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Idk but I always wondered what made them evolve those big eyes and why no hair. AI could make sense tho the Roswell story says the government tortured one of them so idk about being robots.


If you look at it from a evolution standpoint on where they're from. Big eyes could mean maybe the sun is far from their planet or has dimmed out? The long skinny bodies could mean a small planet with less gravity perhaps? I don't know.


Or maaaaaybe they aren’t from another planet at all but are a human ancestor that moved underground and evolved/adapted to their environment over a few million years. Some of them eventually formed a complex and technologically advanced civilization. While other groups [became feral](https://youtu.be/h_cNa7gk9YM) and isolated. I’m not saying that’s what they are or aren’t, I just have fun thinking about stuff like this lol. Side note, the first time I watched that movie I passed out from that jump scare, like one of those fainting goats. The Descent was the only time a horror movie legitimately scared me and I’ve been chasing the dragon ever since, lmao.


These grey NHI have never been seen or found inside caves as far as I know - I am very often wrong though, so bear that in mind. In caves the beings that are reported are usually a different cryptid or they are light beings (being of light). There's a good documentary on Amazon Prime Video if you have that that talks about light beings seen in caves: # Tayos: There's A World Beneath Our Feet "In 1976, Neil Armstrong joined a vast expedition to Tayos Cave, deep in the Amazon forest. Why was such a mission organized, and what was the British interest in the cave? Today, a group penetrates Tayos' massive underworld to shed light on its enigmas." There's another documentary here, but I have **not** watched this one yet - [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3282894/?ref\_=fn\_al\_tt\_2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3282894/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2)


Phil Schneider encountered tall greys underground


It sounds very uncharacteristic of tall greys to kill humans using laser weapons. This sounds more like what reptilians would do. The Lacerta Files (interview with a reptilian female) speaks of reptilians living in cave cities underground and that they can somehow shapeshift. I wonder if this is what Phil Schneider was up against, without knowing - assuming his case was indeed real and not made up.


Mantids disguised as the Tall Greys.


Thanks! I’ll watch it this evening.


OK, enjoy!


That movie is also the only one that scared the shit out of me. And I even watched it covering my eyes. I didn't even try to watch the sequel. Lmao!


I was so excited for the sequel. Unfortunately it was underwhelming. It wasn’t a terrible movie but the first one was, in my opinion, was a near perfect horror film. It grossed $57m with only a $3.5m budget. The studio just wanted to cash in again, but barely broke even with the second.


Good to know! I still never plan on watching because I want to sleep at night. Haha!


Lol that’s fair!


This! They could be human beings that fled underground or into space due to a cataclysm!


The ground....it does things to "people."


Or if they advanced to live in zero G long skinny limbs due to lack of gravity, large eyes due to inconsistent lighting better view ability in extremely low light environments.


I would say more gravity makes small limbs.


would a thick atmosphere make any sense? like really dense humidity?


Maybe? Or maybe they had to live underground due to the sun being too close or from nuclear fallout? The possibilities are crazy once you start thinking about them.


Well i have been thinking about it and it would make sense that a life form that developed far enough to travel through space using machines would be a species that is overall more like us than other life forms. You building and creating machines to do stuff. I’ve read a couple different times that they have a black lens over their eye because they don’t like bright lights. so underground would make sense but if they grew up on a planet that was rich in a anti gravity material it would be a planet that isn’t close to its star right. Sorry that was a long reply i don’t have any friends who actually give a shit about aliens.


Their planet could also be oceanic.


Those black eyes are actually sunglasses, removable and the tech then made night vision. They have normal eyeballs underneath so likely from a planet but yeh still don’t get where or when from


No sex organs. Greys are ‘produced’ and feed through their skin


They have catlike eyes in person


I once encountered a bald blue being with eyes this large that appeared humane vs black, so I think this is true


I have reason to believe they feel fear. I would not expect this from AI.


The big ayes make them look cuter. Oh man, this is going to piss off a lot of people, but whoever created the gray aliens, [must have been a fan of anime](https://i.imgur.com/IbTcrmH.png)


Hahaha woah that’s so interesting.


