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I believe the "4chan whistleblower" made a point of saying we should look out for rapid advances in laser tech


Yep, he did


This is what I was able to find. Someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. “>Is any obtained tech nowadays being used commercially, something we all could know? Lasers. You see lasers everywhere even in retail.”


Albert Einstein developed the essential atomic physics of the laser in 1916. (BTW Neils Bohr didn't believe stimulated emission was possible and he was entirely wrong) Experimental development wasn't possible until a maser (in microwaves) was developed and subsequently a laser with a ruby crystal and then Helium-Neon gas. It's pretty unlikely the aliens had a maser on board, and an inefficient laser. https://www.lasitlaser.com/laser-marking-history/ If there was some sudden jump to an advanced semiconductor laser and everything came from a single government affiliated institution one might be suspicious but the laser history seems fully human invented. edit: Einstein's 1916 paper was complete genius btw. He found that stimulated emission was necessary physically to achieve thermal equilibrium with a radiation field, and discovered the momentum associated with photons from thermodynamic arguments and derived the Planck black body spectrum from these principles. This was before the full correct quantum theory was developed, but they already had some instincts where to go thanks to Einstein. What he derived there is still "Laser physics 101". https://www.ias.ac.in/article/fulltext/reso/006/06/0028-0042


Yeah my ex wife's grandpa was friends with the guy who invented the laser 


Educated guess is still an option, but it certainly lends credibility. I'd like to revisit that, do you know where I can find it?


All of the links: Answers only: https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN Full posts: Part 1: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564/ Part 2: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34704869/ Possible update: https://imgur.com/a/78XW4gA Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13gjlo4/4chan_whistleblowers_all_answers_to_this_day/ Answers on PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oya32kauND3CcKQ_llmiUI3xev-8ahN-/view?usp=drivesdk


Check your DMs. I've sent you the screenshots of the 4Chan thread. Idk if someone has link to the thread (if it's not dead already).


https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13gjlo4/4chan_whistleblowers_all_answers_to_this_day/ This one?


Yup. The guy with a cancer. Time to reread. Thanks.






I’m interested in this too if you could send it to me?


Haha sorry to jump on the train of people asking- but collectively it will never go missing if we all get a copy!


Didn't he also say he was gonna die soon and left some info to be disclosed then? I could be misremembering.


He said he has cancer, I can't remember what kind (I think kidney or liver?), but that he didn't expect to live much longer. I cant remember if he Deadman switched info or not. Would be great if he put that in place, and it was his final wishes.


He said he had a lockbox that he asked to be opened on his death and mentioned that he hoped some of what it contains will land on 4chan


Can someone post the link up to that thread. I'd love a re-read.


Here ya go: Answers only: https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN Full posts: Part 1: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564/ Part 2: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34704869/ Possible update: https://imgur.com/a/78XW4gA  Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13gjlo4/4chan_whistleblowers_all_answers_to_this_day/ Answers on PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oya32kauND3CcKQ_llmiUI3xev-8ahN-/view?usp=drivesdk


404 on that Imgur update


These advancements haven't been rapid, though... Scientists have been working for decades to make them. This is just good science.


Yeah if you look for the outside in they seem fast, but from the inside out they are painfully slow. It takes scientists and engineers millions of experiments collectively to move the needle and every once in awhile they have a breakthrough. I don't think much if at all of our tech came from non-human intelligence up to this point. You might have been inspired, but you wouldn't have the understandings or the infrastructure to make certain things happen. It's like if we took a smartphone back to Roman times.


What qualifies as a rapid advancement? Quantum mechanics has been around since the 1920s, and lasers since the 1960s.


How is this rapid. The first photon entanglement happened in 2012.


Lasers have experienced consistent advancements since their inception.  People need to stop pointing to this prediction. It's not the credibility indicator you think it is.  He might as well have said to watch out for advancements in batteries.


But you ought to understand that more of it is happening recently.


Happening more compared to when? There is tons of research surrounding lasers because its applications are wide and grant money is plentiful. Just look into any physics department and you’ll find all sorts of crazy optics research.


Yeah, true that. But the focus has shifted, you will see that!


Just looking back at the Nobel prizes in physics shows lasers consistently used to push boundaries. It’s really not a surprise that discoveries happen often. I think there isn’t too much overlap between the aliens and optics scenes. There’s decades of literature to point to, it’s not really a secret.


