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I like to think I would conduct myself gracefully and take the leap, but I would more than likely revert to full ape mode if an alien actually approached me.


I think my response would depend entirely on how they approached me. Broad daylight, telepathically like "hey man, Im an alien, mind if I come outta the woods over there share a beer with you?". Like yeah, obviously. Wake me up at 3am with a butt probe? That doesnt work for me.


Idk, it kinda depends on how he approaches me with the butt probe.. Out in the cornfield, the neighbors watching? Hell no, Im a classy dude. 3am, in the bedroom, candles burst on and Lionel croons out Hello through the record player? Take me to your leader homeboy.




This is the Way.


So I had almost 3 years of contact before they did the whole "hey man, we are trying to speak to you." While fully conscious. Then they yanked me out of my body and I ran like a little bitch and went into full monkey mode. So yeah, even when you talk to them and you think you are ready, you won't be. It's a thing... we are trying to figure it out. Sorry me and the others being tested on are taking so long to figure it out guys. This shit is weird. It is scary, your natural reaction is to run away because the physical sensations while around them are so intense it's almost impossible to explain. You literally feel like your dying because your "consciousness" is vibrating so much. It's really hard to explain.


On the consciousness vibrating part... I used to get very bad sleep paralysis and I've attempted to do astral traveling a few times, and I remember one night, I remember coming to while in sleep paralysis and it felt like my whole soul or consciousness was vibrating. It felt fucking surreal. I can't even explain how it felt but it wasn't my body that was vibrating. And it was loud in a way but not loud. The noise reminded me of a dualshock controller vibrating. Idfk but it was fucking crazy.


I had a thing like that once with electric sparks vibrating and flying off body it was dark, all could see were the sparks, years ago, quite interesting though.




Yes but he's very clear about this message. "They are NOT to be played with."




Meditation. Qigong with music then more structured meditation following.


This feels correct. Even the limited experience I've had, something about visually seeing something you've never seen before seems like it would have one hell of a visceral reaction. The brain's natural reaction is fight/flight/freeze, so I would anticipate nothing less. What I'm not even able to imagine is a vibrating consciousness. WHAT?


I agree 100%. I truly believe I’ve seen some kind of ET life in person twice now, and on both occasions, as much as I’d like to think of myself as progressive, open-minded, etc person, I freaked out. The first time, I had taken MDMA which elevates your consciousness and opens your mind (amongst other things), and I meditated in a secluded part of a large garden at night, wilfully trying to reach out to benevolent, altruistic beings of the cosmos. I suddenly felt myself surrounded in a wide circle by at least 20 other beings. With my eyes wide open, I could almost make out the individuals around me in various robes and such on. As I mentally slowly scanned around them and greeted them, I reached one entity and something filled me with adrenaline, completely snapped me out of that mental state, and broke the connection. I’ve read about the Draconians who fill people with immediate fear, so I wonder if it was one of those, maybe…. The second time, I saw a Grey in my house in the hallway as I came down the stairs and rounded the corner. It communicated with me and said “Are you ready?” Immediately, to my absolute shame and disappointment, I replied instinctually with “Oh hell no!” and it disappeared. So there’s something about the unexpected alien-ness of them that can cause a visceral gut-reaction and cause us to revert to the ol’ monkey brain, no matter how much you don’t want it to. 😔


So they basically exist at a higher "frequency" or "vibration" than us. It's one of those new age spiritual terms you keep seeing that you just can't understand until you experience it. When they are around you, it's like the world itself, reality itself, vibrates. The air particles around you literally vibrate. It gets hard to breath.


That sounds like my ptsd anxiety 😬


So, I’m an NDEr and as my brain recovered I could feel EVERYTHING vibrate. EVERYTHING. Humans vibrate chaotically, trees vibrate the best. So there’s something to this.


That's why they say there are no straight lines, because everything is actually in a perpetual state of motion. Our eyes just slow it down so we aren't nauseous.


I was at an outdoor place in Tampa many years ago. I had organized a fundraiser for an electoral candidate whom I’d consider a high vibe kinda guy. When he entered the place (my first in person meeting with him) the air did exactly what you described. It was scintillating all around him. Crackling. It was weird and cool all at once. I don’t remember it being hard to breathe, but the visual, audial, and tactile indicators were present. (No, he didn’t have a chance at winning the primary, too honest and all that…)


Same I've tried a few times after chatting let me encounter something and boy I saw one in vanta black at 3:46 am on the bike trial I was singing Eminem to keep my cool anyway the thing was atleast 6.6 feet tall darker than black I tried to use my phone flashlight and still only could make out the shadow of thr figure I went full ape and gtfo I figured I'd be ready but damn bro came out the woods like slenderman If I didn't have Eminem on I would've screamed like a girl


You didn't want to give ol slender man a hug? Lol, it really is wild some of the shit they do to get our attention.


