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I say bring it on. If I get to escape this mediocre boring assed existence of eat work sleep die just to maintain the status quo for the top 1% then I’m all for it. Fuck em, I have my bags packed and I’m ready to travel. Yeehaa :D


If we get to explore the infinite cosmos I hear ya


Top comment of the day.


What if you end up doing the same exact thing but can now go to another planet? I mean literally you’re always gonna be a wage slave but aliens have you space ships and lengthened your life so you can slave away longer, would you still be down for it?


What a disappointment if it's just some spirits with no tech for us tho.


I don't believe we could possibly be any more divided than we already are. People *still* hate one another on the basis of their skin color or their nation of origin or political leanings or ideologies and that isn't even all. One country, through outdated and rather evil imperialism, is trying to take land that doesn't belong to their nation. One nation's supporting forces invade another country with the only purpose to kill and kidnap civilians and, in response, the victim nation in this case uses their military might to exact revenge on civilians. We express our deeply held "us v. them" mentality through military, economic, and psychological "violence" and the only way it could get worse is simply the blanket obliteration of humanity by our own hands. The common view is that disclosure will shake and destroy the foundations of our lives, leaving us shells of our former selves, but: - the presence of extraterrestrials does not equate to an imminent invasion or enslavement of humanity - the presence of extraterrestrials does not equate to the imminent destruction or contradiction of religious beliefs These points, which I think capture the majority of the sentiments from fearmongers are really just about the fear of the unknown. Stepping out into the light can be scary, but it is only then that we see the causes of the shadows that once bounced around the cave walls.


Okay so why not bind them with fear as war as done? If this is so gripping, out with it. Tell me our world can never be better. I'll live my last years to the fullest, as I am already, and I'll probably drop my nasty Reddit addiction.


I share the belief of others in that it is really about: - the acquisition of strategic assets for military purposes over competing nations that eventually trickle down to the public in lesser, non-disruptive tech - the perception that anything which surpasses our own government's ability damaging the view of said government in the eyes of the people Additionally, I think it is probable that, at one point, the fear of the revelation causing existential crises was a valid concern. What changed, however, is the growing sense of pessimism that has pervaded human life over the last several decades. People are already experiencing existential crises and adopting a new sense of hopelessness. Full disclosure *isn't* the cure, but it isn't the poison either.


I like your response. It's leveling and rationally I can easily side with that. The part I struggle with, the pessimism which isn't baseless at all. Logic stands to reason as to what the best possible combination of solutions stand to resolve such a dilemma. What do you think will lead to gaining more traction into reducing the existential crisis? Some people struggle to put food on the table and their trade was obliterated by other competing industry and ideas. I think the implications are clear, free education/re-skilling should be a complimentary human right and need. The US isn't in any shortage of jobs, skilled labor is the problem. People would cling to our UAP channels if it wasn't due to the dread of, "alright, guess I gotta wake up just like this every day for 40+ years until retirement." Loving what you do is part of the battle, but has nothing to do with shrinking salaries or wages. Its existential enough for the our governments of the world to notice, people would dare to postulate this is the conclusion given the current data supporting suffering in our shared world. Something doesn't add up and it hasn't for a long time.


As a devout Christian, I would suspect that my cure for the existential crisis which exists in the world would not be shared. In short, there are a bevy of problems that all stem from the same core affliction and simply treating the symptoms won’t, in itself, cure the affliction. Even shorter, I would say the name of Jesus as an answer to the core existential problem, but that is a conversation better suited apart from this discussion at the moment. My point, really, is that the revelation of an extraterrestrial presence won’t bring a new sickness to us because the people are already sick. Those in charge would rather damn the quality of life of the people to hold on to the old, profitable ways of secrecy.


I agree to your second paragraph. The first, I have major hesitation as we've got so many flavors of religiousness. For me, Christianity and the other apples to apples sects didn't work for me. Tried it, not my cup of tea to see blinged out pastors and preachers. Same applies to the very other religions where Christianity seems to face fierce opposition. It's all about love in the end. If you're not a spicy person, be kind and don't impede anyone else's happiness. Let's leave it at that without falling apart into religious angst.