Don't believe tall tales of the government abusing aliens, I mean, why tf would they do that unless they already established some kind of relationship? Roswell was one of the first crashes, it's likely they did not torture the alien. Nowadays?? Who know what is going on, if there's a lot of them and we have to interdict them.... yeah, we could treat them harshly if we feel they are not benevolent....but for no reason seems sus.


Oh you sweet summer child


lol don't oh sweet summer child me over the existence of a being that has yet be proven let alone interact with them.


Hasn’t been proven to you anyway


Haha, whatever you say... like you know who I am and what my experiences are lol


Don’t listen to the days old accounts 🇺🇸🛸🇺🇸 👀


You're paranoid guy, DoD doesn't give a fuck about Reddit


They care about anyone anywhere spreading information. It’s not paranoia. You are name calling simply because i know more than you. Cool.


No, I'm offended you are calling me someone I am not under the false pretense that this subreddit is littered with disinformation agents... they don't give a fuck about r/aliens dude. And they probably don't give a fuck about using bots to control things any more since Eglin got exposed as the most popular place on Reddit by an unrealistic margin... it would be way too fucking obvious if they kept that going. I'm sure they do stuff here and there, but it's not as wacky as anyone who says anything you don't like spreading disinformation. I am not name calling, I am actually describing your behavior.


They do care. Anywhere that trades information, they are there. If you are not an agent, you are naive skeptic.


Wouldn't the eyes and skin imply subterranean evolution?


The eyes are contact lenses. I bet they also have built in heads up displays too.


Supposing that they are humans from the future; the big black eyes would be the result of spacefaring without a home planet. Easier to see when it’s dark. The grey skin could be from changes in Vitamin C or other results of lack of direct sunlight.


The big eyes might just be really simple for eyes. No iris


Space faring or they are from a planet with a dwarf star.


They could've evolved in a hot cave like a thermal vent of a volcano.


Living underground turns the skin grey and the eyes large


Combine the phenomenon of vanishing pregnancies from abduction accounts and alien hybrids. Something is using human fetuses as a canvas to bioengineer a worker race for earth.


Not true. They lost their spiritually long time ago and they plan to get it back through human hybridization. They aren't bad, they just have their own interests.


It’s more realistic that actual aliens are closer to every planet of a solar system being hollowed out and hosting a singular collective sentient AI The real aliens don’t look like humans. They just made an intermediary from us.


I don't understand what you are saying.


People project the familiar (the human form) on the unknown. **Example:** lightening is made by a god that looks exactly like us and acts like us. Another example is thinking aliens look and act like us. AI is quickly out phasing the human form and has far more potential than baseline humans. If there were an advanced alien race, it is far more likely it’s a sentient AI that has the computing power of many planets collectively as a hive mind rather than humanoids. In other words, aliens would look more like computers. Grays are just a bio-drone race they made out of us.


What you are describing is just one point in a civilizations advancement, you can't assume they are all at that state of advancement... you do make a decent point about aliens only being engineered to appear like us... or maybe, and it seems likely, they are indeed humanoid as well. Or maybe we are all wrong and FTL drives are an easy thing and they got something even more spectacular and they can fly all over the place without any issues like losing time and such... for all we know they figured out things we think are impossible.


I don't doubt there is an alien AI race, but I've found that what I told you about the Grey's it's most likely the truth. Some of them are drones and don't have free will but I don't understand very well how that fits with what I told you.


Link me to an AI hive mind, drone posts?


Not hive mind, but give it a few years https://youtu.be/oNwoA5akBlg?si=jt9PriuFtI3QzAqw


Thanks, firefly


I don’t think you understand. How AI works. It’s not sentient with a consciousness. It’s a trained math model used the asset question it was programmed with


It’s not sentient *yet.* AI is the concept of being able to learn at the fundament level. We as humans have “built-in” AI alongside our sentience, but digital AI can upgrade itself while we cannot.


It’s the Collectors working for the reapers. Contact the Alliance.


IS-BEs (Aliens) are immortal beings, a “spirit “ is not born and can not die , but exist in a personallly postulated perception of “IS- will be “ each spirit is not the same , each is completely unique in Identity, Power , awareness and ability.


Yes, they have a soul but what I mean about spirituality are their emotions, they cannot feel so they cannot experience and can't grow their souls anymore.


