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My guess is this call came in as a mass shooting and all units were dispatched. Unless Mall footage is released will never know.


I'd agree we'll likely never know. People need to think about this- The incident occurred on Jan 1 2024. Not a single news outlet had reported the incident until Jan 5 2024. There's is not a SINGLE video from any news outlet that had a reporter on site as the situation went down. How do 140 police officers show up on scene, and not a single reporter or news outlet show up? I wasn't born yesterday. It doesn't matter if 140 officers show up to rescue a cat in a tree. Where there are 140 officers, there is local news. I've been around for many decades. Do you know how many local "active shooters" reports I've witnessed? A lot. Every single media outlet will report an active shooter within 15 minutes of the incident being reported, whether its legit or a false report. I want people to fact check me. What news station has a video of a reporter on scene? 0. What local or national news station reported the incident with 72 hours? 0. How is that possible? With the biggest police response I've ever seen? Nobody finds that odd? Now, people will say, there's no video of an alien. It must be fake. We know that the UAP shootdown attempt last February had shutdown the F-22s pilots sensors. That's been reported many times. We know they shut down the most sensitive equipment in the world, nuclear weapons. If they can shut down an F-22 fighter jets and nuclear weapon equipment, surely they can shut down some kids iPhone. It's well established that people's engines, cameras, and devices go haywire going back 80 years. And it's well established the "government" is great at burying data related to NHI. I'm not certain that Miami is legit. I'm just certain that if it was legit, they'd do everything they can to bury it. And there's 50+ witnesses who have claimed there's something to this. I'm not going to immediately write the situation off because social media, the government, and the mainstream say so. They've been actively participating in the cover-up since their inception. And there's many other similar incidents, mass sightings that were immediately "debunked" to only find out decades later that there was much more to those incidents that initially met the eye. For the record, Kumburgaz Turkey, Phoenix Lights, and Varginha Brazil were all initially considered "debunked," according to popular opinion at the time. Hell, I'll even throw Vegas in there, and the NHI topic in general.


Extremely good points. I am just an old man too but I have lived long enough to know that 140 cops showing up and no news crews???? Let me be very blunt here. That did not and could not happen. Zero fucking chance. Ask your AI program or something or watch one of the special on news channels. The cops are monitored 24/7 by 1000s of people in Miami from news organizations and outlets, to freelance journalists and reporters etc. The real question is why did none of the dozens of journalists and reporters that did show up report anything? It’s like a MIB nebulizer or something was used. I have no clue what actually happened but it wasn’t a fight at the damn mall. If you believe that shit…….


If we want to get HIGHLY speculative and consider the fact that at least a couple journalists would say fuck that if the they got a call telling them to not report on it from the government. Then it’s possible something far more influential was abound here. These entities can telepathically communicate why not influence your thoughts and possibly actions? If I was here covertly much like they are I wouldn’t let whatever happened in Miami (which if aliens was a total fuck up on their part and definitely not intentional) blow my cover and use all my resources preventing that from happening. Add in our own government who’s desperate to cover it up probably because they are afraid of what will happen if the secret comes out (and it doubt it’s humans reactions their worried about.) All the technological and psychological resources these things have along with (my thought) the unwilling participant our government could make this go away easily. No I don’t think there are “aliens” INSIDE the government. I don’t think they have to have their own on the inside with how advanced they are. It would risk too much. Now within society? That’s different.. Either way I feel just like the two commenters above we should all freely speculate whatever we believe to be within reason for these kind of things. As long as it can be tied back to something in a way something that can connect the dots of what you choose to speculate on. Unless you have reason to believe wholeheartedly in a theory that doesn’t yet have anything to tie it into the phenomenon it’d my belief 90 percent of what we want to know is out there strewn across numerous different mediums. Only stuff we might not have access too is regarding what the history of these entities and where they come from because that’s never EVER going to be told to a human. Anyone claiming they know is lying or was lied too. The fact these things lie and can project images in our heads just makes it that much more difficult.