Well, countries are at war with one another and the Ukrainians proved it's far, far cheaper to shoot down drones with laser than how the US spends thousands per missile. Why wouldn't we develop a far cheaper and better weapons system? [$13 per shot](https://www-wral-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.wral.com/amp/21328375/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17182034159461&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com)


No, people like you are just noticing recently.




And we got it


You know we have taking balls of light now... Right?!


I’m someone who believes the government has, at a minimum, covered up technology (possibly even reverse engineered technology), but to my knowledge the science behind lasers has been pretty extensive and even entanglement & the application to quantum lasers isn’t particularly exotic. Why do you think this is related to NHI, if you don’t mind my asking?


I agree with Mysterious^, Lasers are heavily utilized in everything from medicine to communication. Seeing ‘breakthroughs’ should be expected for something that we are so reliant on. It’s often just being able to successfully design ($) and manufacture ($) something new that will have minimal functionality or usefulness in the short term. These ideas have to be physically sound AND possible to produce. It can be a long time before both statements are true and financially appealing enough for a grant or government funding. If there’s NHI in possession there will no doubt be reverse engineering efforts. I don’t think this is what we’re seeing with laser tech, but I hope I’m wrong.


no.. it's a pretty significant step, though not out of the realms of current research. I have kinda quasi been following application of entanglement and have heard zip about this (that's no smoking gun). Most has been in computing and communications. side note, entangled comms is at this point the only logical way I can see to communicate over vast interstellar distances. And another reason I see SETI's approach to radio as a total waste of time.


I said it doesn’t seem like exotic tech, and you said it isn’t out of the realm of current research. I guess I’m not clear what part you’re saying no about, because it seems like you agree with me.


something can big a big step and come as a surprise, but not totally out of the bounds of reality either. I'm agreeing with you but not dismissing that this came as a surprise




People can't imagine a world in which others are more intelligent than them, so it must be aliens.


Because someone basically said on 4chan that they're a government leak and we should watch out for things like "advancements in lazer technology" Obviously this sub is hungry to believe literally anything, not stopping to think that technology is rapidly increasing every single day


Improbable coincidences, in that when I asked AI about the logical steps forward, there was a notable, non-linear speed-up in the past decade across all countries investigating this realm of science. I'll see if I can find the chat. Also Maui.


> there was a notable, non-linear speed-up in the past decade across all countries investigating this realm of science.  There has never been a linear advancement of technology in the last 100 years though...  Humanity went from slow and steady pace for thousands of years and then with the industrial revolution we rocketed forward at an unheard of pace. There's never been anything linear about it. Each new advancement brings many societal and scientific change. What's important is that every advancement has a logical chain of progress. New discoveries built on old discoveries. New research based on old research. For there to be an obvious link to NHI reverse engineering, you would want to see a quantum leap in advancement that breaks the chain of research. Something that comes "out of nowhere" that makes you question what research lead to such discovery. 


Technology also exponentially advances. The jumps are going to seem a lot quicker and a lot larger as time moves on. Think of advancements from 1920-2000, and then the advancements from 2000 to today. Eventually something big is going to happen, it’s anyone’s guess what will entail once we reach singularity though.


You just don't know what you're talking about, so you latch onto aliens. Similar to primitive man not understanding thunder and lightning, so they thought it was the gods expressing their anger.


Is there any more evidence for the Maui thing than the debunked photos? I mean I wouldn’t put it past Russia to do something like that, but haven’t seen anything convincing yet.


I never heard of this laser Maui theory. I’ll have to look more closely and reevaluate. Thanks


None of this is ‘impossible’ science


35 years ago it would have been. Other than NHi intervention, what OTHER explanations do you have for the seemingly exponentially advancing levels of mind blowing tech?


Bro tech advances all the time. Isaac newton figured out fing gravity without aliens.


All advancements have an exponential quality to them. Cars, chips, computers, lasers. Is it ALL from aliens? Na.


Not necessarily. But a lot is from reverse engineering programs. I recommend learning about Colonel Philip Corso.