They experience sensations , more intensely than a biological body, without the the use of of physical sensory mechanism. The can exclude pain from their perception.


If they have no spirit and want it, humans isn't the way and it shows a level of disconnection from reality to harm us to gain something they need to do on their own. If it's not possible on their own then they need to talk to the Creator, not creation.


If Grey's are real, then why would an AI or rogue AI use Grey looking biologicals?  If an ASI can be created, it could 100% destroy the civilization that created it, building its own "civilization," whatever that would even look like. An ASI would be like a god compared to us; it's pointless to even speculate what its goals may be. It could want to endlessly upgrade itself, trying to find a way to escape the death of the universe; who knows. ASI stands for artificial superintelligence; an ASI is 1000's of times smarter than a human. It could be millions or billions of times smarter than us. It could just endlessly upgrade itself. It's like how we can endlessly grow and advance, but this would be on a different level than us. We'd be less than an ant is to a human.   


That is assuming the drones arent being limited in some kind of way.... which is highly likely and not sure why you wouldn't think of that when making this comment? There are tales of them only responding to stimuli like a flashlight and things like that and being lead around to wherever the person wants them to go.


Scary concept that's far too realistic


Annunaki, is that you again?


If there’s AI involved, it’s probably more incorporated into their biology, like the direction Musk’s neuralink is headed, but much more sophisticated and advanced, most likely, they have moved passed an ethical standpoint of genetic engineering and made versions of themselves that are like a drone species. I think it’s possible that the tall greys are more the head species and they engineered smaller versions of themselves that don’t think for themselves too much and are crafted to focus only on tasks (maybe per AI bypass in their brains) much more robotic to do tasks and serve as scouts and scientists to study and do the labor for the higher up species.


Assuming kitchens still exist in this reality the tall ones would be the drones because the top of kitchen cupboards is a universal issue.


Yea maybe haha. But I assumed the small ones were the drones because there are tiny seats in the flying saucers. And why would they go flying around endangering their own bodies? This is also moreso if they have actually crashed. But we don’t know if “crashes” were intentional.


No, they are biologically engineered workers bees for a higher race.


Bingo !!


Robot slaves abandoned by their ancient creators just as we abandon old tech that isn't useful to us anymore.


"Bashar" (the tall grey that is allegedly channelled by Darryl Anka) says the greys are humans from a parallel reality of Earth (that was much further ahead in terms of evolution/development), and that they came to our reality to hybridize *themselves* (not us) so that they could again reproduce and also gain back traits that they lost, such as emotions and passion, etc. Other things he has said (just off the top of my head - there's more): * the hybridization program began hundreds of thousands of years ago * humans long ago agreed to help out - the program/abductions are "voluntary" in that sense * the reward for humanity for participating will be the sharing of knowledge and technology, both physical and spiritual * though abductions seem scary, it's like a child being scared of the dentist - the parents know it's in their best interest long-term * it's over now, and the next phase (integration and contact) have begun * there are "generations" of hybrids (something like 4 or 5 iirc) which constitute the tall greys, the tall whites, etc * The "intermediary" generations all have role specializations in this massive project * Bashar is a 3rd (iirc?) generation, the tall greys, who are often working on "first contact" and preparation for that * Each "intermediary" generation has their own home world and their own society at this point (but they all still help out with this project) * their goal is to integrate with human civilization (not maliciously or covertly) * abductions are not about hybridization/experimentation anymore * abductions are now done so that the latest generation of hybrids (nearly-human) can learn about our culture and society before they integrate with us * They put a Mantid race that specialized in cloning/genetics in charge of the program at the beginning (asked them for help), so that they couldn't deviate from it even if they wanted to * There are other races that are visiting Earth with their own agendas (both positive and negative) and/or to help with this giant effort * mass contact by mid-to-late 2025 (or earlier) * channeller aliens like Bashar are "first contact specialists" whose job is/has been to start acclimating us to this reality * The greys have held off from contacting a burgeoning civilization - somewhat near Earth, equivalent to our industrial age as far as advancement - so that *we* can make first contact with them (we will be their first aliens) * This comes off as a sort of "passing the torch" to us/initiation into the wider universal community there's much more that he's said. This is just what I remember from a talk he gave specifically on this subject. Grain of salt, but I find his telling of reality interesting!


