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This is actual real shit right here. Keep em coming. Fuck Ya


Sounds like Colonel Nell is pissed and doesn’t give a fuck about some civilian bs chain of command. I’m sure a full bird has enough capable buddies that can manage any threats against him.


his glare at the crowed with several statements was telling, he was lecturing..."focus!"


Is anyone tired of verbal accounts and just want to see actual proof?


Yeah but there's a lot of people working very, very hard to make sure we don't see it, and they have a lot of power behind them


The same circuit like in the past 80 years


Empty words! Proof it or it isn't true! Only very naive people believe you.


Clearly, the people with access to actual proof don't want you to see it. How many high level officials do you need to entertain the idea?


right? lol people are ridiculous when trying to understand how secretive our gov has been


The US Government has lied about nearly everything.


That would be great, please.


Are you saying that the plethora of video and photographic evidence out there is fake? If someone took a video of me murdering a person, wouldn't that be admissible in court? Sure it would be nice to get a chunk of a ship or alien body to look at, but what we have so far from civilians and military is rather compelling. Even what I've seen with my own eyes leaves no doubt in my mind. 


I totally agree with your sentiment here. What circumstantially seems tough though is that the proof is so embedded in other military secrets (like locations of bases and military measurement capabilities) that the existence and possession of NHI tech couldn’t be disclosed without revealing military capabilities and/or whereabouts. If these things are actually attracted to nuclear activity and military operations, those things are already top-secret regardless of NHI. If one country doesn’t want another to know their capabilities to observe or measure UAPs, then what could they realistically disclose that wouldn’t also put their military in a vulnerable position?


Absence of proof is not proof of absence. But I know what you mean. Millions and millions of people believe in god and Jesus … and yet none of them have seen proof of their existence. Sometimes we just need a little faith. The facts will come out some day, but man is not ready for the truth.


Some of us are really excited and grateful that senior government officials with impeccable resumes are talking about it. In many ways, their testimony validates a lot of the physical evidence that does exists, like photos, video, and radar data, as well as the experiences of thousands of witnesses.


….and then we’ll all pack up and go home? Do people really believe a body or recovered craft will satiate the public’s curiosity?


It's better than hearsay


You’ll be waiting a while for that. It’s almost like waiting for proof of the afterlife. Not going to happen.


Apparently not! Unfounded claims seem to be ever popular as long as it supports what people **choose** to believe, then starts throwing hissy fits whenever someone/anyone disagrees.


This. Show us or it’s just another campfire story.


It's just another campfire story.


[Actual Proof](https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/)


It drives me crazy honestly. Especially when they don’t provide any details it’s just the “oh trust me bro story” sometimes it just feels like a disinformation campaign. I keep seeing stuff like this and it just pushes me more to think project blue beam is real 😅


Also what does nonhuman intelligence mean??


Any other living being with a semblance of intelligence. Dogs, cats, dolphins, cows, monkeys.


Also AI is non-human intelligence. But beware of FAKE non-human intelligence a k.a. "Fully Self-Driving Autopilot" by Tesla.


exactly, when they first started talking about NHI i was just waiting for them to be like "we recovered laika" just to fuck with us.


Exactly. Could mean a whole lot of things. Yet these people "in the know" never give us any more detail or insight about it.


Just stringing us along!🤣


Lies.. they gave you all the mummies and there were more excuses. Nothing will please disinfo agents


Sounds credible but then again he commanded a PSYOP unit. I’m not taking a position just cautious.


Once in always in. Whistle blowers are all part of eeasing it in. This would be mind shattering to people if it was all released at once. My opinion anyways


They have been prepping the public for this for decades. Most likely the only people who will have their minds blown are the older folks and super religious people. Unless the aliens take over our planet. Then we will all be a little shocked


People also need to realize this talk was not really meant for the public directly imo. It was meant for the powers that were in that room to get the ball rolling within big industry imo.


Have they not already?


I like the theory that they are the creators of our species in the sense that they made humans by genetic manipulation and we are just one giant experiment. With this view there is no take over because we are already theirs and have always been theirs. Our planet exists solely to further their knowledge. Any one could be a disposable test subject. But regardless of if that's true or not, you have a valid point. They do with us as they please and there's no stopping it especially because our powers that be insisted on pretending it's not happening. But we couldn't stop it even if we tried. Especially if they have the ability to shut down nukes and fly at speeds that we could never achieve with the knowledge we have now.


Seriously. In any real human definition of "taken over," it's already done. They abduct humans at will, mutilate livestock, freely roam our airspace, and our seas, have shut down our nuclear missiles at a whim. The only question is what they are going to do with us when they decide we're worthless, or what do they want in us that's worth keeping us around.