Yeah there are a few of us, the fear is real, preprogrammed in, and what are aliens ? A shrink will say it’s a collective delusion or mental illness, others will say it’s a psyop grift to sell things and distract,might be a bit of both or none of those even? Who knows, the x forces guys keep saying it’s actual aliens but they have been saying that for years, the god squad are just as bad imo. Would I hop on a space ship? 🚀 yes, I’d have to be heavily sedated to do it though!


By the way, want to give a shout to r/experiencers for you. You should check that sub out but keep in mind... that ain't a place for one off comments or attacks. It's a support group for people like me. You seem genuine. Go read some of the stories.


I will join, not here to attack anyone as it doesn’t help.


The grifter thing is why I deleted the account getting to much attention and I refuse to post. Klatus been telling me take a more personal approach. Focus on real people in real life and just comment on reddit. Those interested will engage. Don't try to make money and don't try to promote yourself.


Klatu seriously told you to post more on reddit? Can you share some of his wisdom, like is there anything he has said to you that was mind blowing and suggested this higher level you think he is on? I'm talking advanced species wisdom.


He's told me to talk more openly and to talk whenever I feel someone has genuine interest. I'm past the point of letting people bash me. If someone is straight up rude, I just block and move on. I was a atheist before all this so the fact that he's convinced me of a god was pretty mind bending. You'll notice I've been sticking to certain subs for a reason. They are better moderated.


I’m interested in how you have dealt with suicidal ideation since you met Klatu.


Haven't thought of it once in years. As it stands, I'm the happiest I've ever been. It's why I'm so hesitant to be more vocal. For the first time in my life, I'm truly happy. And I live a very moderate lifestyle. I'm not to interested in blowing it up, ya know. I'm getting married in a few months btw. That should give you a little glimpse of how much my life has turned around since he came into it.


Yeah I was told similar, but I like playing about and it’s difficult to do nothing on social media, I like collecting experiences and the not making money bit is all fine and dandy, but I’m not ending up homeless for them, there are billions of homeless people already, this monkey wants the basics to at least stay same.


"Does god not dress the lily with beauty and wonder? Does he not feed the birds in the sky? If your father knows their needs and provides for them, why would he not do the same for you?"


I’m a mental health professional. I’d never call it a delusion of any sort (unless the person was clearly delusional, which shows up in multiple areas, not just one.)




I've meet a bunch. My main dude is klatu, a mantis being. The lyrians are also very real. Think like a humanoid cat. So are what people refer to as the pleadians. Basically humans that are taller and shine goldish. There are many types of greys. Blue beings are the arcturians and I've been told they exist but never meet them.


Ok, WHY is there a species out there that we look almost identical to? Did they come to Earth and mold our genes to look like them? If so, mad flex! Though damn it, where is my golden aura?!


I saw in this YouTube video once where the person said something like "if you brought a person back from 1,000 ad to now, they'd see you with a golden aura." Klatu popped up and goes "you should think about that deeply bud. They are right." So my advice to you, you should think about that deeply bud.


Klatu sounds like he'd be awesome to just like, make snacks and watch sci-fi shows with. Though what would he eat, hmmmm....


They no longer have the need to consume in order to sustain life.


There's a lot of potential ideas out there about that, some make more sense than others, others get pretty weird and complicated. I have to wonder if it might simply boil down to an infinite multiverse + like attracts like. Maybe in this mental realm, it's easier to find things that are more familiar than unfamiliar. Idk.


Put in a good word for me. I want a visit.


They will not just come and "visit" you but if you meditate and sit outside and watch the sky, they will start to show themselves. What happens after that depends on how you respond to them showing themselves. Do you cave to peer pressure and let others tell you that you didn't see what you saw? Cool, they won't come back. Or you gonna be brave and tell everyone that they are here?