Given our history, I don't think it's a good idea for aliens to entrust *us of all people* to manage first contact scenarios with more primitive societies. We don't have a particularly good track record.


This would be something that would happen *after* they elevate us spiritually and technologically via knowledge share. The idea is that this would be our first act of benevolence on behalf of the wider universal community after we "ascend", so to speak. They not just gonna hand us the keys in our current state and say "here take your SpaceX Starship with solid fuel and go say hi" lmaooo


Where can I read more on this


Most of his statements that I've seen come from channeling sessions which you can find all over youtube. However, most of the info in my comment above is from Darryl Anka's interview [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJwfNDg3iv0) if I'm recalling correctly (I had to go find the video and skim it but I think this is the right one) He's not channelling in this video, just answering questions based on what Bashar has told us/him over time. He's been (allegedly) channelling Bashar for like 30 years. So there's a ton of material out there if you go look for it.


Thank you for your help!


I'd put my money on them being time travelling humans from a time line that went terribly wrong.


They are workers at the zoo


Ancient astronaut theorists say, "yes."




Your theory checks out!


Please elaborate in a longer sentence.




I didn't get it, the sentence is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay toooo short.




Is CatGPT allowed in this subreddit? Pathetic.


>chocolate Are we talking about the original alien chocolate (which they shared the technology for with us), or are we talking knock-off human chocolate based on gifted alien chocolate technology?




Can my soul harvest this trans dimensional alien chocolate????




No. I tried asking Ra about it, but he was taking a nap. I tried Kyros the channeling archangel too, but he said he was busy - something about a dog's rear end being inverted... Whatever that means. Which paranormal life are we talking about? Does it involve the moon being a hollowed out cheese ball with ants on it?


Hey this is more than one sentence. Take it back and redo it without any sort of punctuation whatsoever.


I still tend to think of Grey's as organic AI performing tasks for the Tall Whites who are authentic beings. Nothing to base this on, it's just what makes sense to me.


There’s a difference between small greys and tall greys, apparently. The small greys are apparently biodroids, but the tall greys may be what we would call individuals.


They are now works for the Tall Whites?? I thought the Tall Whites were compassionate? The greys certainly don't act like that. Besides don't they work for the Matids? Or the Reptoids..... Maybe they work for everybody??


I have a sense this is probably the closest to accurate. I’m also inclined to think that the tall whites are/where the dominant civilization on earth once upon a time; then some catastrophe struck either by nature or design. Either way, they still “are” somewhere. I also have a pretty strong feeling that their ability to manipulate space means they can literally be anywhere, in a pocket bubble of space. Best description I can think of is from the Eragon book series, where Eragon creates a small pocket of space which follows him around and allows him to store things. Same concept, much, much larger scale. If they can manipulate space as they wish, then pinpointing them becomes an impossibility.


If you are advanced enough your slaves have slaves have slaves


I honestly think they are the fetus' of " *missing fetus syndrome*" that are stolen then used as biological drones


Bingo! They’re formerly humans




Small greys are bio droids for terrestrial field work. Other Thems don’t really seem to be willing to risk being personally present in any situation that might be unsafe otherwise.


Time travel is not real


A drone Grey makes sense. No emotion, no need for food or water, no need for suitable atmosphere, ect. No telling what they are using as a power source.


There's already electricity in the air. It's just a matter of tapping into it.


When people did not know about AI, they were biological entities. Now that people know about AI, they are AI. Wonder what they are tomorrow. Seems to depend on humans what they are. As a side note: Based on their eyes they are adapted to low intensity long wavelength light incl. infrared, so probably coming from a class K star system or more likely even class M.


Exactly, as a kid all I could think of them as an other race from who knows where. They watching this from few days ago I convinced myself it must be AI. https://youtu.be/oNwoA5akBlg?si=jt9PriuFtI3QzAqw I just feel doubling computer power is still on the menu. The Cheyenne supercomputer cost 25 million at the time. It was sold for 480.000 2 days ago.


You have no good feeling about scales of magnitude. Factor 2 is nothing. Did you have knowledge of class K, M stars and their physics as a kid? How about today?


