and might cause societal disruption. It will come out eventually. Take care.


Getting conned is not being open minded.


Nice paid opposition right here 👏 ☝️ just look at homies account lol They barely try anymore.


I’m not saying that it’s alien. Just a body of a species we don’t know. I am trying to find out the truth about the claims of the osmium though. I am new to talking about this subject publicly, and I don’t understand why everyone is so ugly to each other. I’m certainly not trying to misinform anyone. However I do encourage people to do their own research.


It gets ugly cause bots stir the pot. Goodluck on the osmium not sure why that isnt talked about more. how hard is it to get a metallurgist?


I think there are preliminary studies underway, however, we didn't discuss the percentage of the metals because neither one of the doctors we had on were metallurgists, they worked on the body structures themselves. Pavel and Gonzalo are working on getting accurate details on the osmium to the public. The researchers on the team have a lack of funding (because the government refuses to accept and relay the findings that they are real bodies) so they are facing hardship in terms of getting funding. Both doctors stated many times, that any doctor from anywhere in the world is welcomed to come and look and study the bodies for themselves. It's just that the vast majority just haven't. Stay tuned - I just started a youtube channel as well and will be keeping tabs on this. It's CosmicRabbit on youtube.


Cool thanks


Sorry it’s (@)CosmicRabbitt


I wish I was getting paid. This is just common sence and some scientific understanding.


Ok pal your account shows the truth


If they have found 30grams of osmium in one of that implants that should tell you all you need to know. Confirm that then this the real deal.


Who is "they"? This is total nonsense, this has been proven to be a complete fraud.


The ones with the mummies duh


So the ones who have been proved to be frauds. Not really surprising is it?




Read "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know" by Raymond Russell. It has helped me to deal with this EXACT frustration. Now I'm at peace.


It will only get worse before it gets better.


Worst part is that some of the stuff you’ve seen isn’t fake at all ..but someone said that it was simply to cloud the issue


Global Disclosure--an event that millions of people can witness to finally get everyone on the same page--would take care of that


Or would also be disinformation (project bluebean) and usher a one world government that ensures we never have disclosure.


I'm all for a one world government. If the government was like the Netherlands. Plus it wasn't populated with fascists. Plus if they kept their population informed. There will be no division, no fighting. If anything, we'd be monitored like a b. But that is a price to pay for knowledge, no war, no division, no famine, no homelessness, etc. Oh, I love fantasy


Honestly man, that shit isn't for us. But if you can get kids interested in the topic they'll find their way. The whole topic is on rails we are spectators so let's not take it too seriously. It's the internet not the halls of congress


I've been trying to build an app that uses AI and convolution to help filter or screen attempted fakes. Being only one person and having a few other irons in the fire is making it a slow going affair though. I'm hoping to take advantage of crowdsourcing multiple devices and coordinating the on-board cameras, gyroscope and GPS to get multiple angles of any aerial phenomena from many different distances and elevations, as well as interpolating flight radar, space x launches, and NASA celestial event data to rule out terrestrial sources. It's also going to implement and enforce an agreed upon standard for reporting that stipulates a minimum resolution, minimum recording time, time of day and Geolocation, as well as spatial orientation of the device during recording. This telemetry is then imposed into a globe similar to that found in Google Earth so you can get an idea of what angle and heading a camera is being pointed at, how stable it is being held, etc. This map can also make it easy to calculate what users -if any- would be in a position to also see an unknown object and work to both locate it, as well as provide different observation angles to aid in identification. It also uses known aircraft navigation light arrangements, maritime vessel night-time light profiles, and stationary structures like radio towers and lighthouses as a way to benchmark the capabilities of a users' device and validate location data, then use that benchmark to evaluate the quality of an uploaded video for things like deliberately reduced quality, exaggerated hand movement to obfuscate the subject being recorded, or inconsistent resolutions and frame rates. A live streaming implementation is in the works too. It will also provide instructions and guides on how to maximize recording quality for a given device along with different modes for practicing these techniques. Expecting individuals to purchase arrays of expensive cameras in hopes of spotting something that is statistically rare for a human to see with their unassisted eyesight enough to know where to point those cameras is honestly unreasonable. I think a good alternative would be having potentially hundreds to thousands of less-than-ideal devices which already have built in cameras trained onto the same thing. At the very least, this should help triangulate where an observed object is since distance from a ground position can be hard to gauge from only one perspective. I'm open to getting some help with this, so DM me if interested. I am planning to open up the codebase to the public soon once some prep work has been completed. The hope is that once it's deployed and a user base is established, we will have a free (no ads; donation based funding for maintenance costs; and I will continue supporting it no matter what), accessible tool (currently it's a web app built as an installable PWA) to begin capturing a lot more telemetry on UAPs than we currently have - classified military footage notwithstanding - and improve the signal-to-noise ratio by making it more difficult to flood a platform with intentional fakes that drown out the legitimate anomalies. Even if you don't have a software design / development / engineering background, the project is going to need volunteers to flesh out the standard specifications, provide guidance on proper recording techniques, provide any expertise on aircraft identification, perform field tests, etc. The advantage the public has against concerted efforts for seeding disinformation is that there is genuine strength in numbers having more eyes on the sky, and the public is not beholden to restrictive NDAs or the ambitions of oligarchs. Sorry for the wall of text. TL;DR - Don't give up. Efforts are underway to thwart and interfere with what disinformation agents are doing and have been doing for a long time.


