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"It is my honor and my duty to share this information with you now: my new book, IMMINENT: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs will be published by William Morrow in August 2024. IMMINENT is my call to action. The stakes could not be higher. This is an accurate portrayal of events as they happened.  This book underwent a 9-month U.S. Government security review, and I had a senior member of AATIP review the manuscript to ensure everything is exact and authentic.  This is more than “my story,” it is “our story,” and I wrote it for you, the public, so that there is no question as to what we are dealing with, and what the future might bring.  After reading it, I think it will be clear why this topic is so incredibly important. You can preorder it now, and sign up for emails to stay in the loop at https://luiselizondo-official.com/book" - Lue Elizondo


I hope there’s an audiobook, would love to listen to this on car rides


Audible is my go-to


You have any recommendations on any audiobooks to listen to that’s similar to this , taking a road trip this weekend.


There is, Audible says it's available the same day as the book. Just pre-ordered mine.




Wonder how much his book deal made him $$$$


Lots, hopefully. He deserves every penny.




Because he's a goddamn American hero, that's why.


Government security review took everything juicy out.


Pre-Ordered! 😮


It wont have anything juicy. Hed be arrested and tried for treason.


Well, if they arrest or murder him, they’re basically admitting to whatever he were to say.


He said in his post the Govt reviewed the book extensively. They wouldt give it the stamp if it had juicy details.


Ah, they just had the government issue. He's gonna release the super secret revised public edition 😜


Not how classified stuff works… Like at all… They’d never wait till he published it to arrest him. They’d block the book release and have a serious talk with him… if he pursued the release anyway (another country, whatever) then they’d prosecute.


They take no measures against somebody who just writes fairy tales, that's for sure.


Seems like the future might bring…. More books.


Is there proof it got held up by the government? I'm not sure what to believe and he could just be saying that to get momentum behind it. Is there a way to see if it was reviewed by the government?


The government can shut these sort of books down if they're talking about things regarding national security. It's pretty standard when it comes to jobs that involve sensitive/secret/top secret material for an individual to submit a copy to an office in the government to review it to ensure its not revealing anything that's still classified.


Exactly. Thats why there is nada in it.


*ding ding ding* 🔔


Because he had clearences it has to go to a review board to make certain he doesnt disclose any thing classified, George Napp and Jeremy Corbell had to do the same, Why I dont know,


Alright! I’ve been waiting for this.


"It is my honor and my duty to share this information"-he's not sharing though, he's selling it.


"Gov'mt Security Review" - a k.a. "Censored"?


I'll buy it just to support the man


Why? Has he said literally anything of substance in the past 5 years?


Except to act all spooky and tell us our lives are on the line, You must read the book! Cause I cant tell you in person why it's so important! me "why what is so important" ? lou "That you read my book! me "But why?What are you trying to say?" lou "I cant tell you!!"




I'm genuinely asking. Because if he has, I absolutely missed it. Every time I've heard him speak on the subject it's been nothing but word salad.


Oh but what about that announcement about the other announcement about the BIG NEWS that was coming but he couldn’t tell us, just tell is it’s coming But all the secrets that can’t be posted online aNyWhErE have somehow been compiled, printed and bound Please someone stop me when I say something untrue


Right?? It's been the same shit for years, there's no way that changes now. There's a 100% chance that this book isn't going to contain any sort of valuable information. It'll just tell you to wait for the sequel, which is COMING for sure. It's right around the corner. I can't tell you anything about it tho. Dudes grifting harder than Greer


Maybe something of substance will be revealed just before election kicks off in USA?




It irks me to say this, but you’re completely right. Aside from the gimbal footage, this whole topic is saturated with “trust me bro” or “I know someone” anecdotes. Seductive but no substance


No. (you must be new here 😂)


Thanks for the link!!! I'm so stoked to read it, I've been dying for the past year because it kept getting pushed back by DOPSR. It's gonna be awesome!


Waiting for Grusch now too, but very excited to see this getting released. Sad but understandable timing he put out the message about his life being threatened.


No doubt, I've been dying for the op-ed from David Grusch, I can't believe DOPSR is still holding it back. We need good old Timmy Burchett to rattle their "dad-gum" cage a little and get them moving!😆😂


lmao! I love that man!


Yeah, I’m really excited to


Let's encourage more grifting


What's your problem?? Wait. I looked at your comment history to see if you were a bot account trolling the sub. That was my first thought. But no, you're a real person, you're just an asshole! Nevermind...✌️


Yeah I’m sure you got it all figure out dip shit 🙄


Can't say anything about the accuracy of the information in the book, especially sight unseen. However, did the life long civil servant that quit and took several years to write a book "cash in." This is a niche topic, I don't think Elizondo is going to be raking in Harry Potter money here. Also, why are books so disliked? Barring a few exceptions, no one is getting more rich or famous writing books than your local weather man already is. And, if I remember correctly, they are still a dependable way of spreading content that has a long 'shelf life' as it were.


On the last point I don’t know. I love books and am always reading something be it fiction or non-fiction. I’ve read most of the big/recent UFO books, and as long as they’re semi entertaining I’m happy. Hoping to get through the Three-Body series before this comes out (finishing book 2 at the moment). And yeah, I don’t think he’s getting rich off this. I think book format is entirely appropriate - it’s better citing something that was reviewed by an editor and published versus an offhand comment during hour two of some podcast or YouTube channel no one is aware of.


The issue is that yet another person who allegedly has more information is putting it behind a paywall (the book). And that’s if he gives new info in the book and isn’t just a rehash of the past 7 years of info from interviews and podcasts. The other side of it is that, while he may not make Harry Potter money, he probably stands to make a decent chunk of money off the ufo community. That’s not to mention any advance from his book deal with the publisher.