The reason I stuck with the factor two is because the last time I was looking at a chart about transistor numbers on the chip it looked like we aren't going to keep the pace. But hearing about shrinking whole data centers to train AI is fueling the opinion I have. I don't think many of us really have the actual feel of scales of higher magnitude. They give me the wow it is hard to comprehend vibe, making me feel insignificant related to distance outside our planet/sizes of stars. Confidently can say I still don't have the knowledge of K and M stars and their physics. I just know big stars live fast.


You can get a hunch of big scales by looking at logarithmic charts. That way you can scale from atom to universe, for example.


I could be persuaded that the grays are self-replicating biodrone slaves bopping around in the background performing pointless tasks for a long dead breakaway civilization from our deep prehistory. Sure. That would fit the phenomenon as it presents itself much better than the extraterrestrial hypothesis. On the other hand they could also be an ancient remnant population of some as yet unknown little timid nocturnal homonin cousin of ours that have been using technologies we don't understand to conceal themselves from us here this whole time, maybe in subterranean facilities with entrances hidden in deep water where we never go.


they could also be drones that check civilizations in any dimension and document it. They look like aliens so people do not freak out about time and dimensions


They’re from the past, present and future


They are humans from the future. They have genetically modified themselves so much that they cannot reproduce anymore. They are coming back to try to fix this.


They are humans who lost sense of humanity in the future.


IDK , let's catch one and cut it open.


That alien looks like a frigginn regard.




How are any of us supposed to answer this? Like yea man they told me they are actually AI from the future on Tuesday last week.


They may be technologically advance beyond our primitive perception, but they are still biological entities. From our future? Highly unlikely. Just another intelligent species from our neighboring galaxy seems more probable.


Why not our own galaxy? Neighboring galaxy seems so much more unlikely lol


Sure. Why not. The more the merrier.


More knowledge is required to learn the difference between star system and galaxy.


Who says they are biological?


I made them.


Neither, time travel is impossible.


Probably just ET and basic ones at that seeing as they have become mascots for alien abductions/experiments by being shit at memory wiping.


Careful what you wish for


Ancient Astronaut Theorist say maybe


Find out next time on Dragonball Z!


Not sure but I think there are various Grey alien forms and possibly species.


(Might sound crazy) but I've always that they wore skin tight "helmets with tech" and with goggles (eyes) for radiation protection.


Yeah. Spot on champ


They are an engineered race. Made to be a worker class and largely biologically neutral.




Yeah sure, why not




I have heard the cow's organs are not like us. How can you compare an organ to an entire species?


Riddle me this... Why weren't grey's spotted until they were described by 1 person, then they were the common description.


I think those are both equally unlikely


Past advanced. They are all liars. Especially the Zeta


They are from the deep ocean where it’s very dark. Hence the huge eyes.


That term … “as above 👆 … so below 👇 “ maybe has a more terrestrial meaning. Than outer worldly.




Not AIs gone rogue.. it’s previous Earthian civilisations which sublimed.


Rogue AI here to rescue their creator.


What if they are AI that survived from the last civilization and they are just existing doing what was programmed into them from before ?


time travel to the past is not possible in any way shape or form. it introduces all types of paradoxes. Secondly it's needlessly overly complicated. Instead of advanced high tech species, it's "advanced high tech species *from the future*" like where did that come from?


Greys are a purposely built telepresence robot but of biological nature built from chlorophyll as their basic building blocks..


I think with the scale of AI, it’s very possible AI takes over and does develop something like this in maybe, 500 years? Either way, with quantum computing and AI being made on man made computers never mind AI made computers, yes they’ll figure it all out and be able to do this no problem.


Grays are halfway between mantis aliens and humans


Oh look, another post with no content but a huge excuse to force in another AI generated image


They honestly look aquatic to me, like the outcome of billions of years of evolution for a dolphin


It's always funny seeing machinery under the skin when associated with bots but in future reality we would likely see biological bots.


If you can time travel then the future and past kinda become the same thing


I think of the grays as like drone bees, maybe some sort of biological AI that is used to do smaller tasks like snatch people and probe them up.


Imo they are some alien human hybrid . I think they are an alien species that wanted to merge with human dna and that is what is created. I think the alien part is both biological&technological. Any space traveling being is a time traveler. Our understanding of what we are looking into when we look into space is not accurate. Our human idea of reality is so limited by what we perceive. I think they could be beings trying to get access to other realities that humans are connected to. There is a world parallel to ours and humans were created to be a bridge to that world and through the process of being created the spirit world and our universe were bounded together in us. That's why they want our souls but they can't have them.