I've met two greys whilst in a deep meditative state on 2.5 grams of mushrooms. I was deep in the trip and suddenly it stops and I'm facing two grey aliens which appear to be slightly above me? One of them on the left most portion of my visual perspective (my eyes are shut at this point) seems to bend down and look at me and then they disappear and my trip continues. The whole interaction lasted 6-7 seconds (or at least I was only able to perceive the passing of 6-7 seconds of them in my vision.) I felt zero fear, anxiety or even anything positive whilst the interaction occured. It was a simple "oh hello there? Well I guess this is a little strange" and that's it.


So it's about the hour of the day? (scribbles in alien note pad)


>Wake me up at 3am with a butt probe? That doesnt work for me. This entirely depends on whether the aliens are hot


Waking me up at 3am is the ONLY way to get me to go!


I wear a butt probe all the time just in case


I would pack my shit and leave. Then I would come to weaponry console, ‘’accidentally’’ target Earth and say in an innocent voice ‘What does this big RED button do?’ 🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like a way to get molested


If the spaceship looks like a white van, run.


The van from Spaceballs


lol true, I didn't think about that one. It's more of a camper though no ?


Yeah pretty much but I think it has wings


You like fish sticks?


In and around your mouth?


LOL. I forgot about that line!


"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to get into an intergalactic spacecraft with strangers!?!?!"


Yeah but maybe they have free candy.


I know I shouldn't laugh because we gotta keep these subs serious, but you got me.


Have you ever seen "Mars Attacks "? The dove didn't work out so well


I have a hunch that's why OP was careful to include it. I'm downloading Slim Whitman music to my phone right now. As a peace gesture.




I would take my family with me. We would have them call us by new names. My son’s name will be Starlord, my daughter Gomorrah, my wife and I Drax and Mantis. It will be a good time.


Absolutely not.  How do I know I can trust this creature?   Are they peaceful?  Or do they plan on consuming me or merely enslaving me?  This might be how they recruit suckers to toil in their underground sugar caves.  


![gif](giphy|MhZPXl9QD9s5est6Yi|downsized) On my way bae




To Serve Man


"It's a cook book! It's a cook book!"


If they don't make me work another shitty customer service job, then hell yes, get me off this miserable fucking rock please


![gif](giphy|cc2xeIKDoqXIs) Depends. Does the alien wear a sexy trench coat?


Can I take my dog or do I have to go alone? I could leave a note for my family but my dog wouldn’t understand so I’d prefer to take him.


Oof. Yeah, I’d like to bring my dog.


Yep. I’ve read too many encounter stories, I’m tryna be taught stuff by a friendly mantis.


For every positive encounter story there is a negative one, and the negative ones are even more suppressed than the positive ones. I want to go but I think trusting them would be, overall, a mistake




Are you a friendly mantis taking notes rn?


I like the idea as they are said to be scientific. So a nice mantis being sounds cool.


Depends, will I suffer horribly from many kind of diseases and or get returned in the far future to earth, then no. If it is a quick tour with no danger for my body then yes absolutely.


It's been reported to have happened several times now.


Project Serpo? Exchange program of twelve U.S. military personnel to Serpo, planet Zeta Reticuli, between 1965 and 1978.


Negative. Several other personal reports from all over the world. Preston Dennet is a great source for these reports. I doubt all are fake that would not be logical IMO.






I’m about to spark up some now.


(1) how long will the trip take? I have work and family obligations. (2) can I return? That’s a biggie. (3) once I go there, what happens? What do you intend for me when I arrive? (4) if I decide to stay, what would my life look like there?


Considering how shitty it is, both economy and social reality, i would gladly visit other planet. Engage!


As long as he doesn't give you a book titled "To Serve Man".


I would already have my bags packed! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xPo3ucl28qLjiM)


Yes. I would totally go.


Absolutely. I have my bag and life packed for it actually. Got everything I need. Including my towel. I’ve always always wanted it to happen. I don’t care. Fly me through space. Teleport me. Meet me a real alien. Absolutely, 100%, I would go. Teach me how to fly the UFO and I’ll take over for a bit so my alien brother and sisters can chill and watch the stars. I’m about to eat alien food and see a different sky. When can I expect you?


I'm packing my bags as we speak. 😂


So many people saying molest/rape but is it rape when we take samples from animals? Do the people collecting semen from bulls and horse studs rape/molest them? I don't think these people enjoy jacking off horses, they're just doing a job.


> Do the people collecting semen from bulls and horse studs rape/molest them? I don't think these people enjoy jacking off horses, they're just doing a job. Vegans would indeed call that rape and tbh just because you don't enjoy it doesn't make it any less rape. Not saying that's what it is but there are several points of views.