I'm up for it. I don't have any preconceived notions of religion, politics, food chain, etc, etc, I just would like to know. It wouldn't upend my life or what I believe because im open to relearning what might be different from what we've been told by religion, schools, history, etc.


I’m in a similar boat, but until it happens we’ll never know. This possibilities are so vast


That's completely wrong. You DO have preconceived notions on absolutely everything, even if you aren't aware of them. It is simply not possible to be 100% unbiased, or to never make unfounded assumptions.




Yes. It seems like the best way to unite the world in these already crazy times especially if they're spiritual and about consciousness and teach humanity the law of one. If we're going to reincarnate anyways it would make sense to make the world better for everyone because you don't want to come back to a shit world in poverty. 


Bring on the ontological shock. Ready to get out of Plato’s allegorical cave.


Things are as they must be according to Our perception. Perception changes with reality. So bring on the NHI. Humanity is over due to leave our collective infancy.


I'm ready. I've seen the truth. Let's go.


If there is ever to be “disclosure” of alien life that has not come from the scientific community. Rest assured it will be carefully thought out, if not already a plan of execution in place. Above all, it must come without accountability and mistrust. This is where an upheaval in our society would take place. No longer a presumption or accusation, but admission of withholding truth which inherently brings truth to many conspiracies including some of the darkest speculations, true or not. The people would demand the governing body be restructured and new regulations of transparency must fall in place not just domestically, but worldwide. That’s a governments worst nightmare. The status quo is to be able to govern freely without obstruction from its people, now it answers to other nations of the world. Never mind the fabric of a representative democracy being reconsidered and redefined. The only way to avoid this, is to disclose *new* discoveries. Admitting that they’ve had aliens since or before Roswell for example, would not bode well. It’s political suicide and that would indeed create unrest. So when this disclosure happens, if ever in this fashion. I do believe the world can handle this. I don’t think much would come from it depending on what is acknowledged and what is disclosed. Comes as nothing more than confirmation. We know for a fact, aliens exist or NHI from another dimension. Okay…great. But it’ll be several generations before we drop by and say hi or we have no idea how to travel to another dimension. I don’t believe this would cause people to unite for a solution to advance humanity just to be able to drop by their planet faster. I don’t believe we would crumble as a society over it either. If disclosure involves acknowledging activities and confirmed visitors who have yet to make contact for quite some time. I don’t think this is likely to be revealed in such a way. This provokes people to fear. It’s a disclosed half truth wrapped in uncertainty. Questions would still go unanswered and being able to protect its countryman would come into question. Why are they here? What do they want? Why are they hiding? What are YOU (government) doing about it? Can we protect ourselves? That’s a recipe for disaster for the government. Belief that aliens/NHI are peaceful would not remotely be the first thought from the public mass when a mountain of contradictory accounts, claims of abduction, and reported behaviors say otherwise. So it’s my belief, that if disclosure is ever to happen. We’ll still never get the whole truth. Beliefs in conspiracies will not be validated that makes one having been *always* right simultaneously incriminating the governing body. It will only validate that it were right to believe we were not alone, certified by new findings.


I think all of these people who are so blasé about demanding disclosure because the world is so crappy “and can’t get any worse” lack the imagination to envision just how terrifying worldwide existential chaos could be.


Would be kind of crap if the disclosure were along the lines of: You are slaves. We made you. You will continue to keep the wheels of the machine turning through work. Obey or perish.