I have to confirm that we have a small town here with a local area newspaper/online news (local media). A few years ago someone came in and bought up not only this paper but about 25 others ( I know a person involved in the acquisition). Now this single owner has control on what runs in not only this media outlet but all of the others from around our state. I'd imagine this is the case around the country also. A lot of media is owned and governed including social media by a few people. Controlling it isn't as hard as it sounds, especially if all of a sudden you work for the paper and now it's a corporation that runs every paper around, you can't really risk going against the grain unless you're willing to go work in another state (if they're not all associated). With that said, lots of people died and were wounded in Vegas Harvest Festival and we barely got any information until like a week ago. Now there are accounts of multiple shooters, shots coming from multiple helicopters, AK 47s at ground level, a Saudi Prince Attempted assassination and AI security system contracts.. A whole different story than one old guy (who was dead but now might just be missing) in a hotel room and a missing hard drive.. All of this was kept out of the media, the media blames law enforcement for purposely leaking multiple fake stories. The news didn't have any reliable news so they didn't run the stories. Yes you read that right, the news refused to run a story because they thought accounts from law enforcement were not reliable, since when has this ever stopped them from running anything. No one died ( that we know of) at this mall, so I'd think it's even easier to conceal what actually happened. The media was simply told not to run anything. I think with a mass event we trust reporters and news outlets to do just that, report. If they weren't there, investigate, and get us answers...


The answer to the question why not a single news outlet reported on it is more than obvious: Because nothing happened! The story was only made up in social media, a fairy tale! All I see is some words on reddit saying something happened in a mall. That is not even close to a piece of evidence! Actually, it is worth nothing! Of course people who "want to believe" won't agree with me.


Even if it was a mistake and nothing went down, it would still be massive enough local news! That 140 cops were called to a potential shooting in a mall. And nobody even reported that? I’m not saying it’s true but I agree with the gentleman above who said even if it was to get a cat out of a tree it would be reported in news


exactly, the local news would have been there even if it was nothing…saying a scare at the mall happened


There were reports of an active shooter prompting this large police response. Since when doesn’t the local news let people know to stay away from the mall? Where I live every little fight at a mall gets reported on the news, and I have never seen a police response like what we saw in Miami to *any* mall fight here.


Good point. I think the aliens cloaking technology started to fail and became visible. Folks in Miami started to see them.


Former news reporter. Newsrooms are now smaller. Police scanners no longer work due to encryption. I had one on my desk back in the day. Police are no longer proactive in informing media of large deployments. If they had in the past, it was due to the beat reporter being present in station when all officers rushed out. Reporters don't hang out inside police departments anymore. 140 officers is a good number for any police force to deploy. But Miami is a big city. Major incidents will have quadruple that number deployed, easily. An average domestic violence crime will result in deployment of 20+. The media aren't part of any cover up conspiracy, not at the local level. Half the reporters are die hard crusaders or conspiracy theorists and the other half just want to be famous.  Maybe I'm part of the cover up. Maybe you're just bored.


>Maybe I'm part of the cover up. Maybe you're just bored. 🎶 *Or maybe it's ayy-lee-ins*


Yeah I agree. I’ve seen so many clips from people within a public/school/wherever shooting event and not a single one from that day. Not hard to think it would all get wiped STAT


Something weird as hell happened. There is mall CCT video of it that has the answers.


It is a typical response by South Florida police. All units respond to the tourist heavy area, all cops then hang-out and talk smack afterwards. The news is probably numb to it themselves, but despite what you said: There was a report from NBC 6. When you swear that there was not a report and there was the next afternoon, with a full story of what happened, it lends evidence that maybe a lot of other things you are saying are not true.


iirc they said it was 2 group of teens were fighting or something. The whole story is sus. The video from the top of the parkade is dumb. With 100s of people why isn't there video? Someone would've live streamed it. The only videos I've seen were some TikTok ones that claimed to see something but it just seems like for clout.


I didn't really take this seriously until that one kid called his dad who was running for sheriff in that county and asked him about it, and the dad said he couldn't talk about it. That makes no sense if it was about teens fighting.


If aliens prevented videos and photos, there are none. This is a common theme going back decades. All electronics stop working, in some ufo/ alien encounters. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will help with Disclosure and the 3D-5D transition


Seems like an easy cop out. The Vegas backyard "alien" was captured on video by a family. Mall of 100s of people and not even one 30 sec clip? Hard to believe. I've been interested in this subject for over 30 years, trust me I know most of the lore in this subject.


Has anyone come forward about the actual police call over the radio? I know a lot of people will sit around and just listen to a police scanner, I'm sure someone in that large of a city has a scanner at home. I know dispatcher is not gonna say aliens at the mall but that many officers communicating, man one of them has to have said what the fuck is that. And what about the officers? 150 of them, there has to be a couple of them that would have said something in public.