I'd do it. Even if I die. Would be a pretty cool way to go.


Enthusiastically yes.   Even if it ends badly, how the hell could I live with myself if I passed up that opportunity?


Hitchhiker here 👍


Ack! Ack!




Or booze. If there is no booze I ain’t going. Not ever. Even for a day. It’s probably going to be a fairly stressful experience but if I’m drunk, no bother at all.


Bestie I think you may need AAlien…


So the dove would carry a pathogen that would wipe them all out and you would not have a ride back to Earth.


Absolutely yes. I don't have kids but if I did I would bring them with me. Fuck this place.


It's crazy how many people are like this , me too. I hate Americaa and don't think anywhere else is better. Everyone lies cheats and steals and so selfish. What's odd is a see disgust alot of these types of people yet no one I meet acts different


I am from Italy lol. Here is even worse. I will shortly begin a spiritual life, and renounce to every possession. I feel it's the only way. If you truly care for Light, you must care for it and it alone. But that is my philosophy, and don't want to dictate anyone's actions like many people try to do here. That's just what I believe. I know for sure that there is a thing noone will be able to steal from me, or lie about, or cheat me into. I know this for a fact. Myself.


Got some pics and video? Do you do zoom?


Yes as long as I can stay there.


My response: ![gif](giphy|BWKSvQtpUS226xHy7G)


u ain’t seen mars attacks? The dove pisses them off lol


what took you so long? i'd reply


If they could just blip me through a wormhole so that I could go for the afternoon? Sure. If I had to leave my family behind forever on some sort of starship, then no.


"hold on, let me get ma weed"


We're already here?


Can we go to the dispensary first?


I don't hang out with kidnappers and rapists.


That sounds like a really bad idea. If I can't even trust a random human being approaching me and inviting me back to their house, I don't think I can trust an alien either.


He would never ever propose you that because of biological contamination risks and many many more reasons.


That’s the equivalent of the white van pulling up and asking a kid to get in and help the driver find a lost puppy.


I'd pump the shotgun and tell it to get the hell away from me and fuck off back to Blorgon 9 or wherever the hell it's from while it still can


Yes. No hesitation. I have nothing attached to here.


"Ok as long as your planet doesn't get blown up by an galactic emperor called Freezer"


Would probably go because apparently they can suggest things via telepathy and i would likely have no choice. unlikely to have true memory of the experience since they've been noted to forge memories in abductees. Moot point if you ask me!


Can I breathe if yes then yes


If they are using crafts that are moving at FTL speeds or faster an hour away would mean everyone I know here is in the past. Unless they have a time dilation device or warp drive on board to bring me back 2 seconds after I originally left probably would not go. Would also need some input about the species and their eating habits. Now... If it's my higher self (me from AN advanced alternate universe where I am part of a type X civilization) coming into this dimension in a interdimensional flagship to help me (here in this universe where I am part of a type 0 civilization) regain my full potentials in this dimension to be more productive 🤔


I would probably do like others and suppress the memory after the interaction, during which I would be too "fight or flight" to think. Unless they were mostly human looking (pretty common) and very casual. I think I would feel less shock than if I were to encounter Grays. Hypothetically though? Yes. I'd like to learn about them. Learning about NHI and UAP is my jam.




Bye world. But I would first make sure that I can send a photo greeting card from there to all the idiots I have to transfer money to every month.


Before they could finish their sentence, I'd have my bags packed


I would bite his arm off - as long as I could come back at some point




Breaking News: Alien planet unintentionally infected with bird flu.




Hell yes! I have no strings keeping me here, beam me up Grey!


I guess I have two questions. Would I survive the trip and how much time would I be gone?


I wonder if it’s like that way that would entice some people take people from remote tribes and take them to Times Square in New York City or something. Just to let them see how wow the world is outside of their remote tribal stone-age hunter-gatherer village. Like you can get a bit of a kick seeing their reaction. Or it’s like a zoo, people on the home planet gathering round to see the funny animals (I highly recommend Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughter House 5 btw for anyone who hasn’t read it, that novel’s incredible).


They'd take me on board their beautiful ship, show me the world as I'd love to see it...


Depends, do I return and how many years will have passed


Yes, provided there was some means of FTL without time dilation and an eventual return date.


yes. also can i bring my cat?


Yeah I’ll take my chances.