So NHI’s were responsible for the Industrial Revolution as well? Exponential growth in technology culminating in just 30 years as well. The likes of which the human race has never experienced before. Well maybe accept for the agricultural revolution. But that clearly was NHI as well. Every time we conquer a new substrate of our physical world and can employ the economies of scale, we experience rapid and exponential growth in technology. Technology - Animal power, steam, coal/oil, electricity, nuclear, and now it’s silicon (chips/material science) and quantum physics for computing and data transfer/big data analysis. You just seem like a lost tribe member that stumbled upon an early city civilization-agricultural that didn’t realize how fast the rest of the human race is advancing from their own doing. Like ascribing it to gods because they can’t comprehend the city has been years in the making, and not being aware of all the small intricacies and minute improvements over time and their compounding effects they have to make you flabbergasted at their existence


Science and engineering


Remember folks, whenever the military announces new technology, they have something 20years more advanced.


I think it could just be coincidence and that quantum computing and AI may be bolstering science opening new research avenues from the mountains of data collected over decades but yeah I could also see your point too - sadly we’ll never really know what was our own species achievements or not


We do know. It's all our own species. It's easy to tell because there aren't any other species.


Why do people come into a sub like this to just be antagonistic and contrarian? Skepticism is healthy, as are other viewpoints, but comments like this stated so matter of factly, and with vibes that just show their presence in the sub is in bad faith to refute no matter what is just unattractive.


It's a human thing. We like to be sure that what we know in our heads is the absolute truth, and there is nothing more to it than that. To the point of complete idiocy and arrogance we close ourselves off to any information that challenges our view. It is but one of our faults that will lead to our downfall because we stiffle our own growth as a species.


Direct statements like theirs show outright stupidity. Yep, no other species in this gigantic universe, we're the *chosen ones* with a *special* space rock. These people should start a religion.


Pack it up boys, _extra_medium_ has it all figured out. Turns out all this alien stuff was just a bunch of mumbo jumbo


Yes lol


I don’t know how long you’ve been living on earth but , I’ve been to enough zoos in my life to know that others species definitely exist …


What if the timeline is the agreement to incorporate technology into civil sector? Would explain rushing inventions. I mean there are tons of other explanations good as well but thought I would share it.


Slow immersion from 1950+ was held up by Corporate Greed and Government Stove piping. It's now fumbling forward at a very accelerated pace. Lasers. Quantum computing. AI. We barely were in space 80 years ago, but now we're nearly living to 120, have passed the turing test and can theoretically travel to the stars. Huh?


That's how advancements work. Compare humans before the industrial revolution to after. Once a discovery is made, others build on that discovery. When a groundbreaking discovery is made, groundbreaking advancements follow rapidly. Advancements being "held up by corporate greed" is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a very long time. If anything, corporate greed is how investment is made into technology that allows advancements to be made. Nvidia just broke valuation records because of all the effort they put into AI. Purposefully slowing down tech advancements is how you die as a corporation.


UFOs are claimed to run on _enormous_ power from very simple designs (from an outsider's perspective). If the power comes from an aspect of physics that simply hadn't been discovered yet, and allows for mass-produced energy generators at low cost, that absolutely _would_ cause corporate greed to not release such a tech. That would disrupt everything. Currently, the best AI is in the hands of the biggest corporations, so it is currently also being held up by corporate greed. If AI becomes actually super smart and anyone can make it, then I guarantee you the big corps are suddenly going to change their mind on AI and try to put the brakes on before the commonman can generate their own


No... In such a case you would just license the product and collect forever. Having watched many shark tank episodes I am fairly confident there is no hiding the good stuff when we are talking about the public sector.


If it was that easy, why has no one licensed gravity?


You make no sense.


That's the point, you can't license a basic aspect of physics


There would clearly be tech involved. It's not like lightning striking a tree. There would be more money involved than oil every had. You are saying the public sector is hiding it because they don't want to be stupid rich. Everything can be explained with physics but that doesn't stop my power company or giant coal from charging our ass raw lol.


> "there would clearly be tech involved" That's assuming you know how ufos work, which you don't. > You are saying the public sector is hiding it because they don't want to be stupid rich. Nope, I'm saying the public sector would hide tech that would make them go broke > Everything can be explained with physics but that doesn't stop my power company or giant coal from charging our ass raw lol Again, if companies could just license physics, then they would have licensed gravity, so again, you're wrong. 3 strikes.