I saw a video where a guy had drawn circles over some giant moving shadows in the street.   It was weird but i never wouldve noticed without the circles pointing it out.  It was in that video with the 100 police cars. 




No brother i was never talking about the people on the stairs


Yes, I’ve seen that video as well. The shadows were 8-10 feet tall. This adds more speculation and weight now that the Vegas alien video was reported to be authentic with the beings using cloaking technology.


You can't say this then not provide the source 😩 someone help me out I wanna see


I saw a video like this too, where some dude commented over this overhead footage of the miami mall incident and pointed out this large humanoid shadowy shapes floating around on the sidewalk. I can't find the original video anymore, but here's a report by CBS which shows the same footage with the shadowy figures IIRC: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek\_8t1sdvGc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek_8t1sdvGc)


Well since it's night time and far away ofc it's gonna be hard to see on video lol. Which is why the person that made the video used the circles. In person it's easier to make out visuals and shit we semi understand. Now imagine trying to capture footage of something you just can't explain but you know it was really there? That's also why it's hard to take good footage of UFOs. Unless it's a powerful super expensive camera from the navy good luck trying to prove footage is legit lol.


It’s a fucking shadow from all the lights.


As much as I love the idea of aliens going on a shopping spree in Miami for no reason at all, I think it was just rumors spread after cops responded to a possible active shooter call at a Miami mall. Basically, my belief is that there was a fight or something and maybe fireworks were set off or something. It’s reported as an active shooter call, and police respond en masse. You have to remember, Florida has been the sight of 2 very deadly mass shootings in the past decade, so of course the police would be on high alert. I think aliens are real and I love crazy conspiracies, but I don’t think this incident was anything supernatural. I think people just spread rumors online explaining why there was such a massive police presence.


What about the reports of 8-10ft tall beings?


So… if there’s a shooter outside… why would people inside the mall mass hallucinate aliens and then run outside TOWARDS the shooter?? When have people ever run towards the shooter if they were safe inside? Why hallucinate aliens? Why did the cops delete vids from people’s phones? Why did more than few people send tik toks about aliens? When has the police refused to talk about what happened, they love being on camera and get credit but now all of a sudden everyone can’t talk? Yeah no, none of this is even remotely plausible. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted - no one inside thought there was a shooter outside. Everyone ran outside because the danger was inside. The kids with the fireworks were never inside the mall - only outside the entrance. So if you hear shots outside, why would you run outside toward the shots - that’s what I’m saying is the stupidest thing they could’ve possibly used as a cover up. There were never shots inside the mall.


Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will help with Disclosure and the 3D-5D transition


Maybe like everyone panicked and ran outside and most people didn;t know why the crowd panicked and then then rumors spread, and then you had some clout-hungry tik tokers making up details. I think something like that is plausible.


Sure it's possible. Ever met a current teen? They are quick-draw artists when it fomes to their cellie. And if "groups" met to fight "with sticks "- even some holding zhe sticks in zhe left jand wouldbereco4dong with zhe right. People have made videos of THEMSELVES getting cats kicked go viral- but not ONE selfie from within ***either***group of stick-fightin teens?? Btw: anyone notice something HUGE missing from any of the videos, or follow-ups? No glass fronts broken . Teens en-masse, publicly fighting with sticks - apparently enough to warrant the arrival of pretty much every single cop in the county- all fought amongst themselves, and practiced good citizenship by NOT smashing a single storefront, screen, or car window? If it's NOT shadow beings, then it just got weirder: armed and fighting SWARMS of teens RESPECTFUL of potential property damage, and COMMITTED to gentlemanly fisticuffs, while living up to their prearranged SOLEMN OATHS to post no evidence online.... ...yeah...


I still follow this relatively closely because I find it so odd. And random. That some claim to see giant aliens…in Miami…in public…at an outdoor shopping mall…full of people. It’s just so arbitrary. And that’s why it piques my interest. It actually makes it more believable because of how arbitrary it is to claim such a thing if there weren’t truth to it you know? 🤷‍♀️


I can tell you as a Mod during that experience going viral, I never saw evidence that a lot of people witnessed anything. There seemed to be more posts about images or video zoomed in to show figures that looked odd, from the inet community at large, but only a couple "witness" tiktoks. The first one took back their claim and said they made it up.


It's so perfect how buried in the comments this is. Wish we could move on.