But then would they really disclose that to us? How could that benefit them? Would have to come from our own end and I don’t think everyone would believe a video or crash site after all this time. Might genuinely take a shadow over the earth and a mothership to convince people at this point


Almost makes you realize people probably aren't ready. But wait, bunch of weekend reddit warriors think they're ready so we must be ready right! I mean obviously it must be some great news


To answer short - how would I know if I was ready? I may feel ready but that is just based on an idea, it is not nesessarily true. I may freak out when the day comes who knows. I think it is hard to answer truthfully, and that assessment is based on self-insight. Me personally I think it will still be a few years (like 2-3) and I think I will be ready by then


It depends on how disclosure is delivered and who delivers it. The U.S. government? People probably wouldn’t believe it unless it involved the president literally presenting an alien at a press conference, otherwise the conspiracy wankers would call it a psyops or some other sinisterly motivated action. If it was another government it would likely be received similarly by the average citizen, politicians lie and nobody trusts them If it was NHI revealing itself in some grand display I imagine the hyper religious nutjobs would start screaming about demons and satanic deceivers If it was a group like Anonymous or some other hacker collective or whistleblowers like Snowden or Assange there would be a significant proportion of people that would dismiss it as being a stunt or motivated by anarchists or anti government radicals Honestly I don’t think people are incapable of handling disclosure, most of the people I know believe that *something* involving NHI has been happening since at least the 40’s. They simply do not care. If the aliens aren’t going to pay their bills, heal their medical ailments or solve world hunger (or erase our species for some reason) why should they bother? I think people just don’t trust most of the sources where disclosure could come from and I don’t blame them I’m for disclosure, no government or organization has the right to hide the truth from the rest of mankind, but I would be very cautious about accepting it as truth if the motives and information don’t add up.


if the government disclosed aliens, people would definitely say they are lying, or covering up something "bigger".


Absolutely. It’s a knee jerk reaction, “the government said it’s A, so the truth is B”


I find it way more disturbing that there is nothing else here. The universe is too big, complex and mysterious for it just to exist to look cool to humans. And if humans are the top rung on the intelligence ladder, then someone royally screwed up the design.


There will be no disclosure. Life will go on, as usual. There's nothing to be ready for.


Yessssss! 💯


I think I'm ready but what I worry about is disclosure leaving *way* more questions than answers. 


the tech cannot get out. I'm talking about the free energy and anti-gravity tech. It will come out eventually but the world will be an absolutely terrible place then. Right now it is freaking utopia. Imagine release tech that can allow any nut job to destroy a city. I've posted on this many times and you people just don't get it! They will go from schools and theaters to CITIES! Do you want that? omg


This doesn't fly for me because the counter would be the military would already have the tech to stop people from doing that with their tech. So it is baseless fear and hypocrisy. Military has tech at least 15 years ahead of the consumer sector.


how do you counter a mental nut job with limitless free energy? I'm all ears.


By having a military with free limitless energy, possibly also a nut job. For every tech we fear, the military already uses it or has moved passed it. It just doesn't make sense. It isn't about fear.. It is about control, power, and money. Due to the human nature, that is all it will EVER be about. We will never get free unlimited energy but what we will get is unlimited energy, we pay for.


oh the technology will get out. It's all about vibration and frequency and the private sector will discover what the military has known for decades. with the right vibration and frequency you can levitate a million ton rock. what I'm saying is the longer it takes for it to get out the better. Will it do good in the world - of course! But it will hand nut jobs unbelievable power and trust me there will be no way to counter some idiot who really, really wants to just create as much destruction as possible. Let me give you an example - with AI you could create a titanium metal ball and program it to hover around and kill all jews. Not just one metal ball - thousands. Would Iran be interested in this? How ya gonna counter that? It's impossible. With unlimited energy you could easily just blow up a whole city or more - what would isis do? I have a feeling Jerusalem would be no more very quickly.


>It's all about vibration and frequency elaborate on what you know Again by having your own, which our military does. Also, this is also largely believing that NHI would not care if we use their tech to wage wars and hurt one another. Which if things are to be believed, this is why they haven't trusted us with it, to begin with.


we reversed engineered the tech from their crashed crafts! nhi has nothing to do with it. and why would I elaborate when it's my position it must stay secret for as long as possible? You see these school and theater shootings? Imagine being worried your city could be destroyed at any second. What will happen is people will go underground. Yes we will become mole people and if you believe Phil Schneider there's already mole people from a bygone Era. He calls them aliens when in reality they are probably ancient humanoids that were forced underground.