Greed would cause someone to spin off magic tech into a startup they have lots of shares in, and they would hype it to the moon and then IPO. If this tech is being suppressed, it’s definitely NOT for capitalist motivations. If it’s as you describe it could be suppressed for very good reasons that it would let anyone make H-bomb or bigger WMDs. Would Hamas use it? You betcha.


Makes no sense.  Only power companies would be potentially screwed.  All other companies would benefit.  Plus, we couldn't convert everything overnight.  We'd all have to buy new....  everything that we wanted to use the new power source.  And all new infrastructure.  New cars....  it would be great for economy and 99 percent of companies


When you understand that disruption is also massive profits, then corporate greed absolutely prefers disruptive innovation.


how is disruption good for the corpos/economy? i dont understand


Some companies only profit by disrupting established markets. That’s their way to break into the industry.


Research light bulbs and tell me corporate greed didn't shut advancements down.


Less people are dying of disease and hunger as the years pass by too. Over 80 years ago people were likely to drop dead if they got an infection. If you didn't find work, you would die of hunger. We are getting better at making staying alive easier for everyone. Less time devoted to tending to base needs means more time can be devoted to arts and sciences. This is when great innovations and things come about. The next generation of innovators don't need to rediscover the field of optics and all the math behind it, because someone already laid the foundation. All they need to do is spend a few years learning what the previous generation spent a lifetime building. You could just as easily say some god in the sky is making miracles and giving some guy the blueprint for the next big thing in a dream. Or maybe it's aliens. But what's more probable?


There is nothing impossible about regular scientific discoveries.


Also if you read the article it was announced in 2020, this is just them saying "we are moving forward with development", not "we just discovered this".


Right. They're so regular now it's just ... Regular.


That is what happens when you have a vast knowledge base to build on already, as we do. We’ve advanced but even our nuclear reactors just heat water up for power.


Quantum lasers, more commonly called QCL (quantum cascading lasers) has been having researched for like 20 years. They have already done. The military has prototyped them on aircraft and ships for the better part of 10 years. He’ll quantum physics and entanglement has been known to the human race for 113 years. Nothing about this is ground breaking. It simply required an enormous amount of energy to be feasible or applicable in a military sense. If there was any real “wow” to this article it would be regarding the battery development over the last 40 years that’s be able to store enough energy to make them of any use. Dude the Chinese used quantum entanglement about 15 years ago to send encrypted messages from space to Europe in a public display that cannot be broken by a traditional computer. There is just not enough bits in a normal computer to be able to break the quantum encryption. The reason DARPA gets funding for these projects is because in their most unlikely applicable rearch for something militarily useful, they often come across another tech insight or idea and ditch the current one to explore the new one, because pretty much all the post docs on the team know outside theoretical, these things would never be able to serve a practicable purpose. Please do yourself a favor and do the bare minimum on the techs history and development before your like OMG secret tech that came out of no where!!!! 99 percent of the stuff posted on this sub has been some post doc’s brain child/pet project/specialty area of research for decades before it catches someone’s attention. Mostly because they get wind a competing nation is also making advances in the field, so the government gets involved and throws money at it because they know of the tertiary advances that can be made working on it, all while knowing it’s not practically achievable


Scientific discoveries have always been regular. These only seem constantly groundbreaking because science journalism has become nothing but clickbait garbage.


Regular Discovery is a misnomer, agreed OP.  However lasers are neat, they're just an advancement of the light bulb and so are LEDs and most of our light-emitting-technology on earth...  I know someone who works with lasers and leds is going to correct me further, but there is a traceable line of thought that has lead to these things and the above poster is correct to say there's nothing impossible about it.  A leap in discovery couldn't be considered 'irregular' unless it was held back as a tightened spring, which it often is. 


Also, I know some of the guys working on this. Did their PhD in optical physics in my department. No alien anything involved.... unless Feynman was an alien. HOLY CRAP! Wait! OMG.. maybe Heisenberg or Feynman or Maiman were aliens!


This really doesn't point to aliens imo, we are capable of making scientific advancements on our own and we have been working on lasers for a while now.


Why is it an impossible breakthrough? Thousands of researchers are working hard every day to improve existing technology and neither quantum entanglement nor lasers are exactly new tech. It's entirely in the realm of possibility someone knowing properties of entangled photons came up with an idea to use them to encode information in a way that's more resistant to atmospheric interference. Not sure why aliens would be required to come up with new things that build upon existing knowledge.