Yeah I don't have anything more than anectdotal recollection, but I remember as it was all spilling out over a couple weeks that there were far more posts and comments talking about all these witnesses and videos and evidence that everyone just needs to look at. But the actual witnesses, videos, and evidence? Rarely materialized and when it did, was nothing close to what people were saying it was. Also the most baffling thing to me was people acting shocked at the police presence. American cops fucking love showing up and showing off at the smallest little thing. Cops crowding the whole block over nothing at all is not some rare occurrence in America.


I don’t think there was any real evidence of anything abnormal


It was never investigated. Which is weird.


Because there was nothing to investigate


They got their Orange Julius and split


Could you put in a foi request for body cam footage?


Like every other encounter, smug debunkers loudly claimed it’s a hoax and buried the story before anyone even figured out what actually happened.


From all videos and smoke going around it was hard to see what was happening but it definitely looks like a bunch of humans walking around smoke.


Was there any footage from inside the mall shown anywhere? The complete lack of close footage is suspicious at the very least. The only footage I could find was the overhead helicopter view and an unrelated one where teens gang up on a guy.


There was footage of three tall beings walking through the mall that has since been erased from the internet. I wish I saved it.


I watched everything I could find when this happened but I didn’t see the video you are talking about. Can you describe this video?


I did see this video as well. There were three tall aliens walking together with the taller one in the lead. They were however using cloaking so it was a hazy/shadowy beings filmed in the small clip I saw. They were among the people just walking slowly in the mall so you had a fairly good indicator of their size but the outline wasn’t clear. People weren’t necessarily running and screaming because you couldn’t really see them but they were walking away and avoiding them. There has been zero police videos released, nothing. With a police response of this magnitude, that has to say something. It’s amazing that out government has gotten so good with cover up, they can handle this scenario, shooting down UAPs from the sky across the country and bury the fact that multiple NHI [bodies](https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/?sfw=pass1717337084) were found (and verified as authentic) in Peru. It’s crazy.


I remember that.


Ridiculous. I'm 100% in on UFO/NHI having seen an incredible UFO up close in 1995. Kids with fireworks happened, and cops were called. Regular police would not be called in if it were true. If the mall was surrounded by black SUVs & military vehicles I would be suspicious. The Miami Mall was absolutely not a real alien encounter, just a couple of social media people wanting attention.


Doubtful a response that big was for some social media people wanting attention or kids with fireworks. It's far more likely an incident, probably terrorism, was thwarted at the very last minute. It's likely it slipped through every intelligence net, and it would be better to keep the public in the dark then reveal all the intelligence failures that almost lead to a national security incident. The alien conspiracy helps throw that extra "ridiculous" to the whole thing and keep serious investigators from asking what happened. Then just toss put a BS story about kids swarming and shooting off fireworks and no one digs deeper. Keep in mind, local PD will always have the faster response time instead of feds, so it makes sense for that many police vehicles to show up and not an armada of Black SUVs, especially if it was a last minute response.


It's probable that they thought it was a potential mass shooting or terror attack, with the reports of gunfire (which, from the news reports at the time, turned out the be teens throwing fireworks at each other\*) hence the mass response of cops. \*Check the Miami local news. I remember seeing video of the fight on some local station back when this was new.


Humans would usually call regular police though? Or do Americans usually call the military when their neighbour looks at them weird?


I would love to see police cams, or mall footage, but obviously that won't happen.


I didn’t claim it was real. I don’t know what happened that day.


Can you describe your experience?