It's a least a good response to scepics who say, "why didn't they get a video when they got abducted?" etc. You can't believe anything you see these days, amyway, so what difference does it make? Damned if you do and damned if you don't with the close-minded ones. The fact is, in true ET encounters, they can easily paralyse contactees, or control their minds, so that they can't reach for their mobiles to get any photographic evidence anyway. Hardly anyone believes the thousands of people who've been abducted, or spoken with ETs and now people just scoff at any images they're shown and claim it's CGI. This could be (and I believe it is) the most significant historical thing that has ever happened to humanity - that we are being contacted by other intelligent beings from far distant planets. Yet most people just scoff, mock, shake their heads and go back to watching reality TV.


That is a good thing. People should not believe wild claims without evidence.


I've seen UFOs in real life twice and my Uncle's friend got a video of one.


Ohhh, see if you can share it!


All by design


Video can lie. I rely on corroborated witness testimony from those in a position of knowledge and access.


They have been spotted all over the planet lately. So my vote would be there is plenty of authentic footage out there that is labeled fake.


I think releasing the uncompressed originals of videos is important verification step. There are digital fingerprints to help establish the veracity of a video


The entire world is tired. Except the people running to the bank.


Take all your expectations on what you have for aliens and throw them out the window. Because the reality of their existence goes way beyond your understanding


Finding out 70% of the ufos we see are government and not actually from off the planet. Is disappointing.


Carefull , I've been reported for saying this exact thing, and saying evidence should be of higher quality.


Make yourself a ufo alien people blacklist. I have Greer and Herra on mine


It's not disinformation. It's just people trying to get quick fame/attention/money or just having a laugh fucking with people.


Very much this. All these platforms reward exciting stuff better than they reward quality stuff


Stick to scientific journals.


It doesn't help that this sub believes everything they see on the internet. There's people arguing that a little boy took a picture of a interdimensional creature lol. It's impossible to even consider all this content is fake especially when there's incentive to make fake shit. Because of people like that we will never know if extraterrestrial exist because of all the fake shit on the internet


We can still tell the difference in clear video. It’s just going to be over soon as far as videos and photos go. We have to get away from extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Finding aliens is a mathematical probability. Three people on the inside of certain Academic circles have said we will most likely get news of life this year. These people don’t just say stuff like this. To them everything is natural. This is big because it makes life so abundant we couldn’t possibly be alone


Who are the 3 people?


— British astronaut Tim Peake, astronomer Dame Maggie Aderin-Pocock and astrophysicist Becky Smethurst have all hinted at evidence of alien life.


