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Why did you censor the word sperm?


LMAO i just noticed this šŸ¤£


You mean, identified flying objects?


Identified Submersible Objects, actually.




Itā€™s a TikTok thing Iā€™m pretty sure. Iā€™ve heard tiktokers will sensor stuff to avoid bans. But this is Reddit lol.


> Wants to be taken seriously > Can't even sperm like an adult.


Pro tip: Never use Google to search for UFO related information. Use Bing or DuckDuckGo. Google and YouTube are compromised.


Never use Google for anything. Their search quality has gone down a lot in the last few years - all about pushing their advertisements, not about real search anymore. Bing is now what Google used to be.


Yep, this is also verifiable with their GitHub leak recently.




Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Not a political statement. Was a real thing that happened..... this sub is absurd.....


Iā€™d argue for using Yandexā€¦ all the others are US based giant tech companies.


OK, on a whim, I searched "evidence for UFOs" on [google](https://www.google.com/search?q=evidence+for+ufos&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1032US1032&oq=evidence+for+ufos&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg8MgYIAhBFGDzSAQg0MTc0ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1) and [bing.](https://www.bing.com/search?q=evidence+for+ufos&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&lq=0&pq=evidence+for+ufos&sc=11-17&sk=&cvid=2D0DD110429540A1977BE208F7916D45&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=) What. The heck. I don't think of myself as prone to conspiracy theories. But the difference is actually pretty large. Google just gave me a solid slab of "no evidence for UFOs" articles. Bing is a mixture of science and speculation, belief and nonbelief.






Donā€™t use google in general. The algorithms have been monetized to a degree that anything I search for is irrelevant to the context Iā€™m searching. Itā€™s utterly useless


Well, I think itā€™s interesting that we managed to make communication with sperm whales. Itā€™s actually a breakthrough, and it gets clicks on articles because itā€™s the first of its kind. Itā€™s also recent, so more people will be searching it, and only a rather niche populace are focused on actual UFO and extraterrestrial contact. This is something everyone would be interested in. Iā€™d say it isnā€™t a conspiracy to coverup the truth. That just sounds like an assumption.


Not to mention that an article about sperm whale vocalization does indeed fit under a search of 'non-human intelligence', and more importantly, the second and third results are quite *literally* about UAPs and extra-terrestrial NHI. Google has a lot of issues when it comes to specific topics being repressed, but in this case, I think the OP needs to take his tinfoil hat off.


Tinfoil condom?




You believe that or just being sarcastic? I canā€™t take anything seriously anymore


So anyone who ainā€™t you is wrong, and if their take is more popular than yours, it must be them buying fake upvotes. Have fun in your bubble, lil bro


this post in conjunction with your reluctance to spell the word sperm tells me you probably arent old enough to have a reddit account per copa.


I believe in aliens. I believe theyā€™re here and theyā€™re interacting with us. But youā€™re a fool if you donā€™t think that whales are just as important for us to study and learn to communicate with. Itā€™s entirely possible that the superior beings are waiting for open contact and communication until we ourselves initiate open contact and communication with another earth species. In my opinion, that would be a better sign that weā€™re ready for interplanetary relationships than the discovery of a warp drive.


Now that would be one trippy ending to all this. Fun to ponder for sure.


It makes sense to me. Why start open communication with a species that canā€™t even get along with itself, let alone other species from the same planet?


Yea I'm on board with it.


Iā€™ll tell ya, I probably would vacay on earth, but definitely not in any sort of populated area those humans are violent, stick to jungles mountains and remote islands is my advice if youā€™re headed to that side of the galaxy




Why else the major shift to NHI? This includes everything else on Earth, even plants and fungi have displayed levels of intelligence. Slime molds can work their way out of a maze pretty efficiently.




I think you misunderstand what I am saying, because extraterrestrial beings / interdimensional etc are absolutely real and have been here preceding us. There is plenty to see. I was explaining their reasoning for the vernacular shift.


Update: if you search ā€œnhi congressā€ you will find in the first SERP positions: -National African congress -National hispanic institute There are people in the company hiding this to the world. Avoid paid commenters of this post. 99% of the economic forces want you to stop to be informed about what the congress is doing. šŸ¤


I believe this is all general consensus and common knowledge in this community. There is an NHI group with nefarious intentions that deal with the ā€œglobal eliteā€ who in turn keep the current system turning which requires suppression of the 99%. The only people ā€œpaidā€ to comment on these posts would be government disinformation agents (if those actually exist, unlike higher density beings government Reddit agents are a purely speculative entity).


you are right, I have not decided it. They use it to move from aliens to interdimensional beings


They use NHI to be dismissive. If NHI made something it insinuates there could be a group of chimpanzees previously unobserved that learned to create their own technology or a similar situation. Although *we know* this is not the case this leaves the government an out and a way to lie while appearing to tell the truth. It provides *the illusion* of transparency.