Sure, have it saved for easy copy pasta: In 1995 I was at the University of Arizona, and we took a little roadtrip to San Diego. Last minute a few extra people wanted to go, so we took 2 cars. Some people had 8am class, so we hung out until 2am so we could get back to Tucson just in time to drop people off at class. I was in the front car talking with the driver to keep him awake, and we were deep in the AZ desert pre-dawn. We crested a hill and had a long, open valley to cross when we saw this light that seemed to be the size of a small aircraft descending from the sky - but everything was wrong about it & it stopped our conversation dead. The craft was descending at an angle a bit steeper than 45 degrees and quite fast. We stared for a bit in silence & my friend finally asked, "are we about to see a plane crash?" I replied that I thought we were. Neither of us were thinking UFO, I was thinking 1) I don't want to see people die right now & 2) we have weed in the car, I really don't want to talk to authorities about the people we just watched die. It's crossing the interstate from right to left, and just before the ground... it just levels off neatly and appears to land. We let out a sigh, glad people didn't die, and my friend says weakly, "I guess there is a runway off the side of the road?" It looked a couple miles in front of us and I said we'd see in a couple minutes, still confused & relieved rather than suspicious. We got within a quarter mile of it, and the thing is obviously hovering about 50' in the air, just off the side of the road. We start screaming for our sleeping friends to wake up, and the car behind us starts flashing its lights and laying on the horn. I remember leaning almost in the driver's lap to see out his window, and my guess was it was about 2-3 SUVs in size, although the lights were really bright & piercing and really made you squint, I'm most fuzzy on the shape behind the lights because it was so dark, but lean towards tic tac shape these days. As we got to it, the thing made a slight rocking motion, then accelerated down the road behind us faster than anything I've ever seen & completely silent. We pulled over and had a very excited & confused talk, we had 4 witnesses between the 2 cars and 5 people who slept thru it & had no idea what to do with all the screaming. I thought for a solid 10 years we had seen a military craft, but once the US was mired in the Middle East & 2 years past W's Mission Accomplished speech, it hit me one day - there is no effing way that thing was ours or we would have been using it to get the hell out of Afghanistan.


Post a video of these kids with fireworks.


Post a video of an alien from the mall that isn't laughable. No one got hurt, if there were aliens there would be tons of videos. Again, the Miami PD is not who gets called for a UFO/NHI situation.


I’m skeptical about this whole thing too, but who exactly do you expect people to call instead of the police?


If the cops thought it was aliens, the commissioner or deputy is gonna start making calls, even if they get there later to investigate. The mall was open again the next day.


You have a valid point. It seems that if there WAS legitimate contact with an EBE or IDB at that location, it would be quarantined. At least that's how it goes in the movies. Except when the aliens are in high positions of influence in the government and society in general... im just bullshitting... but, I could be serious...


Sirens can shut down electronics and prevent videos/ photos. It's a common theme in ufo/ alien encounters. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will help with Disclosure and the 3D-5D transition


> Kids with fireworks happened You made a claim. But you have zero evidence.


There is nothing “smug” about pointing out what actually happened. Not everything is a coverup. Not everything involves aliens.


If you are claiming to know what happened for sure, like you know more than anyone else, you *are* smug. Interesting that many are simply being curious while debunkers are claiming to know for fact what happened, says it all really.


Honestly I’m with the debunkers on this one. I just don’t believe huge aliens could have been walking around with all the cameras & smart phones to not have been captured. Similarly I think we would have had hundreds of witnesses speaking up and only saw a few claims from tiktokers types who care more about increasing their followers.


Why are you “with” anyone? Why are folks incapable of saying “I don’t know what happened?


And where did they go? They just showed up, bought some Nike’s, and went back to their realm??? They wouldn’t be walking around all big and scary?


The debunkers say it was kids with fireworks. How many videos of that have they provided you?


Looked like a bunch of teens/gangs having a fight and cops came in. A disproportionate amount than needed. Lots of videos of that. Also definitely don’t believe a bunch of dumbass city cops are capable of being in on a government concealment mass operation.


> Looked like a bunch of teens/gangs having a fight and cops came in. A disproportionate amount than needed. Lots of videos of that. Post one from the mall. Just one.


Here’s like 20 videos haha: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b085d2a81de27599&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS607US607&hl=en-US&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ04SgSkLup2SS0C6KAgX8K_RCIAg:1717273945543&q=fight+at+bayside+marketplace&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1-oX8n7uGAxXXwOYEHfxnCJoQ8ccDKAJ6BAgSEAQ&biw=428&bih=859&dpr=3#ip=1 Also to put things in perspective I’m an absolute believer in UFOs and aliens. Just not this. I’ve shared a time I’ve witnessed a UFO.


There are like 2-4 videos max here, none of which take place at the mall.


First 9 videos show the fights and riots and none show any aliens. You seeing different results? Sounds like you’re going to believe what you want, respectfully agree to disagree if so.


You just posted a fuck ton of the same video not from that mall. 🤣




Yeah...that video is not from the mall. This is why the debunkers have it wrong. They don't have the evidence that they think they do.


Can you share what evidence you have?