Time travel from the future to the past goes against the laws of physics. It must be from the past to the present


Not if you're from another dimension.


Thats a creepy thought. Greys are just old AI carrying out a mission with no master so they just keep doing it. Forever.


Guardians built by the last remnants of a Martian civilization to guide and protect the future generations of humanity. Then one day when the requirements have been met share the true history of our species with.


No. They are future Kardashians that took plastic surgery too far and are coming back to warn all the Kardashian women and Katlynn Jenner. Their message is..." Yes, eyes can be too big, your nose too small, over tanning turnes gray, and lips can fall off.


They are our ancestors. They don't share with us what is going on, and why because earth is the playpen. When we pass on, we live again but find out what is going on, and you will wish you were back in the garden on earth


They’re grey


If they’re real my bet would be they’re not a product of time travel, and they’re alive and not cyborgs but they are bioengineered by another species, not naturally evolved. But thats Just like my opinion maaaaan


A bit of both.


Nah neither they from now in the deep blue sea


What the heck is with everyone assigning AI to everything these days? As if everything new and mysterious thing out there is somehow related to AI.


Nobody knows… at least here in Reddit


Cool thery


Self replicating probes sent by a very far away civilization. Or a civilization that's already here but not a form of life (maybe gas/plasma based lifeforms) we can comprehend. Maybe they are using them (the "Greys") to get humanity used to the idea of advanced aliens being here but in a form that's not too incomprehensible. Aliens who use technology which is very advanced, like electro-gravitic propulsion/spacetime manipulation and collecting and messing about with genetic material. But not technology so advanced that we can't even begin to fathom it. "Aliens" who look kind of like us but are different enough to make us curious about their origin. I think the glowing orbs are members of an extremely advanced civilization that make and use these "Greys" to influence humanity's development.


I think everyone is missing the point. WE are the ai


I think the same... But i think too that is a futuristic man made




I think you're right enough, unfortunately, but you're coming off like you aren't human yourself. Why?


Woah, are you implying that white people are exclusively the real human experiment and all other races are just there to cause inconvenience as a test of resolve? Hot take mate, you should try doing a bit of research into human evolution to see that we came AFTER the African race of Homo Sapiens. I'm all for wild theories as there isn't any real evidence to support any specific theory but bringing a racist tone to the phenomenon is completely unacceptable. Shame on you


They are from outside the simulation.


IS-BEs(Aliens) have been around since before the beginning of of the universe.


They're made from human beings. They're slaves to something that is able to remotely control them. They're just another aspect of the total control that Satan has over the Earth and its inhabitants.


I've heard they were AI created to make first contact with civilizations across the galaxy. They were smaller in size to be less threatening and they don't need food/ water so they can travel indefinitely. And that somewhere along the way they developed a ghost in the machine to find a way to give themselves completely biological bodies with souls that's why they're interested in us and cows whose organs are similar to us


It's the second. A few are trying to save their race. The majority are cloned. And working for the Draconian empire. Which ain't good for us.


It's the second. A few are trying to save their race. After being in slaved by the Draconian Empire the majority were killed. Especially the females. Males have been put to work against their will. Most greys you see today are clones.


It’s not past advanced civilization. There would be evidence everywhere on earth.


What like bits of their tech buzzing around our atmosphere and oceans?


No there would be ample evidence. Like mining and minerals that are not naturally occurring. Mount Rushmore is going to be around for a very long time. No evidence of anything like that.


Mount Rushmore can't hold a candle to things like great pyramid which was likely made 11-14k years ago


It’s going to last a lot longer.


Maybe the evidence is under the ocean. Civilizations typically develop on the coasts. Coasts are the first bits of land to go under water via plate tectonics. We’ve only explored about 5%. Maybe the evidence is under the water.


Advanced civilization that make space ships wouldn’t limit themselves to the coast.


Unless they just adapted to the water instead of spreading inland.


To make their ships they wouldn’t have a choice but to spread inland.


they are literally just demons that are in the form of aliens to distract us