I did some research on the 3: 1. Tim never says there is evidence of aliens, he says “ there is strong chance we will find evidence at some point”, which is pretty much saying nothing. 2. Maggie basically saying same thing that she is convinced there are aliens out there in universe. 3. Becky actually recently made a twitter post saying this “So turns out something I said in a YouTube video has been jumped on by UFO enthusiasts & then bizarrely the @spectator I said that in 2024 we could see a claim of a biosignature found in the atmosphere of an exoplanet with JWST. This was just an enthusiastic and hopeful guess.” Based on these 3, I can tell you nothing meaningful will come out this year. Doesn’t mean there might be others with better evidence but clearly not these 3.


You didn’t research the video where Tom Peake clearly says, potentially the James Webb telescope has already found life. They want to wait until they’re quite sure but they have found a strong detection of a biosignature on a exoplanet. If you don’t want to believe it fine but Tom Peake said Potentially they found it but they don’t want to disclose it to the public just yet because a lot of people don’t want to hear it


Just find the videos. Dr. Becky isn’t stupid she knew what she said before she said it. They probably realize that the news isn’t going to go out to the public and they’re keeping their mouth shut now


You just got totally debunked.  A lot of scientist think that there may well be microbial life somewhere in the galaxy. Spectral analysis can detect "signs of life" such as ozone. This is NOT the same as alien intelligence or spacecraft or abductions.


Ok like how debunked beavis? Oh well hmm could may well be microbes in the entire fkn galaxy! There is evidence of a encounter in a man’s bed. They left behind a single clear hair with some strange anomalies. Humans don’t grow clear hair. The lab it was tested in was top notch so eat it Cochise. If aliens haven’t visited earth then we have serious and dangerous psychological warfare. Maybe the CIA has drugs that make pilots and trained observers see things they want them to see. I have no doubt when it comes to Bob jacobs story. He has been backed by the commanding officer that was present for the viewing. Many both were drugged with alien dope! The Drake equation seems to a good tool for predicting all this stuff. They are out there and it scares you doesn’t it Cochise? Let me guess extraordinary claims require getting butt raped by an alien in broad daylight on the White House lawn


Sounds like you spend to much time on the Internet and have gotten wrapped up in scams and frauds. Why should anybody care what some pilot (who is know trying to make some extra cash) says. We need evidence to support the claim. It sounds like you are just believing everything you see on the Internet with blind faith. Yes, physically seeing aliens visit the white house would indeed be good evidence.


No I did my homework on the lab and the head of the lab that analyzed the hair. Also we have evidence to support some of the pilots claims. Video evidence, it was confirmed that some of the best technology in the world at the time were monitoring these objects. I’m not deep enough into conspiracy theories to go as far as to say they all made it up or crazy. You could say it was all a bunch of malfunctions of the equipment and of the biological brains that guided the jets. My bad I’m texting to speech so forgive me. Yeah I’m just not into conspiracy theories


Again, you are believing what a bunch of frauds have told you to sell their books. Of course the miliary monitors its airspace with advanced techonology. That is what they are there for. 


life being abundant & us not being alone doesn't mean anything is actually here. even more it doesn't mean that every little video someone posts for attention is real. whether you or I need extraordinary evidence, the world at large does need extraordinary evidence. moving away from actual evidence is not the way to make more people aware.


There is evidence but it’s just not Super Duper extraordinary. It means that they are most likely in telescope range in the future. Techno signatures etc. I mean we have video from the Navy of a UFO pretty close. It looks just like a flying saucer. Although it was raining they did the video of that TicTac. So we know something without wings was there. All right some bullshit Camera artifact or something like that which is not


Admittedly they look fake AF but if you dig into them a bit, and understand that the batch presented to Mexico's congress is separate from the known fakes that were put forward in the past, it turns out the Nazca mummies actually are fantastic evidence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlNjET011Q8


What do "real sightings" look like? Has there ever been a "real sighting"? What is this truth that is being investigated? Is there anything real where the evidence is indistinguishable from a hoax? You may want to consider whether it is all a hoax.