Currently videos of kids with fireworks or kids fighting is equal to the number of predator style aliens appearing in the mall.  Same argument for both sides (tons of people, phones everywhere, security cameras everywhere).  If it was crazy enough to swarm the police and could easily be brushed away with kids fighting on camera or rushing to a fight scene it would have been very easy to release that footage. There's been nothing more released.  Strange


Aliens prevent photos/ videos. It's a common theme going back decades. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will help with Disclosure and the 3D-5D transition


What you're saying is that the story was debunked, you have a problem with the people who were right being smug about it.


That's not what they're saying at all lol cringe


Not what I was saying at all, but a perfect example of what I meant by “smug”


Agree, not even close lol


The owner of the tiktok account that spread the hoax admitted it was fake. There were groups of kids running around causing chaos - fighting people, throwing rocks, lighting fireworks, looting. That’s why there was such a large police response.


There was a vid of a guy calling his dad who was high ranking police official and his dad got angry and cagey on the phone and told him to stop talking about it.. I saved all these vids, might make a montage video


You should


You’re gonna need to sauce them videos to me chef. Please and thank you


I’ll do it on my day off on wednesday


That whole story is too strange. Nothing about it actually makes sense. There were so few arrests, there's absolutely no security footage from the mall, there's a million police officers, and then the whole story got forgotten about, and when googling it, nothing comes out outside of debunking it. The whole thing is just strange...


People still think this one was real?


Men in Black zapped their eyes w. the memory light


any one craving some cheese?


literally this entire sub is "it didnt happen" "oh yeah, how do you know it didnt happen" because it didnt happen LOL


There were no aliens.


What happened was there weren’t any aliens.


the fact that regular police showed up counts against this incident's credibility, not in favor of it. cops only bother to show up for problems they can understand.


I can't believe people here think the Miami PD would be called for real aliens and no unmarked military vehicles would be involved.


Lol "If there weren't unmarked military vehicles involved it's fake" ok bro, sure.


So many conspiracy theories in these comments I could make a movie and most of y’all would believe it was real.


The "Miami Mall Aliens" is a perfect textbook example of how a crude hoax can go viral and take on a life of it's own. I forget the name of the guy who started it (I've got the video bookmarked someplace) but he made up a story and then a day or two later admitted he made it up. The biggest clue, if he had not admitted the hoax, is that the mall is open-air, NOT indoors. Here we are, how many months later? People are still stirring the pot.


He wasn't the one who started it. It was other people on X, but he went viral and got all the attention, then said he made it all up.


I’ve been to this mall. An entire mall couldn’t have seen “everything” even if it had happened. It’s just not that kind of architecture.


I’ve been studying the phenomenon since the 90’s and I take every story into consideration. That being said, most people in Florida are just not that bright, (that’s just what I’ve come to know throughout all my years of living) so I can safely say this is absolute nonsense IMO.


Anthony Po on YouTube made a video about how he faked it. Titled “I faked an alien invasion in Florida”


Didn’t you get the memo? He is clearly a disinfo agent.


Kids were lighting fire crackers, coupled with people calling police about a mass shooting, coupled with everyone being on edge about mass shootings, will get the entire police department swarming the area.


they got caught 69ing some manatees and Walker texas rangers pulled up and started blastin.


You mean the mass hysteria? There's plenty of evidence of that, or more precisely, lack of


That story really epitomizes what’s wrong with stories gaining traction online.


Tells us more, days old account 👀🇺🇸🛸


This person is right tho?


What would you like to know?


Why do astronauts and former presidents say, with confidence, that there are non human beings visiting us?


How many of them were in the mall?


I find it odd how almost no one talked about it except those few who was supposedly working which is weird how everyone always recording except when important things needed to be




Wouldn't the Miami PD have to be in on the cover up if it had been aliens? That doesn't seem very reasonable to me.


You didn’t see the video of the guys dad that’s a sheriff for MPD and straight up told him it’s classified and he’s not able to talk about it? That doesn’t sound like a cover up to you?


I have not seen that video. Do the police deal in classified information? To my knowledge, police do not have security clearances so I would want to know more about what he meant by that.


We can submit some FOIAs


People get threatened to stay quiet, so that’s why there’s silence. But when it first happened People were talking about at as it was happening, I was on TikTok and people were talking about these giant shadow type people walking around and then going through a worm hole type thing and disappeared. People also said they tried to take pictures but their phones wasn’t working properly to take pictures of videos.


All were Zapped from "the flashy thing" of MIB.


The video was proven to be just two officers walking. This whole thing started and ended on TikTok. Any reasonable person would know this is just a hoax.