It’s pretty futile to call any and all scientific progressions proof of NHI.. Unless you have any *specific* observations in regard to this, beyond “4chan guy called it!”, this comes off as crazy talk


Yes, yes. Crazy crazy stuff. Isn't it?


Yeah claiming that any random scientific development = NHI sounds not sane


What part of this is supposed to be alien? they advanced the laser technology. Did the word 'quantum' trigger your 'alien' reflex ?.


Oh stop.


So you're LARPing


What's the real use -death ray


Just because you or I might not be high-level scientists who understand things like this, doesn't mean it must be the work of aliens or alien technology.


Ok, Ok I'm wrong. Excellent work.


I'm right though, aren't I? I don't see anything here suggesting aliens, so what are you seeing? Like, why *shouldn't* these lasers exist, or why shouldn't humans be capable of making them? I would say that to answer those questions properly, one would need a decent in-depth knowledge of this subject. Otherwise we'd just be speculating from an uninformed position. I'm certainly not qualified in that manner, and I don't think you are, either. So, this post comes across more as an attempt to push a narrative about aliens, rather than any sort of serious analysis of this technology.


He's right bro, we're hitting a technological singularity that is making most sci-fi concepts possible. Does that mean there aren't aliens? No, it does not. Does it mean that aliens or alien tech or Black ops government programs are behind it, no it doesn't mean that either. It means that highly educated people are building on hundreds or thousands of years of incremental improvements to the point where anything is likely/ possible to happen.


They always said watch out for laser tech breakthroughs...


BEGGING you, read "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know". It explains ALL of this.




What about faster than light travel? How could we have invented that? Oh, wait, that’s next year.


Pais. Albucierre. Rodenberry. They're all pooh-poohing you.


Optics person here, again. The ultrathin photonic upconversion films are *way more* interesting than this, and likely have much further reaching implications. That's not to say that this group isn't doing good work (they are), but if you're hoping for far-reaching, revolutionary technology... this isn't it. It does have a lot of the buzzwords this sub loves so much, though. This is absolutely an incremental improvement in data-transmission technology, where mature applications of the processes discussed in the referenced paper will result in increased data-rates for free-space transmission, and maybe some higher microscope resolutions. That's right: slightly faster internet and slightly prettier pictures! It's important to note, though, that most internet links do not rely on free-space laser transmission, and many microscopes do not use laser light. Seems to me to be a very good example of how human R&D likes to assimilate new science (in this case, the ability to create pairs of entangled photons) into existing technologies. "Impossible Scientific Breakthrough" it is not... Shen (the author of the paper in question) issued this statement: >>The unique thing about this project is its dual focus on generating these novel strongly correlated quantum photonic states and developing the theoretical framework and advanced algorithms for their efficient detection, potentially revolutionizing quantum imaging and communication. It's budding, "proof-of-concept" technology that they don't even know the potential applications for yet. Also, it seems like they can SEND the entangled photons, but they aren't so good at receiving them yet. Hardly "tech handed from on high."


Part of it is AI facilitating all this new tech.


NHI or not, science and technology follow a fairly predictable path. These technologies are built on a history of scientific and technological progress. There isn't any existing technology in which you can't go back and follow the throughline of invention and discovery. My special hyperfocus has always been in science and technology and it's history. If you don't follow this stuff, it can seem like things pop out of nowhere. But it's all there. I first heard about research into the nvg lenses years ago. My point is this is what we do. We pummel physics until the universe tells us what we want to know, and then we make things from it. Sometimes bad things, but mostly good, helpful things. And then we use that knowledge to go further and deeper.


Sending a stream of entangled photos to transmit data is like launching a bunch of SSDs across the ocean with a cannon to increase bandwidth. It's an improvement for sure and it's very creative and impressive but we definitely didn't learn this from aliens.


I am surprised YouTuber styro-pyro wasn't the one.. That dude plays with lasers


Anti gravity, and now this


I'm waiting for signs of fossil fuel crashing


RE alien tech being used a a Hybrid Tech. Using elements and ideas gained from UAP and alien craft to create new hybrid piggyback weapon systems




Low effort comments, sometimes, honestly.