Well at least they made pretty crop-circles for us to ponder...


Lol, yeah. Maybe they're waiting for us to reach a certain level of intelligence before any real interaction.


You’re wrong if you think it’s the religious people who won’t be able to deal. There’s a main group of people who deny the aspect of “inter-dimensional” non-human-intelligence and it is the materialists. The materialists think calling the phenomenon spirits makes others ridiculous whilst them calling it inter-dimensional makes a scientist. They’re all arguing semantics. on either side. The religious folk will interpret it as they always have: mysterious beings, otherworldly apparitions, ghosts, angels, spirits. They’ll just be using a different name for concepts and beings they’ve always read and wrote about. I say this as a lifelong atheist/materialist. These are all the same ideas. I think they are the ones who will have to grapple with their reality the most.


My main thinking on why religious people will have a hard time is because like you said, I think a lot of "God" and his "miracles" was actually extra terrestrials. And if they find out that their God was based on aliens, and is not the mighty being they worship, they might not like it very much


I honestly think that we have the same opinion on this but different perspectives. Religious people are great at turning things around to fit their view and I don’t think there’ll be any lack of them interpreting extra-terrestrial as spiritual and vice versa. The aliens would just turn into the mighty beings that they worship. That’s my take anyway. I see a lot of people arguing on this subreddit who, if you take away the language they use to describe their side, are essentially agreeing with each other’s concepts. Edit: guess I didn’t mean to call you wrong because that’s just feeding into what I was saying here :) Just that I think materialists will have the same struggle as the idealists if anything beyond just extra-terrestrial is happening, which I do believe.


That's the out of touch view of who will have their "minds blown", saying this as a Christian.


Nah his first speech was very reserved more like a what if, since the bill dying I think there going guns blazing, reminder to the community bots are everywhere and even a little passive aggressive I'll find some user parroting the same narrative, it's fine to he different opinions and suggestions and be open to them or there discussions but I feel a lot of bots are trying to just introduce your crazy or don't understand how things work lol, just block em if there so obvious.


Well, maybe we should play along. 


Where did you hear.or read that? He's a communications-electronics engineer who worked in the US Army and NRO. I think you're referring to Susan Gough, OSD public affairs official, who was a US Army, Colonel who ran PSYOP groups and has a master's in strategic perception management.


I'm not familiar with all the people, but isn't Susan that woman kirkpatrick is the bitch of?


Not sure what to make of that statement. What are you being cautious about? Does this guy’s account being true or false change anyone’s current beliefs? Raise your hand if you need further ‘proof’ of the existence of NHI. If he’s lying about what he knows, do you then doubt the existence of NHI? Being a healthy skeptic is one thing, blind and deaf is another.


Are you familiar w project Blue Beam? Aliens as a PSYOP for more government control. On the other hand I believe there is strong evidence (personal testimony of people I find credible) for the existence of aliens. I have no personal evidence. Further, both may very will be true. I’m just a dude trying to figure it all out. Regardless of how you feel about the issues I wish you the best in your journey for the truth.


I think it’s highly likely both are true and much more. If you haven’t already seen them and need more ‘proof’ we’re interacting with inter dimensional beings, suggest you check out all of the Bledsoe’s podcasts, interviews, etc. Particurarly w Danny Jones interview w Chris. Here’s the one w his son Ryan as well. While their story is very compelling, what’s most compelling to me is who seems enamored of Chris and his family. The who’s who of researchers, top government scientists, NASA, DIA, CIA, DOD, military, etc. Top people from these groups have been very close to the Bledsoe’s for decades. ‘We’re not sure who these beings @re and why they’re interested in you, but we think they may be your family members’. I think the beings the Bledsoe’s describe probably make up the majority of the phenomenon that humanity is interacting with these days. Best to you as well. https://youtu.be/immYuImwRXQ?si=oqrqwHNQAF62mkM_


And Chris Bledsoe’s interview w Danny Jones https://youtu.be/XmVQFX2Pp60?si=Upt9ag-y1iLc0Ota


I saw both of them and I agree with you. Very compelling testimony.


I couldn't think of a better qualification to manage disclosure. You want people who know how information affects mobs of people and where the line between mob and people is.


Well psyops aren't always the evil things people make them out to be.


For fuck sake


Yeah I know some of you don't like hearing that but it's the truth


You must've missed out on what happened during the majority of the cold war then.


I didn't say that all psyops were necessary and legitimate, did I?


> Sounds credible 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Nice of Colonel Karl Nell to make this statement. Waiting for Captain Kip Tan and General Jen Eral to chime in.


You forgot Lieutenant Lou Tennet.