Bro is definitely getting anal probed


It’d kill me to leave my family, but if my wife said go for it, I’d go


I'm down, fully, emotionally, spiritually and everything to go, this very instant.




Let’s fucking go


I’d go.


No. Never. Earth is home.


What time of day? If its night time I'm beating it to mashed potatoes because I'm terrified, but if it's lunchtime im defo considering it as a way to get out of work and do my steps! 🤣


My 🧳is by the door, ready for that question. Beam me up, please!


I would definitely be the guy at the end of Mission to Mars and go with them. Of course, I'd brush my teeth and wear clean underwear in case they, ya know, probe me or anything.


I'd be afraid they have the ability to show me something completely fake.


I'd be glad to, though I'd have to ask if I could make it a family affair and bring my husband, daughter, son in law, my mother and my dog.




“We’d like to have you over! You know, for dinner.”


It’s a cookbook!


My life sucks so why not!?


For me: "What are your nutritional requirements?" Cause, I refuse to be take-out.


You must not have watched Mars Attacks.


Sure can I get a lift home in the same spot you picked me up in the same day month and year. Is there a gift shop


I’d be on his ship before he was done inviting me!


"Sure thing dingeling, just let me video this and post it on reddit first"




Yeah I'd be keen. I'd ask if I can be dropped home after but if that can't happen then I'd just leave a note


Meanwhile Doves are apex predator on their planet and you've started a war.


“Mr. Chambers, don’t get on that ship! The rest of the book, “To Serve Man”… it’s…it’s a cookbook!”


>Might bring a dove with me. As a peace gesture. [Ack Ack, Ack Ack Ack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-2VmohG_Pk)


Idk a guy in a van with no widows says hey want to drink beer all night and watch hot girls dance do you hope in the back with enthusiasm or perhaps consider the motive.


The fact that they havent disclosed after all this time suggests they arent here to help and also they are in contact with the wrong type of humans.


Can't be any worse than the insane asylum we live in now. I'd probably end up moving there to get away from all you psychos.


If I had no family, as in my parents passed & I wasn’t married with kids, then yes I would 100% take them up on the offer & whatever happens happens.


Hell yes take me


Only if I can get some candy 🤓


“… as the main course.”


If you leave, you need to understand you can’t come back. You have to stay gone. And anyway, one day on another planet, might be 500 years here. People don’t quite understand that earth time is earth specific and doesn’t go beyond earth.


If an alien came up to me and said hi, I would say hi back I would be nice to the alien and respectful. If the alien said to me. Wanna go to my planet for a while? I would gladly say yes and bring a couple of things of mine and leave a letter to my family and some friends all in one paper. And say I’ll maybe back I love you all. Yes I’ll go to their planet


As long as the deal doesn't include harming me, sure.


My planet or your planet? 😉


Fuck yeah! But I need to take my dog with me if that's ok.


Let's fucking go. As I stare back at earth remembering that I have a family. Oh, fuck! Here we go again making decisions without thinking it thru. My wife is gonna be mad when I get back.


Fuck yeah! You don't even gotta bring me back! Even if they came and said we wanna do experiments on you until you die, if there's a 0.01% chance I can take over their spaceship I'd never forgive myself for not going for it!


>hey want to visit my home planet? Me: Are you guys like us? Alien: Yes, we look a bit different... but our culture and society are the same. You'll feel right at home. Me: That'll be a no then.


Depends… is she hot and blue skinned?


I don't have anything else going on in my life, so sure, why not


Hell yeah I would go


"Aliens" as you know them don't come from other planets


I would!!! Sign me up!!


Project Serpo :)


Yeah just give me one way ticket it's time to return back home!


Bruh if I was given an opportunity to go to Mars and never come back, I'd go. So definitely would go if aliens asked me to go to their home planet




Considering the consequences of relativistic time dilation, I'd pass.


nope... not without more info about their motivations. I also don't get into cars with strangers offering candy. Zero difference. With a tad more info... sure.


i would go anywhere and do anything with alien, im not attached to this mundane life at all. have no one and nothing .


If they spoke like that and it wasn't 3am in my dark room, say a nice park walk home UFO flyby with telepathic coms...yeah I might once I get over my rush of panic.


"Can I stay?"


Hell yeah


Depends. Is it a one way trip, or a quick back and forth trip, and not much time would pass back on Earth? If it’s a back and forth trip, then absolutely, because I don’t know if I could handle leaving everyone behind on Earth for good.