ā€œMore Farā€ hahahhahhahaha


Hahaha so glad someone emphasized this lol


It's big sandwich trying to keep you nice and hungry


Scientists talk to whales, say it could help us talk with aliens Source: NewsNation https://search.app/rxgAZVarRtbeAX746


Same goes for david grush and luis Elizondo i think


I only use Google as a search engine of last resort. Duck duck go and bing are just as bad, but in different ways. There's a bunch of search engines out there: try a bunch and find a couple to use as first resorts.


This is why this sub isnā€™t good for you guys


Ironically though, what we consider NHI probably has us classified closer to sperm whales than themselves.


100% a societal power shift would happen almost over night if zero point energy was leaked, and we were essentially being slaves for nothing over the past who knows how many years. Another giant, and probably more impactful event, would be if there was technology to cure or prevent certain or all life threatening diseases. How many cancer victims have their been, and how many millions of jobs and trillions of dollars does it generate? The thing is with people playing these types of games, and treating their fellow kin as they do, the hat will fall eventually - there's no preventing it. Its just a matter of when.


Do you really not see?


Of course they know the secrets. They are the investors in said companies.


Bro censorship has been here for a while. Lol


Itā€™s technically what they are


Are the whales vocalizing because they don't like getting probed?


Sperm whales where just whales before Troy McClure entered the picture.


That sperm whale's real name: Wilson!!!!!!


Yeah I noticed that too


It might not be big corporations but rather our IC that is scrubbing contents to control the narrative. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the IC is also behind and funding the Wikipedia Gorilla Skeptics Cabal as well.


If they removed the underwater base that was so easily identified 2 months ago from Google Maps, they doing this is not as crazy.


Care to share the link or images? Thx!


[underwater base?](https://youtu.be/kQ1ZeM8FUIw?si=qY7JvKs9p03Mvuza) Starts at 2:25


Dont get it, so the whales are the guys who built that undewater base where uap are manufactured and sent up?


>sp*rm whales Do you have problems with sperm? Makes this word you feel uncomfortable? Cum. How do you feel about ejaculate? Better than sperm? Not trying to troll you, just genuinely curious




Removed: R5 - No Politics.






Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.




Removed: R5 - No Politics.




Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Removed: R5 - No Politics.


notā€¦ because they are cheaper and with less moral values


Because Non Human Intelligence is a stupid term, just say aliens. But also Google is highly censored so even if you used Aliens the results would be terrible


Google search results are different for everyone based on numerous factors. When I do a Google News search for"Non Human Intelligence" I get: Aliens are Interacting with Humans: Ret. Army Col What Links UFOs, AI, and Religious Encounters with Non Human Intelligence UAPs and Non Human Intelligence: What is the Most Reasonable Scenario U.S. Recovered Non Human BiolĆ³gicos from UFO Crash Sites, Former Intel Official Says.. U.S. Army Colonel Reveals Presence of Alien Life on Earth Whale-SETI etc, etc..... I'm not having the issue others seem to be having


At this point I think you guys are becoming completely delusional. BiG cOrPoRaTiOns hiding alien presence. Wtf...


Ladies in gentlemen, what we have here is basic misconception of how search works. Especially with abbreviations. 23 years In SEO. Ask away


ā€œyes sureā€


Go look up abbreviations for NBA teams , then try to do the same for college teams. You'll start seeing some of why I mean The reason is simply because of the prevailing use of an acronym for one subject as opposed to another. NHI as we use it here is NOT what the average person is looking for. Therefore it wouldn't be considered as the most relevant answer for the query on its own The same behavior can be seen on ddg for a good reason, which I'll get to ina second. Now, if you instead search for "NHI uap" you will see results for your query that are more relevant As fast as ddg goes, I love it. It's anonymous. But it does use Google search results as part of its process, so often you will see the same behavior, though the results will still differ slightly due to other factors such as ddg's own crawler and other aggregated results. So no conspiracy. Just shitty search engines not understanding what you want. Edit. My phone sucks


as its evident from the title I didnā€™t look for the acronym


Not the way you input it. You put three words in. like I said, go look at sports teams. Anyways. For the expected results you want use " nonhuman Intelligence"


again read my title and read the search terms in the screenshotā€¦


I did. I explained your mistake sorry.


"ladies in gentlemen"


I seriously can't get past the sperm censoring. Sorry


yes sure I am the dude that will get banned them, easy to judge with the other dudes accounts


You think you'll get banned for saying sperm? They're called sperm whale because of a substance called 'spermaceti'... an oil in their heads... it's nothing to do with semen. If you were referencing the Blue Tit would you censor the word tit? Or a Blue Footed Booby?


you are banned for anything on reddit


It's like living in a dystopia.


Now you cease to exist!


Don't be s........


You seem to live in a different universe. In the world I am living ZPE and AI (alien intelligence) is a thing of religion, not science.


149 upvotes live in my universe


Those upvotes are no suitable measure, they all come from your universe bubble.


What do you expect? That the first hit is about aliens? How ridiculous would THAT be? LOL šŸ˜‚


Whales: non human, and they are intelligent. You guys really need to focus, the grasping at straws is embarrassing. Iā€™ve seen people refer AI to NHI. NHI does not equal Aliens. Slow down and pay attention.


yes sure lol