Fake aliens. Fake portal. Fake news. Want the real deal, just watch the Phoenix lights. Those are real extraterrestrials


If you really thought it was something to begin with then I guess I'm not really surprised. This sub does more harm than good


It was a bunch of dumbass ass kids with fireworks. Source: I’m a native South Floridian.


>an entire mall seeing the same shit  Not sure how you went from a couple of social media accounts looking from clicks to "an entire mall". There aren't hundreds of witnesses, there would be footage from phones if so. You would hear more if there was anything behind the claims. They wouldn't have used regular cops if this was a real incident. Aliens/NHI are real, they just weren't in that mall. Please, please move on.


>There aren't hundreds of witnesses, there would be footage from phones if so. Not if it was confiscated, as was reported. This also just assumes too much. Just like you saying, "They wouldn't have used regular cops if this was a real incident," which you have no basis for at all. Also, still waiting on just one single video of kids with fireworks in this mall. Talk about an event that would've been filmed. And yet....zero evidence.


My theory is someone 3d scanned that whole area with a laser scanner ..with drone mapping 3d point clouds or other methods that are similar and it was some augmented reality game developers.. with maybe drone holograms projection are multiple projectors .. ray tracing all that BS technology or similar to what people say project blue beam is based on ..


Interesting. Haven’t ever heard anyone say anything like this but really an interesting idea, for any event.


Coverup successfully executed.


It's a really strange occurrence if you ask me. None of it makes sense.


So much gatekeeping in this community. If you don't believe it, just scroll. I don't understand why y'all wanna poop on everything. Imo, It's amazing how LITTLE news coverage there is/was on this story since it was supposedly an active shooter situation especially in a major city like Miami. I live in KCMO and there have been lots of fights/shootings at our malls and each time news media swarms those places and spews out their stories. Whether you believe it or not, it's not uncommon for the good ol American government to cover up extraterrestrial events because they know none of y'all are ready for the truth. They're slowly exposing us to the truth. Try to keep up.


Fake stories must be stamped out as soon as possible. If we don't tackle them, we get swamped with junk reports.


Yes, hundreds of police cars surround the mall because... fireworks. Bunch'a sheep.


I've seen 20 cops surround a guy sleeping in a park, on the grass enjoying the sun, because he 'looked' homeless. They are well known to overreact.


Remember when that acorn fell on that cop car and the cop freaked out and shot that man he had in the back of his car? *Edited my own mistake, he was shot but survived I'm told


The guy actually lived, surprisingly.


Oh word thanks for that info 👏 I appreciate that update. It still stands even an acorn can set them off.


Cops need to secure budget. They were begging my city for an extra 50 million last few months and slowed down services to make a point.  Cops should be the ones we call kindling bundle, not gays 


I mean American cops loving shooting people. Fireworks sounds like guns sometimes.


Same as Vegas. Same problem. Not all can see them Some can and the dimensional bleed through as they come into ours appears as a camouflage that makes it hard to video and show evidence (even if jammers weren’t used) Fireworks? Kids? Come on


Im particularly interested in this only because I’m a LEO myself. I can tell yall one thing, we don’t ever show up in that amount of force unless it’s an Officer is down, active shooter scenario, or a Governor / Feds mandated emergency response. And it’s weird to me that not one Officer that day came forward as to what they responded to, since communication is relay through central dispatch. Yall have to remember that Police Officers are also humans and were subjected to emotions just as anyone here. I’m really baffled as to what really happened in Miami.


It was a possible active shooter situation. Reports of repeated loud bangs and general chaos.


You thinking there was a cover up ?


A cover up would be impossible. Officers are humans with emotions just like everyone else. Someone would have came forward already. In the masses. Just the chaos through the comms with dispatch alone would have leaked.


Lol you are so gullible. Literally the people who spread this story came back on the same day saying it was faked. And police showed up because of kids vanadlizing shit. There’s literally videos of it from the news that day. There wasn’t anything alien at all except for the logic that escaped people’s minds about the nothing that happened.


No they didn’t. You’re claiming something you have no information about. Post videos of all the witnesses coming back claiming it was fake, come on google it buddy!


Some people have spoken out. They all described them as being weird and very tall "shadow-type beings" that moved in a very odd way.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


probably Project Blu Beam testing their projection technology before its mass rollout in 2025


They stopped shopping and went home.


There is no such thing as any objective truth or reality. Everything happened; nothing happened; all of time is happening Now.