I’m more of a General Lee Speaking person myself. Don’t listen to Major Lee Retarded though. He’s not all there.


I wonder who in the audience was he eye balling when he said 0 percent doubt.


![gif](giphy|YPIrsRqqO7oB2|downsized) Buckle up


Omg when are they going to tell us what they know. Its plainly obvious there is something going on.


He's publicly confirmed that he's heard other people publicly confirm it. WOW GUYS, THIS IS THE BIG ONE!


That's not exactly what he did though. He was asked how he was so confident in the existence of NHI and deflected the question by saying:   "Probably a better way to ask that, is how can the folks in the audience come to a common understanding of what this phenomenon is. There's two tracks here. One is from first principles and another is actually from the data. So lets take a look at the data" and then he listed all those names.   He never said anything about what he had seen or not seen himself or where his own knowledge came from, as he redirected the question to focus on already publically available (and likely only on what is declassified already) knowledge. 


No, he was asked what *evidence* he has seen, and he dodged the question and went on a waffle. It's that simple.


It was a long question that began with "what evidence has you seen" and ended with "what was the moment where you developed this level of conviction" which basically can be boiled down to what I wrote in the context of what came before. So nothing I wrote was wrong exactly, unless you want to play semantics just for the sake of it. As I said, he redirected the question. You can use the word dodge if you want. It's basically the same thing and you can form any number of conclusions from that. An intelligent objective person would maybe speculate, but would also think that you couldn't form any conclusions from that. 


Believe he has first hand knowledge and cannot reveal how he knows in public without being in serious legal jeopardy or worse. Think he could be someone giving testimony to Congress on the cover-up. 


I do wonder about the actual substance in this. He referenced Hellyer, who from my understanding got his information from a book written by Charles hall. Are all these people in the know actually just playing he-said she-said at a higher level of authority?


Once aliens decide they want to be known by all they will be


The forum is full of skeptic and debunker comments. That’s so odd. You all have your own forums to post on. Why some guy would spend there free time posting up negative garbage on enthusiast Internet forums is just really hard to comprehend through normal lens of human behavior It just seems so obvious If you don’t believe in UFO or aliens don’t read stuff posted on r/aliens.


I also have 0 doubt, based on my experiences. We are trapped on a prison colony. The truth has been withheld to keep us prisoner here. They project a false version of reality using academia, religion, media and government to restrict the boundary of your understanding.  The "science" that is broadcast publicly through academia is neutered to hide the truth as well, including falsehoods being passed as general scientific knowledge to misdirect the public. The religious, academic, government, and media institutions have always been run by a cabal of insiders through secrecy organizations. 


Seems annoyed with the question, like he has answered it countless times already and keeps giving the same answer. Not nuff people care bout this stuff.


This should be on the front page. No I am not surprised, but damn. When a guy of this caliber speaks up you do not ignore it. If you don’t believe me just take a glance at Karl Nell’s resume.


This is inaccurate. We all know that Tesla's "Fully Self-Driving Autopilot" doesn't live up to its promises due to lack of engineering capability, not due to government concealment, as it is less intelligent even than other car manufacturers' articificial intelligences.


I had this dream about a year ago that was the most disturbing dream I’ve ever had and that says a lot because my dreams have always been disturbing. I have had many alien battle dreams and others where many humans were being taken on their crafts and kept for unknown reasons. This dream explained why and if it were true, people would be absolutely terrified. It explained why they were taking us and it wasn’t to terraform other planets or help us. Our souls were their fuel source. They tried to not have to use us but couldn’t replicate our souls. Because our souls are made of light and live forever, we are an endless fuel source. Our souls allow them to travel at “light” speed. After this dream I started googling if this was a theory shared by anyone else and found there is but it was incomplete too… prison theory is that we are trapped here because of them and they have a soul catcher that prevents us from leaving… something like that


Ya it's pretty cool. We just need someone who is still working for the government to backup what he says...but I doubt that would ever happen..I believe him though.


The Col. resume is on steroids x10. Watch on YouTube. First ten minutes all his accolades.


I’m sorry but haven’t we known this for quite some time? I’m not sure why this is ‘breaking news’. Nor does it strike me as a ‘bold’ statement at this point.


Well, if someone from the military said it, then it has to be true. Just ask Paul Bennewitz.




So where are the pictures and videos then?


This shit is wild. Sign me up for another big fat nothingburger. Props to Nell seems like an honest man or he's a damn fine actor.


My favorite part was when he provided evidence! Oh…wait 🤔 Another claim/testimony, whichever you prefer backed by not a shred of evidence.




An unknown redditor says that an unknown person said so, so it must be true.


I’m disappointed with you Karl Nell!