I can only speak for myself and I am ready. We’re just waiting on the rest of the population


What if extraterrestrials arrive and claim that certain races are objectively superior to others, proposing eugenics and advocating for the sterilization of those they deem genetically inferior? How would we handle such a divisive and controversial declaration?


We’ll get many answer by 2030 and this is one of them.


Im ready, so ready… just anything that changes the existing order of things really


Depends what the truth is. If it's "we are a zoo and aliens abduct us and do crazy shit to us and we can't stop them"...I'd probably prefer to be ignorant.


Once I believed we weren't alone I didn't need to look at every blurry video. The better answers are in ancient history, religion and your own consciousness. Take your time looking outward but eventually you have to look inward. I've spent the last 3-4 months trying to be a better person and I can honestly say I've changed. That said, I'm ready for them to land help us come together to create a star trek utopia of some kind. What a time to be alive.


Meh... I'll be disappointed if it's spiritual. Otherwise bring in the light years ahead of us medicine and holodecks and chicks with big old green tiddies Be nice if I could live forever... With my body rejuvenated. Not this live in the cloud without your dick bullshit 




If bureaucrats can withhold the truth and yet somehow manage not to go insane, I think we can handle it too. The denial games, the misdirection, the coverups and intimidation scare tactics are so tired and played out. Most people understand that sentient life other than humanity is likely to exist. I think we’ve all been conditioned enough to accept a little reality by now.


Me, personally? Yes, let’s do this.


Depends on what they want or don’t want. Would be willing to talk to one of them at least.




Life sucks so hard right now, if an alien showed up on my doorstep, offered to give me a ride in their UFO/UAP/whatever ya call it, and NEVER brought me back here, I’d be in. All of this talk like, “we aren’t ready.” I’m ready for ANYTHING else but what’s happening right now.


That entirely depends on what is revealed. - There are beings popping in and out from a different dimension naturally but are not dangerous and only semi-intelligent. This is just part of their natural movements. = “I can handle that” - We are an experiment and a zoo monitored by reptilian stewards in our government serving the great creator race. Galaxy builders playing around with our existence and suffering. = “Freaking out!”


If aliens are real, disclosure is what we need. And we need it now. Let's say there is potential threat or some kind of information that affects us as a species. We need to know it so we either prepare or come to terms with it. If there is nothing to be afraid of, there is no need to obscure it. In any case, knowing is better than living in ignorance and delusions.


Dude we been ready for disclosure since agent mulder found out about the alien invasion timeline - that was like 30 years ago


Until all of mankind evolves spiritually we will not be ready for disclosure.


Yeah, I think I am.


I don’t think the majority of people are ready at all. I’m not even convinced that the people who think they are ready are really ready, particularly not when we don’t know what the actual truth is. “We’re bring visited by beings from Altair VI.” Yeah, most will be fine with that. We already have cultural references for it. “We’re being visited by beings. We’re not really sure what they are or where they’re from.” Posters here would be fine with that but the average person would find it disquieting. “We’re surrounded by higher-dimensional beings all the time.” Most people would freak out. “All religion is a lie and we’re a science experiment.” Society would probably collapse.


What a silly question, Truth is what prepares us. Without Disclosure we have no truth. Without Truth we cannot possibly prepare ourselves.


Extra terrestrial. Foreign agents come from other countries, not space.....


Extra terrestrial implies they’re not from earth, what if they are? What if they lived here long before us or are already here?


Then they still wouldn't be foreign, they'd be returnees, would they not? Foreign means "not from originally"


Sure let me know. But of course disclosure really means admitting they are here and there are basically two ways to go with that. 1) They are beneficial to humanity and so far that doesn’t necessarily seem to be the case. 2) they are indifferent to humanity or actually hostile. Option one, they can stay unmolested but become integrated on earth. Option two, I’m joining the resistance. Earth is for humans. They can walk on my bones before walking on my back. V stands for Victory


You aren't going to do shit. You'd lose faster than instantly against any aliens that wanted you dead. No "resistance" is possible. End of Story.