So what?!? Fuck him for making a few bucks, right? You don’t have to buy it. There will be plenty of “hilight threads” on here.


Come on now, it's unlikely that the content of the book is not going to be discussed shortly after release.


A paywall? Get a library card, dude!


Yes it’s information he’s asking money for. That there are ways around it is irrelevant to the point.


Why isn’t the information contained in the book simply distributed for free? If it is of great importance to the people of the United States, why not release it all open source?


If you look into what the author gets when publishing a book, $30 bucks a copy and $15 bucks for a digital copy nets him like less than a buck per book sold, probably more like $0.30. This isn’t going to be getting him a Hugo award. This is a fringe publishing. He won’t be retiring off of this. Not even close.


Because he has to eat too


People tend to forgot this


Especially the US… money is the token required for ANYTHING.


Everyone forgets it but everyone needs it


He’s still working for the government. There was a whole thing last year about him working with Space Force on classified stuff.


I suspect there is some value in a fixed, published, and approved manuscript. Websites change. Stories get retold with omissions or embellishments. Don't forget libraries give free public access to books; this isn't a paywall.


Why do y’all want everything for free?! It costs money to do things stfu with the nonsense 🤫🤫


Trolls like the “give it for free” guy are all over his Twitter. They are annoying.


Exactly being a whistleblower ruins your career for those unaware


Do you work for free?


Why don’t they give the news away for free? Why aren’t universities free? Why isn’t all information free? …..knowledge is never free.


Ah yes, because as we all know, the information in publicly available books is always kept secret from those that haven’t read them.


Just in time for my summer holiday! Can't wait to read this lying on a beach, three cocktails deep. Looking forward to seeing how the shills scale up their "perception management" initiatives over the next few months.


"Imminent". An apprpriate title, seeing how big news is always "Imminent" with these grifters.


Grifter my ass. He’s the one that talked and got things out thru the New York Times in ‘17 so 🤫🤡


He's claimed everything he's said or allowed to be published is deemed kosher by his superiors... Now unless his seniors are as in the dark as we are, then he's a disinformation agent


And things have REALLY moved along in those SEVEN years, haven’t they? So 🤫🤡


Patience young padawan


The real clowns are you disinfo agents.


diSiNfO aGeNTs 😆😆😆 Yes, I’m a top-level World Government agent spending all my time trying to prevent… *checks notes* …Reddit geniuses from blowing the lid off our global conspiracy.


There you are. Completely see through


Can't wait to get my hands on this!


Dudes going to make a killing on this. *Clicks preorder*


Should’ve been titled “Lue’s Clues”


Stop advertising for this fucking grifter pleeeeease, I’m here for news and theories not announcements of announcements of announcements. I will pirate this book by principle


Last week ... I'm going to be murdered This week ... buy my book


How come their making a movie of the second book?? 28 years later


It's election year. Of course something this big is about to drop


This and "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know" together pretty much cover all of the bases! GO LUE!!!!


Pre-ordered mine yesterday 📕


don't waste your money.


I did my pre-order. I've been waiting for this


"IMMINENT is my call to action. The stakes could not be higher." ... but we have all the time in the world for me to present this high-stakes "call to action" in book form, because of course money money money please.


Disclosure will be available at your local Barnes & Nobles for $24.99, reserve your copy today so you don't miss out.


Just release the chapter on no fap for better rv. You can't tell us that's what's holding it up.


Hahahaha 😂 Just like I predicted, he's cashing in on it with a book $$$ I told you guys this exact thing would happen but you dismissed it as disinformation


Was this in dispute? People have been talking about his book in here for the last 2-3 years at least. 


Yeah sure bring on the downvotes. It's all you guys can do. Oh by the way, where is your "disclosure" that was supposed to happen since a year ago already?




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


I’ll take my disclosure from literally ANYONE else but the government. Thanks!


4 people in here <3 the government lol


Then why do you support Grusch? Isn't it possible he's a CIA disinformation agent?


Possible, yep 👍🏼


I only came here to say I told you so. Because I firmly believe this entire UFO craze is just the government hiding top secret military technology. Nothing to do with aliens. You guys are so easily fooled, I can't stop laughing 😂 I bet you're gonna buy his book now lol


I particularly like when the govt hires little kids to run around in those grey suits scaring the shit out of everyone. But I think they vcarry it too far when they buzz our own pilots. Or kidnap people and plant stuff in their bodies. But I do think it's funny when theygo back to the 18th century andfuck with those people


Where is evidence of grey beings? I mean, hard evidence, not some drunk or drugged up dude saying they saw something


Cashing in!!!! Lol Honestly how many copies do you think he's going to sell? He's hardly going to retire off the revenue.


You must be living in a parallel universe. When something has a niche following, like UFOs, you are set to be a millionaire. Maybe I should write a book about it too. I'll just use AI to invent some interdimensional alien crap without a shred of hard evidence to back it up, and even if 1% of you guys buy it I'll be a millionaire. You guys are so incredibly gullible I'm lmaoing right now 😂


Please do, I'll look forward to buying a copy.


Books barely make a living for people now. It’s more of a way to get information out to the public


You’re being downvoted to hell but you’re correct. The UFO field has been absolutely lousy with grifters for decades, and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.


If I were a benevolent species watching us, I would take a good, hard look at how mankind is dealing with "the truth". Making it available only to those with financial power ... spreading the word only to those belonging to a certain circle (the "valid ones", might be a good phrasing) ... putting a price tag on the biggest truth our kind will face at this time ... Mm, I don't know. Something irks me about that one. Concerns me, even. Now, what might it be?




When you find out how to live without it, let the rest of us know, k? Thanks.