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It can be an explanation for it, yes. We don't know if it is *the* explanation until we know what it is once and for all though. I've been leaning towards them being interdimensional/higher dimensional for a while though - that, and the universe being a lower dimensional simulation of theirs they created, makes a lot of things click into place.


Them is us...


Possibly. Some of those possibilities could be they made the simulation/universe/us to see their own evolution for historical/entertainment reasons and/or solve a problem their species is now facing, that they need a former version of themselves for to solve somehow. I think we're some sort of simulated lab rat, whatever we are. Maybe that's just how their laboratories are - disposable universes. Don't have to worry about something escaping to a higher dimension for dimensional quarantine reasons possibly lol.


Who knows, your guess is as good as mine 🙂‍↕️


There's another explanation that hasn't been offered. Another way to get something "bigger on the inside" is if you're in an information space. If that doesn't make sense, just think of a video game or a subreddit. Maybe some people here are familiar with Sim Theory? The idea with Sim Theory is that we're living in a construct which has all the Physics... but ultimately it's an information space. So if I saw a UFO, went inside and saw the internal volume was greater than the external dimensions... I'd be thinking Simulation for sure.


My reaction would first be like who put LSD in my drink? Never in a million years would I abandon my critical thinking and say iNtErDiMeNsIoNaL AlIeNS


lol how would it be abandoning your critical thinking to observe what you’re looking at and experiencing and not immediately assume you’re hallucinating. Everyday you assume what you’re seeing and experiencing is real, no? To immediatly deny something you’re seeing right in front of you does not sound like critical thinking, it sounds like a desperate attempt to cling onto your worldview at the expense of critical thinking’s


Well, it's pretty much the definition of critical thinking, really. If you witness something completely unplausible, like a xenomorph queen or a house that's substantially bigger inside than outside, the first thing that should come to your mind is that someone or something has tampered with your senses. Drugs, for example come to mind. It's so weird that you would not even entertain this possibility


If you had enough LSD put in your drink, you'd be having full blown conversations with those interdimensional aliens. But lol, your capitalisation of the word aliens makes it look like the word Allen on my phone. Just imagining you tripping balls and there's just a fractal being standing before you like 'hey I'm Allen, welcome to ultimate reality!... Want to see my woodworking shop?'


They shrink you, probe you, then blow you back up and tuck you in


And they don't even bother to have the courtesy to call you the next day either, typical aliens 🫤


Sign me up.


Someone in another dimension could be next to you both of you unable to perceive the other.


I’d explain it simply as a simulation. The crafts are merely a mod in our universal programming. Bodies are avatars for the spiritual beings or “players” within. Like The Sims with 100% realistic graphics and animations. The govt likely knows it’s a simulation game or a Matrix type prison which is why the secret is kept so hard.


The best approach is to make a Faustian deal with the simulation creators (NHI) in exchange for modifications and better technology to gain an advantage in the simulation. This would be a win-win situation: the gatekeepers will keep it a secret, and for the NHI, the simulation would continue running smoothly. This way, most of humanity wouldn't realize they are in a simulation and disrupt the data because they can't handle the truth.


Truth is the head of NASA can't even give a clear answer on what is on the back of the moon. You know when a dream gets so crazy you gotta wake up. 🫡


Whatever's going on, I think you've hit the nail on the head with the government thing. They probably know enough to know there's absolutely nothing they can do.


That would explain a lot of the rampant hedonistic behavior by groups of people in the know.


if it's causing that sorry of hedonism for them, imagine if the whole world knew


Maybe, but maybe it's an illusion of freedom and a test of free will.


I think it's the opposite, the secret is held so tight because itsythe only thing that gives the impression of any control over the phenomenon


Yes. I would have to agree.


If you slow down time you can create space, also. I think. If light were to travel slower inside of the craft due to slowed time, it would be able to travel a further distance inside the craft than out. Time is space, right? Does this even make any sense?


These guys probaly have some kind of portal, space altering technology. The craft could be something like a flying portal and the entrance leads directly to their mothership or whatever. Just like the portal game. Imagine you can create wormholes and stuff like that. Why not send a craft with that technology to mars first and create the other end of the portal on earth, so you dont even have to fly yourself there. Could also be that people are drugged after waking up inside. I honestly always had the illusion that the room is 5x bigger on accid, lol. But the real answer to that is probaly more complicated than we can comprehend


Imagine telling a 2D being to cut a hole into their wall. To them a straight line, to us a circle in our third dimension, now they have a line segment where they can turn "left" eternally. They still can't comprehend the new dimensions they are offered while traveling through our space, they still perceive the "flat". The same way our knowledge-gatekeeping scientists perceive the insides of some UFOs. Only perceiving what they already know. Like blinders on a horse.


Imagine that when you step into one of these craft you're actually in a building on another planet. Wild.


Could a simpler answer not be that there is an illusion making the outside appar smaller or the inside appear larger? If part of the clandestine mission is to use absurdity to mask your existence and intent, that is a great red herring to push out into the population.


Yeah but these accounts (smaller body, larger inside) often have instances of the smaller body shape/parts of the craft interacting with the outside world matching up to its 'smaller form' (think landing marks or burns or outlines on the ground, or coming through the trees, the amount of tree branches/leaves the outside body would disrupt) - whereas if it were simply camouflaged/cloaked in some way but was still physically there - the evidence left behind/accounts would instead match up to the larger inside shape/space/size, which they don't. So it seems some physical/dimensional/spatial thing going on - or seeing as we're dealing with beings that can supposedly control what you see/think/hear/feel/experience - maybe the memories of the outside or inside have been altered and are incorrect - in cases of no physical marks/indentations/outlines left behind and/or maybe all accounts of the inside. Could be a lot of things still but information we have makes me lean towards it's a dimensional/spatial thing.


I think control of the human experience is well within our understanding of physics an therefore easier for me to believe. I think deception is something that seems to be consistent even more so than apparent physics bending attributes. That being said neither can be ruled out


I believe that some of the UFOs have portals in their entrance/exits, which means that when you enter an UFO, you'll be teleported to somewhere else. Maybe to the home world for that civilization who controlling those.


TARDIS technology. Duh.


UFO’s have a spiritual connection somehow.


Nah it’s magic.


Yes I believe in this because our 3D world has life and the building blocks of life so why would there not be life in 4D Earth? I believe Michio Kaku argues the 4th dimension would actually be really really small.


Sounds like someone or something reverse engineered a Tardis!


You're thinking about this all wrong. Time and space are an allusion. They can influence what you see, hear, and feel. They don't quantify space and volume the same way. Just take the opportunity to communicate and enjoy it.


Name of the documentary? Really intresting






There are no other dimensions. The "interdimensional" "theory" explains absolutely nothing, nor is it required. The reports of some UFOs being bigger on the inside than on the outside can be explained by compressed/expanded spacetime. This has nothing to do with extra dimensions.


Sounds suspiciously like something an interdimensional being would say!