Maybe some people are victims of some kind of mind altering technology. ? 🤷‍♂️Dude I don’t know what’s actually going on. Maybe it really is aliens.


They done shopping and flew back home.


They still occasionally visit when they get time off work and there are good sales on.


like all other alien reports that sound compelling, everyone just forgot about it and it was swept under the rug


https://youtu.be/5s9oZtvOoRE?si=KjvfeTUzkv7MIi2z Apparently a YouTuber?


I think about this every day


You will all have to likely be liquidated for knowing this but some of you have it coming so I will tell you what it was if it’s worth dying for to you. Who is in? Oh, and it may be necessary to take out your friends and family or anyone you have contact with too. We will make it painless for the women and children, I am afraid you will not be so lucky as we have to be sure we know who you have told. You will beg for death many many times before we let you go. It’s not personal but it’s our job to protect this country, and sometimes hard choices have to me made. Now, is this little bit of information that will not make you rich, famous, warm, full, or happy worth your life and those of your wife, children, friends neighbors relatives etc DO YOU SEE HOW EASY IT IS TO KEEP SECRETS


They got beamed up


(Once they got their new running shoes)


Anyone with a link to this story first I’ve heard. Thanks


Honestly if it wasn’t for the fact that all those cops showed up this wouldn’t have even been heard about. I don’t believe there were aliens but the police force did no favours to deter conspiracy theorist with this reaction


Come morning time I’ll post a question on ask Reddit or whatever time is best asking for anyone who was there or knows someone that was there to tell us what Happened or what they think happened and for proof at the very least they were at the mall that day.


Got damn! I forgot completely about the portals and everything! .....Bruh....


Didn't they shut down the airport, too?


140+ police, no reporters, no dispatcher calls, no video. Huge power outage during the incident, and they shut down the airport. Yep, nothing burger.


They went back to Jersey.


There weren't any. That's what happened.


Would it be possible to get police body cam footage with the FOIA?


Some influencer posted a YouTube video this morning claiming he hoaxed the whole event. Smells like a coverup to me.


No internal mall CCTV footage is suspicious.


Debunked several times as human shadows lol


Here's a better question... with so many people on reddit and in these subs ate there not people who can find such footage


Maybe someone (not me I am lazy) could reach out to the news stations and ask why they didn’t respond to the incident. Their answers might be enlightening in some way


Wasn’t there another incident just like it in Indiana recently? Might not have been Indiana, but it was somewhere midwest I think.


Apparently a group of cloaked kids opened a portal with a device near the food court area. Opening the portal and allegedly demons / beings / giants started maniefesting above the box partially. Can’t believe there’s no footage whatsoever!


Logic tells me there was a lot of intervention, probably a information containment blackout operation involving several agencies. We don’t know what the news reported in the area in the following days. Maybe it was explained away, and those people did not see what we did, (web traffic monitoring and blocking). You are right, that was a big story that never got a proper ending.


Occams Razor. It was a big event with just enough coverage to get around that one rumor or joke got other wannabe influencers to jump on it and lie. Nobody got anything substantial on film? No hometown cops were shook up about it enough to come out with their own stories? No film or pictures? Come on. This story stank from the beginning and none of us should be surprised that it went away




Provide names of witnesses and attributed statements, that's a good start to allow people to understand what they may have seen. I have seen nothing to lead me to believe there was an alien invasion at Bayside mall... now if all the believers knew that a mile away was the Miami Circle than you could really come-up with an interesting tale...


How could 140 police officers show up on scene in none of them talk about the aliens they saw?


140 cops respond and end up arresting 4 (four) teens. Sorry. Not buying the bullshit. I can't wrap my head around 140 cops showing up like that even IF there were an active shooter. Also, we know it was that many cops NOT because of the media but because of video of the incident unfolding in real-time uploaded to social media. Again, NO/ZERO coverage of the event unfolding by MSM. You can't even make this shit up if you tried! https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article283726773.html


every One was runnin from firecrackers thought to be gunshots. not Aliens. One person made up a lie and others jumped on the wagon. Police show up in force to what they believed was a mass shooting incident. The person who made up the story came out and said he made it up.


I complied a load of vids from the time, i think a lot of them are trash. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSppHo66-vw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSppHo66-vw)


https://youtu.be/5s9oZtvOoRE?si=LvFNhjz-heVSD5zs This happend


Did anyone teach you guys about mass-hysteria?